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依据密尔的"无伤害原则"是否有权利做某事的判断标准在于该行为是否伤害他人,而不在于该行为的道德判断,对做错事的权利进行了逻辑分析,特别是对做错事权利的意义进行了深入的论证,认为做错事的权利非但不是形式上的自相矛盾,反而是个人自由的需要,对维护个人自由、保障个人自主性及个人发展有着重大的意义。  相似文献   

本文通过对是非理论的墨子的三表法、庄子的是非论、韩非的参验说、《淮南子》的是非无定论、王充的效验论等中国古代真理观的论述,阐明了当代中国是非现继承了马克思主义,同时也继承了中国古代思想家的是非观。  相似文献   

在以前的初中教材及现在的课外习题里,提及称空气质量的实验,它的过程是:“用抽气机抽出瓶里的空气,然后用夹子夹紧橡皮管,把瓶放在天平上,加砝码使天平平衡。松开夹子,让外面的空气进入瓶里;天平就失去平衡。必须增加砝码,才能使天子恢复平衡。这增加的砝码就等于瓶中空气的质  相似文献   

The article is an informal distillation of conversations from severalworkshops held with teachers over a period of several years. Discussionswere focused around examples of ordinary classroom occurrences. Teachersin the workshops analyzed incidents, some simple, some multifaceted, asexamples of the domains of social knowledge, including moral, socialconvention, and personal/psychological, which though unique, sometimesoverlap. Conversations included possible resolutions. A final section,observations and affirmations, includes a discussion of the implicationsfor a domain appropriate approach to classroom interactions betweenteachers and children.  相似文献   

在线(线上)教育是对信息技术的具体运用,具有一定的优势,但作为一种教育手段或者方法,要全面推广有利有弊,在没有满足其高度自觉性、主动性和自律性(简称“三性”)的前提下,过度强调其优势,没有潜心发现其问题与不足,会顾此失彼。教育政策的改变,其执行的影响结果,非朝夕可见,但是错误会影响一代或几代人。在线(线上)教育对知识点的传授有方便、快捷的绝对优势,但是教育还包括育人功能,这是在线(线上)教育先天无法补齐的“短板”,如何合理利用在线(线上)教育与线下教育优势互补,是教育部门需要考虑的关键点。  相似文献   

What is a criterion-referenced test? What are the good and bad points of authentic assessment, criterion-referenced testing, and Item Response Theory?  相似文献   

抗战期间,老舍自1937年11月18日到武汉,至1938年7月30日离开,其间,在武汉从事文学创作与组织活动八个多月,足迹几乎踏遍武汉三镇。但是,在老舍作品及其友人的回忆文章、日记中,有关武汉部分则出现了一些错误与遗漏。文章通过研读原文、查阅文史资料与实地考察,以负责任的态度,对此进行了正误与补遗。这项工作有益于老舍研究。  相似文献   

经过多年的涉嫌假大空说教与思想灌输的挫折,今天的宣传歌曲、教化歌曲的创作已是理不直,气不壮。振奋民族精神,推动国家进步,百年前的那一代先贤推动"学堂乐歌"创作的激情,今天仍然是需要的。而我们见到的一些宣传歌曲、教化歌曲,却观念陈旧,思想僵化,不乏"文革"腔调,有假冒伪劣之嫌,完全不足以担当起宣传和教化的使命。  相似文献   

李平 《沧州师专学报》2011,(2):40-41,122
《老子》与《圣经》是代表中西方文化的两部伟大杰作,然而,两部作品中处处展现出惊人的相似性,其中对"是非"价值论的共性论述即是一个很好的例证。尝试分析《老子》与《圣经》在"是非"价值论方面是如何进行类似论述的,从而使人们能够以此为切入点,更深、更广地去探寻中西方文化的共性在这两部杰作上的完美体现。  相似文献   

《列宁专题文集》哲学卷收入列宁著作14篇、相关重要论述23条。在这些文献中,列宁阐明了马克思主义哲学的理论基础,揭露了马赫主义在认识论上的唯心主义和不可知论的实质,捍卫和发展了马克思主义哲学,也为我们进一步厘清哲学认识上的是非提供了强大的思想武器。  相似文献   

跨文化教学的误区及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
跨文化教学是外语教学的重要组成部分,它在培养学生文化意识、发展交际能力方面起着重要的作用。在跨文化教学中.由于一些误区的存在,常存在投入大,产值小的现象。本文针对这一现象,拟从跨文化意识培养的角度对文化教学中存在的一些误区进行探讨,并提出一些走出误区的对策。  相似文献   

正确理解中学课标精神走出英语语法教学的误区   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张雪莲  张帆 《陕西教育学院学报》2004,20(2):123-124,F003
教育部新颁《英语课程标准》(实验稿)对中小学英语语法教学进行了大幅度的改革,强调在语言交际的实践中运用语法知识,强词语法功能而不是语法形式本身。在教学实践中一些教师对这一要求产生了误解,认为在教学中不再需要讲解语法规则,遂使得语法教学又走向了另一个极端。本文就此发表意见,并提出走出语法教学误区的几点建议。  相似文献   

青少年是非心的培养策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
是非心是人内在的道德判断与道德评价的体系,作为意识结构中的一个独立的部分,具有指导、监督、评价、判断的作用.是非心是道德认识的主要成分,是良心的重要组成部分,是恻隐心、羞恶心、恭敬心的基础.可以通过讨论会、授课、榜样示范、角色扮演、树立良好的风气及反省来培养青少年的是非心.  相似文献   

Listening to students' mathematical thinking is one of the trademarks of reform-minded visions of mathematics teaching. The questions of when, where, how, and what might help prospective teachers learn to do so,however, remain open. This study examines how a mathematics letter exchange with Grade 4 students provided an occasion for prospective teachers to learn about students' mathematical thinking and to examine their interpretive practices. Analysis of the interactions between students and prospective teachers, and of the reflective writing of the latter,revealed changes in the patterns of their interpretations. I characterized these as changes in the focus of interpretation, from correctness to meaning, and in the interpretive approach, from quick and conclusive to thoughtful and tentative. I also discuss factors associated with these interpretive turns. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Previous attempts to examine the effects of different types of text format on reading have focused on the improvement of reading. The present study investigated the effect of using a text format that might be predicted to disrupt reading. In this study 56 individuals were presented with reading material presented in right-justified format and in'ragged'uneven line format. Subjects performed significantly worse on right-justified material. Subjects who were classified as good readers on the basis of a pretest were more affected than poor readers. It is suggested that this may result from differences in the reading style of good and poor readers.  相似文献   

文[1]中有这样一道例题及解法.例1(文[1]例4)已知sinxcosy=1/2,则cosxsiny的取值范围是().A.[-1/2,1/2]B.[-3/2,1/2]C.[-1/2,3/2]D.[-1,1]错解:设cosxsiny=t,sinxcosy+cosxsiny=sin(x+y)=1/2+t,由-1≤  相似文献   

Higher education is being encouraged to provide the graduates needed by commerce and industry in order to ensure economic development and enhance competitiveness. Throughout Europe and America, recent findings indicate that employers show a preference for teamwork, communication, and self-skilIs above knowledge, degree classification, intelligence, and reputation of the institution the graduate attended. Progressively less emphasis on traditional degrees and more on the validation of competence is clearly discernible. But the question persists: Are our higher education institutions meeting the challenge? Employing a large-scale extensive questionnaire, this study explores student and academic staff views within a higher education institution in the U.K. Results indicate that while staff and students ascribe equal importance to key generic skills, they differ in their views of the extent to which a number of such skills are currently being developed through course content. It is time for higher education to address explicitly the issue of the place of transferable skis in the curriculum. This problem is not unique to Europe. Indeed, the need for a concerted effort by teachers and policymakers in higher education to help rebuild American workforce competence has been repeatedly highlighted. Development work in this area should be a priority.  相似文献   

本文探讨英语语言教学实践中存在的问题如对口语语境和英语文化背景的忽视,违反外语教学基本规律;外语传统教育理念向创新教育理念的发展。  相似文献   

教学疾病是指教学系统在内外异常因素的影响之下 ,教学功能不能或不能很好地得以发挥 ,以至于产生很多不良作用的不正常状态。它主要表现为以下几种类型。一、教学专制教学专制是指教师带着社会赋予他的与职业俱来的权力 ,凌驾于学生之上 ,以种种神圣的理由 ,心安理得地对学生任意实施违反教育法规与教育规律或违背社会道德规范及职业规范的惩罚性教育。它包括体罚与变相体罚、心理惩罚等。1.体罚与变相体罚。体罚作为一种严重的教学疾病 ,长期存在于我国家庭教育或中小学校的教学之中 ,在一些地区和学校还相当严重 ,而且施罚者每每别出心裁…  相似文献   

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