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国家叙词库采用以《汉语主题词表》为中心表、其他中文叙词表向中心表映射的模式进行基于概念的语义集成。为了研究学科交叉对国家叙词库语义映射造成的影响,本文选取八部叙词表中环境科学大类5 120个概念,与《汉语主题词表》环境科学大类8 329个概念进行映射实验。通过计算机自动匹配发现,多表映射存在一个概念等同映射到多个概念,多个概念等同映射到一个概念等逻辑问题。本文以实例形式分析这些逻辑问题的存在形式,并从概念专指度、概念语义模糊、语义关系结构、学科背景等方面分析产生这些逻辑问题的主要原因;在此基础上,提出解决这些逻辑问题的原则以及映射完整性的判定规则。图16。表5。参考文献14。  相似文献   

中文问句与RDF三元组映射方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探索中文问句与RDF三元组的转换方法:首先对中文问句的特点进行分析,然后结合RDF(S)模型的优势,探索RDF三元组与问句语义的对应关系,进而提出直接映射和间接映射两种映射方式。该方法只需做浅层的句法分析,将获取的限定成分映射为三元组内部的语义标签,从而降低句法分析和三元组组配的难度。最后分析映射方法中存在的问题并提出未来工作的重点。  相似文献   

2009年以来本体映射系统模型研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陶俊  孙坦 《图书情报工作》2011,55(12):101-131
本体映射系统分为通用映射系统和领域映射系统两大类型,从模型和流程视角综述2009年RiMOM、ASMOV、DSSim、OntoMap、OntSE五种本体映射系统模型,认为本体映射研究在关联数据等新兴前沿领域的应用有待进一步深化。  相似文献   

文章在分析知识组织系统自动映射方法的基础上,提出了利用标引记录库中的关键词来自动构建统一知识组织系统的新思路,给出了具体的方法步骤以及所需采用的数学模型。  相似文献   

从知识组织的角度介绍概念映射的重要性,分析概念映射方法的深度及研究情况。面向等同、等级和相关映射的类型特征,提出基于精确匹配可以继承的概念映射关系,并分析由于中英文词表异质异构而引起的映射关系矛盾情况,如由于代项或参项而引起的一个概念精确匹配到多个概念的问题、等级映射的深度及相关映射的选择等,并基于汉语用户的需要及编制规则提出相应的处理规则。  相似文献   

KOS互操作中的术语映射研究综述*   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
总结基于词形、基于结构和基于语料的术语映射方法,阐述术语映射关系的主要类型,对术语映射中的映射方向性、映射不一致性、映射关系传递性、人工映射与自动映射相结合等相关问题进行简单讨论。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]了解专利与产业的映射研究进展,为后续研究提供借鉴和参考。[方法/过程]整理归纳专利与产业的分类体系,分别阐述国外与国内专利与产业映射的研究现状,对比并总结其主要映射方法。[结果/结论]结果表明,国外本领域的研究早于且成熟于国内研究,映射方法主要有基于专家判定、基于交叉检索和基于概率计算3类,最后,指出各类方法的特点和局限性,并对下一步国内专利与产业映射研究的思路与方法进行探讨。  相似文献   

以CSSCI数据库有关图书馆学科的文献和其所包含参考文献为研究对象,通过CiteSpaceⅡ对相关引文数据和主题词数据进行分析和处理,以知识图谱的方式,梳理了图书馆学具有影响力的机构、作者以及图书馆学知识基础、研究前沿与研究热点。图4。表6。参考文献8。  相似文献   

The method of bibliographic coupling in combination with the complete link cluster method was applied for mapping of the field of organic chemistry with the purpose of testing the applicability of a proposed mapping method on the field level. The method put forward aimed at the generation of cognitive cores of documents, so-called ‘bibliographic cliques’ in the network of bibliographically coupled research articles. The defining feature of these cliques is that they can be considered complete graphs where each bibliographic coupling link ties an unordered pair of documents. In this way, it was presumed that coherent groups of documents in the research front would be found and that these groups would be intellectually coherent as well. Statistical analysis and subject specialist evaluations confirmed these presumptions. The study also elaborates on the choice of observation period and the application of thresholds in relation to the size of document populations.  相似文献   

Based on previous findings and theoretical considerations, it was suggested that bibliographic coupling could be combined with a cluster method to provide a method for science mapping, complementary to the prevailing co-citation cluster analytical method. The complete link cluster method was on theoretical grounds assumed to provide a suitable cluster method for this purpose. The objective of the study was to evaluate the proposed method's capability to identify coherent research themes. Applying a large multidisciplinary test bed comprising more than 600,000 articles and 17 million references, the proposed method was tested in accordance with two lines of mapping. In the first line of mapping, all significant (strong) links connecting ‘core documents’ (strongly and frequently coupled documents) in clusters with any other core document was mapped. This resulted in a depiction of all significant artificially broken links between core documents in a cluster and core documents extrinsic to that cluster. The second line of mapping involved the application of links between clusters only. They were used to successively merge clusters on two subsequent levels of fusion, where the first generation of clusters were considered objects for a second clustering, and the second generation of clusters gave rise to a final cluster fusion. Changes of cluster composition on the three levels were evaluated with regard to several variables. Findings showed that the proposed method could provide with valid depictions of current research, though some severe restrictions would adhere to its application.  相似文献   

对象持续化是软件编程中常见的需求,而“对象/关系映射”是处理对象持续化的一种常见模式。本文介绍了计算机编程中对象持续化及对象/关系映射的基本概念,并用一个开发实例说明了在普通的MIS系统中应用对象/关系映射的方法。  相似文献   

由于目前没有共享本体来描述语义网巾数据的语义,因此需要对不同系统之间的本体进行调和,构建本体映射模型。近两年来,研究人员在原有成果的基础上对本体映射进行了更加深入的研究,提出许多新的映射方法,如元模型、语义富集模型、自动映射模型、大规模本体映射模型、快速映射模型与语义资源协同和连接系统。探究这些映射方式和模型的优势与不足的目的在于为今后本体映射方法的研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

本文介绍了元数据的互操作问题,继而以DC和CNMARC之间的转换为例,探讨了通过RDF实现不同元数据之间的转换的可能性。  相似文献   

以CSSCI为数据源,利用可视化工具来展现2001-2010年中国图书馆学研究热点主题与演变、机构合作、知识来源。热点集中在数字图书馆、高校图书馆、公共图书馆、信息资源、信息服务、知识管理等方面;知识来源主要为基础理论研究、编目分类等领域的论著;机构间合作集中在少数研究机构之间,整体合作紧密度较小,且具有地缘性特征。  相似文献   

吴文晓  武涛 《情报工程》2016,2(6):050-059
采用信息可视化软件CiteSpace III对2009-2015年间CSSCI(2014-2015)收录的1702篇社会网络研究文献进行分析,分别绘制作者共现图谱、机构分布图谱、期刊共被引图谱、主题分布图谱,同时依据不同时期的研究热点词频变动和频次,生成我国社会网络研究的演化路径图谱。通过对图谱的解读揭示出我国社会网络领域的研究现状,在此基础上探讨了我国社会网络研究存在的些许不足和未来可能的研究方向,以期为今后此类研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

测绘档案信息是信息社会经济和社会发展的宝贵信息资源之一,它们记载了测绘技术的发展,测绘手段的改进,测绘工作的进步,保存了大量测绘成果和重要地理信息数据,为经济建设、国防安全、地质勘探、教学研究提供了大量准确翔实的历史资料和现实数据.随着信息技术的发展,以网络技术为中心的远距离信息获取技术既大大方便了人们的信息获取活动,也扩大了人们的信息接触范围.  相似文献   

中国大陆地区专利地图技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对中国大陆地区专利的特点,引入自然语言处理和基于内容的图像检索等技术,研究专利地图的分析和绘制方法。对于发明和实用新型专利,使用语义度量、新词识别等技术处理其用词,并将专利说明书和权利要求书结构化;定义了基于近义词组的文档特征表达,据此计算发明和实用新型专利的相似性并完成聚类。对于外观设计专利,借助基于内容的图像检索技术提取专利图像的颜色、纹理和形状特征,通过相关反馈确定权重,据此计算外观设计专利的相似性并完成专利聚类。以此为基础开发完成了专利地图软件,可实现对指定范围的中国大陆地区的专利地图的分析绘制,从而辅助设计师和企业进行决策分析和产品定位。  相似文献   

How does the collaboration network of researchers coalesce around a scientific topic? What sort of social restructuring occurs as a new field develops? Previous empirical explorations of these questions have examined the evolution of co-authorship networks associated with several fields of science, each noting a characteristic shift in network structure as fields develop. Historically, however, such studies have tended to rely on manually annotated datasets and therefore only consider a handful of disciplines, calling into question the universality of the observed structural signature. To overcome this limitation and test the robustness of this phenomenon, we use a comprehensive dataset of over 189,000 scientific articles and develop a framework for partitioning articles and their authors into coherent, semantically related groups representing scientific fields of varying size and specificity. We then use the resulting population of fields to study the structure of evolving co-authorship networks. Consistent with earlier findings, we observe a global topological transition as the co-authorship networks coalesce from a disjointed aggregate into a dense giant connected component that dominates the network. We validate these results using a separate, complimentary corpus of scientific articles, and, overall, we find that the previously reported characteristic structural evolution of a scientific field's associated co-authorship network is robust across a large number of scientific fields of varying size, scope, and specificity. Additionally, the framework developed in this study may be used in other scientometric contexts in order to extend studies to compare across a larger range of scientific disciplines.  相似文献   


SALIS is a repository of open source software along with metadata information. It is a pilot project covering the areas of computer networks and information systems. The objective is to demonstrate the usefulness of such repositories to the Indian academic and developer community in making informed decisions while using open source software. To enable organization and retrieval of the information stored in the repository, a modified CCS (Computing Classification Scheme) by ACM (Association of Computing Machinery) was used. Since a sizeable section of the end-user community was familiar with the USPTO classification scheme, a need was felt to classify the software by the USPTO scheme also. Instead of classifying by two schemes, it was decided to have a mapping or a concordance between the two schemes so that the classification process can be simplified. The approach used to derive a concordance between two diverse classification schemes is described.  相似文献   

李佳 《档案学研究》2008,22(4):9-10
在汶川特大地震灾害中,测绘档案部门发挥专业优势,开展大规模的应急服务工作,为抗震救灾提供准确及时的地理空间信息.本文针对测绘档案应急服务工作中的一些问题进行分析,希望能总结经验,不断提高应急服务水平.  相似文献   

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