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新闻传播人才培养模式观察与思考   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
我国新闻传播教育经过近 80年的发展 ,取得了显著的成绩 ,目前已出现多种不同的教育模式 ,也面临不少现实问题。本文对新闻传播教育的历史、现状、经验与问题进行了归纳分析 ,提出借鉴国外新闻传播教育的成功经验 ,进一步加快新闻教育改革的建议  相似文献   

分析了图书馆实时参考咨询服务的现状.讨论了图书馆发展基于视频会议的实时参考咨询系统的需求和可行性。结合图书馆的实际业务特点。研究了基于SIP的视频实时参考咨询系统的模型结构和实现方案,提出了视频会议实时参考咨询的创建方向。  相似文献   

This study was designed to test the effects of skills training and experience on communication satisfaction and communication anxiety in the basic speech course. Skills training was operationalized as completion of COMM 15000, Theory and Practice of Oral Discourse, and experience was operationalized as multiple rhetorical performances. The results showed that students of the basic speech course experienced an increase in communication satisfaction and a decrease in communication anxiety following skills training for this sample. Moreover, highly apprehensive students reported being more satisfied with their communication interchanges following completion of the basic speech course.  相似文献   

胡晓强  黄晓红 《编辑学报》2012,24(3):242-243
根据对10本使用过计算机校对软件的中文科技类书刊的检查,发现有8种错误没有被计算机校对软件查出。据此讨论在辅以计算机校对软件的条件下,为保证出版物的编校质量,编辑校对人员在工作中应该重点关注的方面。认为只有校对软件与人工编校取长补短,才有可能得到最好的校对结果。  相似文献   

针对期刊编辑在稿件编校中仍较多依赖人工纸笔的现状以及远程协同办公的需求,尝试使用一种新的稿件编校方式。在操作中采用xodo软件对稿件进行实时交互和远程协同办公编校。应用结果表明,与传统稿件编校方法相比,该方法具有完全实现无纸化办公的优点,可实现实时交互和远程协同办公且数据共享共存,具有切实可行和广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

论述开源图书馆自动化系统对图书馆现代化建设的积极推动作用,分析当前国内图书馆应用开源系统的主要障碍,探讨国内推行开源系统的策略,指出自上而下的推行路线或许最为行之有效。  相似文献   

人才培养是高校学科建设的中心和基础性工作,参与构建全方位人才培养体系是高校科技期刊服务主办高校学科建设、助推高等教育事业发展的应有作为。依靠国家利好的期刊政策和高校良好的学科支撑,高校科技期刊具备了高质量服务学校人才培养体系的客观条件。本文从学术报告分享、学术素养训练、课程实践锻炼等培养模式出发,对办刊实践和编辑技能中有助于人才培养的相关工作及实施策略进行了初步探索,展示了期刊在主办高校人才培养工作中担当的角色和作用。本文还论述了人才培养工作对期刊发展的有益作用,指出学生在得到科研能力锻炼的同时为期刊各项工作增添了新的活力,他们的成长也为期刊发展创造了良好机遇。  相似文献   

随着法律信息需求量的增加,法律信息服务也日渐凸显重要作用。为此,图书馆员应做出及时的调整,以适应信息时代的发展和法律信息服务的新需求。  相似文献   

对安徽省医用软件和数据库业的现状进行了调查与分析,指出其存在的丰要问题,提出安徽省医用软件和数据库业的发展策略。  相似文献   

This feature discusses the use of a training needs analysis exercise carried out by library staff at the NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde (NHSGGC) Library Network to support the development of a fit for purpose programme of information skills training. A survey was designed based on a well‐known information skills competency framework and used to gain an understanding of the knowledge skills needed by staff and how library training could best support these. The survey received a good response rate and led to the successful writing of a training plan for the Library Network for the delivery of information skills training. H.S.  相似文献   

This study tested Feeley and Barnett's (1997) Erosion Model (EM) of employee turnover which predicts that individuals who are more central in their communication network will be more likely to remain at their position (or less likely to turnover). Seventy employees from three different organizations were surveyed about their attitudes toward their jobs and were also asked to indicate (by checklist) which employees they spoke to regularly at work. Turnover data were obtained at 3 and 6 months time after the surveys were completed. Results generally supported the Erosion Model of employee turnover. Those employees with high Degree or number of links in the network were less likely to turnover. Employees who required fewer links to communicate to all others in the network (i.e., Closeness) were also less likely to turnover but this relationship only approached statistical significance (p = .06). Betweenness, defined as the frequency with which a person falls between pairs of other positions in a network, was also significantly related to employee turnover. It was also predicted, based on Feeley and Bamett's EM, that the relationship between network position and turnover would be mediated by an employee's level of commitment to the organization and his or her intentions to leave work. Closeness significantly predicted commitment while Betweenness and Degree were unrelated to commitment levels. Organizational commitment was negatively related to intentions to leave work and, unexpectedly, commitment levels were positively related to employee turnover. The results were discussed and the applications of this research for management practitioners were considered.  相似文献   

高校图书馆业务培训四个误区   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章阐述了目前高校图书馆业务培训存在的四大误区,并提出相应的解决措施.  相似文献   

基于WIKI的图书馆网络交流平台建设   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
在Web2.0互联网新环境下,wiki作为一种协同作业的共创方式悄然产生。本文概述了wiki的发展和现状,对图书馆应用wiki进行可行性探析,并试图构建基于wiki的图书馆新型交流模式。  相似文献   

文章总结了图书馆古籍修复事业中知识创新和技术创新的成果,分析当前古籍修复从业人员的具体状况,指出古籍修复人才匮乏是我国古籍保护工作的瓶颈,并提出在科技创新环境下图书馆古籍修复人才培养的途径与方法。  相似文献   

This article addresses the trajectory of Archival Science in Brazil, its extracurricular characteristics and its particular relationship with Information Science within academics, its institutional associations, and some considerations regarding current training for archivists in Brazil. The methodological procedures used included analyzing documents from the National Archive Fonds of Brazil, reviewing archive literature, and interviewing people involved in consolidating Archival Science. This study concludes that Archival Science research is taking place in graduate programs throughout public Brazilian universities and points out that people working with archives now have more advanced training, such as undergraduate degrees in Archival Science or other. This study also focuses on archives as information units, while presenting and reflecting on the demands of training archivists who are faced with the challenges of the working world and the era of information and knowledge—challenges that go beyond merely technical procedures and encompass dynamic planning and orientation activities.  相似文献   

信息管理与信息系统专业实践能力培养模式研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前,信息管理与信息系统专业就业率逐年下滑,其原因主要是信息管理与信息系笔专半等凿当紫实践能力不强。鉴于此,为了提高专业毕业生的就业竞争力,满足社会信息化和专业发展的要求,专业教聱令员必须加强专业实践能力培养的力度。本文在介绍专业实践能力培养目标的基础上,结合目前信息管理与信息系统专业教学培养模式中存在的问题,提出了构建信息管理与信息系统专业实践能力培养模式的有关对策。  相似文献   

以《中国生物医学光盘文献数据库(CBMdisc)》为数据源,对国内各医药卫生类期刊1996-2006年发表的军事训练医学类文献进行统计。1996-2006年中国军事训练医学文献分布呈缓慢增长趋势,2000年开始增长速度加快,著者分布相对分散,期刊分布相对集中,医学院校和研究所文献发表量相对较多,所涉研究获得国家或军队方面的资助比重不高。文献研究的主题多与军事训练伤的防治、病因学及流行病学调查、心理学研究密切相关,与军事训练伤的实验室技术和方法、诊断学、生物力学、环境医学等方面的相关性较低。  相似文献   

基于价值链的理论在当前期刊界竞争日渐激烈的情况下,充分挖掘期刊品牌的市场价值,才可以形成无限延伸的市场价值链,带动更多的价值创造。品牌作为期刊的一项重要的无形资产,反映了期刊发展的潜力,决定了期刊的长期竞争力。以《中华消化外科杂志》编委会和编辑部主办的系列高端会议、年度精品会议和额外增补会议为例,探讨医学期刊会议的差异化经营及其带来的效益。  相似文献   

医学编辑对编辑工作的认识一般经历感性一任性一理性3个阶段,必须加强兴趣培养,并尽快从任性期过渡到理性期.医学期刊的迅猛发展对编辑的素质提出了新要求.新形势下,必须改革医学编辑培养模式,使他们具备讲科学、重实践、懂专业、会策划、爱学习等能力.具体而言,可在编辑初审、审稿专家遴选、专家意见整合、编辑加工技巧等多个环节提高医学编辑素养,以推动医学期刊的发展.  相似文献   

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