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This qualitative study assesses how police-perpetrated homicides of African-American males are constructed in the public sphere. Similar studies on the discourse surrounding the topic have focused on newspaper articles as the discourse unit. In this article, I argue that the opinion-editorial (op-ed) pages of newspapers are a space for challenging colorblind frames invoked the discourse about police use of force that dominates in the print media. To demonstrate this point, I conducted an ethnographic content analysis of 168 op-eds from five different U.S. newspapers: Contra Costa Times, New York Times, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Salt Lake Tribune, and Washington Post. The op-eds focused on the police-perpetrated homicides of Eric Garner, Michael Brown, and Tamir Rice in 2014. The findings from this study indicate that the op-ed pages provide a unique opportunity for Black voices to be heard, as well as a space for dominant frames about police-perpetrated homicides to be challenged. Paradoxically, the results also impugn the sequestering of Black voices into the openly subjective spaces of print media.  相似文献   

“新闻理论体系”问题正成为20世纪90年代以来一直持续到目前的学术热点问题。这个问题背后的动力机制是对传统新闻理论建构方式(自然思维方式下的板块式模式)的不满和对更具普世性、学理性和逻辑性的新闻理论体系的追求。目前这种探索主要体现为直接使用传播学的结构性、过程性思维来建构。这种探索的路径固然有其启发的意义和价值,但却容易模糊新闻学本身的学科特质。依据新闻学主体性、理想性、实践指向性的学科特质,本文认为新闻理论的核心部分应包含新闻本质论、新闻关系论、新闻理想论三大部分。  相似文献   

This paper examines three definitions of “news” in the history of journalism studies in China. Xu Baohuang’s definition emphasizes the “facts,” with an aim to establish an objective and neutral press model. Lu Dingyi defines news through “reporting,” which has since then transformed into the principle of “reporting with the facts.” Fan Changjiang prioritizes the “masses” in his definition, attempting to explore new ways for the operation of party-owned newspapers in the new era.  相似文献   

The Unesco Statistical Yearbook includes in its annual volumes tables reporting the number of books published by countries in subject classes according to the UDC classification system. These statistics are examined to assess global trends in subjects areas such as pure, social, medical, and applied sciences, and literature. Data from Asia, Latin America, Africa, and North America are found to be highly inconclusive due to nonreporting patterns. Data from Europe and the USSR are more comprehensive. According to these data, social science titles form the largest percentages of the world's production, followed by applied sciences and literature. Overall, literature and medical science titles appear to be increasing in production faster than other subject areas. Gretchen Whitney is an assistant professor at the Graduate Library School of the University of Arizona and author ofLanguage Distribution in Databases. She teache in the fields of information science and information policy.  相似文献   

RICHARD WARD 《Media History》2013,19(3):221-244
Aboriginal writing produced on Flinders Island off the coast of Van Diemen's Land, Australia, between 1836 and 1847 portrays continued resistance and attempts to influence public opinion and government policy. The journal, petition to Queen Victoria, private letters and colonial press coverage document the tumultuous existence Van Diemen's Land's surviving Aboriginal people endured. Leximancer software and a manual content analysis are used to identify the key themes and communication devices existing within the documents. Applying a typology of public sphere characteristics over the content analysis provides evidence of the existence of a subaltern Aboriginal public. This paper concludes that the Flinders Island people adopted European communication structures to overtly and covertly resist colonial domination and to exert control over their own lives. The documents and events surrounding their production suggest that the surviving people, despite being from different tribes in Van Diemen's Land, formed an Aboriginal subaltern public through which they took a unified stand against colonial oppression.  相似文献   

《大连工业大学学报》在探索办刊之道时,编辑部成员达成了基本共识:以不断提升学报层次,提高学报学术影响力,提高编校水平和服务能力为工作目标;在办刊理念上,致力于在彰显学校优势学科、特色学科上有所作为。  相似文献   

在国际期刊集团化、数字化、网络化发展的背景下,回顾国外科技期刊出版集团的发展路径,在分析比较我国现有科技期刊集群模式的基础上,认为专业性学科刊群是当前我国刊群建设的核心形态和未来发展趋势.对专业性学科刊群的建设和未来发展进行思考,提出发挥优秀期刊的品牌效应,基于现有集群进行品牌扩张和强强联合,以集群平台项目的建设为纽带推动刊群的建设,由期刊出版业向信息服务业转型等专业性学科刊群的建设发展策略.  相似文献   

Academic librarians with teaching responsibility have traditionally delivered training in discovering and organising information. However, in recent years, there has been an increased emphasis on supporting researchers through all stages of the research lifecycle. While librarians are ideally placed to provide training in writing for publication and presentation of research, very few in the United Kingdom appear to be doing so. However, there are clear benefits to teaching these subjects. Based on feedback from faculty on user needs, the University of Cambridge Medical Library’s training programme was expanded to include training and support in the publication and presentation of research outputs. This article recounts the process by which the new courses were developed, and the techniques used by the library’s teaching staff to gain understanding of conventions and requirements of forms of written communication with which they were unfamiliar. It also evaluates the impact of the new courses, discusses next steps and provides advice for other librarians wishing to develop similar courses. D.I.  相似文献   

冯广清  黄亚博 《编辑学报》2017,29(6):593-596
选题策划与栏目创新是办刊人对期刊刊登主题与内容的设计安排,体现办刊人办刊思想、职业水平和创造能力.在选题策划与栏目创新中,《江苏中医药》杂志通过自身实践总结出借题发挥法、借鸡生蛋法、移花接木法、先声夺人法、八仙过海法、小题大做法、暗香微度法、无中生有法等8种策略,对期刊建设具有积极的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

高校图书馆引进其他学科专业人才的必要性及障碍分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章从三方面论证了信息时代的高校图书馆引进其他学科专业人才的必要性和迫切性,分析了这一进程将遇到的障碍,并给出了前瞻性的解决策略.  相似文献   

任何社会组织或社会机构,都有它特定的性质、职能与任务.这种特定的性质、职能与任务,是人们对它进行决策、管理和价值取向的根本依据.公共图书馆作为一种社会组织,它所特有的性质、职能与任务,无疑也是对其进行决策、管理与价值取向的前提与出发点.如果违背这种特定的性质、职能与任务的规定去决策、去管理,其结果必然为图书馆作出错误的定向与定位,从而导致图书馆的畸形发展,甚至有可能把某一图书馆推入绝境.牡丹江市图书馆(以下简称"牡图")近10年的发展历程就深受这种错误定向与定位之"苦".  相似文献   

以CSSCI为数据源,从文献的年度分布、地区分布、基金资助和期刊分布等方面,对我国2000~2010年间8 747篇情报学论文进行统计与分析。同时利用CiteSpace Ⅱ软件绘制了文献共被引和关键词共现知识图谱。结果表明:严怡民的《情报学概论》和邱均平的《文献计量学》等是情报学的奠基性文献。研究热点主要有竞争情报、信息检索和知识管理等;近三年集中在技术竞争情报、社会网络分析、h指数和知识图谱等。  相似文献   

陈勇 《出版经济》2003,(2):26-27
我国的校对工作已有两千多年的历史,校气雠的含义。早在西汉时代著名的编校家刘向就给予了明确的界定。他认为:“一人读书,校其上下,得缪误,为校;一人持本,一人读书,若冤家相对,为雠。”刘向的定义,鲜明而形象,古代的编校合一是与出版生产力水平相适应的,随着纸和印刷术的发明,改变了出版手段,出版生产力逐渐发展,编校工  相似文献   

For 18 years, Kohler's "As I See It" ad campaign has delivered romanticized and fantasized portraits of high-end kitchen and bath fixtures. Drawing from semiotic and psychoanalytic theories and critical frameworks, this article examines 4 advertisements created by surrealist photographer Hugh Kretschmer. The visuals embody symbols, metaphors, and mythic allusions as signs of a transformative relationship between female models and products, connoting referents of human commodification, self-alienation, sexual activity, and desire. The study calls for public relations stewardship to act as a gatekeeper for ambiguous or unintended visual messages in corporate advertising.  相似文献   


Initiatives and referenda are a key part of the democratic process in Michigan, but they are one of the most difficult types of legal materials to research. This guide provides an overview of the history of the I&R process in Michigan, a general outline of how the process works, and a selected list of resources, both primary and secondary, that provide valuable information for researchers seeking to explore this important part of Michigan's legislative system.  相似文献   

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