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Conclusion Resistance can no longer be seen as a concept that is relevant only to personal counseling. The career literature includes ample reference to the role of threat and anxiety in inhibiting the decision-making process, a process that is analogous to resistance in the eclectic counseling literature. Assimilation of knowledge about resistance into the planning and implementation of career programming holds promise for helping motivate students/clients to use the career decision-making process more effectively with less defensiveness.  相似文献   

Conclusion To summarize, the techniques provided were intended to serve as a springboard for career counselors to employ creative strategies in their work. There also are important individual difference variables in career counselors that would make some of these techniques more desirable than others. It seems critical to explore different ways of being creative in our work in order to ensure that students develop an interest in vocational counseling and clients receive excellent services.As surveys of counselors as well as clients continue to show a dissatisfaction with career counseling it seems imperative that we investigate dynamic new ways of helping our clients think about their life/ career planning. As we model creativity in our own lives and practice, our clients will vicariously experience people who are truly excited about their occupational employment. This alone may assist career clients in achieving their dreams and maximizing their creative potentials.  相似文献   

This paper presents a report on the development of career guidance and counseling services in Taiwan, Republic of China. Based on extensive interviews in 1983 and 1987 with leaders in public and private education, government agencies, and faculty and students in junior colleges and universities, the services currently provided are described as they interface with the educational system. Certain issues emerged from the research which may affect the further development of counseling services in Taiwan; guidelines are offered for addressing these. The issues discussed are: the stigma against counseling; the general resistance to change and the traditionalism of the educational system; the potential conflict between serving national labor needs and developing individual human potential; the stress produced by the educational system itself; the traditional emphasis on testing in schools and colleges; the need to professionalize counselors; and the judicious integration of western perspectives into an indigenous Chinese philosophy of counseling and guidance.  相似文献   

生涯辅导理念在中国发展的本土化问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
“生涯辅导”的理念源自美国,它有其适存的西方土壤,包括:自由的市场经济条件下的人才流动机制与社会保障机制;发达的经济支持下的完善的职业教育、就业指导体系以及“个人主义”和“实用主义”两大价值体系。为此,在“生涯辅导”本土化的过程中,我们应当注意引导中国人重新认识个人的价值,树立“生涯规划”的主体意识,同时建立并完善就业与教育体制,创造“生涯发展”的公平环境,并应发扬中华的优良传统,树立“生涯辅导”的本国特色。  相似文献   

Conclusion Most people cannot realize a life that is gratifying and fulfilling, that meets their major needs, through their jobs alone. If a career guidance center is to realize its full potential, its counselors must teach its clientele that a career is more than a job. When career is broadly defined as a composite of the many activities in which a person engages over a lifetime, it will include both work and leisure activities. By helping their clients to select a balance of work and leisure activities that together can create satisfying and need-fulfilling lives, counselors in career planning centers can augment significantly their already vital role in human development.Patsy B. Edwards is the owner/manager of Constructive Leisure, a leisure and career guidance center founded in Los Angeles, California in 1968.Paul A. Bloland is Professor and Chair, Department of Counseling, University of Southern California, Los Angeles.  相似文献   

目前国内高等教育的发展趋势逐渐大众化,高校的扩招导致大学生数量逐年递增,高校毕业生面临的就业压力也越来越大。解决这一问题的根本在于让大学生提早认清外部环境,树立正确的就业职业观,提高自身素质与能力。因此,职业辅导在促进大学生就业工作中显得极为重要,本文主要探讨职业辅导的必要性、目前职业辅导存在的问题及如何更好地开展高校职业辅导的问题,让大学生更好地就业、择业。  相似文献   

Because of the importance for social science students of clinical counseling or therapy to fully understand and experience theories and methods of intervention, the author has developed a classroom exercise to help accomplish this goal. The use of personal logs by students of psychology, guidance and counseling, psychiatric nursing, social work, psychiatry and other helping professions gives students first hand experience in using theories and methods in their own life situations, and facilitates the important integration between the theory and the personality style of the user of the theory and its techniques.  相似文献   

The Infant Index was initially developed as a baseline assessment instrument for children at school entry, with literacy as a key component. A later version, Baseline-PLUS, was developed to meet the accreditation criteria of the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority. The paper reports the results of a study of 5915 children, which comprised the 1996–97 cohort for one local education authority. The results indicate that the instrument is reliable (Cronbach’s alpha 0.92), that girls are rated as more advanced than boys in literacy and other domains, and that there are significant differences with respect to both children’s ethnic status and home language. Results for pre-school experience are also reported, but these are confounded by the LEA’s policy of provision. The implications for the use of the Infant Index/Baseline-PLUS and for the national scheme are explored.  相似文献   

By taking advantage of its resources, students already prepared to do counseling, an academic department has used a peer counseling program to conserve faculty time, improve the dissemination of information, and provide significant interpersonal contact for undergraduate students. Careful selection and synergic supervision have resulted in performance and commitment from the peer counselors. Their efforts have been evaluated positively by student consumers and faculty.She teaches and supervises graduate students in counseling, teaches humanistic psychology, and supervises the academic peer counseling program.He was a peer counselor at the University of West Florida for two years.  相似文献   

Summary Career counseling cannot be neatly separated from the counseling that affects the remainder of clients' lives, and mental distress cannot be considered independent of the career which encompasses so much of an individual's world. Life is complex and includes many facets which counselees bring to the counseling relationship. Counselors must be able to deal with the major issues in clients' lives including career issues and issues of mental health. Minimum skill for counselors would include the ability to assist a range of clients and the knowledge to effectively refer others. For too long career counseling and mental health counseling have been viewed as separate entities. This view of career and mental health counseling as separate is inconsistent with the development of counseling as a profession and does not serve potential clients well.Spencer G. Niles, D.Ed. is an Assistant Professor of Counselor Education and Robert H. Pate, Jr., Ph.D. is a Professor of Counselor Education and Chair of the Department of Human Services in the Curry School of Education at the University of Virginia.  相似文献   

Conclusion The ever increasing demands on guidance and counseling programs has added new responsibilities to the tasks of the counselor specifically in the area of career development. Along with this increase in responsibility, the issue of accountability has been added. Career information delivery systems assist the counselor in meeting the need for accurate, relevant occupational and educational information that can be disseminated in a timely efficient manner. Therefore, CIDS should be a vital part of all comprehensive career guidance and counseling programs.Mary Elizabeth McCormac is an Occupational Information System Specialist, National Occupational Information Coordinating Committee, Washington, D.C.  相似文献   

Goal engagement in young adults is variable. We recruited university students to test whether general personal characteristics (educational ability, core self-evaluations, and well-being; study 1, N = 195) and career adaptive variables (career confidence, exploration, and planning; study 2, N = 152) facilitated career goal engagement. Goal engagement was associated positively with goal disengagement in study 1. Moderating effects showed that the positive relationship between engagement and disengagement was stronger when core self-evaluations and well-being (satisfaction) were high, and when career confidence, exploration, and planning were high. Results are discussed in the context of transitions and promoting adaptable career goals.  相似文献   

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