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网络阅读的发展为图书馆阅读指导工作的发展带来了挑战、生机与活力.高校图书馆及相关教育部门应对大学生的网络阅读现象予以足够重视,及时发现问题,引导大学生树立正确的网络阅读意识,建立健康向上的网络阅读体系.  相似文献   

高校图书馆对大学生网络阅读的分析与策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章在对网络环境下大学生阅读特征以及现存阅读问题分析的基础上,归纳分析了图书馆阅读教育的内容,并给出了图书馆指导网络阅读策略的实施方法.  相似文献   

王璐璐 《华章》2008,(17):152-153
随着网络阅读率的大幅增长,高校图书馆如何指导读者的网络阅读,成为新时期图书馆面临的任务之一.本文探讨了网络阅读的内涵及特征,通过对大学生网络阅读的心理特点及不良行为的分析,提出了高校图书馆应加强对大学生网络阅读的指导.  相似文献   

随着网络技术的快速发展,网络阅读成为大学生最喜爱的阅读方式之一,网络阅读的迅猛发展,对我们传统的图书馆阅读带来很大冲击,图书馆阅读的吸引力越来越小,阅读形势日益严峻。大学生阅读方式的转变降低了他们对图书馆的依赖度,我们高校图书馆吸引力不大的原因主要是我们图书馆自身的原因,也有学生和教师方面原因。提高我们高校图书馆吸引力的关键是图书馆管理是否有效,图书馆建设和服务是否完善,馆员素质是否不断提高,图书馆的教辅作用是否得以有效发挥,是否能够开展丰富多彩的读书活动等。  相似文献   

网络环境不仅改变了当今社会的发展模式,也改变了传统图书馆的管理运行模式,加快了图书馆现代化建设步伐。本文从网络环境下大学生的阅读特征及阅读现状进行分析,结合高校图书馆对阅读教育的实施,阐述网络环境下高校图书馆在大学生阅读教育中应发挥的重要作用。  相似文献   

张青 《成都教育学院学报》2010,24(10):72-73,105
随着网络阅读率的大幅增长,如何指导大学生进行网络阅读,成为新时期图书馆所面临的重要任务之一。大学生网络阅读分为获取知识和信息型、应付考试型、消遣娱乐型,在网络阅读中他们存在着盲目阅读、逆反阅读、猎奇阅读、恋网阅读、恶意阅读等不良行为。高校图书馆应加强大学生网络阅读指导,在传统阅读指导上进行延伸,建立阅读社区,精选优质网站,构建有特色的信息资源导航库,加强对大学生信息能力的培养。  相似文献   

介绍网络阅读对传统阅读的冲击,探讨网络阅读的特点,总结网络阅读产生的消极影响,提出图书馆应肩负起引导主流阅读、营造全民阅读氛围、创新阅读环境、引导阅读方式、加强阅读指导等历史使命。  相似文献   

面对网络阅读带给图书馆的冲击,图书馆要迅速做出改变以谋求发展。试从引进网络设备,提升藏书品味,增强阅读兴趣三个方面,探讨图书馆在应对网络阅读中所采取的措施与手段。  相似文献   

傅成利 《考试周刊》2014,(29):164-164
随着时代发展,网络这个新鲜事物已经成为大众媒体最为主要的信息传播途径,越来越多的青少年人迷恋上网。基于青少年自身分辨能力较弱的特点,网络媒介如何运用,如何引导青少年养成良好的阅读习惯,成为老师和家长探讨最多的问题。为此,中小学图书馆为了让学生自主体验网络阅读和图书馆阅读的区别,在校图书馆开展"书香校园读书活动",让学校图书馆成为课外阅读的主要场所。  相似文献   

阅读推广是高校图书馆参与校园文化建设的基本任务之一。以财经高校图书馆阅读推广活动为对象,通过网络调查、文本分析和案例研究,分析阅读推广活动现状及存在的问题,提出以"十四五"规划制定为契机,从发展规划拟定、机构设置、队伍建设等顶层设计层面到阅读活动跨界合作、关联教育教学实境阅读设计、阅读活动核心价值再造、活动成果建档固化等操作层面的深化改革之策,为新时期高校图书馆阅读推广活动的完善和深化提供参考。  相似文献   

This study focuses on the knowledge exhibited by 30 elementary school in-service and pre-service teachers in solving non-routine mathematical problems and on their beliefs regarding these kinds of problems. Interviews were used to reveal teachers' knowledge and beliefs. The findings indicated that these teachers had difficulty in solving non-routine problems and that their ability to solve these problems was influenced by their professional backgrounds. Most of the teachers, although failing to solve the given problems, expressed their willingness to give such problems to their students in class, explaining that such problems are important for students to learn how to solve as they help develop mathematical thinking and the skill of solving problems in everyday life. However, the teachers were unwilling to include such problems in examinations.  相似文献   

Parents and teachers reported that 6- to 8-year-old boys with developmental delays were less able to regulate their emotions than nondelayed boys matched on chronological age. Compared to nondelayed boys, boys with developmental delays had more social problems, which persisted and increased over a 3-year period. Children's ability to regulate their emotions explained significant variance in their social problems after controlling for their developmental status. In addition, emotion regulation partially mediated the relationship between children's developmental status and their social problems. These results suggest that emotion regulation plays a significant role in the social problems of boys with developmental delays. Furthermore, increasing the emotional competence of these children may facilitate their peer relationships and, ultimately, their school adjustment.  相似文献   

Parents and teachers reported that 6- to 8-year-old boys with developmental delays were less able to regulate their emotions than nondelayed boys matched on chronological age. Compared to nondelayed boys, boys with developmental delays had more social problems, which persisted and increased over a 3-year period. Children's ability to regulate their emotions explained significant variance in their social problems after controlling for their developmental status. In addition, emotion regulation partially mediated the relationship between children's developmental status and their social problems. These results suggest that emotion regulation plays a significant role in the social problems of boys with developmental delays. Furthermore, increasing the emotional competence of these children may facilitate their peer relationships and, ultimately, their school adjustment.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of children solving addition and subtraction problems collaboratively in comparison with solving problems in the traditional manner of the classroom. Seventy-seven children were divided into experimental and control groups, the experimental children being assigned to groups of four with note taken of the ability and gender mix. Following a pre-test-intervention-post-test design, the experimental children worked together in their groups using problem-solving guidelines to solve a number of problems, thereafter 'teaching' their problem to a fellow pupil. Each child worked on six problems over a 3-week period, three of the problems in their groups subsequently teaching them to another, the other three problems being taught to them by another child. Over the same time period, the control group solved the same problems working individually at their desks. The pre- and post-tests were analysed for number of problems correct or 'score', problemsolving strategy and execution of procedures, with pre-test scores being subtracted from post-test scores to give measures of change. The results indicated a main effect of ability on strategy change and a two-way interaction between gender and condition. They also indicated a main effect of condition for execution of procedures. Dialogue analyses indicated that more below average children improved their strategy understanding by listening to peers. The results themselves revealed variations in the way that children of different ability levels and gender can benefit from collaborative group work and thus have some interesting implications for the organisation of collaborative groups in the classroom.  相似文献   

大学生常见心理问题分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用临床症状自评量表(SCL-90)对不同年级、不同性别、不同区域的648名大学生进行问卷调查,结果表明,37.9%的大学生存在不同程度的心理方面的问题。大学生心理问题产生的原因主要有社会现实的影响、大学阶段的特殊性、情感困惑和危机、对贫困学生关怀不够和高校心理咨询工作欠缺等,我们需要正确应对大学生的心理问题,有针对性地进行积极有效的调适。  相似文献   

笔者从社会性别是人类社会的一种基本组织方式这一命题入手,提出社会性别等级制度和社会性别观念是造成妇女心理困扰的重要因素。结合案例对其中较突出的心理困扰进行了社会性别分析,认为在妇女心理咨询中,咨询师首先应当具备社会性别的理论,将“来访”妇女的问题放在性别的框架中进行分析,直面妇女深层次的心理问题,唤起其主体意识,发掘其内在潜能,帮助她们走出困境。  相似文献   

高校家庭经济困难学生是一个特殊的群体,在生活、人际交往甚至学习上仍存在较大的压力,他们心理疾病的发病率明显高于其他学生。这不仅是一个个的家庭问题,也不仅仅是教育问题,而是普遍存在的社会问题,需要全社会积极关注。本文作者从高校家庭经济困难学生心理健康存在的问题、形成原因以及解决方案三个方面进行了分析、阐述。  相似文献   

Problem-solving has been one of the major strands in science education research. But much of the problem-solving research has been conducted on discipline-based contexts; little research has been done on how students, especially individuals, solve interdisciplinary problems. To understand how individuals reason about interdisciplinary problems, we conducted an interview study with 16 graduate students coming from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds. During the interviews, we asked participants to solve two interdisciplinary science problems on the topic of osmosis. We investigated participants’ problem reasoning processes and probed in their attitudes toward general interdisciplinary approach and specific interdisciplinary problems. Through a careful inductive content analysis of their responses, we studied how disciplinary, cognitive, and affective factors influenced their interdisciplinary problems-solving. We found that participants’ prior discipline-based science learning experiences had both positive and negative influences on their interdisciplinary problem-solving. These influences were embodied in their conceptualization of the interdisciplinary problems, the strategies they used to integrate different disciplinary knowledge, and the attitudes they had toward interdisciplinary approach in general and specific interdisciplinary problems. This study sheds light on interdisciplinary science education by revealing the complex relationship between disciplinary learning and interdisciplinary problem-solving.  相似文献   

采用访谈法对不同职业阶段护士生列出访谈提纲进行访谈,拟深入了解护士生存在的实际问题及造成问题的症结所在,并有针对性地提出解决问题的可行性方案。认为提高护理专业学生职业成熟度的策略有:引导护士生“知己知彼”形成自我概念体系;指导护士生做好职业规划;注重护士生全面能力发展,提升自我认同感;加强职业道德、职业责任感、职业使命感教育;构建社会支持系统。  相似文献   

In this account of practice I would like to share my experiences of facilitating a Critical Reflection Action Learning (CRAL) set with a small family run business, struggling to make change and expand their services due to the problems they encountered in separating their business lives from their family lives. The account I present here is based on a 12-session project I carried out with the organisation using a CRAL methodology as part of my Doctoral studies at the University of Hull Business School (Shepherd 2011). In this particular Action Learning project participants were invited to create hand drawn images which acted as representations of the problems they faced as a business. The images were used by set members in reflective conversations on the problems they were having. Each set member cycled through a process of drawing an image and reflecting upon its meaning using individual, group and critical reflection. The whole process enabled set members to gain new insights into their problems and provided them with the opportunity to devise new, more effective ways of tackling their problems and understanding the power dynamics underpinning them.  相似文献   

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