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Are new technologies creating better frameworks for achieving “best practice”? What impact might tools like ArchivesSpace have on the future of the profession? Implementing ArchivesSpace at the Archives and Special Collections Department at the University of Minnesota brought internal practices in closer alignment with archival standards, and in doing so drastically changed the way we intellectually and physically manage our repositories. This article will explore whether or not these changes undermine traditional theoretical frameworks for archivists, or simply represent a realignment of professional principles.  相似文献   


The study investigated implications of variations in EAD-encoded finding aids on the Web. A content analysis methodology was used to examine five different aspects of EAD finding aids: (1) data elements; (2) labeling terminology; (3) navigation; (4) browsing; (5) searching. Seventeen EAD finding aid web sites selected from 161 RLG member institution web sites, were examined. The results of the study showed that variations in EAD finding aids existed. These include inconsistency in the use of data elements, labeling terminology, and browsing attributes. In addition, some of the EAD finding aid web sites did not provide navigational aids within a finding aid or search functions for access to it. Findings suggest that increased navigational aids, as well as more browsing and search functions are needed to provide better access to EAD-encoded finding aids.  相似文献   


This article discusses the process for the production of online finding aids with BASYS-Fox system and it describes the scope of application of EAD in the Bundesarchiv. In 2000, the project “Presentation of Online Finding Aids with the EAD system” was started at Bundesarchiv. The project was promoted by the German Science Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft). The objectives were, first, to examine whether EAD could be applied to German archives, especially to the federal archives. Second, the possibilities for software development were to be assessed. BASYS-Fox is the result of this software development. Fox is an acronym for “Finding aids Online with XML.” The production of finding aids with BASYS-Fox starts with an XML export from the archive database of the federal archives (BASYS-S). After the XML file is imported into the BASYS-Fox system, different elements, which at present are not available in the database, have to be added to the file. After the completion of these additions, the finding aid is published with BASYS-Fox. Publishing in this context means the production of XML files according to EAD and to the local BArch DTD, which are saved in a file system. Access to these online finding aids is made possible by the classification scheme and via the Lucene search engine. At present there are about 200 online finding aids (list of Fox-Finding aids: http://www.bundesarchiv.de/foxpublic/index.html).  相似文献   


Many of those now accessing archives through online finding aids are encountering primary materials (albeit virtually) for the first time. These users are often unfamiliar with finding aid structure, terminology, and principles. This article reports on a qualitative, exploratory study of a subset of these novice users. The study concentrated on four key components of online finding aids: terminology, navigation, display, and structure. The goal was to discover by what route users accomplished a given task, to determine what elements on the site helped or hindered them in completing the task, and to gain insight into their overall experience with a range of styles of online finding aids. Findings suggest that site structure often presupposed users' knowledge of archival principles. Therefore, what may seem to archivists and their web designers to be elegant solutions to resolute issues in online finding aids, in fact, confused or eluded novice users. However, findings suggest, as well, that participants went through a rapid self-education process while completing the study, leading them to more efficient searching and to a higher level of ease and confidence as they explored a variety of online finding aids.  相似文献   

This article describes a project documenting and analyzing the electronic resource workflows for the library at Baruch College, CUNY (City University of New York). The presenter discusses her approach, how background research informed the documentation process, and explains the methodology and framework used to analyze the lifecycle of the electronic resources. Multiple interviews conducted with staff, faculty, and stakeholders involved in these workflows offered clarification of the steps involved and afforded the opportunity to delve into lengthier discussions about the process. This presentation highlights some outcomes of the project, focusing on “gaps” in the lifecycle, indications of where the workflow could be streamlined, and examples of beneficial conversations within library departments.  相似文献   


This article describes the development and implementation of e-science and research support services in the Health Sciences Libraries (HSL) at the University of Minnesota (UMN). A review of the broader e-science initiatives within the UMN demonstrates the needs and opportunities that the University Libraries face while building knowledge, skills, and capacity to support e-research. These experiences are being used by the University Libraries administration and HSL to apply support for the growing needs of researchers in the health sciences. Several research areas that would benefit from enhanced e-science support are described. Plans to address the growing e-research needs of health sciences researchers are also discussed.  相似文献   

This article is a case study that discusses the development and implementation of an internal learning object repository (LOR) for a large national organization with a distributed working environment. It describes the organizational environment and why an internal LOR was needed. It describes technical considerations, including the various document management systems (DMS) available, and why an open source DMS was selected to use as an internal LOR. Lastly, this article weighs the benefits and challenges of implementing a LOR across a distributed working environment and reflects on challenges associated with implementation.  相似文献   

英国谢菲尔德大学情报学系的专业与课程设置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
详细介绍英国谢菲尔德大学情报学系目前的8个教学计划(专业)和各自课程的设置情况。  相似文献   

As part of a broadly defined academic strategic planning initiative at the University of Cincinnati, the Libraries developed a five-year plan. This article describes the process including its successes and failures, documents the most positive outcomes resulting from the process, and raises several issues related to university-wide planning processes.  相似文献   


This article presents four projects geared towards providing the community of EAD users with methods and tools to control the quality of archival finding aids, to extract metadata from them in Dublin Core and qualified Dublin Core for use in OAI-PMH repositories, and to publish them on the Web along with the digital images produced by digitization of the material described. The first two projects were conducted in 2004 by the Centre Historique des Archives Nationales together with AJLSM and resulted in the writing of reports and programs. The other projects are PLEADE and Navimages, which consist of open source applications that allow the building of Web-based search and viewing applications. All these tools can be used by archivists to create a complete publishing suite.  相似文献   

澳大利亚新英格兰大学是一所中等规模的普通高校,十分重视图书馆建设,其大学主图书馆“狄克逊图书馆”硬软条件精良、人员配置充裕。更为重要的是,它以良好的系统管理充分发挥自己的优势,保证充足的开馆时间,为读者提供了高效、优质的服务,体现出图书馆在高校办学中的支柱作用,颇值得国内高换图书馆借鉴。  相似文献   

浅谈筑波大学附属图书馆的管理之道   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章主要从机构设置管理、馆藏文献管理、图书馆工作人员管理和读者管理等方面剖析筑波大学图书馆的管理之道.  相似文献   


This paper offers a look at some facets of the 1905 Revolution in Latvia, at the time part of the Russian Empire, and their interpretation in historiography from 1905 to 2015. Using resources in the Stanford University Libraries and the Hoover Institution Library and Archives, the paper provides an overview of the causes and the character of the 1905 Revolution in Latvia while also discussing various debates among historians of 1905. The main focus is on collective violence and political activism. The article is written from the point of view of a librarian and historian. It has two parallel goals: to tell the history of the Baltic collections at Stanford and to acquaint the reader with current scholarship on the subject of 1905 in Latvia. Even though some papers have been written that examine Baltic collections in American libraries, few, if any, of these have concentrated on individual historical topics.  相似文献   

大学图书馆安全保障综合优化策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安全管理是图书馆管理的一个重要方面,大学图书馆需要综合考虑优化安全保障策略。本文结合复旦大学图书馆近年来安全保障的实践,从制度、机制和重点措施等方面对优化大学图书馆安全保障策略进行了探讨。  相似文献   

本文结合文献计量分析法和文献研读法,对2022年《档案学研究》和《档案学通讯》所刊发的207篇学术论文进行研究力量布局与研究主题分布分析,并与2021年分析结果相比较,发现高等院校仍是档案学研究的主体力量,来自业界的研究力量有所增强。2022年中国档案学研究依旧关注“档案学基础理论”“档案治理”“档案与数字人文”“电子文件”“中国古文书学”等主题,但也涌现了“红色档案”和“档案学科建设与发展”等新主题;研究特点上呈现显著的本土化和跨学科性,但在关注“人”的需求、跨学科的双向互动以及研究深度上仍有待加强。未来中国档案学研究仍需立足中国档案工作的实际和需求,对从西方移植的理论进行本土化、中国化的过滤和处理,对中国传统的档案思想进行创新性转化和发展,同时,基于档案工作、档案事业发展的新实践和新需求,提出新的思想和理论。  相似文献   

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