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《Journalism Practice》2013,7(2):265-278
The press of World Wars I and II depicted patriotic mothers as Spartan-like in their support of the nation's war effort. During the Vietnam War, another maternal image emerged to share cultural space with the Spartan mother, that of the goddess Thetis who objected to her son's participation in the Trojan War. This alternative maternal symbol more closely resembles the archetypal image of the peacetime good mother, who cares for her children and resists sending them into harm's way. This study documents coverage of maternal opposition to the Vietnam War against the backdrop of coverage of US mothers of soldiers in the earlier world wars. The comparison suggests that the Great Father's failure to control the press and promote the war to US citizens provided an opportunity for Thetis' rising.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):296-323
This essay explores the relationship between epideictic discourse and war through the analysis of George W. Bush's August 20, 2005, address at the Naval Air Station near San Diego, ostensibly to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Allied victory over Japan. The case also serves as an exemplar for how Bush routinely interwove epideictic appeals with collective memories of World War II in order to promote the Iraq war and deflect criticism of his policies there. Bush praised the greatest generation and linked it to the current generation; blamed and dehumanized enemies of the past and present; advocated for war based on “lessons” from the past; and reinforced a shared identity to instill both obligation and confidence.  相似文献   

延续叙事论(narrotology)与建构论(constructionism)的观点,本文旨在探讨想象是否在解读、撰述真实新闻故事时担负某些角色?其在不同时机与环节之新闻叙事功能与作用为何?本文从过去传播领域较少关注的角度切入想象议题藉以辨识其在新闻叙事可能具有之特征,试图厘清想象与创造性想象如何在思维运作,进而说明其在新闻采访与编写过程的可能作用。本文认为,想象既是先天具备的思维能力亦是除了记忆、情感外的特定思维类型。本文因而关切记者如何使用内在方法或思维策略来找线并撰写其采访所得,想象又如何与记忆、联想、意象等其他思维共同推动记者所规划并完成再现真实之转译工作。本文强调,新闻叙事包含了意识与想象相互运作之情境作用,而这个情境应属人们内在思维的建构,更是脑海中思维写作的程序。  相似文献   

文章在调研分析疫情阶段湖北档案工作主要举措——提供专业服务、下沉社区参与防疫、开展宣传教育、主动捐款捐物的基础上;针对疫情严重地区的特殊性提出举措建议——精准把握疫情严重地区定位,实施档案资政;兼顾完整与特色,开展档案收集;区分对象疏导民心,传递档案人文关怀;内外助力舆情管控,传播档案正能量;发挥专长下沉社区,凸显档案专业优势;规范记录捐赠信息,发挥档案监督功能;助力企业复工复产,勇担档案专业职责。  相似文献   

叙事学发端于20世纪早期的西方文学研究,至90年代延展至博物馆学领域,应用于分析和指导博物馆的叙事,至今已经取得了丰硕成果。2000年后,我国开始对博物馆叙事展开讨论,并经历了三个发展阶段。研究以展览叙事为重点,从文本内容和话语表现两个层面,在内涵特征、作用意义、构建方法和语境关系上取得了一定进展。但整体而言,我国博物馆叙事研究还存在着对理论的认识和应用不足,缺乏宏观思考等问题。  相似文献   


Recently, terms such as the “fourth industrial revolution”, or the “second machine age”, have been used both in the business press and by academics to describe the current era of technological development. Embedded in these catchphrases is an assumption about the role of technology in the economy, who it serves, and the outcomes it provides. Communication scholars have long studied how the economy and technology are independently framed in the media, but little work has focused on how these terms are framed together. Understanding how the media frames technology’s role in the economy, and how those frames change over time, is necessary to fully analyze the role of technology in today’s society. This paper conducts a comparative frame analysis of the business press in two recent periods heavily influenced by technological development: 1992–1998 and 2010–2016. Results of this frame analysis show that a positive Growth frame was the most popular frame used in both periods. Overall coverage of technology’s role in the economy has dropped significantly since 1992. The 2010–2016 period saw a notable drop in positive Market Disruption frames but an increase in positive Social Recomposition and Employment frames.  相似文献   


The Mediated Social Communication (MSC) approach considers mass media a venue for opposing and complementary societal groups to publicly negotiate socially relevant topics. This negotiation is conducted through representatives of these groups and mediated by journalists. Inspired by the MSC approach, this paper presents an empirically grounded model that structures the mediating process through the process of quoting. By identifying the key phases of newswriting as sub-processes of quoting, the paper argues that journalists (1) decide on a topical issue to be addressed (topicalisation), (2) identify groups of people who are linked to this issue (societal localisation), (3) pick some people as representatives of these societal groups (personalisation), and (4) verbalise these people's points of view, often by means of quoting, inter alia (verbalisation). The four-phase model is then operationalised into a data collection method that facilitates access to and fosters new insights into the subtle dynamics of newswriting. Hitherto, these dynamics have often remained obscure, because the craft ethos is adopted as tacit knowledge through implicit socialisation and is therefore difficult for journalists to verbalise. The paper concludes by calling for reconsideration of journalists’ role as gatekeepers who decide which issues and voices are heard in public discourse.  相似文献   

The J. D. Williams Library at the University of Mississippi launched a pilot program during the 2010 National Novel Writing Month, hosting related events to determine community demand and how such efforts could be quantified. Using participant-submitted word counts and the event's own tools, researchers were able to ascertain that such events had a positive impact on participants’ writing output, at least by the standards of National Novel Writing Month itself, and that there is sufficient community interest to hold future events in an academic library setting.  相似文献   

1957年<全国图书协调方案>的公布以及国家科学规划委员会"图书小组"的设立,使我国的图书馆事业走上了全面规划,统筹安排,资源共享的道路,并以此带动了图书馆的十部培养与业务学习,逐渐形成了新中国图书馆事业在20世纪50年代末、60年代初的发展高潮.参考文献5.  相似文献   


New research needs, global developments and local shifts in emphasis are demanding a broader range of interactions by librarians with researchers and are challenging previous staffing structures. Research has a higher institutional profile and academic libraries have responded by creating new roles and staffing models, with stronger linkage across campus as partners rather than supporters. Particular circumstances at National University of Ireland Galway have shaped its Library's staffing configuration for research. These include the emergence of digital scholarship across campus, opportunities offered by a new research building, the growing importance of archives and the publication of a new institutional strategy. Significant reductions in staffing and budget are influential too. Distinctive features in the revised staffing model are organization by function instead of subject, prioritization of engagement with digital scholarship, distributed management of archives and special collections, and a particular emphasis on contribution across multiple teams. This case study reports early gains and challenges.  相似文献   

为进一步加强国家能源科普能力建设,继续深化科普效果,助力国家能源发展战略的实施,中国科技馆策展团队结合能源领域的科技创新成果及新型展示技术,研发“同构能源格局”常设展览。本文从展览目标确定、技术路线设计、展览框架搭建、展品内容规划、展示形式设计和布展环境设计等方面探讨在科普展览中构建叙事知识链的方法,阐述能源展览在开发过程中的思考与实践,以期对同类展览研发提供有益参考。  相似文献   

本文以引起公众质疑的系列校园血案和菲律宾人质事件报道为分析对象,就处于侦查阶段的刑事案件报道进行探讨,从宪法学、行政法学、刑事法学等角度剖析犯罪新闻报道的正当性及边界,辨析犯罪新闻报道与公众知情权、侦查权行使、犯罪嫌疑人人权保障、被害人权利保护等关系,促进犯罪新闻报道与公共安全、公共秩序的保持、公正审判的维护、公民人格尊严等价值之间的平衡与协调。犯罪新闻报道要实现多种价值的平衡,符合社会公共利益,媒体法规与媒体自律的互动是一条现实途径。  相似文献   

通过对1999年到2008年的6家报纸神舟飞船报道中信息图表的量化研究,揭示在重大新闻报道中信息图表的使用量、使用方式、制作来源、类型、所在版位等的现状和发展趋势,并对其存在问题和传播优势进行探讨。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]描述国家层面政府数据开放共享政策文本的形式和内容,反映国家政策的概貌,并指出当前政策存在的不足。[方法/过程]采用内容分析法对国家层面的政策文本进行分析。通过搜索引擎、专业数据库和政府门户网站检索政策文本,经数据清洗获得有效样本112份。利用Nvivo10对政策文本进行编码,归纳主题内容;利用Excel表格进行描述性统计,计算频次及百分比。[结果/结论]研究发现:我国政府数据开放共享政策起步较早,2015年开始政策数量迅猛增长;初步形成了贯穿数据生命周期的政策框架;国家各部门的政策为国家顶层设计奠定基础;国家在网络安全、基础设施、跨部门统筹等方面成绩斐然。但仍存在不足,表现在:政府数据开放共享的政策体系尚未形成;政府数据及其元数据缺乏统一的组织描述规范;数据创建与汇交、数据归档与保存和数据监管是薄弱环节;政府与公众互动的政策需扩展深化;政府数据开放共享全过程的质量管理政策有待建立;个人隐私保护政策需进一步具体化;政府数据知识产权政策亟待建立和完善。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 以"科学人讲坛"在"新媒体+科学文化内容"方面的有序推进为主要案例,论述新媒体技术在图书馆科学文化传播活动中的具体应用,找到专业图书馆科学文化传播工作优势及发展方向。[方法/过程] 梳理"科学人讲坛"讲座内容、推送渠道及观看数据,通过数据分析影响科学文化传播效果的主要因素。[结果/结论] 新媒体及时、灵活、强互动等特性在科学文化传播工作中起到了良好的效果。图书馆的服务意识、丰富馆藏及科学人文精神与新媒体技术优势的结合,使科学文化传播工作中公众的参与兴趣得到了极大提升,拉近了科学与公众间的距离,提高了科学文化传播效果。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 以"科学人讲坛"在"新媒体+科学文化内容"方面的有序推进为主要案例,论述新媒体技术在图书馆科学文化传播活动中的具体应用,找到专业图书馆科学文化传播工作优势及发展方向。[方法/过程] 梳理"科学人讲坛"讲座内容、推送渠道及观看数据,通过数据分析影响科学文化传播效果的主要因素。[结果/结论] 新媒体及时、灵活、强互动等特性在科学文化传播工作中起到了良好的效果。图书馆的服务意识、丰富馆藏及科学人文精神与新媒体技术优势的结合,使科学文化传播工作中公众的参与兴趣得到了极大提升,拉近了科学与公众间的距离,提高了科学文化传播效果。  相似文献   

知识共享是产业集群内部存在的一种重要机制。总结产业集群内部知识共享的模式和影响因素,探讨知识共享和知识产权的关系,并以东莞松山湖高新区生物技术产业集群为例,借用SECI模式理论,构建出产业集群的知识共享模型。  相似文献   

为探究我国高校知识产权信息服务发展现状,文章通过文献调研法与网络调查法,在分析高校知识产权信息服务内容构成与流程体系的基础上,对我国60家国家知识产权信息服务中心发展现状展开调查。最后通过对调查结果的分析,总结服务中心的发展现状,并分析存在的问题,探讨针对性的发展对策。  相似文献   

赵晓航 《图书情报工作》2016,60(20):104-111
[目的/意义] 旨在通过对突发事件舆情研究,探索危机传播管理中的舆情研判方法,并进一步为政府信息公开提供实操方法的建议。[方法/过程] 在理论研究层面,基于危机传播的基本要点,对信息发布效果和舆情实时反馈进行综合分析;在应用处理层面,以新浪微博中“天津爆炸”事件相关信息为例,爬取新浪微博全量数据,基于危机传播领域知识和信息发布文本构建领域词表,并结合危机传播阶段特征,对全量数据进行主题提取和情感分析。[结果/结论] “后微博”时代,微博用户量下降,但其仍旧是突发事件信息公开和舆情扩散的主要阵地。探求突发事件下政府如何利用微博平台,收集、研判、应对网络舆情,为做好信息发布工作提供科学的分析方法和应对手段。  相似文献   

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