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PowerPoint是学校教学中最常用、最尚洁的课件制作软件,但其在交互方面还是欠缺一些。本文旨在通过在PowerPoint中使用简短的VBA程序,设计制作单选、多选、判断和填空题型,帮助教师充分挖掘PowerPoint的功能,使其更好地服务于教学。  相似文献   

Flash因其长于制作矢量动画的优点一诞生就迅速被广大课件制作教师接受和喜欢,但其对视频文件的处理一直不尽如人意。Flash5.0以前不能处理视频文件。Flash Mx中可以导入和处理视频文件,但处理速度极慢,每一次对视频元件的操作都需要很长时间,计算机性能稍差或视频文件稍大就会死机,而且生成的swf文件非常大,不利于课件在网上的传播。在Flash 2004中,这一难题终于得到了解决。Flash 2004新增了对外部视频进行链接的功能,  相似文献   

随着计算机在学校的普及,教师经常用PowerPoint制作教学课件,那么是否可以用PowerPoint来制作电子考卷呢?经过学习与研究,笔者用Power Point软件及其VAB(Visual Basic For Application)功能成功打造了物理电子考卷系统,该系统具有自动生成考生答卷、客观题自动评判的功能。现将物理电子考卷系统的制作过程写出来与大家交流分享。  相似文献   

PPT课件因使用简便、制作周期短、开放性强等特点,一直以来受到广大教师的推崇,并已成为教师获取教学课件的重要来源。但是由于中小学教师对PPT中的交互功能缺少充分认识,制作出的课件大多是静态的、交互性差。因此,我在参考大量PPT课件的基础上,结合多年的教学经验,以及对PPT课件中交互策略的分析,提出了课件结构交互、课件内容交互、外部文件交互三大策略,由浅入深地介绍PPT课件中交互策略的实现方法,旨在帮助中小学教师提高课件制作的质量及教学应用的实效性。  相似文献   

一提到交互课件的制作,大家自然会想到Authorware或Flash等。但由于还要用判断或编程等语句来实现此功能,又令许多教师望而却步。今天为大家介绍一种简单易用的在Drearnweaver中制作交互课件的方法。  相似文献   

CAI课件具有交互功能,可模拟动态,高速运算与准确判断,控制灵活多样等特点。与传统教学手段相比它具有多种优越性。创作CAI课件需要一定的硬件与软件条件。其创作包括确定课件目标、脚本设计、素材创作与制作、素材编辑与加工、信息集成与设计、测试、是否需要修改的判断、完成等步骤。目前,对职业学校CAI课件的创作来说,既有有利条件,也存在不利因素,学校和教育部门应建立研制组织,利用有利条件,加强这方面的工作。  相似文献   

多媒体课件以其集成性、控制性、交互性、开放性、情景性、智能性等优点得到了广泛的应用。制作一个优秀的课件首先要有一个好的脚本,其次需选择一个好的制作工具。在众多的课件制作工具中FlashMX软件因其具有操作简便、上手快、功能强大、生成的作品容量小等特点得到了广大教师的青睐。现在一线教师大都能用FlashMX制作一些具有简单交互功能的课件,但能用ActionScript编程技术制作复杂交互功能的还不是很多。下面以影片剪辑类工具在物理课件制作中的运用为例,简单介绍ActionScriot编程技术,以期起到抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

在自主学习型课件中的自我检测部分或专门用于测试的多媒体课件中,往往在自我测试结束后要求课件系统能自动给出使用者的测试成绩,及时反馈使用者,实现自我评价。在用Authorware制作这样的多媒体课件时,实现测试后成绩自动显示的方法有三种:用系统函数设置显示;用条件语句设置显示;用判断图标设置显示。下面对这三种方法进行具体的介绍。一、通过系统函数设置成绩显示通过系统函数显示自测成绩的设置步骤如下。1.按图1流程设置好范例1的流程图。其中的“第一题”到“第四题”四个交互结构是四道单项选择型自测题,每一个交互图标下的三个分…  相似文献   

在小学数学四则运算的教学中 ,如何使学生主动学习 ,是提高教学效率的重要手段。用Authorware制作的教学训练课件 ,能以其生动、活泼的画面、强大的交互功能 ,深深吸引学生自觉地学习 ,达到提高计算能力的目的。本文将以加法为例 ,介绍用author ware制作小学数学四则运算训练课件的方法 ,以此具体说明小学四则运算训练课件的制作过程。  课件功能 :1.通过文本响应 ,受训者能自由定义两个加数的范围。 2 .系统将在定义的范围内自动产生加法题目。 3 .受训者可根据需要进行横、竖式的转换。 4.输入答案 ,系统判断正误 ,…  相似文献   

田明  王新 《中小学电教》2007,(1):108-111
在中小学教学过程中,利用Flash制作的图像拖曳题课件是很多教师和学生都会用到的。比如:学生可以通过拖动图像到相对应的英文单词上,判断学生是否掌握了英文单词的意思。不过,一般的图像拖曳题课件如果想要增加或删除其中的题目时,一定要进入到Flash中才能够进行,这样在题目较多时,系统维护就比较困难了。因此,本系统利用Flash8+XML技术实现了教师不用进入Flash,只用Windows中的“记事本”程序即能够对题目内容进行修改的功能。  相似文献   

Two complementary studies, one in the laboratory and one in the field, compared the usage patterns and the effectiveness of interactive videos and illustrated textbooks when German secondary school students learned complex content. For this purpose, two videos affording different degrees of interactivity and a content-equivalent illustrated textbook were used. Both studies showed that in contrast to previous studies working with non-interactive videos, the effectiveness of interactive videos was at least comparable to that of print, probably due to the possibilities provided for self-regulated information processing. It was shown that the interactive features of the videos were used spontaneously. However, features enabling micro-level activities, such as stopping the video or browsing, seemed to be more beneficial for learning than features enabling macro-level activities, such as referring to a table of contents or an index. This finding is explained by students’ misconceptions about the use of features enabling macro-level activities.  相似文献   

This study aimed to compare the effects of interactive and non-interactive videos concerning the autism spectrum disorder on medical students’ achievement. It also evaluated the relation between the interactive videos’ interactivity and the students’ decision-making process. It used multiple methods, including quantitative and qualitative methods. The participants were 60 medical students, divided into two groups. One group watched an interactive video while the other watched a non-interactive video. Pre- and post-tests were used to evaluate the students’ relevant achievements in each group. Moreover, a think-aloud protocol was used to evaluate the decision-making process of the group who watched the interactive video. The pre- and post-test results indicated an increase in the achievements of students in the tested groups. Students who watched the interactive video were found to be more successful. Finally, watching interactive videos was shown to positively affect medical students’ decision-making process.  相似文献   

The Broadnet Project produced on‐line interactive multimedia training modules in order to support local small and medium sized (SME) businesses. Two of these modules used videos which were incorporated into the modules and were designed to stream over the Broadnet network. These videos were produced by several different contributors to the project. This report examines the producers’ views and SME trainees’ perceptions of the effectiveness of the videos as training material. Findings suggests that it is the interactive nature of the videos with the clips and questions, and the use of narrative incorporating the information which these trainees found most useful for learning.  相似文献   

If you judge the progress of humanity by Homer Simpson, Paris Hilton, and Girls Gone Wild videos, you might conclude that our evolution has stalled-or even shifted into reverse. Not so, scientists say.……  相似文献   

Allied health professionals concur that a sound knowledge of practical gross anatomy is vital for the clinician, however, human anatomy courses in allied health programs have been identified as high‐risk for attrition and failure. While anatomists and clinicians agree that learning anatomy via human cadaveric instruction is the preferred method, students vary in their reaction to the cadaveric learning experience and have differing levels of anatomy self‐efficacy. This study investigated whether student self‐efficacy had an effect on student usage of supplemental instructional videos and whether the use of videos had an impact on student self‐efficacy and/or learning. Anatomy self‐efficacy differed based on gender and prior performance. Student usage of the videos varied widely and students with lower self‐efficacy were more inclined to use the resources. The provision of the videos did not improve overall cohort performance as compared to a historical cohort, however, those students that accessed all video sets experienced a greater normalized learning gain compared to students that used none or one of the four sets of videos. Student reports and usage patterns indicate that the videos were primarily used for practical class preparation and revision. Potentially, the videos represent a passive mode of teaching whereas active learning has been demonstrated to result in greater learning gains. Adapting the videos into interactive tutorials which will provide opportunity for feedback and the development of students' self‐evaluation may be more appropriate. Anat Sci Educ 11: 461–470. © 2017 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

修订后的《刑法》第3条规定:“法律没有明文规定为犯罪行为的,不得定罪处刑。”这就是理论界所称的罪刑法定原则。罪刑法定原则“为公民自由与国家刑罚权之间划出了一条明确的界限,它有利于对公民个人权利的保障,是社会主义法制原则在刑法中的直接体现”[1]。罪刑法定原则的法典化获得了刑事理论界和实务的普遍赞誉,它标志着我国的社会主义法制建设正在逐步走向成熟与完善。罪刑法定原则作为一项刑事立法原则,也是一项重要的刑事司法原则,对刑事司法活动起着指导作用。而刑法解释是“对刑法的含义给予更准确、更明了的提示和说明。”[2]刑法司法解释作为对刑法规定的一种阐述运动,在司法活动中起着普遍性的刑法规范运用于具体案件的沟通作用。在司法实践中,一方面,根据罪刑法定原则,司法人员必须忠实了法律,严格依法办事,不得任意解释刑法;另一方面,司法人员在处理具体案件的过程中又不可避免的掺入个人的法律意识。立法上罪刑法定原则的确立与实践中刑法司法解释的盛行之间的矛盾与冲突使刑法理论界不得不冷静下来重新审视罪刑法定原则的意义,并探究罪刑法定原则与刑法司法解释之间的关系,以期从二者的冲突中寻求能够协调二者关系的最佳途径。  相似文献   

高校教学参考资料平台是图书馆进行知识服务的重要组成部分,平台采用基于.NET的架构,集成了授课教案、电子教材、教学视频、参考文献等多媒体教学资源,搭建了答疑、讨论等师生互动交流平台,可以通过后台添加、维护信息内容,经实际使用表明,系统能够为广大师生提供学习支持服务。  相似文献   

沈健  王晓 《现代教育技术》2010,20(3):135-139
为了更好地实现数字校园,将现代教育技术融入教育教学过程中,华东理工大学现代教育技术中心构建了一个交互式远程教学系统并对其进行软、硬件设备进行筛选和优化,在实践中完成交互式远程教室的建设。  相似文献   

Servo pneumatics retains the advantages of standard pneumatics and adds the opportunity for closed-loop controlled, programmable positioning to within fractions of a millimeter in systems in which positions can be approached rapidly and without overshoot, stability under variable loads and conditions, and adaptive control for optimized positioning. Our challenge was to create an interactive multimedia program that could communicate exciting technical material to interested parties, including students and academia, professional design, industrial and manufacturing systems engineers, marketing and sales engineers and managers in a non-linear, enjoyable fashion. Our approach was that of interactive multimedia on CD-ROM, allowing the integration of text, color images, videos and animation for the purpose of following an engineering problem-solving approach, both when modeling, as well as when illustrating real-world solutions with interactive digital videos. Furthermore, this article introduces outcome-driven assessment principles ( as defined by the American Accreditation Board of Engineering Education) as the key to our educational multimedia design objectives. It illustrates open-loop controlled pneumatic and closed-loop controlled servo pneumatic positioning systems, their components, their programming and some of their applications.  相似文献   

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