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一、导入新课 同学们,在上课之前让我们一起来看这样一份统计资料:(媒体显示) 据统计,目前全国有3.7亿未成年人,94.1%的孩子认为在社会中自身的安全不能得到充分保障,10%的儿童受到侵害时束手无策,80%侵害儿童的案件都是因为孩子不会拒绝陌生人的要求而引发的. 据北京市未成年人保护委员会的最新统计,10.5%的中小学生在校外不同程度遇到过被勒索、被抢劫等暴力行为,很多未成年人由于不懂得科学的自护方法和盲目硬抗而受到侵害.  相似文献   

一、导入新课同学们,在上课之前让我们一起来看这样一份统计资料:(媒体显示)据统计,目前全国有3.7亿未成年人,94.1%的孩子认为在社会中自身的安全不能得到充分保障,10%的儿童受到侵害时束手无策,80%侵害儿童的案件都是因为孩子不会拒绝陌生人的要求而引发的。据北京市未成年人保护委员会的最新统计,10.5%的中小学生在校外不同程度遇到过被勒索、被抢劫等暴力行为,很多未成年人由于不懂得科学的自护方法和盲目硬抗而受到侵害。生活是美好的,生活又是复杂的。在这个纷杂的社会中,各种危险和侵害就像一只只匍匐在黑暗中的野兽,正用它那发黄发绿…  相似文献   

在高校管理过程中,大学生一直处于弱势地位,其享有的各种基本权利常常受到高校的侵害,其中最易遭到侵害的权利是人格权、财产权、受教育权以及公正评价权。而明确高校与学生之间的法律关系是确保大学生权利不受侵害的基础与前提,在权利受到侵害时,建立多元的救济途径则是保障大学生权利得以实现的必由之路。  相似文献   

教师的侵权是指依法履行教育教学权的教师在课堂教学过程中或学生管理工作中,因过错侵害了法律所保护的受教育者的合法权益,并给受教育者造成了损害的行为。按照受教育者的合法权益受到侵害的类型,教师侵权可分为教师侵害人格权、教师侵害名誉权、教师侵害隐私权、教师侵生命健康权、教师侵害受教育权五个方面。  相似文献   

论侵害商誉权及其法律救济   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
商誉权是商誉主体依法对其创造的商誉享有的专有权和享有商誉不受侵害的权利。侵害商誉权是一种独特的侵权类型,表现在:侵害商誉权的客体是法律保护的商誉;侵害行为表现形式多样;侵权人大多是被侵权人的竞争对手;侵害后果有其特殊性。针对这一特别的侵权类型,笔者建议通过两个途径来救济其损害:确立商誉权的法律地位,用直接保护方式保护商誉权;全方位地依法确认、追究侵害人的法律责任  相似文献   

贞操权是指公民保持其性纯洁良好品行 ,享有所体现的人格利益的人格权。贞操权为公民的绝对权 ,任何人都负有不得侵害之义务。贞操权立法保护 ,是人类文明的标志。侵害贞操权属严重的侵权行为 ,必须依法追究其民事赔偿责任 ;情节严重的 ,还必须依刑法之规定惩处。贞操权利人当贞操受到侵害时 ,享有“正当防卫”和“紧急避险”的反抗权  相似文献   

身为父母,我们总是担心孩子受到侵害,尤其是担心孩子的身体受到侵害。可是,您的孩子知道身体有哪些权利吗?您又是怎样告诉孩子身体的权利的?看一看下面三对母子或父子与记者的对话,您是否会从中看到自己与孩子的模样?  相似文献   

万翼 《现代家教》2000,(5):15-16
家庭是儿童生活的主要场所,家长是儿童法定的监护人,他们有责任维护儿童的合法权益,使之得到尊重与保护。在现实生活中,绝大多数家长为使孩子身心健康发展费尽了心血,但儿童权益被侵害的事件时有发生(包括家长的侵权行为),给孩子及家庭带来伤害。  相似文献   

行政许可建筑侵害相邻建筑的采光权是一类特殊的采光权侵害类型,相关法律、法规的缺失使受害人的权利得不到及时、有效的救济。通过完善行政许可法,引入行政许可中保留第三人利益原则,规范行政机关信息公开行为,保障相邻建筑权利人对周围环境变化的知情自由和知情权利,可将行政许可建筑侵权行为消灭在萌芽状态,变事后诉讼为事先预防,有效实现对采光权的保护。  相似文献   

一个爱好文学、喜爱写作的孩子必然情感丰盈、内心温润;淡淡的文人气息将使学生终身受益。这是写作教学给予生命成长的帮助。写作教学的真谛是让孩子喜欢写作。追本溯源,写作之乐,就在于精神世界的畅快表达。兴奋与感伤、亲历与遭遇、想象与情思被真实地袒露与表达就是成功。一篇好的文章就是在生活的真实中绽放的花朵。只有生活的真实,才能创设一片美丽的天空,托起纯美  相似文献   

"游戏精神"是最具有儿童精神特点和审美意味的心理状态,对满足儿童精神成长需求,培养儿童热爱写作的态度有重要意义。儿童写作教育应张扬儿童的"游戏精神",改变写作教育重"实用"轻"审美"的倾向,以利于儿童最终形成既符合社会需求又体现自我个性的写作能力。  相似文献   

读写素养是儿童认知和学习的基础。数字时代的儿童读写素养面临儿童阅读兴趣不足的挑战。游戏化思维在儿童教学中具有重要影响,能够激发儿童学习动机,增加学习兴趣。为提升儿童数字读写素养,文章提出基于游戏化学习的儿童数字读写素养培养项目设计,开发了游戏化阅读平台--"阅读大挑战",在香港小学生中推广使用,并对使用效果进行了实证分析,讨论该项目中游戏化学习策略与项目运行要素;借此构建基于游戏化学习的儿童数字读写素养培养模式,研究结果可为数字时代下的儿童读写能力培养设计提供启示。  相似文献   

This article draws on hundreds of letters that formed German children’s correspondence with their parents, other relatives, teachers and friends, written mostly between the 1780s and 1850s. Through this study, we see the part literacy played in transformations of bourgeois childhood in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Europe. The article further investigates how children used letters as a means of learning sociability and building relationships within kinship networks. Historians of education have sometimes treated children’s writing as secondary to more authoritative records. Yet we miss something important about the history of literacy education if we disregard children’s writing or use it only superficially. This article considers the genre of children’s letter writing, exploring the conventions and typical subjects which contributed to the social purpose of correspondence. Letter writing is examined as a paedagogic exercise, including the preoccupation with the medium which filled children’s letters and evidence of instruction in letter writing. It demonstrates that letters fostered the participation of middle- and upper-class children in household affairs, kinship networks and cultural spheres connected through school friends and parents’ acquaintances from very young ages. Children’s correspondence documents a lifelong process in the making of class cultures and forging of social ties.  相似文献   

The study compared early literacy of Israeli children aged five to six years with and without attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), contrasted parental writing mediation in the two groups and tested the relations between parents’ mediation characteristics and children’s early literacy skills. Each of 62 parent‐child dyads (32 with ADHD) was videotaped at home while writing words. Videotapes were transcribed and analysed for mediation (specific writing task measures, emotional measures typical of problem‐solving tasks, and general measures of interactions). Children’s early literacy (word writing, letter knowledge and phonological awareness) was assessed at home. Results showed that children with ADHD already exhibited lower literacy achievements at ages five to six compared to their peers without ADHD. Parents of children with ADHD scored lower than parents of children without ADHD on the writing‐specific, emotional and general mediation measures. In both groups, the specific writing mediation measures correlated significantly with children’s early literacy. More emotional mediation measures correlated significantly with children’s early literacy in the ADHD than in the non‐ADHD group. Discussion focused on parent‐child writing interactions as a context of early literacy development among young children with ADHD.  相似文献   

儿童是有无限发展的可能性的,心灵的自由是这一发展的核心条件。可审视语文教学,学生存在缺少反思的意识和表达的失语,缺少精神匀速成长的权利,缺少课程构建及选择的主动等现象,这些现实禁锢着学生精神自由的成长。要解除这些控制,就要呵护儿童的天性,给他们更多选择的机会,解放被蒙蔽的心灵。  相似文献   

幼儿美术创造力是幼儿感受美、创造美的能力,是基于兴趣的更高层次创造性思维的审美体现,兴趣和思维进展水平是对美术教育中幼儿创造力发展的评判标准。因此,培养幼儿美术创造力的基本途径应当包括依据幼儿年龄和个性特点针对性的采用合理的教学方法和手段,利用不同绘画形式激发幼儿创造性思维以及对幼儿进行情感教育来激发他们的创造灵感等教育方法。  相似文献   

Reversal errors play a prominent role in theories of reading disability. We examined reversal errors in the writing of letters by 5- to 6-year-old children. Of the 130 children, 92 had a history of difficulty in producing speech sounds, a risk factor for reading problems. Children were more likely to reverse letter forms that face left, such as <d> and <J>, than forms that face right, such as <b> and <C>. We propose that this asymmetry reflects statistical learning: Children implicitly learn that the right-facing pattern is more typical of Latin letters. The degree of asymmetry that a child showed was not related to the child’s reading skill at Time 2, 2¾ years later. Although children who went on to become poorer readers made more errors in the letter writing task than children who went on to become better readers, they were no more likely to make reversal errors.  相似文献   

4岁是幼儿开始有真正意义的收藏的年龄.幼儿的收藏行为与成人有本质的不同,它是幼儿的需要和兴趣的满足.幼儿的收藏过程蕴含着丰富的教育价值,在成人正确的引导下,会使收藏行为成为一种促进幼儿发展的教育手段.  相似文献   

儿童文学课程是符合国家素质教育大方向和国家中长期教育规划要求的一门学科,然而综观高师儿童文学课程,其教学研究却远远滞后于教学,怎样实施儿童文学课程改革就成了一个绕不开的话题。而培养学生的创编能力却在课程设置中长期被忽略和淡化。事实上,不管是为了改变儿童文学边缘化生存现状的强烈欲求,还是为了改变儿童文学优秀作品青黄不接的严峻现实,在儿童文学课程设置中对学生创编能力的培养及创编方法的探究无疑是当下必须浓墨重彩书写的一笔。  相似文献   

This study examined how parents supported children’s writing and math and whether parents’ support predicted children’s academic skills from the beginning of pre-kindergarten to the end of kindergarten. Two hundred ten Chilean parents from low-income households were observed playing a grocery game with their preschoolers (M = 53 months). The grocery game (a game where dyads make a grocery list together and shop at a pretend store) could be used to foster writing and mathematics. Coders noted how often parents engaged in writing support, provided math support, and displayed directiveness (i.e., taking over the child’s activity). Children’s literacy and math skills were assessed at the beginning of pre-kindergarten and the end of kindergarten. Research Findings. Parents engaged in little writing support but displayed moderate levels of math support and high levels of directiveness in the grocery game. Parents’ math support uniquely predicted gains in children’s math skills, while parents’ directiveness negatively predicted gains in children’s literacy skills. Practice or Policy. Results from this study have the potential to inform parent-focused interventions. Findings highlight the need to provide parents with specific strategies to support their children’s literacy and math development and guidance about embedding these strategies into family routines.  相似文献   

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