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In this article, I compare the assumptions, concepts, and propositions of media system dependency (MSD) theory and uses and gratifications (U&G) theory at the microlevel of analysis. The epistemological origins of these theories are situated within the differing social and personal contexts that affected their development. Those MSD assumptions that serve as background to this comparison are specified, and major hypotheses concerning the social ecology of microeffects processes are discussed, particularly as they pertain to public opinion concerns. Following this elaboration of MSD theory, basic differences between MSD and U&G conceptions of the audience, interpersonal networks, the media system, and the nature of media power are addressed. I conclude with a brief comment on the implications of the Internet for theorizing micro media effects.  相似文献   

Qualitative research meets and gathers insight and information, commencing with the particular. Qualitative research moves us from reductive and abstract engagement to experience of the subject matter before us. Philosophy of communication, understood as qualitative research in action, centers inquiry on questioning, reading, writing, editing, thinking, and interpretation. These five qualitative acts of inquiry are not isolated categories, yet they are simultaneously distinct characteristics within philosophy of communication scholarship. I contend that these five coordinates facilitate the performative engagement of philosophy of communication inquiry. I offer a story centered on five research coordinates, explicated with scholars repeatedly referenced in philosophy of communication literature. I engage these scholars in a manner akin to Walter Benjamin’s (1968) “pearl diving,” seeking insight from selected parts of their copious contributions. Their collective insights function as threads with which I weave a story about the doing of philosophy of communication.  相似文献   

Cultivation theory, and the study of long-term media effects in general, could benefit from the development of a scale that measures long-term television exposure levels. Theory and research into the organization, storage, and retrieval of long-term memory are used to develop a scale for measuring past and present television exposure levels. In a survey of 207 young adults, a Lifetime Television Exposure (LTE) scale is submitted to tests of criterion validity. Findings show the scale positively predicts cultivation outcomes above and beyond existing measures of current television exposure. Television viewing during early childhood, in particular, predicts young adults' current social reality beliefs. Methodological considerations and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Currently, scholars grapple with media that depict Third World women as either victims of unchanging contexts or agents of liberation. To explore how a widely distributed and popular documentary film can destabilize a First World gaze, this essay examines Iron Ladies of Liberia (ILL), which traced Ellen Johnson Sirleaf's first year as president of Liberia. ILL foregrounded women's rhetorical and political agencies to alter a postwar context, while it also situated their agencies within an enabling and constraining constellation of power relationships. Through its unique relationships between filmmaker and subject, ILL suggested a transnational feminist perspective on women in media.  相似文献   

A sizable body of research has examined BIRG, or Basking in Reflected Glory, as the psychological process of associating with the successes of others. A sample of 253,188 tweets related to the 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum were collected leading up to and following the vote. Results support BIRG processes on the part of anti-independence tweeters, and Cutting Off Reflected Failure (CORF) responses by those favoring independence. Evidence does not support the notion that CORF was attenuated by high involvement.  相似文献   

传统广播电视的数字化进程是革命性的。数字新媒体不仅在频道定位、内容形态、赢利模式、产业链等方面改变了广播电视的业态,同时也为广播电视带来了新的传播生态和社会交往方式。广播电视新媒体的发展必须要认清数字媒体对广播电视业态以及媒介生态的影响。决定广播电视新媒体发展方向的不是技术本身,而是民众数字生活水平的提高。  相似文献   

本文对我国2008年新媒体研究的总体情况进行了回顾和分析,作者认为,媒介融合和产业融合、移动传播和移动媒体、新媒体现象及其引发的舆论、伦理和法律等问题已成为我国新媒体研究的焦点。  相似文献   

These reflections on critical communication and cultural studies of race draw on Bruno Latour's idea of ‘matters of concern’ to propose that scholars expand the focus of inquiry from empirical questions of veracity and accuracy in representations of race to concerns with how (and where) media gather and mobilize sentiments and affective investments that increasingly underwrite quotidian practices of racial inequality and racism in the post racial period.  相似文献   

传播政治经济学与另类媒介——以韩国与委内瑞拉为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
另类媒介的兴起、运作条件与脉络,以及其成就与局限的评估,具有重要的理论与实践意义,传播政治经济学重视人的动能、强调历史变迁与学术介入,本文因此引述与讨论韩国及委内瑞拉的另类传播现象,舍弃互联网而专注于研讨传统媒介的另类空间。  相似文献   

本文从媒介系统依赖理论出发,调查并比较了中国新闻工作者及未来新闻工作者(新闻专业学生)对BBS信息和报纸信息的信任度。结果显示,由网民提供的信息正日益受到信任,这一趋势在学生群体中表现更为明显。  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(1):108-136
Organizational trends toward team-based structures, globalization, and reliance on communication technology have spurred research addressing the communication processes of virtual teams. However, much of the extant research focuses on the ways virtual teams differ from conventional, face-to-face teams and fails to examine variations in virtual team characteristics that may impact team communication behaviors and experiences. The study reported here identifies two categories of virtual team characteristics (communicative and structural) and uses these to explore their relationships to team communication technology use and team outcomes. Analysis of data from 98 virtual teams reveals that structural features primarily relate to media use, whereas communication considerations are associated with team outcomes. Additional analyses indicate that various communicative predictors moderate the relationships between technology use and outcomes. These results point to theoretical and practical implications for researchers, team members, managers, and organizations related to virtual team design and communication processes.  相似文献   

本文比较了两部二战时期著名的宣传电影——德国纳粹的《意志的胜利》以及美国政府投资拍摄的《我们为何而战》在传播策略和传播效果方面的差异。进而指出,文本是否具有感性魅惑的特质、受众是否具有鲜明的自我主体意识以及感性还是理性策略的使用成为决定电影宣传效果的三个重要因素。而电影技术无疑是客观中立的,从这个意义上说,技术决定论具有明显的理论缺陷。  相似文献   

Independence and competence define the traditional characteristics of a game warden. External pressure to transform the game warden service into a more culturally and ethnically diverse state law enforcement agency, however, creates tensions surrounding these characteristics in the organization's structurationally defined agency and reflexivity of law enforcement; duality of structure in office memos and citation counts; social integration and institutional reproduction of law enforcement training, use of decoys, and search and seizure procedures; and time-space distanciation of working a 40-hour week or having complete responsibility for a territory. The present study examined how these tensions interact with the traditional assumptions of independence and competence to transform the meaning of these characteristics, and of the game warden service itself.  相似文献   

Independence and competence define the traditional characteristics of a game warden. External pressure to transform the game warden service into a more culturally and ethnically diverse state law enforcement agency, however, creates tensions surrounding these characteristics in the organization's structurationally defined agency and reflexivity of law enforcement; duality of structure in office memos and citation counts; social integration and institutional reproduction of law enforcement training, use of decoys, and search and seizure procedures; and time-space distanciation of working a 40-hour week or having complete responsibility for a territory. The present study examined how these tensions interact with the traditional assumptions of independence and competence to transform the meaning of these characteristics, and of the game warden service itself.  相似文献   

随着文化强国战略目标的确立,文化和科技融合进入新的历史阶段。数字经济规模的扩张,突然其来的新冠疫情,加速了文化产业的数字化转型进程。科普场馆兼有科技与文化的双重属性,也将面临新的机遇和挑战。文章从科普场馆数字化要义的角度切入,研究国内外科普场馆的数字化应用案例,从展览、教育、藏品、研究多个维度进行剖析,结合上海科技馆的具体实践,提出对于数字化时代科普场馆未来发展趋势及转型路径的思考和设想。  相似文献   


This study argues that the genre of apologia has distinct situational, substantive, and stylistic factors that are dynamically related. A dynamic theoretical framework using these three factors is proposed and used to analyze the protracted apologia of the Dow Chemical Company from 1966‐1969 in response to charges by antiwar protesters of immorality for producing napalm. Dow's rhetorical choices become much clearer when seen through the clear, serious, unprecedented, and diffuse accusatory climate that precipitated the adoption of a self actualized motive and an argumentative battle on the grounds of jurisdiction. Special constraints that corporate apologists may face as nonpersons are advanced to complete the configuration of this dynamic generic framework.  相似文献   

本研究通过社会心理学的"陌生人"视角,分析了网络陌生人的人际不确定性和情感正向性特征,讨论了陌生人复杂互动如何导致社会化媒体内舆论领袖和议题涌现,并实现情感和信息的极化与放大;再通过"不确定性"的理论视角,讨论这种陌生人复杂互动如何通过社会化媒体间共振、潮涌,导致社会化媒体传播和动员能力的突生性和意外效果,进而生成网络社会的不确定性。  相似文献   

网络视频是一个受年轻用户青睐的新媒体新兴业务,但多数网络视频因其由用户自传而出现版权诉讼、内容删除、质量差和内容品位不高等问题,使一些视频网站看上去很热闹,赢利却很困难。本文通过对新兴视频网站Hulu的模式进分析,认为Hulu模式符合视频网站未来的发展趋势,值得各类视频网站借鉴。  相似文献   


A large body of literature in representational studies reflects a deep professional concern over the negative effect of the role of the media in representing significant Others. Western media's coverage of an international event, in this case, a football competition, raises some ethical questions about the choice of specific lexical items and textual contents. Drawing on the work of Stuart Hall's representation theory, this article examines how Turkey, a nation located on the semi-periphery of Europe, is represented in Western media outlets. By looking at the role that sections of the British sports press plays in their construction of the Turkish national identity, I evaluate the Euro 2016 and Euro 2004 reporting of the UEFA European Championship qualifying matches between Turkey and England. I apply a combination of lexical and narrative analysis, and I question the way that Turkey is represented in the British sport texts. The style and language used in the presentation of football games reveals that British media outlets are prone to present England's politically and economically powerful position, and its cultural superiority over Turkey. Findings also suggest that the discourse of the “West and the Rest” is alive in the modern world.  相似文献   

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