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残障社会学发展经历了传统的残障社会学、批判的残障社会学、后现代残障社会学的演变。借鉴残障社会学核心理念分析其对特殊教育的影响,有利于增进职前特殊教育教师对课程的理解,有助于职前特殊教育教师培养“遭逢”的课程意识、“跨越”的课程意识、“处境”的课程意识。  相似文献   

知识的社会学研究开辟了传统哲学认识论以外的新领地,即知识社会学,它为我们认识知识的社会特性、文化特性、历史特性和民族特性提供了新的理论灵感,为我们理解课程问题打开了另一扇窗——课程知识社会学。  相似文献   

随着人们对高校德育的关注,人们对大学班主任工作的认识也逐步提高。但是这些认识大多处于感性的、直观的水准,没有能够系统地、深入地把握其工作性质。要深刻地理解和把握这一问题,必须从社会学的角度揭示大学班主任肩负的社会角色。“角色”本是舞台、戏剧等方面使用的概念。引入社会学后,意指某个人或某类人承担的社会职责。在社会学看来,某个人或某类人的价值大小,主要取决于他或他们承担的社会角色的独特性及其社会意义。理解大学班主任的角色,有着多种角度。我们认为,其角色的独特性是在与一般教师的比较、与学生角色的对应中获得的。大学班主任具  相似文献   

当前人们主要是从政治学和社会学的角度探讨和研究社会稳定问题,而从历史观的高度对此问题的研究尚欠不足。社会稳定是社会发展的重要条件,研究社会及其发展,不可忽视社会稳定的积极作用。所以,从历史观的高度认识和研究社会稳定十分必要。一、社会稳定的含义与内容如何界定社会稳定,是能否正确认识和理解社会稳定的关键问题。人类社会是一个不断发展变化的  相似文献   

通过问卷调查发现,初中科学教师对于科学世界观、科学探究和科学事业方面的认识偏向于传统的科学本质观。缘此,在初中科学教师教育课程中要增设HPS教育,帮助他们从"科学元勘"诸学科的多维视野下理解科学的本质,发展科学本质观。具体策略包括:通过对科学哲学的探讨,认识科学的逻辑结构和发展模式;通过对科学史的考察,凸显科学的人文意蕴;通过对科学社会学的审视,理解科学的社会建制。  相似文献   

长期以来,教育社会学研究者倾向于从社会学的视角单向度地定位教育社会学的研究对象,造成了人们对于教育社会学研究对象的片面认识,阻碍了学科的健康发展。本文提出确定教育社会学研究对象不能忽视从教育到社会的向度,应该将教育促进社会进步纳入到教育社会学研究对象的体系之中。本文从历史依据、现实依据和理论创新的角度来论证这一观点,认为可将教育社会学定义为通过对教育社会现象和教育社会问题的研究来探索教育良性运、教育促进社会进步的条件和机制,以达到教育与社会协调发展的科学。  相似文献   

长期以来,教育社会学研究者倾向于从社会学的视角单向度地定位教育社会学的研究对象,造成了人们对于教育社会学研究对象的片面认识,阻碍了学科的健康发展。本文提出确定教育社会学研究对象不能忽视从教育到社会的向度,应该将教育促进社会进步纳入到教育社会学研究对象的体系之中。本文从历史依据、现实依据和理论创新的角度来论证这一观点,认为可将教育社会学定义为通过对教育社会现象和教育社会问题的研究来探索教育良性运、教育促进社会进步的条件和机制,以达到教育与社会协调发展的科学。  相似文献   

余裕  窦国庆 《科技文萃》2005,(10):132-134
住宅社会学研究现代社会中居住和人的关系.但传统建筑中所反映出的人文观念也越来越多地为学者关注.对于这一点,人们往往从审美角度理解,其实通过对于建筑材料使用的研究,还可看出人们的处世态度.  相似文献   

现代社会中学校的重要性不言而喻,它几乎成为牵动整个社会中所有人的一根敏感的神经,但是人们对学校的理解更多的只是停留在感性的层面之上,而对内在的运作方式、结构与功能等方面的认识还远远不够。本文从社会学的视角探索有关学校的三个方面的基本问题,即学校是什么、学校的矛盾性、社会转型时期的学校,试图为人们进一步深入研究学校提供一些参考与启示。  相似文献   

潘驰 《考试周刊》2008,(8):46-47
创设数学问题情境已成为新课堂的显著特征.从社会学的角度看,"情境"是指一个人正在进行某种行为时所处的社会环境,是人们社会行为产生的条件;从心理学角度看,"情境"表现为多重刺激模式、事件和对象等;从学生角度看,"情境"可以理解为学生从事学习活动,产生学习行为的一种环境和背景,它提供给学生思考空间的智力背景,产生某种情感体验.  相似文献   

In the process of discussing the significant contributions that Len Barton has made to the sociology of education and to disability studies, I argue that a good deal of critical analyses of power and inequality in education are impoverished by some of their essentialist and reductive tendencies. I use an example taken from disability rights to show how parts of these tendencies can be overcome. I suggest that disability rights movements provide powerful possibilities for the interruption of capitalist ideological forms and their attendant ways of organising and controlling labour. They do this by challenging some of the most fundamental assumptions that underpin capitalist economies and ways of life. By strongly resisting the ways in which paid work and paid workers are treated, new relations are made possible. I connect this example to some of the insightful analyses of the place of affective equality in the struggle for social justice in both a politics of redistribution and a politics of recognition. Building on these arguments, I then argue for a broadened conception of critical research and critical action. I describe nine tasks in which the critical scholar/activists should engage if they are to be true to an enlarged conception of the ‘public intellectual’ and ‘public sociologist’.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to test whether Thomas Kuhn's model of scientific revolutions and his hypothesis of the ‘mirror effect’ of education apply to the history of the sociology of development, as many analysts of the field argue. Syllabi were examined from 1970 to 1981 for each of the existing graduate programs in sociology of development in Mexican major public and private universities.Results are inconsistent with the claim that the sociology of development has experienced a major scientific revolution, and we found no evidence of the existence of paradigms in the field. The same results are consistent with Kuhn's hypothesis of the ‘mirror effect’ of scientific change on textbooks and scientific training in pre-paradigmatic disciplines.  相似文献   

从默顿的公共知识观出发,同时参照SSK学派对默顿传统科学社会学的批判,力图从其源初发生的深度上来探讨"知识、个人、公共"三词。尝试从科学论述上升到公共语言的层次上对"科学论文制度在中国的异化"问题做出思考与剖析,以求为理论思考寻找到现实落脚点,最终能对现实有所改变。  相似文献   

文学公共性是借用哈贝马斯在社会学领域提出的公共性概念形成的。文学公共性概念的提出为我们对中国文学的反思与研究提供了新的视角。从文学公共性的角度,通过文学公共性与个人性的关系阐释与解读闻一多的诗歌是一个新的尝试,一方面拓宽了闻一多诗歌研究的视野,另一方面能够从整体上把握闻一多诗歌的创作。闻一多诗歌创作“泾渭分明”的前后分期实则是交织了一条公共性与个人性编织的红线。  相似文献   

This paper explores the changing terrain of disability support policy in Australia. Drawing on a critical disability framework of policy sociology, the paper considers the policy problem of access to education for people with disabilities under recent reform by means of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), which commenced full roll-out across the country from July 2016. The paper reviews NDIS reports, legislation and associated literature to consider how eligibility to scheme participation and education services are shaped, and how education is positioned in the development and implementation of the NDIS. The analysis highlights tensions that exist for people with disabilities and their families who both access the scheme and who might draw on its provision to support their education, because of the way the policy is oriented towards pathological categorisation, standardised outcomes and service delineation rather than integrated support and informed involvement. The paper concludes by arguing that despite the policy priority across Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries of increasing lifelong learning opportunities, fragmented NDIS policy in Australia prevents people with disabilities from achieving this ideal.  相似文献   

This article argues that sociology has been a foundational discipline for the field of adult education, but it has been largely implicit, until recently. This article contextualizes classical theories of sociology within contemporary critiques, reviews the historical roots of sociology and then briefly introduces the classical theories illustrating the continual presence of sociological thinking in the adult education field. Finally, it periodizes the lineage of the sociology of adult education, highlighting recent contributions. With 30 years of neoliberalism, social justice is eroding, authoritarianism is increasing and democracy—as the idea of a self-governing people deliberating issues of mutual concern in the public sphere—is further subordinated to the idea of society as an economy for exchanging goods and services. It is time to (re)ignite a sociological imagination among adult educators/learners, building on familiarity with both classical and contemporary sociology theories, more robust sociological analysis of the field and a (re)commitment to the historical principles of social justice and deep democracy. While international in focus, Canadian exemplars will be used.  相似文献   

Sociologist Pierre Bourdieu has contributed much to the way the field of sociology understands the social rules and structures that guide human interaction and self‐understanding. Bourdieu’s work has also been applied to education, and disability issues. In this paper Bourdieu’s social theory is presented and applied to the notion of inclusion in a multicultural school. This Bourdieuian perspective is applied to the literature surrounding the development of a theory of inclusion in multicultural schools. Questions and implications suggest further research into the relationship between cultural and disability issues in inclusion.  相似文献   

Many college students receiving accommodations for specific learning disability (SLD) do not meet objective criteria for the disorder. Furthermore, whether students meet criteria depends on the diagnostic decision model used by their clinician. The authors examined whether the relationship between diagnostic model and likelihood of meeting objective criteria is moderated by students' postsecondary institution. They administered a comprehensive psychoeducational battery to 98 undergraduates receiving accommodations for SLD at 2-year public colleges, 4-year public universities, and 4-year private colleges. Most 4-year public university students failed to meet objective criteria for SLD. In contrast, most 4-year private college students met objective criteria based on significant ability-achievement discrepancies, and most 2-year public college students met objective criteria based on normative deficits in achievement and cognitive processing. Students who met objective criteria also differed significantly in degree of academic impairment. The authors' findings indicate qualitative differences in SLD across postsecondary settings and have implications for the identification and mitigation of SLD in college students.  相似文献   

This paper draws on actor-network theory and on the sociology of cultural consumption to examine the phenomenon of corporate Massive Open Online Courses. Through an analysis of texts available in the public domain, the paper argues that over a short period (between 2012 and 2013) digitisation technology became associated with the emergence of a hybrid ‘actor’: the digital video-recorder teacher. A parallel is drawn between the ‘interactive affordances’ of digital instruction and the playback and cataloguing options that have contributed to shifts in television viewing habits. The digital video-recorder teacher is described as an artefact in the service of a postmodern project of self-improvement through cultural consumption, which recruits digitisation to meet a growing demand for ‘upgrades to the self’. In the conclusion, the paper explores how the study of digital education could benefit from an interface between sociomaterial studies and the sociology of culture.  相似文献   

More than 50% of all college students with a disability enroll in public 2-year institutions. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a type of disability that affects a growing number of students in postsecondary education. Currently, over 70% of 2-year public institutions enroll students with ASD. In spite of increased awareness, the vast majority of existing ASD research focused on primary and secondary education. Research on practices that support students with disabilities in the community college environment is imperative for promoting student success. The purpose of this mixed-methods study was to explore current and best practices that support students with ASD at 2-year public, postsecondary institutions. A web-based tool was used to survey a nationally representative sample of disability service professionals from 367 2-year, public institutions (35.4% response rate). Our results show reasonable accommodations with an academic focus (e.g., extended exam time) were provided more frequently than sensory accommodations. General support services that focused on the transition to college were offered by 42% of the institutions surveyed, and 26% of institutions supplied ASD-specific services. These results indicated that many institutions provide students with a baseline level of academic accommodations; however, accommodations and support services that specifically target the functional limitations of ASD are offered less frequently. Best practices for supporting students with ASD were synthesized and implications for practice were discussed.  相似文献   

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