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日本广告“新贵”——户外广告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本户外广告在 2 0 0 0年 4月后发展迅速 ,被誉为继报纸、杂志、广播、电视四大日本传统媒体之后的“第五媒体” ,其营业额在日本各类广告中名列第三。日本户外广告媒体主要包括定点媒体和移动媒体两种 ,并不断有新的户外媒体被开发出来 ,发展潜力巨大。  相似文献   

Media may serve as important sexual socialization agents for lesbian, gay, or bisexual (LGB) adolescents who often have limited interpersonal resources from which to garner sexual information. A content analysis was conducted on a sample of television programs, films, magazines, and music popular with LGB youth to quantify the sexual messages LGB youth encounter in the media. Results suggest that heterosexuality is overrepresented and LGB sexualities are underrepresented in media popular with LGB adolescents. When depicted, LGB sexual talk was often talk about stereotypes or insults/jokes related to sexuality and rarely about relationships or sex. LGB sexual behaviors were nearly nonexistent. LGB sexual talk seems to be increasing in entertainment television, but LGB sexual behaviors have remained relatively rare over time. Findings are discussed in terms of the possible effects of exposure on LGB youth relying on media for information about sex and sexuality during sexual socialization.  相似文献   

新媒介环境下的当代文学教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对新媒介环境下的当代文学教学进行了分析。  相似文献   

西方媒介产业正在经历着前所未有的变迁。这种变迁主要表现在两个方面。首先是媒介产业的内部要素变革 ,包括产业结构变迁 ,呈现出规模经济、范围经济特点 ;产业组织变迁 ,表现为网络化结构、管理方式和策略以及管理机制变革 ;产业供应链变迁 ,电视产业日益成为频道过剩而内容短缺的经济形态 ,而电影仍然在流通方面至关重要 ;产业技术变迁带来媒介产业生产、流通和消费形态的重大革命 ;其次是媒介产业的外部要素变迁 ,包括实行自由主义的产业政策 ,即放松、干预和保护并举的公共政策体系的完善 ,以及新的制度安排带来的制度合法性的实现。这些变化对于当今我国媒介产业变革有着极其重要的意义  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(6):755-771
An examination of reader comments published in newspapers shows how journalists shape online content for print. A content analysis of printed comments and interviews with journalists who choose them reveal how gatekeeping constructs a hybrid site of participatory journalism that is similar to but distinct from letters to the editor. Unlike letters, anonymity was the norm. Smaller newspapers predictably printed a larger percentage of comments. But publications of all sizes edited comments, sometimes heavily, before printing them. In selecting comments for newspapers, journalists juggle the immediacy and informality of online conversation with such print standards as context, civility, and readability.  相似文献   

Federal open records laws, executive orders on national security classification, and similar policy instruments in the states require that most records at government agencies be available to the public upon request—subject to exemptions which may entail review. Traditionally, this review has been accomplished by redaction (purging) of hardcopy. Resource limitations and increases in the number of requests demand a rethinking of the process. Offices are experimenting with optical scanning, onscreen purging, and online dissemination. Statutory and common law trends may soon require disclosure of database reports in electronic form, when so requested, rather than printouts. The dissemination of manipulable data of commercial value requires a rationale broader than the “citizenship rights” that justified the Freedom of Information Act. Online publication of agency-controlled records also demands careful planning of information systems and public networks. The issues discussed in this article are central to the establishment of an adequate policy for electronic freedom of information.  相似文献   

利用档案需要借助一定的媒介才能实现,媒介技术的发展影响档案利用的方式与规模.纸质媒介、广播、电视等都在不同历史时期对档案利用产生了独特的影响.在新媒体技术不断进步、影响力逐步扩大的今天,探讨它对档案利用的影响显得颇为重要.  相似文献   


Forty-five Israeli gay men unfolded their life stories in order to delve into their media reception patterns. Overall, they prefer to disengage themselves from a discourse that symbolically annihilates them or negatively constructs their representations. Absence from the mediated reality as well as social invisibility are perceived to reduce ontologically the gay individual. On the other hand, these narrators exhibited intentional consumption of texts that refer to gay issues and figures. The gay individual who regularly senses that his self is being negated attributes great value to images that can validate his existence, and hence allocates resources in their consumption. Both patterns of reception complement each other and shed light on the complex dialectics between marginally situated, muted co-culture members and the public sphere.  相似文献   

新世纪以来,当代艺术日渐成为大众媒体上的一个常规报道领域.但是当代艺术的含混以及当代艺术生态的复杂都使得这个领域充满争议性和不确定性.文章从这一报道领域的悖论性入手,分析了当代艺术报道与艺术界、社会公众之间的矛盾和相互关系.当代艺术是一个非常特殊的报道领域,用普适的新闻价值和新闻规范去要求,将失去针对性并流于空洞说教,只有增强对这一领域悖论性的理解和探究,才能有的放矢,促使大众媒体的当代艺术报道以更加自省的意识去呈现当代艺术.  相似文献   

西班牙的新闻传播经过漫长的发展,在20世纪80年代真正迎来实在的新闻自由环境。目前多家跨行业的多元化传媒集团掌控着西班牙当代传媒的三大支柱:纸质媒体、电子媒体和广播电视。本文先对西班牙新闻传播的发展脉络进行梳理,然后论述当代传媒的布局,并分析其特点。  相似文献   

Randall P. Harrison, The Cartoon: Communication to the Quick (Beverly Hills: SAGE Publications, SAGE ComnText series, 1982, 14.00 cloth, 6.95 pb)

John Caldwell Mug Shots (21 Central Ave., Albany, NY 12210: Fantaco enterprises, 1980, 2.95 pb, unpaginated),

Jan Harold Brunvand The Vanishing_Hitchhiker: American Urban Legends and Their Meanings (NY: W.W. Norton, 1981, 208 pp., 14.95 cloth)

Richard Lipsky How We Play the Game: Why Sports Dominate American Life (Boston: Beacon Press, 1981, 189 pp., 7.25, pb)

Alan Gowans Learning to See: Historical Perspectives on Modern Popular Commercial Arts (Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green University Popular Press, 1981, 22.95 cloth, 13.95 pb, 514 pp.)  相似文献   

本文对当代媒介文化所表现出来的后现代特征进行了分析,探讨了媒介文化与当代审美观念转变之间的联系。  相似文献   

在新媒体时代下传统媒体如何突围   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
移动互联、智能终端、大数据,代表着新媒体时代的三大特征,它们的融合与交织,共同创造了一个复合型信息消费时代.技术赋权和资本驱动的新媒体展现出巨大的发展潜力,不断对传统媒体进行议程设置.如何在“四面楚歌”的窘境中实现破釜沉舟式的突围,传统媒体应从嫁接新媒体基因的服务理念、迎合“据说时代”的数据开发和渗透新媒体逻辑的模式创新这3个方面寻求重生.  相似文献   

高鸿 《新闻界》2008,(3):112-114
在文化的产业化进程中,文化的"他律"遮蔽了"自律",文化消费主义大行其道。从长远来看,视觉文化艺术及其教育的可持续健康发展何以维系的问题已经不容回避,当代视觉艺术及其教育在文化消费主义影响下的生存境遇亟需引起广泛的关注,文化价值取向的异化和扭曲现象应当引起深入务实的探讨。  相似文献   

Updated from a presentation given at Biblionext.it in Rome in April 2011, this article will highlight The New York Public Library’s success with e-books and other forms of popular e-content and our efforts to stay one step ahead of the consumer shift from print reading to e-reading. Consumer e-reading is dominated by Amazon.com in the US, followed by one of the largest chain bookstores, BarnesandNoble.com. The availability of digital versions of very popular titles, coupled with the explosion of e-readers, tablets, and smartphones that are priced competitively and fairly easy to use, are helping move a lot of Americans into the e-book world. Last month, Amazon.com announced they sold more e-books than physical books for the first time ever. Print books are not going away, but our experience is that it is clear e-books are no longer just an extra format to offer, they are integral to our future.  相似文献   

当前中国媒介批评的几个问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文站在中国本土视角上,阐述了媒介批评的定义、内涵及外延;论述了当代中国社会环境下媒介批评的目的及意义;提出了目前中国媒介批评中的主要问题及其解决之道。  相似文献   

The current study, grounded in the parasocial contact hypothesis, employed a survey of emerging adults to investigate the relationship between exposure to gay characters on television and heterosexuals' endorsement of gay equality. A positive relationship existed between exposure to on-screen gay characters and gay equality endorsement. The relationship was stronger for racial minority participants than for White participants, and for participants who had no or few interpersonal relationships with openly gay individuals than for participants who had more than three respective relationships. Results are discussed in terms of the parasocial contact hypothesis and television as an agent of social change.  相似文献   

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