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KEY: FL=foreign language LT=language teaching LL=language learning TL=target language *=ungrammatical, unacceptable, incorrect cf.=compare 1. Accuracy Pronouncing a language and using its grammar and idioms in a manner acceptable to, and judged correct by, native speakers of the language; ability to use language in accordance with accepted norms. 'Accuracy' contrasts generally  相似文献   

In this study the authors investigate whether a whole-class educational blog could facilitate culturally relevant instruction and authentic intellectual work in U.S. history. Qualitative data were collected and analyzed that included student comments posted to an educational blog, classroom observations, and follow-up interviews. Based on the analysis, the authors determined four major findings: (a) Students were able to engage in historical analysis while working in the blog environment when it was focused on a single source and included a hard scaffold; (b) when students situated the activities in relevant cultural experiences, they were able to better use their prior knowledge;(c) a variety of affordances related to blogging encouraged and supported students as they completed their work; and (d) the blogging activities were constrained by the limits of students’ literacy and historical skills, and the limits of technology.  相似文献   


This article explores the paradox of “race” and U.S. education reform in the 21st century. I consider how the invisible ontology of race and its entangled relationship with class divert our attention from economic inequality and undermine policies intended to redress racial inequality in schools. I conclude that the education research community must unpack its use of “race” and focus on the role of racism in the maintenance of racial caste in America's schools.  相似文献   

When Kristen Gustafson got her first jobout of college at a small publishingcompany in Virginia,she was so ex-cited to be making a salary-one thatseemed huge compared to the $60 she earned  相似文献   

‘With the NLS—they can see how everything is important if we want our English to be good and it's helped me to see it that way too. Before, we just used to see it all separately. This way is much better' (Rebecca Graham, Year 4 English specialist after Final Block Placement). This quote was collected in the final stage of a study involving student teachers, four years after the National Literacy Strategy (NLS) was implemented. In this article I argue that this data shows it is possible (but by no means guaranteed) for student teachers to learn to use the NLS framework in a flexible, responsive, child‐centred way that links to a broader and deeper understanding of English. The quote contrasts with data taken in earlier stages of the study (and published in this journal: Twiselton, 2000 Twiselton, S. 2000. Seeing the wood for the trees: the national literacy strategy and initial teacher education; pedagogical content knowledge and the structure of subjects,. Cambridge Journal of Education, 30(3): 391403. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]), which suggested that the NLS appeared to have led student teachers to a very restricted view of English. I argued earlier that it was possible that this might be a temporary ‘stalling’ to be compensated at a later time. In this article I review and explore the later data and argue for the importance of helping student teachers to develop broad and deep frameworks of understanding to underpin their knowledge of the curriculum.  相似文献   

When someone says,“Well,i guess i‘ll have to go face the music”it does not mean he is planning to go to a concert .it is something far less pleasant,like being called in by your boss to explain why you did this and did that,and why you did not do to this or that sour music indeed,but it has to be faced.  相似文献   

随着电影《冒牌天神》(Bruce Almighty)的上映,在美国长寿喜剧Friends《六人行》中饰演瑞秋(Rachel)的珍妮佛.爱妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston)又成功向电影事业迈进一步,她的其他5位老友,继《六人行》之后的星途又如何呢?  相似文献   

本单元的话题是“打电话”、“邀请和应答”及请求许可等表达方式。你将学会如何用英语打电话,邀请他人或应答他人的邀请。本单元中还有不少具有典型功能的句式,习惯表达法及短语,你能总结一下吗?  相似文献   

Several serious problems in the theoretical foundations of factor analysis are reviewed. The first, factor‐naming, is discussed as a determinant of factor fame. A second problem, that of rounding errors in the computerized extraction of factors, is treated from the perspective of psychoanalyticametric theory. Results of an empirical study of the causes of rounding errors are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

美国海军的崛起主要是在1880年后和西奥多.罗斯福总统执政时期,美国海军实现了由旧式海军向现代化海军的转变,成为世界上一支强大的海上力量。美国海军崛起迅速的影响因素是复杂的,研究这一时期的美国海军无疑有助于更好的了解美国海军发展的历史过程。  相似文献   

When it comes to social mobility,what goes up tries very hardnot to come down.Middle-class parents pay for private schools;they move into thecatchment areas of good state schools;they manipulate tax regime-s to ensure that their children inherit propetry;they pull strings toget job interviews and network like mad.Policy-makers trying to doanything about these social facts face in-built resistance to change in  相似文献   

Once three men bought seventeen apples. The first m an wanted to getone half;the second m an,one third(三分之一);and the third m an, one ninth (九分之一). They thoughtand thought, butcouldn tfind a good way to take their shares.Just as they were in such a  相似文献   

The word "no" is one of the first words English-speaking children usually say when they are learning to talk. This is because they hear it so often from their parents."No, sweetie, do not play with the television." "No, dearest son, do not pull Mommy's hair." It was no surprise to me when my son began saying "no" to everything when he was 18 months old. He would often copy the way we reprimanded him, even shaking his little finger at us, much to our amusement.  相似文献   

<正>The word “no” is one of the first words English-speaking children usually say when they are learning to talk. This is because they hear it so often from their parents.“No, sweetie, do not play with the television.”“No, dearest son, do not pull Mommy's hair.” It was no surprise to me when my son began saying “no” to everything when he was 18 months old. He would often copy the way we reprimanded him, even shaking his little finger at us, much to our amusement.  相似文献   

Dr. Reddick discusses four promising educational research projects currently being funded by the Bureau of Research.  相似文献   

书是人类进步的阶梯;书是人类的精神食粮。你喜欢看书吗?那就跟着郑颖同学到浙江省上虞市图书馆去选一本你喜欢的书吧!  相似文献   

It is a___Sunday morning.Mr andMrs Brown are going to the Great Wall with___daughter,Jo. They go___bus. On the bus there are many people,men and____,old and____.Some are English,some are American,___are Japanese.They are going to the Great Wall,____.  相似文献   

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