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As libraries increase their electronic journal collections, would dependence on interlibrary loan decrease? This paper reports a case study at the University of Nevada, Reno, University Libraries (UNR) focusing on the usage of the Elsevier online journal package and interlibrary loan (ILL) borrowing activities. It analyzes four-years' worth of UNR usage and ILL statistics, gathered between July 1999 and June 2003. It also provides observations and explanations from a perspective beyond statistics, at the level of library services and the campus demographic and research environments.  相似文献   

Interlibrary loan (ILL) article sharing data from the 26 largest libraries in Illinois were collected in 1995/96, 1999/00, and most recently in 2002/03. The OCLC Management Statistics Service supplied the data with the permission of the participating libraries. Longitudinal data analysis focused on the changes that have taken place in article sharing over the past eight years within the state, offering insights into the impact of access to electronic journals. Results show a decline in the number of ILL article requests among the 26 largest libraries in Illinois: a near 26% drop in overall article requests took place between these libraries from 1999/00 to 2002/03, a much larger decline than was expected. The data provide answers to frequently posed questions concerning the impact of electronic journal packages on ILL article sharing and offer some insight concerning the future of ILL in the age of full-text online article availability.  相似文献   


This article presents the results of a study performed on the interlibrary loan patron request records at the library of John Jay College of Criminal Justice, an urban commuter college with a specialized curriculum. The findings suggest that the increasing availability of electronic full-text resources has had a significant impact on the volume of faculty and graduate student interlibrary loan borrowing of nonreturnable, photocopied materials. This appears to be the case across disciplines and regardless of the currency of the needed materials. The downward trend in demand for these materials may be outpacing actual full-text availability. This may suggest that content is being replaced with convenience. This could have implications for reference librarians and their role in the research process. Declining demand may also provide interlibrary loan librarians and their staff opportunities to alter their services and develop new skills.  相似文献   


The article describes the successful Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery services at Eberhard-Karls-Universitat in Tuebingen, Germany. Founded over 500 years ago, the University Library at Tuebingen is on the leading edge of Document Delivery service in Germany. In addition to regular Interlibrary Loan services, the library participates in direct lending to individuals, supplementing the traditional library-to-library lending pattern.  相似文献   


Health care professionals often request information delivered stat. Patient treatment is urgent. Any hospital library, large or small, that uses Internet document delivery (IDD) systems can place information in the hands of the health professional faster. Libraries that use Internet document delivery technologies can provide health care professionals with information more quickly. Ultimately, it could reduce the length of a hospital stay and reduce health care costs. However, hospital libraries are faced with significant barriers that prevent them from utilizing electronic document delivery systems. docMD successfully overcame barriers and allowed small and/or rural hospital libraries to take advantage of the benefits of electronic document delivery that larger libraries have enjoyed for over a decade. It provides health professionals affiliated with smaller hospitals an equal opportunity to access professional literature quickly in order to make quicker, well-informed patient care decisions. The docMD pilot project investigated, eliminated the barriers and provided IDD services to eleven small and rural hospital libraries using a centralized document mediation center. This paper provides background information, describes the creation of the docMD service delivery model and discusses possible future project outcomes.  相似文献   


The incorporation of medical library services in an academic library will bring about substantial changes, and should include the review of the impact of this transition on each individual department. The use of electronic systems to request and deliver Interlibrary Loan documents has evolved gradually in the past twenty years, and affects medical libraries in unique ways. The electronic submission, publication and access to biomedical journal articles are still changing constantly, and contribute to new challenges in interlibrary borrowing and lending. This article focuses on new developments. It includes instructions on how a library can prepare to incorporate a new dimension of service in the midst of these changes.  相似文献   


Fee-based services deliver information to a library's non-primary clientele by providing products such as document delivery and research services, usually on a cost-recovery basis. A client satisfaction survey is one method of evaluating a fee-based information service's effectiveness in meeting its clients' needs and of learning new ways to serve customers better. To gain the most benefit and insight from the survey's results, the survey must be carefully planned and implemented. Compiling, Interpreting, and reporting the results are equally important. Finally, the staff modifies or improves services based on the survey results.  相似文献   


Publishers and librarians do not agree on the use of electronic journal files as a source for interlibrary loans. The efficiency possible in electronic ILL is valued by the supplying libraries and of concern to publishers. Publishers do not accept CONTU photocopying guidelines as applicable to electronic ILL. This position is based on the historical context in which CONTU occurred and the specific wording of the CONTU report. No agreement on new guidelines has been possible to date, resulting in the need for individual license negotiations. Copyright-cleared document delivery is one alternative. Alternate models for broad database access to electronic journals is another. A new attempt to define guidelines for resource sharing is a third possibility.  相似文献   


The Virginia Boucher-OCLC Distinguished ILL Librarian Award is the most prestigiouscommendation given to practitioners in the field. The following questions about ILL were posed to the two most recent recipients of the Boucher Award: Tom Delaney (2002), Coordinator of Interlibrary Loan Services at Colorado State University and Lynn Wiley (2001), Information Resource Retrieval Center Coordinator at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Questions were written by Douglas Hasty, a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Access Services.  相似文献   

In August 2009, the Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine Medical Library opened its doors to students, faculty, and staff. One of the many challenges before opening the library was developing a unique and autonomous interlibrary loan service for its patrons. This article examines the decisions in choosing the best document delivery system, the management of funds, and the selection of holdings for a new medical library. Along with these decisions, there is discussion on the significance of costs, turnaround times, and challenges going forward.  相似文献   

To meet rising patron expectations and to promote library collections and services, libraries are contemplating or implementing article delivery services to same-campus patrons from journal articles held locally. This article describes The Pennsylvania State University Libraries’ electronic delivery of articles from in-house print collections. It also summarizes a survey of the Committee on Institutional Cooperation interlibrary loan directors about the article delivery services at their institutions.  相似文献   

Increasingly, formal training courses incorporate free online time and hands-on experience. Even the most extensive training course, however, cannot provide the individualized instruction and continuous supervision needed during the first few months of real searching. It is up to the institution to see that training is completed and searching is carried out effectively. Described here is a training program designed to supplement that of the National Library of Medicine.  相似文献   

Expansive document delivery service for locally available materials is becoming increasingly popular, but is a learning component lost with the implementation of this service? In this study, the authors compare data from two institutions, one that provides an unadvertised document delivery service without instruction, and another that cancels requests for locally available materials with an instructional component. The behavior of each institution's patrons over a 4-year period is analyzed and found to differ at statistically significant levels. These findings will be useful for interlibrary loan policy makers who are considering whether to implement document delivery for locally available items.  相似文献   

TACOS is an acronym for TAble of COntents Service. It provides recipients with photocopies of the contents pages of journals selected from the hospital's list of serials. The service enables users to augment their journals by scanning additional tables of contents. TACOS coexists with and complements computer, SDI and other current awareness services. Growth over a five-year period is evident by an increased number of both TACOS requesters and TACOS journals requested. User satisfaction, as measured by a survey and willingness to pay, is high. TACOS is a simple, viable concept well worth implementing even in times of tight budgetary constraints.  相似文献   


Many events over the past decade have jeopardized the library's ability to fulfill its basic mission resulting in a shift of information delivery paradigms. Interlibrary loan, document delivery and resource sharing have become essential rather than peripheral and funding patterns are reflecting this philosophical shift. There is renewed interest in cooperative collection development and multiple options for meshing document delivery with an existing ILL program. Within this environment under a redefined mission statement, the Rasmuson Library, University of Alaska Fairbanks, addresses these shifting paradigms and has implemented a program to meet the information needs of its patrons.  相似文献   


The state of Illinois funded a large scale Ariel project. This is a report of the project's successes and shortcomings. Although widely successful, additional training in the use of sophisticated hardware, primarily Minolta scanners, is needed. Data on sending and receiving is included.  相似文献   


Describing her experience of establishing an Electronic Document Delivery Service at the library of the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), the author discusses the various issues, which significantly effect the net cost, delivery time and management process of providing such a service by a library in Pakistan. While presenting multiple options leading to an effective solution, the advantages and disadvantages of each option have been highlighted, and their implications, with particular reference to Pakistani libraries, have been discussed. The various points to be considered by Pakistani Librarians, while selecting a commercial Document Provider, have also been discussed. In the end, the author discusses the potential of using the Electronic Document Delivery facility as a time-saving and cost-effective tool for Resource Sharing among libraries in Pakistan.  相似文献   


This article is a case study of Ariel use at the University of Texas at Austin. The author divides the history of Ariel use into three distinct stages: resistance, full implementation, and enhanced. For each stage the advantages and disadvantages of using Ariel are discussed. The author concludes that using Ariel saves both money and staff time and permits faster delivery of documents than other methods.  相似文献   

Dahlgren Memorial Library, the Graduate Health and Life Sciences Research Library at Georgetown University moved from the Sierra integrated library system (ILS) to Cybertools in July 2016. This article will discuss the reasons for the move and how the system was implemented. The challenges that were faced and the many benefits of using the new ILS will also be discussed.  相似文献   

A brief review of hospital library reference problems is presented. The essential problem in a one-person medical library is the time factor or time constraint under which appropriate answer to reference questions must be delivered. Various other common reference problems such as emergencies, misunderstood requests, ethical considerations of priorities, and the choice of computerized data base versus manual searching are discussed as they relate to the small medical library. Some reference aids are suggested as they apply to specific problems in cancer chemotherapy, syndrome identification, and adverse effects of drugs. A sampling of quick reference sources is included.  相似文献   

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