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通过问卷调查,了解到十堰市农村小学教师素质状况,收集了关于十堰市农村小学教师学历、师德、能力、专业发展需求等第一手资料。对小学教师的职前教育提出了一些具体建议。  相似文献   

农村中小学教师的素质问题在新形势下越发凸显,成为制约农村教育、农村建设发展的一个瓶颈。我国当前农村中小学教师素质的突出问题表现在:学历层次不高,结构不合理;学科结构不合理;教育教学水平和专业素质整体低下。继续教育是提高教师素质的关键因素,应该提高农村教师的工资待遇,保障继续教育经费供给,转变教师思想观念,改变继续教育的模式来提高农村教师继续教育的积极性。  相似文献   

引发中小学师生冲突的原因及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
师生冲突是目前中小学普遍存在的现象。究其原因,一方面来自学生,另一方面来自教师。为了避免和减少此类冲突,教师要积极采取保护学生自尊心、激发学生自信心、有意识地忽视学生的某些行为、学会使用“温馨式评语”、切忌武力干涉、敢于向学生道歉等避免冲突的策略,从而建立一种现代的、新型的、健康的师生关系。  相似文献   

教育生态学视野下中小学信息技术教师生存状态的审视   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
中小学信息技术教师是中小学校教育系统中的重要组成要素,从教育生态学的视角看来,其生存状态受教育大系统中诸多因素的影响,在社会环境、规范环境中有着不同的表现,对这些现象的分析将有助于改善中小学信息技术教师的生存质量,促进中小学信息技术教育的良性发展.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to begin to examine, from the expectancy-value framework, several cognitive and motivational variables believed to affect the development of the student/teacher relationship and, in turn, classroom success. Guided by the expectancy-value framework, three student variables are viewed as essential in guiding the success of the student/teacher relationship: (1) their social self-concept beliefs, (2) the value they place on developing a positive relationship with their primary teacher, and (3) their nonverbal communication skills. Eighty-two fourth- and fifth-grade students participated in the study. Variation in the students' perceptions of the quality of their relationship with their primary teacher and their classroom achievement were examined. In general, results suggest students develop schemas, their social self-concept beliefs, about their relationships with teachers that are consistent with their nonverbal communication skills. Furthermore, results suggest that for both positive perceptions of the relationship and academic achievement, valuing the relationship with the primary teacher may compensate for nonverbal difficulties.  相似文献   

小学骨干教师对话素养的调查结果显示:小学骨干教师普遍具有较好的对话素养,在明确表现和责任感两个维度上表现较好,但在倾听维度上相对较差;高年级比低年级的小学骨干教师更能明确表现自己,对自己肯定、对他人开放的倾向更为明显;小学骨干教师的自我概念,教龄大者反不如教龄小者;在善于倾听、尊重他人并建立良好师生关系以及在积极的自我展示、开诚布公方面,学历高还不如学历低的小学骨干教师。  相似文献   

本文从知识、素质、能力等方面分析了现代教育对中小学信息技术教师的执业要求,力图对广大正在从事和即将从事中小学信息技术教育的群体起到借鉴、指导的作用。  相似文献   

我国社会发展对中小学教师提出了更高的要求 ,从专业成长看 ,可持续发展是他们潜能不断激活与唤醒并进行终身学习、推进创新教育、升华主体境界的明智选择。为促进中小学教师的可持续发展 ,教师教育必须尽快实现结构重心上移 ,模糊职前与职后教育界限 ,以建立一个充满生机和活力的教师教育新体系。  相似文献   

The new Social Studies curriculum recently introduced in Alberta proposes to encourage students to affirm their place as citizens in a democratic society. Grounded in Biesta’s (2007) argument that regardless of a Program of Studies’ best stated goals and intentions, if a school is not structured democratically the chances of the program being successful are limited. In this article, I question what makes a school democratic as opposed to undemocratic by proposing that the new curriculum is grounded in a representational view of knowledge which leads to a document that is overly conceptualized and presents a view of citizenship as one that can be achieved rather than one that is practiced (Biesta & Lawy, 2006). I argue that it is the representational curriculum and the public school’s organizational structure with its emphasis on duties and responsibilities and the virtual absence of freedom and rights that make these schools fundamentally undemocratic places. In order to pursue this line of inquiry, I juxtapose schools in the public system with a private school which claims to be a participative democracy. This juxtaposition revealed that a school that gives students freedom first and trusts that they will act responsibly with it, is more likely to lead to a citizenship that is practiced rather than one that is simply achieved. While it is not the intention of this paper, to recommend that all schools adopt the model of the private school in this study, it does help us understand why Biesta (2007) is not overly optimistic regarding schools being able to achieve a citizenship that is practiced as opposed to one that is achieved.  相似文献   

中小学教师培训模式探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
培训理念及其指导下的培训模式直接影响着教师培训的质量,树立中小学教师培训的新理念,并在理论创新的基础上构建新的教师培训模式,建立符合我国中小学教育教学改革和发展需要的教师培训模式。  相似文献   

This study delves into the different roles that elementary science teachers play in the classroom to orchestrate science learning opportunities for students. Examining the classroom practices of three elementary science teachers in Singapore, we found that teachers shuttle between four key roles in enabling student learning in science. Teachers can play the role of (1) dispenser of knowledge (giver), (2) mentor of learning (advisor), (3) monitor of students’ activities (police), and (4) partner in inquiry (colearner). These roles are dynamic, and while teachers show a preference for one of the four roles, factors such as the nature of the task, the types of students, as well as the availability of time and resources affect the role that teachers adopt. The roles that teachers play in the classroom have implications for the practice of science as inquiry in the classroom as well as the identities that teachers and students form in the science learning process.  相似文献   

韩黎  牛楠楠 《绵阳师范学院学报》2009,28(12):131-133,154
生态课堂既是理想课堂,又是全新的教育追求。是回归自然、崇尚自主、整体和谐、交往互动、开放生成和可持续发展的课堂,是学生学习、成长和完善生命发展、提升生命质量的场所,同时也是教师专业发展,走向成熟的舞台。因此,走向新课程,构建生态课堂,是我们教育工作者的应然选择。本文拟从生态课堂的本质特征及传统课堂中师生的角色关系入手,探讨生态课堂中师生的角色定位,使生态课堂充满生机、更具生命力。  相似文献   

中小学教师问题行为成因探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师问题行为直接影响着学生的身心健康和全面发展。教师问题行为的产生既有教师个体心理原因 ,又有学生方面的原因 ,同时也有一系列心理社会原因。教师以及社会必须认清教师问题行为的成因 ,并采取恰当的预防和纠正措施 ,以促进师生的共同发展。  相似文献   

合理开发利用课程资源是当今教育界的关注焦点之一。本文通过对日本小学英语课程资源的概况介绍,结合在一所日本小学的亲身教学实践经验,阐述了日本英语教育资源开发的特点,为我国课程资源开发提供一定的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

教师是职业倦怠的高发人群.对中小学心理健康教师调查的结果显示,中小学心理健康教师普遍存在职业倦怠问题,尤其表现为个人成就感降低.针对这一现象,有关部门应加大督导力度,完善评价机制,为心理健康教师提供尽可能多的帮助,心理健康教师应学会自我调适,加强与同行交流和丰富个人生活,以解决中小学心理健康教师的职业倦怠问题.  相似文献   

通过对甘肃省兰州市城关区中小学进行抽样问卷调查,了解甘肃省中小学信息化硬件建设情况及教师信息技术能力培训现状,并通过统计软件分析相关因素对教师信息技术能力的影响力度,提出甘肃省中小学教师信息技术能力培训策略.  相似文献   

本次调查以甘肃藏族人口聚集区甘南藏族自治州和天祝藏族自治县的10所中小学的英语教师和教学管理人员进行实地调查。结果反映:1.在师资方面,教师学历层次低、英语专业教师严重不足、藏汉混合班多、教师工作负担重,生活艰苦;2.在课程设置方面,新课标不完全适合民族地区、急需本土教材、教学过程无统一标准和评价体系;3.在课堂管理方面,教学观念陈旧、以教师为中心的传统教法占主导地位,教学硬件设备不足;4.科研及继续教育不容乐观。同时,在分析结果后提出一些建设性的整改措施。  相似文献   

自修课程辅导教师是大学开设自修课程的重要人力资源,并充当诸多重要角色,即课程内容的研究者、学习方法的指导者、学生问题的解惑者、学业成绩的评价者、学习过程的监控者、学生心理的调适者、和谐师生关系的塑造者以及学生需求的服务者。多重角色定位要求辅导教师具备良好的职业素质、教育素质、学科素质、组织素质和必备的信息素质。与此同时,高校应从选聘、培训、待遇、评价以及交流等方面采取措施,加强自修课程辅导教师队伍建设。  相似文献   

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