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French Fiction:     
The cataloging of music sound recordings is both challenging and interesting. As the technologies used to produce sound recordings change, these changes must be reflected in both cataloging theory and practice. Three formats: analog disc, cassette tape, and compact disk, all of which are readily available on the market, present special challenges to catalogers who must consider what might be the most effective way of handling these materials following the AACR2 cataloging rules and interpretations from Library of Congress. This paper examines the actual cataloging of those formats as done by several institutions and raises questions such as how to handle these materials in ways which will eliminate redundancy and increase efficiency in the practice of cataloging. Finally, an alternative approach, drawing on AACR2 practice in other areas, is suggested.  相似文献   


Reading fiction can teach sophisticated management skills. The difference between paraliterary fiction that focuses on escaping reality and literary fiction that analyzes reality is important. All reading can help improve basic literacy including increased comprehension and reading speed. Intermediate skills provide the manager with specific lessons on how to manage. Advanced skills, obtained from reading literary fiction, include empathy, the ability to interpret and create sophisticated texts, and an increased possibility of recognizing the “truth” in any environment. Traditional business publications offer more direct training but often overlook the complexities that the experienced manager will encounter and overemphasize the possibilities for success.

Column Editor’s Note This JLA column will consider issues of education and training for management positions in libraries and other information organizations from the perspectives of both the provider and the recipient. The column will appear in odd-numbered issues of the journal and focus on management education/training at various stages of the individual's career including the effectiveness of these efforts, their content, and the specific challenges of teaching and learning within the field of librarianship. The column will address both theoretical and practical concerns. Prospective authors are invited to submit articles for this column to the editor at aa3805@wayne.edu.  相似文献   

George M. Craven, Oblect and Image: An Introduction to Photography (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1975—$11.50)

Phil Davis, Photography (Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown, 1975—$14.95/9.95)

Clifton C. Edom, Photojournalism: Principles and Practices (Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown, 1976—$14.95)  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):443-463
Cultural differences in reasoning and persuasion have mainly been documented for the East—West divide. Nisbett (2003) expects such differences to be absent for Western cultures because of their shared Grecian inheritance. The results of two experiments, however, show that France and The Netherlands, both Western European countries, differ with respect to the persuasiveness of different evidence types. In Study 1 (N=600), cultural differences occurred between the relative persuasiveness of anecdotal, statistical, causal, and expert evidence. In Study 2 (N=600), the quality of statistical and expert evidence was manipulated. For the Dutch, but not for the French, normatively strong evidence was more persuasive than normatively weak evidence for both evidence types. Implications and possible explanations are discussed.  相似文献   

The utility of conceptual analysis for archival science is assessed by means of an exploratory evaluation in which the concept of evidence is analyzed. Usage of the term “evidence” in the philosophies of science, law, and history is briefly reviewed; candidates for necessary conditions of evidentiariness are identified and examined; and taxonomies are built of evidentiariness and of archival inference. Correspondences are shown to exist between the concepts of evidentiariness and relevance, and between the domains of archival science and social epistemology, thereby pointing in promising directions for further research. The tentative conclusion is reached that conceptual analysis may profitably be used to improve understanding of archival concepts.  相似文献   

旅游产品对文化和传播具有很强的依赖性,本文分析了旅游与文化产业的关系、旅游产品传播体系的现状及旅游产品传播体系中出现的问题,进而提出在旅游产品传播中构建消费文化空间的建议。  相似文献   

加强公共数字文化建设,能够全面提升公共文化服务能力和服务水平,创新文化发展体制机制,增强文化发展活力与动力,把握信息技术时代的文化发展主导权,维护国家文化安全。《文化部、财政部关于进一步加强公共数字文化建设的指导意见》明确提出加强公共数字文化建设的具体举措。这些举措主要由各级公共图书馆具体建设实施,已成为公共图书馆现代事业发展的重要任务与核心业务。黑龙江省图书馆近年来在公共数字文化服务体系的制度设计、资源整合、服务机制建设等诸多方面进行了有益的探索实践,作为欠发达地区的一个实证,以期业界深入研究与探讨。  相似文献   

在中国共产党山西省第九次代表大会上,张宝顺同志代表省委提出了走出“四条路子”、实现“三个跨越”的战略决策,明确提出“实现自然人文大省向经济强省和文化强省的跨越”。这给档案馆工作提出了新的课题。档案馆作为面向社会的公益性文化事业机构,馆藏档案作为重要的文化资源,在文化强省的建设中应有其独特的地位和作用。遗憾的是并未引起有关领导部门足够的重视。一些地方的领导虽然提出了要把档案馆建设“纳入”文化建设总体规划的主张,但其中多数地方有关部门制定文化建设的总体规划并未将档案馆“纳入”,而更多的地方连“纳入”的主张…  相似文献   

在手机摄影与网络分享融合的时代,大众日常摄影成为一个显著的社会/文化现象.大众摄影从仪式化转向日常化,从私人使用转向媒介化的公开分享与社交,改变了"什么是可以拍摄/展示的"的社会惯习.数字时代的大众日常摄影确立了一种普通、平庸的影像文化范式,以自我表征的方式参与媒体公共文化,这是对大众日常经验价值与意义的重新发现与确认.然而,当大众日常摄影与分享越来越无处不在,占据优先性、本体性位置,其就演变成一种干扰、侵占、殖民现实生活的权力和力量.大众日常摄影导致了"后台的前台化"及现实—影像关系的倒置,对现实生活带来隐私、监视、羞辱等潜在困扰与风险,促使人们对现实的世界与社交产生疏离、冷漠与厌倦感.  相似文献   

自19世纪中叶以来,中国人逐渐接触摄影并开展了民族性的摄影活动。由于机械性和作为肖像记录的功能性,摄影最初被称为"照小像",不登大雅之堂。以刘半农为首的画意摄影倡导者,采用中国画论当中的"写意"传统对摄影进行了"雅俗"的判分,建立了以中国画论为基础的摄影理论,提升了摄影的艺术地位。但作为复制技术,摄影对艺术品原真性的消解本身就带有大众文化的特质,采用画论传统对摄影进行"雅俗"判分仍是将其禁锢于传统艺术中绘画附属者的地位。上世纪三十年代,在风起云涌的左翼思潮影响下,沙飞提出"摄影武器论",并在中共领导下创办《晋察冀画报》,开展系统的摄影实践,采用政治的"进步"与"反动"而非"雅俗"的标准判分摄影实践,完成了中国摄影史的一个重要转折。  相似文献   

围绕图书馆领导与图书馆组织化建设的关系,阐述了图书馆组织化建设的内涵和馆领导在其中的作用.并研究了馆领导如何加强图书馆组织化建设。  相似文献   

塑造城市文化个性是当前我国城市建设中一个迫切而又重要的命题。图书馆是城市的衍生物,与城市文化建设息息相关。本文分析了图书馆在城市文化建设中具有资源、技术和联盟的优势,提出了图书馆在城市文化个性塑造中可以采取的策略。  相似文献   

Drawing on key aspects of structuration theory, this case study examines student sensemaking efforts based on an international service learning (ISL) program conducted annually over a period of three years, wherein 11 U.S. students and 2 faculty members worked in a remote village in Moldova, teaching local students and community representatives to operate an online news outlet and interviewing young adults and professionals. Team members also interviewed Moldovan citizens, journalists, and politicians as part of a media research project. We adopted a meta-analytic approach to written student reflections to examine the processes through which students worked to understand cultural differences in a situation characterized by low community capabilities to either problem solve or to be self-sustaining, which further challenged their pre-existing assumptions.  相似文献   

Increasing commercial industry concern about corporate underwriting of public television productions has focused attention again on the overall funding situation in public broadcasting. Here the author, a doctoral student at Temple University's School of Communications and Theater, provides a broad introduction to the background, problems, and prospects for foundation support of non‐commercial broadcasting in the U.S. In a forthcoming second part of this article, she will focus specifically on the commanding role of the Ford Foundation, biggest giver in the field.  相似文献   

本文从知识经济的时代要求,提出了江西省文化系统2010年前信息化的构想,并主张充分发挥图书馆子网在其中的示范带头作用。  相似文献   

Homeland security is a recent symbol in the American political lexicon. As an outgrowth of the idea of national security, it evokes certain meanings for politicians, administrators, and the public. However, these meanings do not provide much guidance about how domestic safety can be assured, nor how American political and administrative institutions should be organized to meet threats to citizens. Using a general model of governmental information use, this study traces the political and administrative construction of meaning for ‘homeland security.’ First, through a qualitative analysis of contemporary documents, it traces the development and institutionalization of the term in the Federal Executive and Congress. Secondly, employing software-based content analysis, it analyzes how four groups described administrative needs for homeland security. It identifies areas where tensions regarding implementation of administrative measures for homeland security are likely to occur.  相似文献   

For 18 years, Kohler's "As I See It" ad campaign has delivered romanticized and fantasized portraits of high-end kitchen and bath fixtures. Drawing from semiotic and psychoanalytic theories and critical frameworks, this article examines 4 advertisements created by surrealist photographer Hugh Kretschmer. The visuals embody symbols, metaphors, and mythic allusions as signs of a transformative relationship between female models and products, connoting referents of human commodification, self-alienation, sexual activity, and desire. The study calls for public relations stewardship to act as a gatekeeper for ambiguous or unintended visual messages in corporate advertising.  相似文献   

在信息化时代,高校档案馆如何利用信息技术以推进高校文化传承是一个重要课题。文章尝试将微信平台建设与档案馆文化传承职能相结合,解析高校档案馆微信平台运行现状,探究利用高校档案馆微信公众号加强档案文化传承的路径。  相似文献   

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