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试论界面管理发展的三个阶段   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
华锦阳  张钢 《科研管理》2000,21(2):35-42
本文首先介绍了三代R&D管理的模式与特点,在此基础上提出界面管理发展的三阶段模式,认为企业界面管理的发展可以划分为三个阶段:职能分割、部门各行其是的第一阶段;追求部门合作精神,在单个项目上实行界面联结的第二阶段;以及最终要达到的在企业整体范围、在多项目水平上实现战略联结的第三阶段.本文最后引用案例进行分析论证,并说明认知界面管理发展三阶段模式的现实意义.  相似文献   

The following article describes the history of the fuel-engine interface in two case studies (from 1900 onwards) with the goal of understanding the complexity of such an interface composed of two technological systems that do not form a clear hierarchical relationship. A technological setting with two divergent cores is particularly prone to external influence, in particular to governmental regulation.The proposed framework in this article complements and extends the existing literature on technological community in particular regarding: (a) the importance of the interface between industries that are not subordinate to one another, (b) the role of the regulator, and (c) the focus on hidden uncertainties. This study illustrates how certain types of uncertainties within complex innovative projects can result in inertia and sub-optimal solutions. The proposed framework has implications for theory, management, and policy practice.  相似文献   

Micro-blogging services such as Twitter allow anyone to publish anything, anytime. Needless to say, many of the available contents can be diminished as babble or spam. However, given the number and diversity of users, some valuable pieces of information should arise from the stream of tweets. Thus, such services can develop into valuable sources of up-to-date information (the so-called real-time web) provided a way to find the most relevant/trustworthy/authoritative users is available. Hence, this makes a highly pertinent question for which graph centrality methods can provide an answer. In this paper the author offers a comprehensive survey of feasible algorithms for ranking users in social networks, he examines their vulnerabilities to linking malpractice in such networks, and suggests an objective criterion against which to compare such algorithms. Additionally, he suggests a first step towards “desensitizing” prestige algorithms against cheating by spammers and other abusive users.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(1):104402
Although the positive impact of higher education on regional economies is widely recognized, empirical assessment of the magnitude of its periodic financial impact remains a puzzle. Conventional impact studies have focused on the regional effects of periodic university spending, neglecting the core functions of higher education institutions. To overcome these shortcomings, we develop the concept of a differential regional education premium and implement it in an extended regional multiplier model. The new model integrates university expenditures and education into a compound effect on regional gross value added. Empirically, we find that the education premium increases the traditional effects of state universities in Baden-Württemberg by 68 percent. Generally, the model can be applied to other regions internationally by adapting to regional factors, such as graduate retention, tuition fees, wage levels and occupational qualifications in regional labor markets.  相似文献   

【目的】 分析我国SCI收录期刊国际合作出版情况及实行国际合作出版后期刊影响力的变化。【方法】 选取2007—2016年与国外出版商有过合作出版经历的151种SCI收录期刊为研究对象,以期刊总被引频次、影响因子、即年指标和分区等作为期刊影响力指标,对样本期刊的国际合作出版情况进行统计,探讨我国国际合作出版期刊的影响力变化。【结果】 我国SCI收录期刊的国际合作出版商主要有Springer、Elsevier和Wiley-Blackwell;一直是国际合作出版的期刊共118种,一直是国内出版的期刊共28种,国际合作出版期刊与国内出版期刊的影响因子分别为2.01±2.04和0.91±0.52(P<0.001),即年指标分别为0.39±0.45和0.35±0.41(P=0.039),总被引频次分别为1566.3±1845.0和1335.8±1376.4(P=0.620),仅期刊总被引频次差异无统计学意义。国际合作出版与国内出版的Q1区期刊所占比例分别为24.6% 和0,Q2区期刊所占比例分别为21.2%和13.8%,且由国内出版变更为国际合作出版的期刊共27种,其中数据较全的10种期刊里,5种期刊影响力提升明显,1种期刊影响力提升幅度较小,4种期刊影响力略有下降,但幅度较小。 【结论】 与国外出版商合作可在一定程度上提升我国科技期刊的国际显示度和学术影响力。  相似文献   

如今,科学研究已进入大数据时代,而大数据时代给科学研究既提出了新挑战,又提供了新机遇。大数据使科学从仅追求因果性走向了重视相关性,颠覆了以往的思维方式。新理念结合新技术,从而给科研方法也带来了革新。通过分析大数据时代科研方法的变化和产生的必然性,剖析大数据时代下科研方法所呈现出的新特征,阐明科研新方法的运用将对科研活动产生重大影响。  相似文献   

Anthropological and STS scholars of biomedical work have traditionally explored contexts where inconsistencies and lacunas in diagnostic knowledge-production are problematic for medical practitioners, and such scholars have consequently focused on the social and political processes by which such epistemic uncertainties are resolved. This article draws on ethnographic material from a Papua New Guinean hospital where diagnostic uncertainty is not rendered problematic and where the open-endedness of the diagnostic process gives rise to new forms of medical expertise and practice. The paper focuses on the medical record as an artefact of not-knowing that both documents and performs uncertainty as a valuable resource. It shows that medical records can operate as either technologies of 'opening' that multiply opportunities for pragmatic action within a hospital space or as technologies of 'closure' that move people and documents between spaces. Practices of not-knowing and knowing are therefore shown to be interdependent and interchangeable 'moments' of bureaucratic-biomedical work.  相似文献   

Cross-species comparison has long been regarded as a stepping-stone for medical research, enabling the discovery and testing of prospective treatments before they undergo clinical trial on humans. Post-genomic medicine has made cross-species comparison crucial in another respect: the 'community databases' developed to collect and disseminate data on model organisms are now often used as a template for the dissemination of data on humans and as a tool for comparing results of medical significance across the human-animal boundary. This paper identifies and discusses four key problems encountered by database curators when integrating human and non-human data within the same database: (1) picking criteria for what counts as reliable evidence, (2) selecting metadata, (3) standardising and describing research materials and (4) choosing nomenclature to classify data. An analysis of these hurdles reveals epistemic disagreement and controversies underlying cross-species comparisons, which in turn highlight important differences in the experimental cultures of biologists and clinicians trying to make sense of these data. By considering database development through the eyes of curators, this study casts new light on the complex conjunctions of biological and clinical practice, model organisms and human subjects, and material and virtual sources of evidence--thus emphasizing the fragmented, localized and inherently translational nature of biomedicine.  相似文献   

Gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) were directly synthesized on the surface of polyvinylsilazane (PVSZ, -[(vinyl)SiH-NH2]-) without use of extra reductive additives. The reductive Si-H functional groups on the surface of cured PVSZ acted as surface bound reducing agents to form gold metal when contacted with an aqueous Au precursor (HAuCl4) solution, leading to formation of Au NPs adhered to silicate glass surface. The Au NPs-silicate platforms were preliminarily tested to detect Rhodamine B (1 μM) by surface enhanced Raman scattering. Furthermore, gold microelectrode obtained by post-chemical plating was used as an integrated amperometric detection element in the polydimethylsilane-glass hybrid microfluidic chip.  相似文献   

There has been considerable theoretical work on the role of information systems (IS) in creating competitive advantage and enhancing organizational performance. The literature identifies a consistent lack of success by organizations in achieving business benefits from their IS investments and in particular their difficulties in obtaining a sustainable competitive advantage. A great deal of debate appears to exist nowadays related to the participation of information technology (IT) risks to organizational performance. Previous research has dealt with the examination of the existing relationships between the implemented information technology and firm's performance variables. This research focuses on the IT impact on firm's non-financial IT risk. The research was conducted using questionnaires that were sent to world's five hundred largest corporations as they were published in the fortune magazine (European edition, No. 14, 2003) and to Greek companies. The results indicate that IT risk factors affect mainly coordination and partially information ability but not productivity. Furthermore, the most significant risk factors affecting business performance are management ability, information integrity, controllability and exclusivity.  相似文献   

Room-temperature liquid metal is discovered to be capable of penetrating through macro- and microporous materials by applying a voltage. The liquid metal penetration effects are demonstrated in various porous materials such as tissue paper, thick and fine sponges, fabrics, and meshes. The underlying mechanism is that the high surface tension of liquid metal can be significantly reduced to near-zero due to the voltage-induced oxidation of the liquid metal surface in a solution. It is the extremely low surface tension and gravity that cause the liquid metal to superwet the solid surface, leading to the penetration phenomena. These findings offer new opportunities for novel microfluidic applications and could promote further discovery of more exotic fluid states of liquid metals.  相似文献   

The Ulva prolifera green tides in the Yellow Sea, China, which have been occurring since 2007, are a serious environmental problem attracting worldwide attention. Despite extensive research, the outbreak mechanisms have not been fully understood. Comprehensive analysis of anthropogenic and natural biotic and abiotic factors reveals that human activities, regional physicochemical conditions and algal physiological characteristics as well as ocean warming and biological interactions (with microorganism or other macroalgae) are closely related to the occurrence of green tides. Dynamics of these factors and their interactions could explain why green tides suddenly occurred in 2007 and decreased abruptly in 2017. Moreover, the consequence of green tides is serious. The decay of macroalgal biomass could result in hypoxia and acidification, possibly induce red tide and even have a long-lasting impact on coastal carbon cycles and the ecosystem. Accordingly, corresponding countermeasures have been proposed in our study for future reference in ecosystem management strategies and sustainable development policy.  相似文献   

高被引论文的特征因素及其对影响因子贡献研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
目的】分析高被引论文的特征因素及测度其对影响因子的贡献度。【方法】以CSSCI数据库中新闻学与传播学领域高被引论文为研究对象,基于文献内容和外部特征,界定论文被引响应时间、研究内容新颖性和研究主题内容等七个影响论文高被引的特征因素。【结果】 60%以上的高被引论文作者具有较高影响力,高被引论文的平均响应时间不到一年,70%以上的高被引论文研究内容不具有新颖性,TOP 5%高被引论文对影响因子的贡献平均为27.12%。【结论】虽然参考文献数量与论文高被引不具有显著关联性,但高被引论文倾向于引用影响力较高的期刊,而且高被引论文对影响因子的贡献度较大。  相似文献   

在政策量化的基础上,对科技政策组合特征进行了测算与趋势分析,利用负二项回归模型对1995-2013年间不同类别组合和同一类政策内不同政策组合特征对高技术产业创新能力影响及区域差异进行分析,结果表明:政策组合的综合性和一致性大致呈不断增长的趋势,且对创新具有促进作用;只有不同类别政策工具组合的均衡性具有明显上升后平稳的趋势,其他均衡性较低、无明显上升趋势,且对创新的效果不稳定;科技政策组合特征对高技术产业创新的影响存在区域差异,综合性和一致性只存在程度上的差异,而均衡性还存在方向上的差异,且南部沿海综合经济区整体上优于其他地区。  相似文献   

While much research has been directed at the variables critical to successful R&D of new products on the one hand and high-technology products on the other, much less work has been directed at those factors crucial to the success of these products when the firm enters the international marketplace. This study surveys Finnish high-technology firms and variables related to the properties of the company and their association with successful versus unsuccessful attempts to enter the international marketplace. Relationship between firm characteristics – type of industry, size of the company, background of key personnel, export intensity and experience in product launches – and success/failure in the product launches is investigated. The generalizability of the findings is also discussed.  相似文献   

姚瑶  徐燕 《科研管理》2014,35(10):33-40
产业位势与社会资本虽在企业创新理论中受到广泛重视,但尚未在中国经济背景下得到实证。从网络理论视角来看,他们实际分别反映了企业所处网络体系的高度和广度,并在企业创新过程中发挥着重要作用。通过对上海、浙江两地高科技企业的问卷实证,本文分析产业位势与社会资本如何影响创新意愿对创新绩效的积极性。结果发现,由于社会资本的高成本性以及高产业位势滋生的自大效应,使他们对高创新意愿企业带来积极作用同时,也造成了负面作用。更为重要的是,数据显示,社会资本与产业位势的不均衡发展更将使得创新意愿越强的企业,业绩越糟。它们的协同发展与配合,才是创新型企业的培育之道,过高的创新意愿,并不能带来企业成功。  相似文献   

We present a conceptual framework of academic consulting and explore its impacts on universities and the benefits to innovating firms. We distinguish between three types of academic consulting: opportunity-driven, commercialization-driven and research-driven. Exploring the implications of these different types, first, we postulate that consulting has limited impact on biasing academic research towards more ‘applied’ themes. Secondly, while we expect research-driven consulting activities to be positively associated with research productivity, opportunity-driven consulting will have a negative impact. Thirdly, we differentiate between different functions of academic consulting for different types of firms.  相似文献   

大学技术转移中的界面及其移动分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
章琰 《科学学研究》2003,21(Z1):25-29
大学技术转移的界面由大学与企业两个系统之间的活动过程和相互作用所决定。从界面的视角来观察,大学技术转移既非单纯发生于大学系统内部,亦非单纯发生于企业系统内部,而是大学与企业两个系统之间的界面发生交互作用的一个双向互动的演化过程。大学技术转移界面具有模糊性、多样性和演化性的特征。在大学技术转移过程中,界面位置的移动直接对应着大学技术转移的模式选择。  相似文献   

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