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多向思维是创新思维最主要的思维方式,在语文教学中有创意的进行多向思维可以鲜活课堂教学,激发学生的学习热情。笔者在处理教材,巩固语言基础和作文审题中做了尝试,收到了明显的效果。  相似文献   

素质教育的核心 ,即在学科教学过程中 ,面向全体学生 ,使学生在课堂上或课外活动中 ,积极投身于生动活泼的主体性活动和进行学习技能的训练 ,重新获得积极健康的学习情感 ,真正学会学习和创造。“授人以鱼 ,莫若授人以渔。”当今时代要求我们培养的学生 ,不但要有扎实的基础知识、基本技能 ,而且还要具有创造性的多向思维才能。创造性多向思维表现为孩子们发现和解决问题中所表现出来的一种能力和灵活性。在小学语文教学过程中 ,我们常从如下三方面来衡量学生的创造性多向思维才能 :一是看学生在解答问题或作文时能否从不同角度、不同方向、…  相似文献   

在语文阅读教学中,适当运用“猜读”方法,启迪学生思维、积极预测、合理推理,有助于培养和发展学生综合阅读能力的提高。  相似文献   

语文教师应根据语文学科的特点,培养学生的创新思维能力。语文教师应通过加强学生基础知识的训练,培养想象思维并用积极评价的方法培养学生的创新能力。  相似文献   

王永华  陈群芳 《教师》2012,(4):49-49
在新课程实施过程中我们发现,学生不仅缺失基础知识,而且欠缺思维方法能力,而思维方法能力的形成和提高又不是短时间内能够一蹴而就,需要长时间的、不间断的、不停歇的思维培训。在实际操作过程中,简单易行而且效果显著的就是比较思维的运用。比较思维能把一事物与其他事物区别开来进行比较,从中概括出不同事物的特征,区分出相同点和不同点,从而加深印象,达到获取知识、巩固知识、提高语文能力的目的,使学生获得知识。  相似文献   

针对目前高校公文写作课的现状,根据公文写作的特点和教学对象的实际,应注重运用多向思维构建公文写作实践框架:创新教学方法,注重写作实践,创新教学手段,提高学生的实际写作能力。  相似文献   

思维与语言是密不可分的。语文教学在培养学生的多向思维能力方面具有得天独厚的优势。它的培养可从多个方面进行,例如:加强字词教学,丰富学生的语言词汇,培养学生思维的准确性和规范性;创设教学情境,启发学生生疑,培养学生的思维兴趣和习惯;欣赏性地广泛涉猎语言材料,引导学生与文本对话,培养学生思维的广泛性与深刻性;倡导个性阅读和理性思考,强调对文本思想内容的自主判断,培养学生思维的独立性和批判性。  相似文献   

求异思维是一种高级的思维,是人的智力水平高度发展的表现.教师在教学过程中,要标新立异、别出心裁、超乎寻常,体现出先进性、求异性和创新性,要让学生在学习上变消极被动为积极主动,变要我学为我要学,变跟我无关为跟我有关,开拓学生的求异思维能力.  相似文献   

This study explores the use of inquiry-based instruction for constructing historical understanding in historic site-based teacher professional development programs. In an historic site-based professional development workshop, fifteen teachers of grades 5 through 12 engaged in guided inquiry with documents drawn from said historic site. Participants showed significantly increased curiosity about the site and use of problem-solving strategies in interactions with the site and staff, but no improvement in other elements related to historical thinking at historic sites. Improvements correlated to neither length of teaching experience nor testing group characteristics, indicating broad applicability for improving historic site-based professional development programs.  相似文献   

Process-oriented instruction is defined as instruction aimed at teaching thinking strategies and domain-specific knowledge in coherence. This new conception of instruction is derived from psychological research on the way students learn and on the interplay between self-regulation and external regulation of learning. In the research reported here the learning effects of a process-oriented instructional program for university students were empirically studied. The instructional program consisted of a diagnostic learning style instrument, a learning guide and tutorials. The results showed that the majority of students reported significant general, knowledge, insight and application learning effects. The program effects were typified more by integrating and making usable metacognitive knowledge already present, than by increasing knowledge about new subjects. Evidence for transfer effects was obtained because participants in the program scored better than non-participants on two exams of another course. The learning effects were higher than the effects of an preliminary version of the program implemented with students from an open university. These results support the importance of the process-oriented instructional model. The linking of a thorough diagnosis of personal learning styles to individually tailored instructional measures, turned out to be a powerful way to activate students to reflect on their learning and to develop their mental models of learning.  相似文献   

发散思维和敛聚思维同属于创造性思维范畴。在实验教学中培养学生运用创造性思维有着得天独厚的条件。学生能运用发散思维去发现问题,而运用敛聚思维去“完成”创新任务。这是挖掘学生思维潜能的过程,也是培养创新能力的尝试。  相似文献   

Do PSSC materials used with undergraduates lead to better scores on a critical thinking appraisal test? Is the increment greater than conventional instruction yields?  相似文献   

21世纪是一个国际化的高科技时代,人类在交流中竞争,在竞争中交流.  相似文献   

论述语文学科的愉快教学概念、性质、作用及实施的原则、形式以促进愉快教学这一教学形式的研究、探索 ,提高语文学科质量  相似文献   

关于技校教学改革的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文强调目前技校教学改革的核心在于课程设置和教学方法方面,提出课程设置要考虑学生的兴趣和学习程度,淡化阶段性,进行内容整合;教学方法要通过举例、启发、提问、质疑等有效举措来培养和提高学生的思维能力。  相似文献   

This study investigated the effectiveness of an instructional program (schema-based instruction, SBI) designed to teach 7th graders how to comprehend and solve proportion problems involving ratios/rates, scale drawings, and percents. The SBI program emphasized the underlying mathematical structure of problems via schematic diagrams, focused on a 4-step procedure to support and monitor problem solving, and addressed the flexible use of alternative solution strategies based on the problem situation. Blocking by teacher at three middle schools, the authors randomly assigned the 21 classrooms to one of two conditions: SBI and control. Classroom teachers provided the instruction. Results of multilevel modeling used to test for treatment effects after accounting for pretests and other characteristics (gender, ethnicity) revealed the direct effects of SBI on mathematical problem solving at posttest. However, the improved problem solving skills were not maintained a month later when SBI was no longer in effect nor did the skills transfer to solving problems in new domain-level content.  相似文献   

本文以教学设计的理论为依据,结合Photoshop这门课程的教学实践,探讨如何通过对教学内容的设计、不同教学方法的使用以及相应教学评价的实施来激发学生对这门课程的学习兴趣进而改进教学设计,提高学生Photoshop软件的应用能力。  相似文献   

This paper discusses procedures for the analysis of instructional strategies incorporated into distance learning materials, especially with regard to the development of the higher order cognitive ability—critical thinking. It examines the function of task analysis as an integral part of the instructional design process, analysing three different approaches available to the instructional designer towards the analysis of tasks required of distance learners. Comparing the learning hierarchy, the concept hierarchy, and the information processing approaches, it was found that the latter was the only one suitable for this current study because of the requirement that critical thinking be linked with domain‐specific knowledge, rather than be learned as an independent ability. Different algorithms for both the student and the designer/analyst are included as part of the information processing approach, and, although these methods are yet to be validated, they seem to offer sufficient promise, while allowing the analyst to make further decisions during the analysis.  相似文献   

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