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One problem confronting the use of citation-based metrics in science studies and research evaluations is the Matthew effect. This paper reviews the role of citations in science and decomposes the Matthew effect in citations into three components: networking, prestige, and appropriateness. The networking and prestige effects challenge the validity of citation-based metrics, but the appropriateness effect does not. Using panel data of 1279 solo-authored papers’ citation histories and fixed effects models, we test these three effects controlling for unobserved paper characteristics. We find no evidence of retroactive networking effect and only weak evidence of prestige effect (very small and not always significant), which provides some support for the use of citation-based metrics in science studies and evaluation practices. In addition, adding the appropriateness effect reduces the size of the prestige effect considerably, suggesting that previous studies controlling for paper quality but not appropriateness may have overestimated the prestige effect.  相似文献   

文章以搜索引擎领域为研究对象,论述搜索引擎领域中的马太效应显现的表现,根据相关数据,从规模效应、齿轮效应、资源效应等反面分析其产生的原因,提出率先进入行业领域,培养核心竞争力,向优秀企业学习等搜索引擎企业应对马太效应的策略。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 设计同时兼顾公平和效率的协调发展路径,对于我国公共图书馆在“十三五”期间保持区域均等化与效率的协调并重发展具有重要意义。[方法/过程] 首先利用超效率DEA模型测得我国各省份公共图书馆的效率,用财政补贴收入衡量我国区域公共图书馆的公平情况,然后利用Markov链模型考察公平和效率的“马太效应”,探索二者谁应该得到政府的优先调节,最后基于二维矩阵图设计公平与效率协调发展的实施路径。[结果/结论] 我国公共图书馆公平问题的“马太效应”较严重,而效率的“马太效应”则较弱,政府应该重点解决我国公共图书馆存在的“长期不公”问题。具体应精准扶持那些“效率较高、但财政补贴收入不高”的地区。  相似文献   

用事实型数据进行分析和比较研究,探讨科技奖励中“马太效应”现象的积极作用与消极影响,并就如何 积极引导和发挥科技奖励的激励作用、合理开展科技奖励的评审和发放提出3 条建议:利用“马太效应”的正面作用, 培养创新型科技人才;建立严格规范的监管制度和基于普遍性原则的竞争机制,有效抑制或消融“马太效应”造成的不 公;调整国家级科技人才计划的支持方式,均衡支持各层次和梯度的人才。  相似文献   

This paper reports on the first documented attempt to investigate the presence of the superstar (or Matthew) effect in the knowledge management and intellectual capital (KM/IC) scholarly discipline. The Yule–Simon model and Lotka's square law were applied to the publication data obtained from 2175 articles from 11 KM/IC journals. Based on the findings, it was concluded that the KM/IC discipline represents a very young, attractive academic field that welcomes contributions from a variety of academics and practitioners. In their paper acceptance decisions, KM/IC journal editors are not biased towards a small group of highly productive researchers, which is a positive sign that the field has been progressing in the right direction. The discipline is driven more by academics than by practitioners, and the distribution of articles is more concentrated among a few academic but not practitioner institutions. It was also observed that the Yule–Simon model and Lotka's square law may produce different distributions with respect to institutions.  相似文献   

马太效应对于科学成果的能见度的作用和影响是深刻而广泛的。文章以中国科学技术信息研究所自行研制的“中国高层次科技人才信息数据库”为基础,分析了材料领域获得国家级奖励的高层次科技人才中,马太效应对其科研成果能见度的影响,得到结论:首先,马太效应对于科学成果的能见度具有普遍性;其次,马太效应对于科学成果能见度的影响存在一个由高峰逐渐衰减的周期过程;最后,马太效应存在两面性,对于科学成果的能见度既有积极作用,又存在消极作用。  相似文献   

In the competitive world of children's programming, networks are under intense pressure to build brand loyalty and increase market share. This essay examines how Fox Kids and the Disney Channel transform electronic space into “place” as a means for carving out brand identity. This transformation of electronic space into place requires strategies that encourage viewers to see electronic spaces as habitable and desirable. While the two networks employ different approaches to the creation of place, they both reproduce familiar ideologies (e.g., individuality as identity) and social arrangements (e.g., families and neighborhoods) to represent a habitable place that can inspire loyalty and even affection from viewers.  相似文献   


This article aims to demonstrate how to objectively select the best children's librarian from all children's librarian candidates by using OWA (Ordered Weighted Averaging) technique as a new model. Firstly, we described 14 professional criteria that must be met by 4 different candidates (c1, c2, c3, and c4). Secondly, we determined ‘the importance weights of professional criteria (u)’ and ‘the extent to which the children's librarian candidates meet these criteria (b)’. In order to determine the values of u and b, we changed the linguistic values such as good, bad, or important into the numerical values. Thirdly, we calculated the final performance scores of all children's librarian candidates by using the formula OWA. Finally, we selected the candidate 4 (c4) who earned the highest score (0,645) in total as the best children's librarian.  相似文献   

This article discusses how racial, ethnic, and sexual stereotypes find their way into electronic media, both television and games. This article is presented here to help librarians understand the ethnic, racial, and sexual biases that are built into electronic communication and the importance of thoughtful media literacy analysis in watching over the electronic media that come into their collections and programs.  相似文献   

以某刊为例,根据普莱斯定律及2013-2015年在某刊的投稿情况设定满足条件:1)2013-2015年发文量≥2篇;2)A:2013-2015年连续3年均在该刊投稿;B:2014年或2015在该刊投稿量≥2篇的作者用户(满足条件2中的A或B均可)为高发文量且对投稿某刊有一定青睐程度的核心作者候选用户.根据二八定律确定文章被引频次或下载频次在各年排名前20%左右的文章作者为具有高影响力的核心作者候选人.将既满足高发文量、高影响力且对投稿某刊有一定青睐程度的作者用户作为该刊的核心作者用户群,构建核心作者用户库,通过为该批用户提供更加优质服务激发他们的写作热情和投稿热情,以吸引优质稿件.最终纳入74名作者用户为该刊的核心作者用户群,共投稿306篇,录用200篇,最高录用比100%,最低28.6%,平均65.4%,其中下载频次或被引频次在各年进入前20%的文章总数为99篇,占比49.5%,最高被引频次14次,最高下载频次314次.  相似文献   

For hundreds of years, bibliographies have been invaluable tools for researchers, collectors, and institutions, to provide contextual understanding as well as adding depth to collections. In this piece, the author uses his updated bibliography of the first 200 years of Littleton's Tenures to examine many aspects of early English legal printing. These include the development and evolution of the content of early legal materials, as well economic and other factors driving the market for printed law books. Preceding the bibliography is a list of fundamental bibliographic terms concerning early printing, contextually applied to Littleton's Tenures.  相似文献   

With the acquisition of the Wilson Multi-Database Access (MDAS) product, the potential for efficient research processes increased the likelihood of a greater impact of interlibrary of a greater impact on interlibrary requests and current periodical usage. To measure this impact, this study was designed to gather data on ILL requests from titles in the three indexes that comprise the MDAS product. Data waz gathered for comparable time periods prior to the installation of MDAS and afterwards. Similar use data was collected for current periodical issues. This study shows that a potentially greater impact was realized.  相似文献   

李静  游苏宁 《编辑学报》2017,29(3):210-213
时至今日,在习近平总书记“把论文写在祖国的大地上”的倡导下,科技期刊编辑义不容辞的责任无疑是通过自己的努力,吸引到更多的优秀论文并将其发表在祖国的科技期刊上.认为唯有传承并努力践行韬奋精神,诚心团结并精心培育作者,矢志并竭诚为读者服务,尊重但不迷信学术权威,才能通过恪守工匠精神以回归编辑工作的本源.  相似文献   

第三人效应理论:传播效果研究的新视角   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
20世纪 80年代以来 ,第三人效应理论作为传播效果研究的一个新内容 ,已经在西方传播学界产生了较大的影响。该理论的基本观点是 ,受众普遍认为大众传媒对其他人的影响要比对自己的要大 ;但在进一步的研究中 ,发现第一人效应和第三人效应之间还存在着某些矛盾之处 ,这集中体现在“互有差异的认知”这个概念上。这个理论对于解释目前传播中存在的一些问题和现象有着重要的启发意义。  相似文献   


This study investigated the post-master's educational needs and interests of information professionals. The population for the study consisted of members of the library associations of Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, and Ontario, Canada. About 78 percent of the respondents held a master's degree in library science, 22 percent a master's degree in another discipline, almost 1 percent was enrolled in a doctoral program, 1 percent possessed a doctorate, and 16 percent had some other degree. Given the choice of an LIS only doctoral program or one combined with the field of business administration or computer science, the participants expressed a slight preference for the LIS only program. Of the other fields suggested by participants, education and public administration were the most popular. Participants also expressed a strong preference for non-traditional modes of instruction.  相似文献   

布莱兹·帕斯卡于1642年发明了一种机械式计算机,它是世界上第一台获得专利的计算机。帕斯卡独创了跳锤装置,使该机器可以自动进位,又发明了补码机制,使计算机在齿轮只能单向转动的情况下,仍能进行减法运算。帕斯卡正确预见到,在未来的机器发明中,科学理论将扮演越来越重要的作用。本文基于17—18世纪的早期文献,详细讨论了帕斯卡计算机的研发经过、机械结构、操作方法,阐明了其历史意义。  相似文献   

论网络环境中知识产权法的法律效力   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
相丽玲  张洪亮 《情报学报》2000,19(3):222-224
本文就网络环境中知识产权法的法律效力问题从时间上、空间上以及对人的效力三个方面进行了分析论证。并就网络环境中存在的网络版本、域名抢注驰名商标现象谈了自己的看法  相似文献   

This article examines the ethos and rationale of The Woman Worker, launched in Britain in September 1907 as the official organ of the all-female trade union, the National Federation of Women Workers (the Federation). As a monthly journal, it was edited and managed by Mary Macarthur, President of the Federation, moving to weekly production in June 1908 with the assistance of Robert Blatchford, founder of the successful socialist newspaper, The Clarion. Under Macarthur, the paper emphasised both the importance of union organisation for women workers and the need for parliamentary legislation to protect them from low pay, victimisation and exploitation in the workplace. It is argued here that although this paper sought to fill a gap in the market, producing a paper that appealed beyond those already converted to the cause of women's organisation was a difficult challenge for Macarthur. Her attempts to provide a readable but didactic paper on a limited budget, relying on Labour colleagues for copy, resulted in a paper that did not always have a clear target readership; it was a union journal seeking broad appeal amongst working-class women but it also reflected the interests of committed labour activists. This arguably resulted in a paper that struggled to achieve its initial aim of binding women workers together.  相似文献   

This study used a content analysis of editorial articles to explore the portrayal of gender in women's pages of Taiwanese newspapers between 1975 and 2009. In addition to topical themes and editorial format, we focused on how women's pages present political messages in terms of the topics addressed, style of argumentation, methods of challenging traditional gender roles, and the promotion of provocative actions. We compared the content analysis data with social development indicators and public opinion polls in the contexts of the evolution of the market and the women's movement in Taiwan. We found that in the early stages of the women's movement, the women's pages mainly played the role of shaping a collective identity among the female public. During the postfeminist period, the women's pages mainly address social problems rooted in the domestic realm and provide self-development advice.  相似文献   

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