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Once upon a timethere lived two friends a cat and a monkey. One day the monkey found some chestnuts in a fire. He wanted to eat the chestnuts but he was afraid of burning his hand so he took the cat to the fire and said "Look  here is a fine dinner for us. I have found these chestnuts but your claws are sharper than mine. So if you will pull them out of the fire we will have a great dinner together."The cat agreed to it,and began to pull the chestnuts out of the fire.Shebur…  相似文献   

Humour and Jokes     
A Mrs Mouse was taking her babies for a walk one day where they met a large cat."Bow-wow! (学狗的叫声) " shouted Mrs mouse and the cat turned and ran away. "You see,children," said Mrs Mouse,"how important is it to speak another language !" B The champion athlete (运动员) in bed with cold was told that he had a high temperature. "How high is it,doctor?" he asked. "A hundred and four." "What is the world's record?"  相似文献   

One fine day in spring, a mouse came out to the lawn and enjoyed the sun. Surprisingly what he thought to be grass was actually Lion's mane.The Lion awoke from his nap and shouted."What luck? I am hungry and a mouse is in font of me! I should eat you!"Please, Lion! Don!t eat me! If you just let me go, I would not forget this."What? You will repay me?"The Lion laughed at the mouse. But as he pitied at the little mouse, he set the mouse free."Go, go!"Thank you, thank you!"  相似文献   

正[英语原文]Long ago, there was a big cat in the house.He caught many mice while they were stealing food.One day the mice had a meeting to talk about the way to deal with their common enemy.Some said this, and some said that. At last a young mouse got up, and said that he had a good idea.  相似文献   

An Old Cat     
An old woman has a cat.The cat is now very old.She can not run fast(快),and she can not bite(咬). One day the old cat sees a mouse,she jumps and catches the mouse.But she can not bite it,so the mouse gets out of her mouth and runs away.  相似文献   

Narrator: Look, this is the city of Hamelin. You can see mice here and there and everywhere. The city is full of mice (老鼠)! People in the city are so worried. They tried to find a way out, but failed.  相似文献   

Long long ago,a cat and a mouse were good friends. They ate together, played and slept together. They were the best friends in the woods.  But one day, they weren't friends forever. Fairies wanted to campaign for the 12 symbolic animals associated with a 12-year cycle. The cat and the mouse both went to campaign at the appointed time. The morning in the second day the mouse was boring: Should I go to the campaign with the cat?And should I go to call him?The cat was a lazy animal: He was still sleeping now. And the mouse didn't want to call him up. Finally the mouse was the first animal in the 12 symbolic animals associated with a 12-year cycle. But the cat was not. So today cats always want to catch mice and eat them. Because they remember this history: Mouse forsook cat!  相似文献   

李勇 《今日中学生》2006,(30):27-28
在英语中,人们常用各种不同习性的动物来比喻形形色色的人,此时往往用一个字就把一个人的品行刻画出来,从而使语言变得生动形象,趣味横生。现例释如下:1.beast兽Just look at the way he treats his wife!He is a beast.且看他对待妻子的那副样子吧!他是个凶狠的人。2.bear黑熊The old man is a bear;he is always grumbling.那个老头是个鲁莽汉,总在发牢骚。3.bird鸟Jim took his bird to the pictures last night.吉姆昨晚带着他的女朋友去看电影了。4.cat猫Don"t listen to her gossip;she is a cat.别听她搬弄是非,她是个心地恶毒的女…  相似文献   

正[英语原文]An old man has a cat.The cat is very old,too. He runs very quickly. And his teeth are bad.One evening,the old cat sees a littlemouse. He catches it,but he can’t eat it because his teeth are not strong enough. The mouse runs away. The old man is very angry. He beats his cat.He says:"You are a fool cat. I will punish you!"The cat is very sad. He thinks:"When I was young, I worked hard for you. Now you don’t like me  相似文献   

Pets are wonderful creatures! I had my first when I was just a little boy;a hamster called Cloudy. He was a very talented escape artist, and figured out how to open the door of his cage. Fortunately, whenever he escaped he'd hide in the same place, and so he was always easy to retrieve. After him we got a cat, a black and white tom called Oscar. A grumpy animal, he was also very smart - he had a catflap, and a magnetic collar that opened it, and he used to use it to let his other cat friends into the house, so that we'd come downstairs in the morning and find two or three of them scattered around the laundry.  相似文献   

A bag is useful and the word "bag" is useful, too. It reminds us of an interesting phrase(短语), i.e. "to let the cat out of the bag". In meaning it is the same as "to tell the secret". And there is an old interesting story about it.  相似文献   

杜倩 《英语辅导》2017,(10):48-49
In a faraway land named Bookville,there was a library.But it was not a 1 library,it was a floating (浮动的) library! Many people came to the library on boats.At night,a little mouse named Sam came out and took 2 from the librarians' desk,and took it into his hole.He wrote books for his whole life,but he had 3 shown them to anyone.  相似文献   

Walt Disney is a great film-maker. He was born in 1901. When he was a young man, he often sat in the family garage and drew pictures there. One day a mouse came into the garage and played on the floor. He stopped drawing and watched the mouse. The mouse came towards him, so he gave the mouse a piece of bread. They became good friends.  相似文献   

Once there was an old lady. She had a cat. The cat was very old. One day, a mouse ran through the kitchen, and the cat saw it. He ran up and caught the mouse But the mouse escaped at once, because the cat had only one  相似文献   

Andy was a boy who lived when there were no stars.He liked to stay up late and walk around at night. One night,Andy got out of his bed and 1)snuck out of the house.Usually,he liked to walk down to the lake and listen to the frogs sing their loud songs.But this night,Andy felt a little 2)restless."I wish there was something else to do!"3)whined Andy.  相似文献   

Fun Time     
A mother mouse was out for a stroll (闲逛) with her babies when she saw a cat crouched (蹲) behind a bush. She watched the cat, and the cat watched the mice. Mother mouse barked(咆哮), "Woof, woof,woof!" The cat was so terrified that it ran for its life.  相似文献   

The shell burst,and the five peas rolled out into the bright sunshine.There they lay in a child's hand.The little boy said they were fine peas for his pea-shooter.And immediately he put one in and shot it out."Now I am flying out into the wide world," said the pea, "Catch me if you can," and he was gone in a moment."I," said the second, "want to fly straight to the sun." And went away."We will go to sleep wherever we find ourselves," said the two next, "We shall still be rolling onwards," They felt on the floor,and roll about before they go into the pea-shooter;but they were put in it. "We shall go farther than the others," said they."What is to happen will happen," said the last,as he was shot out of the pea-shooter;and as he spoke he flew up against an old board under a window of an old house,and fell into a little crevice.The moss closed round him,and there he lay.  相似文献   

It's Sunday. A man is listening to a story on the radio. The story is very interesting. A lovely mouse wants to listen to the story, too. So he climbs out from his hole and hides under the table. 215000江苏省苏州市实验小学二(8)班史唐逸凡指导教师陈莉  相似文献   

Some people say he is a beggar(乞丐), because he seems to have all the features a beggar possesses. He is dressed in rags and dirty throughout. He is always there on the street, watching people passing by and stretching his hands out for food. In most cases, he will succeed. People may feel sympathy for him, or tend to show off their generosity, or, simply try to drive him away.  相似文献   

Mouse & Cat     
Mrs.Brown went to visit one ofher friends and carried a small box.What’s in your box?You see,I’ve been dreamingabout mice at night and I’m soscared!This cat is tocatch them.But the mice areonly imaginary.So is the cat,there is nothingin the box.Mouse & Cat~~…  相似文献   

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