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This study was conducted to examine the effectiveness of an analogy activity, which was designed to overcome junior high students' misconceptions about the microscopic views of phase change. Eighty Taiwanese 8th graders were randomly assigned to either a control group or an experimental group. For the control group, the subjects were instructed through traditional teaching whereas for the experimental group, an analogy activity was conducted on students. This specific analogy activity was presented in the form of role-playing in which students acted as particles and worked together to perform the conditions of phase changes. Through analyzing these students' drawings of the atom arrangements for the three states of some substances, it was found that the students of experimental group, though in many cases, did not perform statistically better than did those of control group in an immediate posttest. The comparisons of a delay test between these two groups indicated that the analogy activity had clearly positive impacts on students' conceptual change on these scientific concepts in terms of long-term observations.  相似文献   

模型是对目标系统的简化的表征.模型建构是一种基于模型的建构性学习活动.根据认知心理学的观点,概念转变是学生朴素模型向科学模型转变与建构的过程.模型建构过程包括四个阶段的循环:激活原有朴素模型中的错误概念;对模型中的元素产生不满(产生认知冲突);建构新模型;使用新模型.基于模型建构的教学模式能促进概念转变,这一模式包括聚焦学生朴素模型中的错误概念;引发学生的认知冲突;通过类比推理,建构新模型;使用新模型,进行科学推理.  相似文献   

概念是思维的工具,是人类认识世界,表达思想的载体。概念转变模型研究的是概念动态的转变过程,即由前概念向科学概念的转变过程,是一个积极建构的学习过程。探讨了概念转变模型的发展历史,阐述了两个主要学术流派的概念转变模型,即认知为基础的概念转变模型和以社会文化为基础的概念转变模型;同时,还论述了概念模型理论的新趋势,提倡在构建科学的概念模型时,必须考虑认知冲突和社会文化的融合,强调自主学习、合作学习和交互式学习三位一体的课堂教学模式。  相似文献   

西方科学教学中概念转变学习理论的形成与发展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
概念转变学习是一种建构主义科学教学理论.本文从历史的角度回顾了概念转变学习理论的形成与发展的过程,着重分析了概念转变模型与概念生态等问题.  相似文献   

根据认知心理学的观点,概念转变是学生内在的朴素心理模型向科学心理模型转变与建构的过程。心理模型建构包括四个阶段的循环:激活原有心理模型中的错误概念;对模型中的元素产生不满(产生认知冲突);建构新模型;使用新模型。概念转变的策略包括聚焦学生心理模型中的错误概念;引发学生的认知冲突;通过类比推理,建构新模型;使用新模型.进行科晕推理。  相似文献   

Recent research in chemistry education has shown an increasing interest in the facilitation of conceptual change in student understanding of chemical concepts. Most of the studies have tried to show the difference in student performance on algorithmic and conceptual problems. The objective of this study is to go beyond and design a teaching strategy based on two teaching experiments that could facilitate students' conceptual understanding of electrochemistry. The study is based on two sections (control, n = 29; experimental, n = 28) of 10th grade high school students at a public school in Venezuela. Experimental group participated in two teaching experiments designed to generate situations/experiences in which students are forced to grapple with alternative responses leading to cognitive conflicts/contradictions. Results obtained show that learning electrochemistry involves both algorithmic and conceptual problems. On Posttest 1, 93% of the experimental group students responded correctly, in contrast to 39% of the control group. On Posttest 2, 39% of the experimental group responded correctly, in contrast to 0% of the Control group. The difference in performance on both posttests is statistically significant (p < 0.001). It is concluded that the teaching experiments facilitated students' understanding (progressive transitions) of electrochemistry.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effectiveness of combining conceptual change text and discussion web strategies on students' understanding of photosynthesis and respiration in plants. Students' conceptual understanding of photosynthesis and respiration in plants was measured using the two-tier diagnostic test developed by Haslam and Treagust (1987, Journal of Biological Education 21: 203--211). The test was administered as pretest and posttest to a total of 233 eighth-grade students in six intact classes of the same school located in an urban area. The test of logical thinking was used to determine the reasoning ability of students. The experimental group was a class of 116 students received discussion web and conceptual change text instruction. A class of 117 students comprised the control group received a traditional instruction. After instruction, data were analyzed with two-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) using the Test of Logical Thinking and pretest scores as covariate. The conceptual change instruction, which explicitly dealt with students' misconceptions, produced significantly greater achievement in understanding of photosynthesis and respiration in plant concepts. Analysis also revealed a significant difference between performance of females and that of males in the favor of females, but the interaction of treatment with gender difference was not significant for learning the concepts.  相似文献   

Emerging from a human constructivist view of learning and a punctuated model of conceptual change, these studies explored differences in the structural complexity and content validity of knowledge about prehistoric life depicted in concept maps by learners ranging in age from approximately 10 to 20 years. Study 1 (cross-age) explored the frequencies of concepts, relationships, levels of hierarchy, branching, and cross-links in concept maps drawn by students in grades 5, 8, 11, 13, and 14. The results provide some support for a punctuated model of conceptual change. Study 2 (longitudinal) explored the same frequencies on repeated occasions among students enrolled in a college course on prehistoric life, and documented the shift in frequencies of “novice” and “expert” concepts occurring during the semester. The results suggest that college students engage in much restructuring of their knowledge frameworks during the period of a semester. Together, the two studies raise questions about common classroom practices that encourage the rote learning of biology and geology concepts at all levels.  相似文献   

概念图已运用各科教学领域,本文据多年教学经验,以具体例子描述概念图的制作步骤以及制作过程中的注意事项,提高概念图的制作技巧。  相似文献   

This paper reports on the use of a constructivist-based pedagogy to enhance understanding of some features of solution chemistry. Pre-service science teacher trainees' prior knowledge about the dissolution of salts and sugar in water were elicited by the use of a simple diagnostic tool. The test revealed widespread alternative conceptions. These evaluation data were used to produce two segments of ‘conceptual change text’: concise summaries that present alternative and scientific conceptualizations for the concepts under study. The texts were administered to 21 pre-service elementary trainee teachers whose understandings of number of conceptions were subsequently re-evaluated employing a pre-test post-test approach in which their answers and reasons for their answers were solicited. The findings suggest that these pre-service elementary trainees' alternative conceptions are changed to become more in accord with the scientific view, with more participants providing correct answers along with correct reasons than before the intervention. This work suggests that the use of conceptual change text may provide a simple and cost and resource-effective way to aid conceptual understanding for the dissolution of ionic solids in water including the effect of solute surface on the dissolution process.  相似文献   

概念转变学习:一种基于建构主义的科学教学模式   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
建构主义认为,科学概念的学习就是学生由前概念向科学概念的转变过程。西方学者对此做了大量的研究。本文着重分析了概念转变学习的内涵、支持条件、途径和模式,以及促进前概念转变为科学概念的教学策略。  相似文献   

新课改以后,探究式教学受到了广大科学教育者的重视,但实施效果却不尽人意。针对教师在实施探究式教学中存在的问题,研究者纷纷对探究式教学策略展开研究。为促进学生在科学探究的同时理解科学知识、形成科学概念,教师在实施探究式教学中应了解学生的理论基础并给予正确的理论指导、引发认知冲突、关注学生的情意领域、灵活实施科学探究活动、重视同伴间的交流和讨论。  相似文献   

重要概念在生物学科教学中占据主导地位,但如何开展初中生物概念教学却一直是一个难题。提问是一项重要的课堂教学技能,利用有效的提问策略,能引发学生思维,实现教学目标,对概念教学的研究非常重要。  相似文献   

阐述数据库设计建立概念模型的重要性,介绍使用统一建模语言UML创建概念模型的一般方法,探讨UML面向对象的机制与关系模型之间的差异及如何通过映射来获得成功的设计。  相似文献   

有代表性的科学哲学观可分为三种流派:经验主义一实证主义、理性主义和建构主义。经验主义者认为预防学生错误观念的方法是教他们小心地应用逻辑程序来进行细致的观察。理性主义认为学生不正确的概念是一些基本的误解,它们应该由较好的逻辑方法来处理。建构主义的观点不是划一的。波普尔强调了实验方法的逻辑,通过尝试去证伪它们来检验假设。拉卡托斯、图耳敏和库恩不认为概念转变必须是一个逻辑过程,我们必须以各种其他的方式发展概念转变,包括课堂小组讨论机制。波斯纳模型中的要素,在拉卡托斯的模型中出现了。图尔敏认为全部的概念不是一下子全部转变的,而是通过特殊概念的转变而逐渐转变的。  相似文献   


Recently, conceptual change research has been experiencing a warming trend (G. M. Sinatra, 2005) whereby motivational and affective factors are being explored in the conceptual change process. The purpose of this study is to explore the 2 × 2 framework of achievement goal theory in relation to students’ conceptual change learning for a specific topic in biology, HIV/AIDS. The authors hypothesized that those with approach goals (mastery approach and performance approach) would demonstrate greater posttest conceptual change in their understanding of HIV/AIDS than those with avoidance goals. Participants were 206 undergraduates in introductory-level college biology courses. Participants were provided a 1,004-word HIV/AIDS text and were pre- and posttested on their conceptual knowledge of HIV/AIDS. Results of an analysis of covariance indicated that approach-oriented students demonstrated greater conceptual HIV/AIDS change at posttest than avoidance-oriented students. Results are discussed in light of the warming trend and achievement goal theory.  相似文献   

In this study, the effect of conceptual-change-texts-oriented instruction to seventh-grade students' understanding of ecological concepts was investigated. Using information collected through interviews and related literature, the Ecology Concept Test was developed and administered to 58 elementary students in two classes of an elementary school before and after the treatment. The experimental group received conceptual-change-texts-oriented instruction and the control group received traditional instruction. Results of independent t test analysis revealed a statistically significant difference between the gain score means of the students in both groups with respect to ecological concepts in favor of experimental group after the treatment.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of conceptual change text-oriented instruction over traditional instruction on students' understanding of solution concepts (e.g., dissolving, solubility, factors affecting solubility, concentrations of solutions, types of solutions, physical properties of solutions) and their attitudes towards chemistry. The sample of this study consisted of 87 undergraduate students from two classes enrolled in an introductory chemistry course. One of the classes was assigned randomly to the control group, and the other class were assigned randomly to the experimental group. During teaching the topic of solution concepts in the chemistry curriculum, a conceptual change text-oriented instruction was applied in the experimental group whereas traditional instruction was followed in the control group. The results showed that the students in the experimental group performed better with respect to solution concepts. In addition, it has been found that there was no significant difference between the attitudes of students in the experimental and control groups towards chemistry.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new way to integrate history of science in science education to promote conceptual change by introducing the notion of historical microworld, which is a computer-based interactive learning environment respecting historic conceptions. In this definition, “interactive” means that the user can act upon the virtual environment by changing some parameters to see what ensues. “Environment respecting historic conceptions” means that the “world” has been programmed to respect the conceptions of past scientists or philosophers. Three historical microworlds in the field of mechanics are presented in this article: an Aristotelian microworld respecting Aristotle’s conceptions about movement, a Buridanian microworld respecting the theory of impetus and, finally, a Newtonian microworld respecting Galileo’s conceptions and Newton’s laws of movement.  相似文献   

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