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Losses of self-control over Internet use, indicative of Internet habits, have caught the attention of the public for some time. A large collection of studies that theorize about and test the associations between psychosocial problems and Internet habits has been amassed over the last two decades. A meta-analytic review was used to determine the average correlations of Internet habits with loneliness and depression in existing research and explore several conditions under which these effects may vary. The cumulative correlations revealed that loneliness and depression were independently associated with Internet habits across the studies. Although the relationship between loneliness and Internet habits was stable across a number of different conditions, the depression-Internet habit association varied with age groups, year of publication, and sample types.  相似文献   

Drawing on published research and three new studies, this essay relates analyses of viewing motives and context with analyses of soap opera content and form. As a result, three general claims are made about the nature of student soap opera watching. First, student soap opera watching provides an especially cogent illustration of the social emergence of mass communication entertainment. Second, soap operas provide a particularly important sort of social entertainment: the opportunity to experience the role of communication in facing irresolvable conflict. Third, the pleasure of this social experience is itself an important motive for student exposure to soap operas.  相似文献   

周华清  郑骋  王冰云 《编辑学报》2021,33(6):667-672
新媒体传播环境下,学术期刊的学术运营面临诸多问题,迫切需要提升学术期刊的学术传播能力.随着网红经济的盛行,知识网红为学术期刊的学术运营提供了新的思路,通过对学术传播趋势分析,知识网红对学术期刊的学术传播方面具有引导性.研究发现,利用知识网红的传播优势,能够提升学术期刊学术品牌影响力,有助于提升学术期刊的学术水平,发挥知...  相似文献   

Participatory media are commonly used in today's society for a variety of purposes. The credibility associated with these media is sometimes contested, and their acceptance into school practices has been debated. Focus group interviews with teachers and librarians in upper secondary schools in Sweden are used to investigate conceptions and experiences of activities involving the critical evaluation of participatory media, with a particular focus on Wikipedia. Three themes are addressed. The first concerns how the teaching of the critical evaluation of sources is organized and comanaged between teachers and librarians. The second describes educators' experiences of print versus digital media, and their worry because students have problems negotiating the information architecture of print media. The third theme deals with conceptions of the credibility of Wikipedia. Four conceptions of credibility are identified: credibility is associated with the control and stability of a source; it is considered to be strengthened when several sources support a claim; it is viewed as situational and partial, rather than absolute; and it is associated with a multiplicity of voices and democratic forms of production. These findings may be used to inform educational activities around credibility and authority in schools by raising self-awareness among educators of various ways to talk about the credibility of sources with both colleagues and students.  相似文献   


This study employs participant observation methodology to examine the U.S. broadcast industry's cognitions of its external environment. Previous research has documented a tendency among industry participants to operate under outdated mental models of their environment. This tendency ‐ labeled ‘cognitive inertia’ ‐ provides the analytical framework for this study. The results provide indications that broadcasters operate under what appear to be outdated mental models of their external environment, with broadcasters appearing to pay inadequate attention to competing program sources and failing to account for the changing demographic composition of the television audience. However, these conclusions are tempered by the broadcast industry's dual‐product marketplace characteristics, wherein cognitions that would appear to reflect inadequate assessment of the content market may in fact reasonably reflect the contemporary realities of the audience market.  相似文献   

This article describes the complex media environment of urban Zambia based on qualitative interviews with 42 active ICT and social media users in Lusaka. After a contextual discussion of media censorship and Internet freedom, the article draws upon interview data to delineate four circumvention practices: (1) platform jumping; (2) anonymity; (3) self-censorship; and (4) negotiation of legal challenges. Rather than approach circumvention as a set of techniques disseminated from the information capitals of the world to those in the “global south,” this study approaches it as a set of cultural practices that emerges within particular sociohistorical conditions and platforms of communication.  相似文献   

网络文化与图书馆管理者的发展型思维   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本认为网络化给图书馆管理的思维模式带来冲击,网络时代的图书馆管理应该是发展型的管理,并提出网络时代图书馆管理应该具有的几种思维模式。  相似文献   


This study applied a resource‐based view (RBV) strategy framework to analyze the major broadcast television networks’ alliances with Internet firms in the United States from 1998 to 2001 in the context of the convergence between the Internet and television. The findings show that the television networks primarily contributed property‐based resources, while the Internet firms largely contributed knowledge‐based resources to the alliances. The findings also indicate that the broadcast networks’ alliance structural preferences were influenced by the resources they contributed to and what they desired to access through the alliances. The networks used their property‐based resources as a basis to form Internet alliances, and in return they obtained access to Internet firms’ knowledge‐based resources that are essential in creating an Internet presence for the broadcasters.  相似文献   

从多元主体到参与式网络:媒介生产的空间扩散   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球化背景下和新媒体时代,媒体生产在日益集聚的同时,也在地理空间和社会空间中开始扩散,媒介生产主体变得更加多元化,媒体生产面对的受众也开始碎片化.在此进程中,核心变化在于媒介生产与媒介消费的界限变得模糊.碎片化的受众成为离散形态的媒介生产节点,他们之间的互动联系以及他们与专业化的媒介生产体系的交叉渗透构成了一个充满流动性的参与式媒介生产网络.  相似文献   

Scrapbooks, a medium long used by women to curate experiences, employ a past-oriented affective capacity of remembrance. By engaging in modal analysis, this essay explores how the social networking site Pinterest, although visually similar to scrapbooks, instead offers a future-oriented affective capacity of yearning to its (primarily female) users. This temporal pivot and change in affective capacity engages women not in celebratory memory work but in a postindustrial, postfeminist third shift of labor curating yearning and self-surveilling.  相似文献   

Abstract Our relationships with our audiences have proved parlous. But if history is destined to be contested, where should museums be in that contest and how do we get there? Fred Wilson's Mining the Museum has turned out to be a path not taken; Enola Gay was a cautionary tale. But we should have these fights in museums, where the national narrative is blocked out and staged, because of how museums teach us, opening hidden windows on cloaked realities. Museums can start by becoming clearer about what they think they are doing when they make an exhibition. Exhibitions can have a profound effect on visitors at many levels but it doesn't happen very often. Is that because visitors seek another kind of experience from what we typically offer?  相似文献   

The move from “old” to “new” media centrally involves a shift in participatory possibilities, through which individuals and communities differentially access and populate the public sphere, assume voice, and partake in open discussion and debate. This paper offers a rich ethnographic case study of new participatory media in the shape of commenting systems in museums. By portraying the similarities and the differences in communicative affordances between two museum media—traditional visitor books, on the one hand, and a digital and immersive interface, on the other hand—light is shed on how media invite and intervene in possibilities for public participation. Furthermore, with their emphasis on visual design and display, studying participatory public media in museums helps highlight the semiotic construction of the public sphere as such, and how the notion of the public and laypersons’ contributions are materially displayed. Analysis of communicative affordances reveals the politics of remediation, and supports recent hesitations with regard to the promise of newer and “smarter” media: digital media affords more interaction than their analogue predecessors, but participatory content-production via analogue media is found to be discursively richer on a number of grounds.  相似文献   

Post-cold war theories of the press and foreign policy have noted a new, less consistent relationship between political and media elites. Political communication scholars have developed three general models in response, but these do not seem to map well to press coverage of the anti-globalization movement that has emerged in recent years. This paper argues for a new theory of the press and oppositional politics in an environment that has altered the equilibrium between media, political elites, and interest groups. The new political environment results from three principal causes: the erosion of state sovereignty over the political economy, the elimination of the Soviet system as a rhetorical resource for movement critics, and new information technologies that alter movement structure and thus increase its resilience. Analysis of two streams of media content, news and editorial, on the protests at the 1999 meetings of the World Trade Organization reveals an anomalous reversal for received theories of media and elite power in the way the mainstream press covers movement politics.  相似文献   

This study investigates the framing effects of gay-themed entertainment media in China. Specifically, the study explores the mechanisms underlying attribution framing and value framing, through two separate experiments. The results of the first experiment indicate that exposure to attribution frames had considerable influence on the participants' perceptions of the controllability of homosexuality and their emotional responses. In addition, fictional entertainment media's framing of the origin of homosexuality indirectly influenced the participants' opinion through anger. Those participants exposed to a program homosexuality as a type of ‘controllable’ sexuality were likely to express anger and thus were not likely to support gay rights. The results of the second experiment indicate that the core values reflected in a gay-themed program affected the participants' opinions by changing their perception of the importance of value-related beliefs. Those participants exposed to a frame reflecting family values were likely to consider beliefs about family values to be important, which facilitated their support for gay people's personal dignity and equal rights to jobs, housing, and freedom of expression, among others.  相似文献   

分析媒体融合背景下学术期刊面临的机遇和挑战,并探讨学术期刊在媒体融合时代的发展对策.认为组建学术期刊新媒体产业联盟是学术期刊在媒体融合时代发展的一条新思路.还探讨学术期刊新媒体产业联盟的组成要素、运行特点以及组建的影响因素.  相似文献   


The issues currently facing the book publishing industry are profound and the resolution of these issues will ultimately affect how the industry is defined in the future. One of the most important issues that the industry faces is the emergence of a whole range of new media which have created important managerial tensions within the book publishing firms. These tensions include defining what a book is in light of the multi‐dimensional content available as well as the development of new modes of delivery; whether to remain focused on producing great content or become a more technologically oriented company; and the best organizational approach. While these tensions may be viewed as creating turmoil, they have been catalysts of change and are creating opportunities that will ultimately enable the industry to regenerate its businesses, reach a new generation of readers, and create an environment that is more conducive to innovation.  相似文献   

The Keepers of Ghosts project began when 10,000 records from a former sign-painting company were rescued from a demolition site in Melbourne’s west. Beginning with the creation of an online archive, the project has since developed into an experimental research program of community outreach involving sign writers, shopkeepers, local history aficionados and people interested in ‘ghost signs’, or the remains of painted advertising signs. Here we discuss the project’s investigation of the use of digital media to informally document and share otherwise-forgotten aspects of urban memory, and the proposition that the interplay between digital and physical archival activities can be harnessed to involve and connect diverse groups with shared interests, both at local and global levels.  相似文献   

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