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Depictions of white working-class people are steadily on the rise in reality television. To understand this phenomenon, and the ways in which it articulates white working-class people in the United States today, I analyze Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, a popular reality series on TLC featuring a self-described “redneck” family. I argue that this series highlights the family's inability—because of their working-class status—to conform to “ideal whiteness,” a whiteness that displays dominant cultural standards bolstered by neoliberalism, such as wealth, rationality, personal responsibility, and self-control. The family members consequently become exemplars of “inappropriate whiteness,” a marginal identity presented as humorous and, through the use of surveillance and spectacle, authentic.  相似文献   

论真人秀节目的内核——冲突   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈虹 《新闻界》2007,(4):83-85
冲突是真人秀节目不可或缺的因素。一方面,冲突是维持节目有吸引力的关键和推动节目叙事过程的动力,另一方面,不管是人与环境的冲突、人际间的冲突还是人的内心冲突在真人秀节目中是客观存在的。  相似文献   

陈虹 《新闻界》2007,(5):111-113
本文分析了真人秀节日悬念形成的七种机制,从不同角度对悬念设置进行了概括.  相似文献   

This paper explores one interview participant's performances of memory as didactic efforts to resist a diverse range of public memories concerning school segregation and desegregation in rural North Carolina. By exploring Mr. Charlie's narratives, this essay provides critical insight into the articulations between capitalism, education, and white privilege, frayed by local resistant memories and community praxis. Mr. Charlie's memories provide the opportunity to reimagine received traditions of race, education, and equality as marked by alternate forms of economic and social relations. Specifically, he articulates a gray education and gray market, and their place outside of traditional white pedagogy and the capitalist economy. These gray pedagogies and economies present larger implications for the ways race has crossed all of our paths.  相似文献   

电视真人秀兴起的文化背景分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
作为一种崭新的电视节目形态,电视真人秀日渐兴起。本文就电视真人秀产生的文化背景进行分析,提出消费文化的勃兴是其生长土壤,体验经济时代的来临是其发展契机,数字化时代真实与虚拟界限的模糊是其生存情境。  相似文献   

After considering how surveillance practices discipline the objects of the monitoring gaze, I argue for a focus on the discipline of watching. An era of reflexive skepticism and generalized risk puts a premium on the ability to see through public façades by relying on strategies of detection and verification facilitated by interactive communication technologies that allow users to monitor one another. Interactive communication technologies allow for peer-to-peer surveillance of friends, significant others, and family members. If, in commercial and state contexts, the promise of interactivity serves as a ruse for asymmetrical and nontransparent forms of monitoring, this model of interactivity has also infiltrated the deployment of interactive technologies in personal relationships.  相似文献   

This study investigated implications of viewing The Biggest Loser, NBC’s popular reality television show. Using online survey data collected from 613 participants, results suggest that exposure to the program is positively associated with perceived realism of the program, which in turn is positively associated with developing internal weight locus of control. Meanwhile, internal weight locus of control is positively associated with audience members’ exercise behavior, meaning the higher level of internal weight locus of control the audience members develop, the more likely they are to engage in physical exercise. This study offers evidence that health-related reality television might be a useful tool to influence audience members’ cognitions on health issues, which could potentially lead to healthy lifestyles.  相似文献   

法国国家电视台综合频道节目给我们的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法国电视二台是法惟一全国性国有综合电视频道 ,它的特点是新闻节目少而精 ,专题节目针对性强 ,游戏节目多 ,节目内容综合度高 ,各种节目设置考虑多数受众的接收需要 ,注重其公益性和对社会的良性作用。在专业技能上 ,其节目的表现形式运用恰当 ,演播室布置雅致、多样 ,主持人与节目风格谐调一致。对我国众多的综合频道节目有一定启示。  相似文献   

Based on the case study of the top three book series as brands with sales of over 10 million copies in 2006, this essay attempts to analyze the important effect three media (newspapers, TV and the Internet) have in promoting sales, educating and creating readers. The review of these case studies also emphasizes the new efforts to sell books on a national scale.  相似文献   

戴姝英 《新闻界》2008,(6):164-166
自上世纪90年代以来,美国政府制定了一系列监管低俗电视节目内容的法规,其中1996年出台的美国电视分级制影响最大,争议最多,也最具美国特色。本文主要探讨了美国电视分级制的出台过程、特点、实施效果和评价。  相似文献   

This article examines the widespread popularity and criticism of American Pickers, a show that transforms commodity fetishism into televisual fare. The show presents the pickers as model consumers through three types of images-of-affection: action-images where exchange is presented as reality, affection-images that portray positive affection as spiritual possibility, and impulse-images that naturalize production as a source of value. Such representations have generated significant criticism for exploitation. I argue that these criticisms, although instructive about resistance in control society, remain limited because they consider Pickers a representation of reality rather than an active engineering of it. Instead, Pickers should be envisioned as an expression of control society, a business strategy that circulates images in order to generate feedback that can then be tracked, targeted, and channeled. Such strategies enable Pickers to control markets by transforming products and directing access. Focusing criticism on the representations misses these mechanisms and thus lacks efficacy. Instead, Pickers’ representations, despite exposing rather than concealing commodity fetishism, serve to create a second fetish, one that masks strategies for controlling markets and creating unequal access.  相似文献   

电视会终结吗?这是伴随着新媒体时代到来而浮出水面的一个问题。事实上,新媒体时代可能带来的不是电视媒体自身的终结,而是传统电视传播模式的终结。未来电视的传播将不再是基于频道和栏目(节目)的单向线性传播,而是基于碎片化信息的、由电视媒体及其观众两大主体共同完成的多级传播。  相似文献   

Scholarly accounts of gender, race, and television in the 1950s have mainly focused on the ideological content of programming that ultimately made it onto the air. This research has played an important role in reckoning with the political and cultural legacies of 1950s television. But the focus on ideology and content has prevented us from fully understanding the repressive nature of anti-communist thought and action, both in terms of the powerful ways in which the broadcast blacklist made the production of progressive themes and images impossible, and in terms of how the fear that followed from the blacklist repressed the memory that such alternatives had ever existed. Counter to the images of white suburban women we have inherited from the 1950s, the first two casualties of the broadcast blacklist were professional women who were politically active—white actor Jean Muir and African American musician Hazel Scott—whose involvement in civil rights was deemed evidence of their communist sympathies. This essay builds on earlier research on gender and 1950s television not by analyzing the absence of strong women, people of color, immigrants, and working-class families from the televisual landscape, but by looking at the elimination of the very cultural workers writing, agitating, and fighting to broadcast these representations.  相似文献   

本文从美国总统电视辩论竞选的历史谈起 ,论述了电视辩论对美国总统竞选和电视传媒的重要性 ,指出电视辩论既有好的一面 ,也有显在的缺陷 ,为电视机构带来滚滚财源的同时 ,也凸现了其负面意义。文章最后还论述了面对网络的挑战 ,电视辩论形式必须创新的观点  相似文献   

The National Football League (NFL) draft is an annual meeting where professional teams claim contract rights to college players. It has recently become a major media event, previewed extensively by scores of magazines, newspapers, and websites, and televised in its seventeen-hour entirety by ESPN. A critical reading of these discourses finds frequent expressions of desire for the bodies of draft prospects. The paper situates this homoerotic commentary in the historical context of American white supremacy in order to explain why the mostly black prospects are available for this kind of perusal and assessment, especially given the taboos against homosexual desire that suffuse the culture of elite football; while explaining how such practices affirm inter-male dominance based on a hierarchy of race by deploying the patriarchal strategies of the male gaze.  相似文献   

李亦宁 《新闻界》2007,(4):97-98
本文以2007年热播的《舞林大会》节目为个案,从节目定位、节目编排和视觉呈现等角度分析其获得高收视率的原因,并从"身体文化"的角度对节目进行剖析,从而对"明星真人秀"这一节目形式的发展前景做出判断。  相似文献   


The essay explores the mobility of Whiteness in networks of Communication Studies that posture themselves as speaking from the Global South. Depoliticized languages of de-westernizing, internationalizing, and decolonizing are often articulated by elites in North-South networks pushing neoliberal governmentality, erasing claims to radical equality that emerge from within socialist struggles in the Global South. In resistance, a radical framework of knowledge from the Global South emerges from within subaltern struggles for hegemony, achieved through (a) delinking from the metropoles of the North and (b) explicitly crafting a socialist anticolonial politics that names and dismantles Whiteness as a capitalist project.  相似文献   

汪宴卿  路平 《新闻界》2009,(1):152-153
本文以中央电视台电视新闻节目为例 ,对我国的电视新闻栏目现状及走向进行了分析.  相似文献   

印度电视业10余年内的迅速崛起。本文从印度电视传媒政策的变迁入手,对印度电视业崛起的主要原因进行分析。作者认为,印度适应形势的变化,结合国情探索印度特色的传媒发展道路,为其他国家的传媒在全球化形势下如何发展提供了有价值的经验。  相似文献   

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