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随着计算机技术在工作及生活中的普及应用,计算机教育的目的已经不再是单纯的培养21世纪的人才,同时也是践行素质教育的重要内容。为了促进学生在走出校园后更好的利用信息技术进行创新,当下培养学生的创新思维能力就成为计算机课堂教学的重点。基于计算机课堂教学实践,文章从不同方面对如何提升计算机课堂教育有效性的新思维进行了重点而深入的分析。  相似文献   

职业教育与社会经济发展的关系及其相互作用途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
职业教育与经济发展密切相关,这是整个社会的共识。经济发展水平不仅影响着职业学校办学,更影响着个体对职业教育的选择与接受。没有一定的经济发展水平,职业教育的发展无论是自身的办学还是其生存环境都会受到很大的制约,而职业教育对经济社会发展的促进作用不仅仅是提供初次进入岗位的一般就业人员,而在于提供具有一定学习能力、掌握一定技术和具有技术含量技能的新增就业人员。因此,发展职业教育,不仅仅要看其规模的大小,更需要观察其有效供给问题。  相似文献   

The underrepresentation of persons from socio-economicallydisadvantaged backgrounds in higher education in countries such as Australia isof policy concern. In order to be able to identify such individuals fortargeted interventions and to monitor their participation rates, it is necessary to havean accurate, simple to administer, and relatively inexpensive method of measuringstudents' socio-economic characteristics.We demonstrate that the postcode methodology currently used bythe Australian Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs (DETYA) formonitoring purposes, while being relatively simple and inexpensive toadminister, is subject to considerable error. A student is allocated the `average'socio-economic status (SES) of all persons living within their residential postcode area, butareas can contain a mix of people from low, medium and high socio-economicbackgrounds. In order to identify more accurately low SES students, we develop measuresbased upon the characteristics of individual students, rather than thecharacteristics of the area in which they reside.These new measures are based upon the results of theParticipation in Higher Education Survey. This survey was conducted in the second half of1997 and was based upon a sample of approximately 3000 first year studentsenrolled at a range of campuses throughout one Australian State. Our findings suggestthat individual-based measures relating to the occupation and education ofparents at the time when the student was in high school are appropriate for theclassification of both recent school leavers and mature aged students. Together, thesecharacteristics represent the family socio-economic situation while the studentwas attending secondary school.  相似文献   

This paper briefly summarizes the new developments emerging from a major ongoing research program in Australia in higher education that tested and extended Cameron's dimensions of organizational effectiveness. Framed in this context, the paper then reports on the second national study in Australia to replicate earlier findings. The results confirm earlier findings and unequivocally establish the four-group typology that existed until recently. Finally, discussion includes consideration of micro and macro benefits of the framework with particular emphasis on recent structural changes to the Australian higher education system with reference to organizational culture and quality standards.This paper was prepared during a recent period as visiting professor in the School of Business at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.  相似文献   

德育在我国的教育中一直占有着重要的地位,尤其是在高校中,因为大学时期是一个人思想逐步成熟并且很容易发生变化的时期,在这个时期能否具有正确的价值观关对青少年影响深远。本文试图从分析在校大学生在学习德育内容的一些表现,找出提高大学德育教育实效性的一些方法。  相似文献   

近几年大学生思想政治教育工作逐渐成为高校教育的重要组成部分,但其实效性却并未得到实质改善。本文主要通过分析当前大学生思想政治教育存在的主要问题,以及思想政治教育面临的挑战,提出相应加强高校思想政治教育实效性的一些举措。  相似文献   

A recent investigation indicates that using teleconferencing in teaching mathematics by distance education gives the students access to a flexible educational medium. Results confirm that this technology can support interaction between teacher and students similar to that in a conventional school. The investigation concludes that using teleconferencing in teaching mathematics by distance education gives the students access to education that, although different from that available in a traditional classroom, forms part of an effective teaching and learning environment. It also highlights the need to address pedagogical issues to maximise interaction within this environment.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to review and to connect research about teacher education effectiveness and school effectiveness to arrive at an integrative conceptualization that has the potential of improving empirical research in both fields. Teacher education effectiveness addresses effects of teacher education on outcomes such as teacher knowledge, this knowledge becomes the predictor in teacher effectiveness research with instructional quality and student achievement as outcomes. The two research orientations become united in path-analytic studies. A fuller incorporation leads to an extended educational effectiveness model that enriches a systemic interpretation of key levers of educational effectiveness and opens up black boxes at the system and the classroom level. In such a comprehensive model, teacher policies can be regarded an alternative for educational improvement strategies like school curriculum policies, accountability and evaluation or governance and management. At the same time insights from educational effectiveness research at large suggest inclusion of additional variables in teacher education and teacher effectiveness research, particularly on the institutional level.  相似文献   

Fourth-grade students in each of three classrooms were randomly assigned to either a treatment or a Hawthorne control group. The treatment consisted of participation in the Toward Affective Development program for 15 minutes a day, five days a week, over an 11-week period. A classroom teacher on temporary leave from the district conducted both the treatment and the series of art projects making up the Hawthorne control activities. Following treatment, self-report measures of social adjustment and self-concept were administered to between 42 and 50 students, depending on the number of absences from school on any given posttesting day. No treatment effects were noted, regardless of sex or class membership. Present findings were discussed in relation to five recent affective educational program evaluation studies. Four variables (degree of facilitator training, Hawthorne control, self-report dependent measures, and subject age) were identified as potentially strong moderators of program impact on social adjustment and self-concept. Finally, conditions that may maximize student gain in future research were suggested.  相似文献   

高职院校高质量的体育教学可以使学生拥有实用体育知识、一般身体素质、职业特殊素质和终生体育锻炼能力,而这些能力是高素质技术人才应该具备的。增强体育教学的效果是促进体育教学水平提高的有效途径。  相似文献   

Anatomical relationships are challenging concepts for first‐year medical students. The use of progressive drawing, where an image is created from a blank template, has long been utilized for outlining anatomical relationships and continuity from one region to another, and has shown positive outcomes for student learning. More recently, computerized progressive drawing has been introduced; however, challenges, including issues with visual clarity, have been described. In this study, 17 computerized screencasts of drawings covering neurovasculature of the limbs, abdomen, pelvis, head, and neck were created and provided to first‐year medical students at Morehouse School of Medicine. An animated method for drawing was utilized to increase visual clarity. Surveys were provided to 181 first‐year medical students to collect feedback about these screencasts. Sixty percent (n = 108) of students completed at least one survey. Respondents rated all 17 screencasts with a minimum of 4.7/5 for helpfulness in learning the material for course examinations. A majority of students (77.8%) reported viewing the screencasts more than once on at least one survey, and students reported varying methods for utilizing the screencasts. A majority of students provided positive feedback relating to technical quality. Some significant differences in course performance were seen based on screencast usage. The positive responses from students indicate that this is a useful method in medical education. Anat Sci Educ 11: 445–460. © 2018 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

德育实效性思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
德育实效性问题的提出是有它特定的时代背景的,这个背景应该是社会的转型。德育实效性问题的凸现是有它产生的原因的,其根本原因也在于社会转型。为了适应转型时期社会的要求和学生的特点,提高德育的实效性,必须开展德育科研,提高教师育德素质,坚持以学生为本的道德关怀,实现以对话为德育的主要方式。  相似文献   

远程教育的工业化运作与经济效益   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
远程教育的经济学特征是高投入高产出。如何评判经济效益是发展远程教育的一个重要问题。本文借助于奥托·彼得斯的远程教育工业化理论,对电大的运作提出了优化管理体制,改善系统结构,利用系统优势进行资源开发等方面的设想,以期提高远程教育的经济效益。  相似文献   

微时代是一种新型的互联网时代,微时代直接影响着大学生们的信息交流及社会交往方式,同样的,微时代也为大学生带来严重的诚信问题。微时代下应如何开展大学生诚信教育问题已经成为了重中之重。为了分析微时代下大学生诚信教育的实效性,笔者针对微时代及大学生诚信教育做出了分析。  相似文献   

高校隐性思想政治教育是相对于显性思想政治教育的一种全新的教育方式,具有渗透性和潜隐性,能够达到“润物无声”的育人效果。但当前高校普遍存在隐性思想政治教育实效性不强问题。高校应更新思想政治教育理念.健全隐性思想政治教育保障机制,拓展隐性思想政治教育途径,增强高校隐性思想政治教育的实效性。  相似文献   


In this article we investigate the effectiveness of learning analytics for identifying at-risk students in higher education institutions using data output from an in-situ learning analytics platform. Amongst other things, the platform generates ‘no-engagement’ alerts if students have not engaged with any of the data sources measured for 14 consecutive days. We tested the relationship between these alerts and student outcomes for two cohorts of first-year undergraduate students. We also compared the efficiency of using these alerts to identify students at risk of poorer outcomes with the efficiency of using demographic data, using widening participation status as a case study example. The no-engagement alerts were found to be more efficient at spotting students not progressing and not attaining than demographic data. In order to investigate the efficacy of learning analytics for addressing differential student outcomes for disadvantaged groups, the team also analysed the likelihood of students with widening participation status generating alerts compared with their non-widening participation counterparts. The odds of students with widening participation status generating an alert were on average 43% higher, demonstrating the potential of such a system to preferentially target support at disadvantaged groups without needing to target directly based on immutable factors such as their socio-economic background.  相似文献   

网络文化具有丰富的多元信息,平等、及时的交互关系,虚拟的隐蔽身份等特点,给高校德育工作带来新问题和新挑战。德育工作者应该具备良好的网络素养,拓展“信息疆域”开辟高校德育教育新阵地,构筑“网上防线”使高校德育教育更具有实效性。  相似文献   

如何正视大学生的心理健康,化压力为动力,使大学生在接受良好的心理健康教育的同时,形成良好的心理素养,已成为教育改革进程中一个值得探讨的课题。本文在对思想政治教育和心理健康进行了基本的概述后,认为应该利用心理健康教育为平台,从课程体系、尊重差异、正确导向和建立长效体系这几个方面,提升大学生思想政治教育的实效性。  相似文献   

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