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In higher education the uptake of benchmarking has been slow, despite its recognition elsewhere as an important tool in the pursuit of continuous quality improvement. The need for national benchmarks of research productivity and quality will be felt intensely in Australia in 1995 as the Committee for Quality Assurance in Higher Education focuses on research evaluation. This paper presents benchmarks for publications productivity for Australian academic researchers based on an empirical study of all reported publications output from the Australian university system in 1991. ‘Publications productivity’ in this paper is defined as the number of publications per 10 equivalent academic staff members. Benchmarks for aggregate publications output per staff member, and for each of 13 types of publications, are reported for the highest performing institution, and highest performing organisational units within any institution. Applicability within Australian higher education of citation impact indices as an indicator of research quality is discussed.  相似文献   

Although most social work continuing education units operate within stable academic institutions, this stability does not extend to the operation of these units. The greatest impediment is the demand by university administrators that the units operate on a pay as you go basis and turn any surplus revenues to the university for its discretionary use. In trying to meet university conditions while maintaining high standards of service, the units face several difficulties including competition from private providers, high costs, fewer sponsors, and indifferent faculty.In funding and budgeting the units for continuing education, universities tend to ignore two key arguments. The first is that CEP provide public services with spill over effects that add indirect demand to the demand expressed through registration. The second is that building quality into professional programs requires long term investments that forego immediate profits.Because continuing education programs are an image of their profession, social work programs need to correspond to the profession they serve, a profession that produces public goods (and services) while seeking to assure quality within non-profit environments. Unless universities assume a lead role in supporting these efforts through new approaches, continuing education programs will only be partially successful in fulfilling their mission.  相似文献   

有组织研究单位作为美国大学中不同于学系的一种组织,在第二次世界大战后得到了迅猛发展。战后有组织研究单位的迅猛发展是由大学的外部力量和内部力量共同作用的结果,其中来自联邦政府的巨额研究资助起了关键作用。有组织研究单位对战后美国研究型大学的发展产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

Growing emphasis has been placed on universities to contribute to the innovation process and as a result academic research and development expenditures have increased in recent years. Nevertheless, little is known about the specific ways in which universities have expanded their research capacity. This paper examines how universities in the United States (US) have expanded research capacity as research funding has increased. Specifically, it identifies what type of research infrastructure, including various categories of human capital and research equipment, are most closely associated with increased academic research funding. Using data from 375 US universities spanning the period 1990–2005, through multiple regression analysis this study finds that ‘traditional’ and new ‘market’ based elements of research capacity are associated with increased research funding. The implications of this study extend beyond the US since many countries are both investing in expanding research capacity and transforming the way research is organised within universities.  相似文献   

Under the federal government's current policy on funding university research, institutions which can best identify and encourage the higher performers amongst their academic staff will fare better than others. However, in order to secure a strong position in competing for these government funds universities will need to know more about the research activity of their academic staff and how staff in different disciplines are likely to respond to the increased use of performance indicators. This paper reports the views of staff from one Australian university on such issues. One of the main findings is that potential research output is influenced by a range of factors including the differences in research styles, methods and strategies and the degree of dependence on funds. Such findings favour the differential use of performance measures depending on the nature of the research undertaken rather than the use of measures which are intended to standardise research output within or across disciplines.  相似文献   

The increasing importance of the competition in global university ranking has resulted in a paradigm shift in academic governance in East Asia. Many governments have introduced different strategies for benchmarking their leading universities to facilitate global competitiveness and international visibility. A major trend in the changing university governance is the emergence of a regulatory evaluation scheme for faculty research productivity, reflected by the striking features of the recent changing academic profile of publication norms and forms that go beyond the territories of nation-states in the East and West. With the expansion of the Taiwanese higher education system in the last two decades, the maintenance of quality to meet the requirements for international competitiveness has become a key concern for policy makers. Since 2005, the Ministry of Education has introduced a series of university governance policies to enhance academic excellence in universities and established a formal university evaluation policy to improve the competitiveness and international visibility of Taiwanese universities. In so doing, the government has legalized a clear link between evaluation results and public funding allocation. Research performance is assessed in terms of the number of articles published in journals indexed by the Science Citation Index (SCI), the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI), and the Arts and Humanities Citation Index and in terms of citation rates and associated factors. Therefore, evaluation has taken on a highly quantitative dimension. Despite the efforts of concerned parties to encourage academic excellence, the abovementioned quantitative evaluation indicators have resulted in bitter complaints from the humanities and social sciences, whose research accomplishments are devalued and ignored by the current quantitative indicators. In this paper, the authors describe the recent petition for collective action initiated by university faculty to protest the privileging of SSCI and SCI publications as critical indicators for academic performance regardless of faculty discipline and specialization. The article concludes its argument with a group petition calling for more diverse and reliable indicators in recognizing the research of different natures and disciplines while creating culturally responsive evaluation criteria for social sciences and humanities in the Taiwanese academe. The article not only sheds light on academic evaluation literature, especially on the uncertain paradox of globalization and market economy, but also proposes alternatives to the evaluation system for humanities and social sciences in higher education.  相似文献   

根据资源依赖理论,一个组织必须与外界环境进行有效资源交换才能得以生存。中国大学财政资金的减少已成为大学改革,创新的主要动力。大学利用自身不同优势,积极主动地在市场上寻求更多的资源支持,发展与企业合作伙伴关系、从事商业化学术研究,这些行为被称作是“学术资本化”。“学术资本化”一方面促进了大学管理创新,但同时带来了学术价值与经济效益相冲突、大学自主权下降等副作用。  相似文献   

The research assessment exercise in English universities, 2001   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
At intervals of 3–4 years, researchquality in English universities has beenexternally reviewed 5 times over the past 16years. Assessment is based on peer-review ofmaterial submitted by universities to 70separate subject panels. The principalcomponent is information on research output,usually publications, from all academic staffidentified as ``research active'. Researchquality is rated on a numerical (1–5*),criteria-based scale. Ratings in all subjectareas and across all universities haveincreased to give an average rating in 2001corresponding to a level of ``attainablenational excellence'. Between universitiesthere are significant variations. In theprestigious Loxbridge group, where almost allacademic staff are research-active, 90% ofsubject areas achieved ratings at level 5 in2001; in contrast, in the New universities,where only 40% of academic staff isresearch-active, level 5 was achieved in 7% ofsubject areas. A combination of high researchquality and high cost research (medicine,science, engineering) concentrated in the Olduniversities is similarly evident in thedistribution of research funding. Income fromboth research subsidy and research grants andcontracts is divided: Old universities, 94%(Loxbridge, 35%), New universities, 6%. High institutional costs of the assessmentprocess, particularly for areas of low-costresearch, and increasing concern about theinadequacies of the rating system and failureof its direct link to funding suggest thatsubstantial revision will be needed for futureassessment exercises.  相似文献   

This paper explores one key aspect of marketisation in English universities, the quality-related research funding (QR) system, which central government in the United Kingdom uses to allocate funds to Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), based on a system of reviewing and rating the ‘quality’ of research at different HEIs. Specifically, it focuses on the experiences of 30 members of academic staff from eight universities across England who were engaged in research and/or scholarly activity in the broad field of Higher Education for Sustainable Development (HESD), during the time leading up to the 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF) submission period. Interviewees were asked to talk about their experiences of being a HESD researcher/scholar within the context of the QR system and their perceptions of the relationship between the QR system and interdisciplinary, sustainability, pedagogic and HESD research. Findings from the semi-structured interviews and resulting qualitative analysis, reveal a number of obstacles facing HESD researchers which are outlined and explored in the paper. Strategies and rationale for improving the quality, reputation and ultimately, the ‘REF-ability’ of HESD research are discussed, and highlight the complex interface between marketisation and sustainability in higher education.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates whether university–industry relationships (UIR) and academic research activities have complementary effects on the scientific production of university lecturers. The analysis is based on a case study of two Spanish universities. We find that the effects of R&D contracts with industry, and academic research activity on scientific production are synergistic, but only when the R&D contracts account for a low percentage of a lecturer’s total funding. This suggests that the positive effect of UIR on a lecturer’s scientific production comes fundamentally from the capacity to provide complementary resources (cognitive, technical, and/or financial) for research activities. If lecturers are not involved in research and dedicate most their time to the development of activities related to UIR, their scientific production will be negatively affected.  相似文献   

Two central features of Australian universities are a strong research base and a structural organisation which reflects a close relationship between teaching and research. Current policy deliberations have produced recommendations in the national interest for the future development of Australian university research which are incompatible with these two central features. The recommendations consolidate the recent trend towards greater centralisation, co-ordination, selectivity and concentration of university research and its funding. Although certain sectors of Australian university research will benefit from the changes, the recommendations reflect neither a longer term view of the total higher education system, nor a sufficient concern with preserving the excellent and productive qualities of the current system. Their implementation will mean the adoption of research goals inimical to the fundamental purposes of universities; a less flexible and more conservative research system; a re-orientation of the research role of universities so that it is less harmonious with their teaching role; and a potentially harmful differentiation of academic staff, subject areas and institutions. In responding to the new demands of government, universities face a challenge in preserving their current strengths and core functions.  相似文献   

历经近三个世纪的探索与融合,美国研究型大学业已成为世界学术中心,其发展模式业已成为全球模仿与借鉴的典范。战争在大学发展中起了决定性作用,第二次世界大战(简称“二战”)成为美国研究型大学发展的分水岭,战争前后的美国研究型大学有着截然不同发展层次。二战前夕,美国大学一直以无计划方式发展,联邦政府几乎未给予资助;二战及接踵而来的冷战触发联邦政府对大学科研的倚重,战争给美国研究型大学带来长期的“礼物”——联邦资助成为大学科研经费的主要来源。战争使得美国高等教育实现了量与质的双重飞跃,然而,这种为战而兴的资助发展过于畸形,大学与政府之间应保持一定的距离,积极回应社会所需而非一味满足国家需要。  相似文献   

欧洲大学的科学研究对欧洲创新体系的持续发展具有重要意义。随着欧洲各国公共管理体制的改革.加上国家公共资金的有限性,欧洲各大学在科研经费上也必须面对日益激烈的竞争。近几年欧洲大学加强了科研经费管理的变革,许多大学积极寻找其他的研究经费来源,通过与企业合作补充科研经费、积极承担国际研究项目等方式,使得欧洲大学研究经费的来源日益多样化。而在经费上向基础研究倾斜、鼓励跨学科和跨机构研究,重视科研经费管理专业化等措施,则大大提高了欧洲大学科研经费管理的有效性和透明度。  相似文献   


Globally, performance-based research funding aims to support the most deserving academic institutions and researchers. However, overcoming entrenched assumptions about quality is a persistent challenge for higher education research policies worldwide; traditionally powerful institutions tend to maintain dominance. Research impact as a performance criterion presents an opportunity for position-taking through success according to non-academic criteria. Could impact-oriented research funding challenge institutional hierarchies? The UK university system presents an instructive case study for exploring this question. However, exposing the effects of such performance-based funding on institutional stratification requires focusing on the interface between institutions and disciplines. A Bourdieusian analysis of 53 cases of research-based impact on higher education policy/practice revealed the differential capital that researchers from more and less ‘prestigious’ universities mobilise when generating research impact. By uncovering how impact reinforces disparities in research power between UK institutions, the study contributes to understanding of sectoral reproduction through discipline-level mediation of research policy.  相似文献   

Using survey and interview data on PhD student course experience, career plans and views on university-industry research links, this paper evaluates the success of Australian research-intensive universities in producing PhD graduates for the knowledge economy. Student satisfaction with their course experience is surprisingly low and this appears to be strongly linked with the quality and effectiveness of thesis supervision. Although the PhD degree is meant to provide high level research career training, only slightly more than half the respondents expect to follow research careers. Many PhD students have negative views about academic careers based particularly on their perceptions of the impact of reduced government funding levels on universities and the increased workload pressures on supervisors. On the other hand, a high proportion of students hold positive views about university-industry research links, with students with industry research funding showing higher levels of course satisfaction than other students.  相似文献   

Factors influencing research performance of university academic staff   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The application of performance based criteria in the allocation of resources and the targeting of substantial research funds to topics of national priority are two major features of the new research funding climate in Australian higher education. Successful competition for such funds will depend on universities developing and implementing appropriate research management plans and on the overall research performance of their academic staff. This paper reports the views of academic staff from one Australian university on such issues as the determinants of research performance and the importance of individual autonomy in the selection of research topics. One of the main findings is that research activity is highly variable and influenced by a number of factors including, personal characteristics; differences in research styles, methods and strategies both within and between disciplines; and dependence on funding. The findings show that academics firmly believe in freedom of inquiry in the choice of research topic.  相似文献   

现行专业学位政策对报考偏好产生了积极的影响,但仍然存在一些缺陷,主要是资助体系相对单一,选拔体系科学性缺乏,培养政策质量保障不足,就业政策中就业服务体系不健全。这些缺陷会降低考生的报考偏好,因此需要在上述政策方面逐步进行调整和完善。其具体调整思路:一是建立政府、高校、企业三级资助体系;二是建立体现专业特色的选拔体系;三是构建高校、企业和研究单位三方合力培养的体系;四是完善就业服务体系。  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》2001,14(4):325-342
Similarities and differences are explored between academic staff in four different types of Australian universities. Despite an overall high degree of homogeneity amongst academics, those in pre-1987 universities, especially Go8 universities, are better qualified, have appreciably better publication records, spend more time on research and writing, and show more interest in research than academics in post-1987 universities. Pre-1987 universities are more likely than others to have academic organisational units headed by professors and associate professors. Academics in pre-1987 universities have distinctively different views with regard to research funding and the place of research, as well as about academic standards and recent expansion in student enrolments. While post-1987 universities have pockets of research strength, these are small and relatively small proportions of academics produce the bulk of research output. The views of academics generally coincide with those of their institutions on key differentiation issues.  相似文献   

研究型大学作为一个复杂的机构肩负着多种学术和社会责任。它们不仅是服务于文化、科技和社会的国家大学,同样也是引领全球智慧与科学走向的国际机构。研究型大学的重要地位早已被广泛熟知,但是大多数国家都没有意识到它们的复杂性以及建立和支撑它们所需要的资源。研究型大学面临着一系列的挑战,这主要来自于市场化的压力,维护自身自治地位的压力和掌控重要学术决策权的压力。稳定的资金支持是一所研究型大学成功的关键。  相似文献   

欧洲大学自20世纪80年代开始建立质量保障体系,对于提升高等教育质量起到了重要作用。许多大学在界定质量保障体系的内涵、建立校内质量保障机构、制定和实施专业标准等方面积累了丰富的经验。为使大学内部质量保障体系更加完善,欧洲一些国家开始建立科学的评价指标,采取系统的评价程序,实施周期性的现场巡查,提供及时的评价报告和改革建议。  相似文献   

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