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校园零体罚是目前中小学教育最关切的议题之一。教育部早已发布了禁止对学生体罚或变相体罚的指示学生自主权获得了更进一步的保障,然而学校及教师对学生的管教态度与方式却也同时面临了前所未有的挑战。因此,本文主要针对美国学校体罚之现况、相关法律基础,探讨目前美国中小学生管教方法之替代方案。期望通过本研究增进我国对美国学校体罚状况的了解以及新的思考方向。  相似文献   

Spanking remains common around the world, despite evidence linking corporal punishment to detrimental child outcomes. This study tested whether children (Mage = 11.60) who were spanked (N = 40) exhibited altered neural function in response to stimuli that suggest the presence of an environmental threat compared to children who were not spanked (N = 107). Children who were spanked exhibited greater activation in multiple regions of the medial and lateral prefrontal cortex (PFC), including dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, dorsomedial PFC, bilateral frontal pole, and left middle frontal gyrus in response to fearful relative to neutral faces compared to children who were not spanked. These findings suggest that spanking may alter neural responses to environmental threats in a manner similar to more severe forms of maltreatment.  相似文献   

伍德勤 《教育研究》2006,27(3):88-91
我国颁布的多部教育法律法规都明确规定,禁止教师体罚和变相体罚学生,但在教育理论和实践中,对什么是体罚和变相体罚,一直存在模糊的认识,从而导致部分教师仍继续犯体罚学生的错误,而另一部分教师又不敢大胆地管学生,甚至放任学生,降低自己工作的责任心。所以,必须明确处罚、体罚、直接体罚、间接体罚(变相体罚)以及侮辱学生人格的处罚等概念的内涵及其相互关系,同时,还必须明确,禁止教师体罚学生是教育发展和人类进步的要求,以杜绝中小学教师的体罚行为。  相似文献   

Mothers' and Children's Conceptualizations of Corporal Punishment   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Preschool ( M age = 4–11) and fifth-grade ( M age = 12–1) children and their mothers judged the acceptability of corporal punishment as a function of the type of transgression (dangerous, violation of social rule, or violation of moral precept) and discipline agent. Children of both ages and their mothers discriminated among different types of transgressions as a function of rule contingency, rule generalizability, and seriousness of the transgression. Social convention transgressions were judged to be more rule contingent, less generalizable (across settings), and less serious than prudential (dangerous) or moral violations, but overall children judged transgressions to be more generalizable than did their mothers. Preschool children showed broad acceptability for severe corporal punishment given any type of transgression, by any agent, whereas fifth graders were generally discriminating about limits of punishability, and their judgments appeared to be transitional between the broad acceptance shown by younger children and more focused acceptability shown by mothers. Mothers were proprietary with respect to agent and tended to focus on dangerous and moral violations as punishable. Findings suggest a developmental path from a single criterion for young children to consideration of multiple criteria for older children and adults. Judgments were also interpreted as reflecting social roles such as parents' responsibility to constrain children and children's expectations for constraint. Preschool children's broad acceptability of punishment despite their differentiation of classes of rules and of transgressions suggests that different constraints operate for judgments about rules or commands as opposed to sanctions. Implications for children's ability to identify and report abuse are also noted.  相似文献   


The authors used data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study–Kindergarten cohort to examine whether parents’ knowledge of their children's reading and mathematics skills varies by academic domain and parents’ income group or ethnicity. Of particular interest was how parents’ knowledge is moderated by school- or home-based involvement. Parents’ knowledge was moderately related to their children's reading and mathematics scores. However, there were systematic income- and ethnicity-related differences in the correlations. Poor parents were reportedly less involved at home and school than nonpoor parents. White, non-Hispanic parents were more involved at school than other parents. School-based rather than home-based involvement was related to the strength of the correlations between parents’ knowledge and children's reading and mathematics scores.  相似文献   

体罚和变相体罚作为一种教育方式广泛地存在于教育的历史和现实、东方教育和西方教育、学校教育和家庭教育之中.由于其违背教育规律、影响学生身心健康、导致师生关系紧张等危害性,一直受到人们的反对,很多国家还通过立法的形式禁止在教育中使用体罚和变相体罚.但事实表明,体罚现象禁而不止.究其原因:一是传统教育观念根深蒂固;二是相关法律条款规定与执行的两难;三是教师的整体素质有待提高.所以,要真正禁止体罚和变相体罚,转变教育观念是基础,加强立法和执法是保证,提高教师的师德水平和整体素质是关键.  相似文献   

中小学教师权压行为、体罚及变相体罚行为的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,教师权压行为、体罚及变相体罚行为在全国各地中小学不同程度地存在着,它不仅影响学生的智能发挥、个性发展和社会适应,而且严重损害教师的集体形象和职业声望。加强对中小学教师权压行为、体罚及变相体罚行为的研究不仅势在必行,而且对重塑教师形象,加强与改进教师教育更具有直接的现实意义。一、研究对象与方法(一)被试本研究采用分层随机抽样方法,样本来自山东省临沂市部分中小学。其中包括高中3所、初中5所、小学4所。共发放问卷600份,回收564份,有效问卷536份。样本分布情况如下:年龄:青年教师(30岁以下)206人,占39.4%;中年教师…  相似文献   

Presently, there are a growing number of ethnic minority students in the primary schools in northwest England. Through sociocultural theory, this paper examines student and parent perspectives of their experiences in the schools. Using a qualitative methodology, including observation, in-depth interviews, and field notes this case study focused on children of ethnic minority parents from a primary school in the northwest of England. Specifically, this study investigates the perspectives of ethnic minority students and their parents while identifying the pedagogical knowledge and strategies already being used by teachers and schools who work with ethnic minority students. Foundational to this research is the belief that ethnic minority families and teachers need to make concerted, intentional efforts to engage in and acquire appropriate knowledge for building effective, communicative relationships in order to benefit student achievement.  相似文献   

本研究采用《小学教师工作-家庭冲突量表》和《小学教师职业倦怠量表》,对柳州和北京223名小学教师施测。通过聚类分析,将小学教师工作-家庭冲突分为和谐型、家庭型、冲突型、工作型。女教师和男教师在四种冲突类型的分布上差异均显著,且前者更多地表现为家庭型、和谐型,后者更多地表现为和谐型;5年以下和20~40年教龄的教师在四种冲突类型的分布上差异显著,且更多地表现为和谐型,11~20年教龄的教师在四种冲突类型的分布上差异显著,且更多地表现为家庭型。四种冲突类型教师在职业倦怠的三个维度上呈现不同特征,情绪衰竭和非人性化上,和谐型的教师均低于其他类型;个人成就感上,和谐型与工作型高于家庭型和冲突型。  相似文献   

文章结合信息化的时代特点,从学生的学习成长、教师队伍素质的提高、学校领导层管理的决策三方面出发,论述中小学图书馆的建设,对中小学教育的巨大作用,促使中小学教育在新世纪之中有长足的发展。  相似文献   

鉴于近年来权威主义非主流儿童观返潮,借鉴贝卡利亚倡导废除死刑时的分析框架,笔者对权威主义儿童观从法学、社会学、心理学等视角进行跨学科批判和分析。笔者认为,体罚无论从一般预防还是从特殊预防的角度而言,都是有害无益的。对受罚学生本人在心理和生理两方面的有害影响可能从幼年持续终老。体罚源自成年人的过度自恋,维护这种自恋的方式本身是一种恶,一旦把克制体罚的理由移除,自制力一点小小的弱化,就足以导致体罚冲动的升级。  相似文献   


In the present study a modified rating scale was administered to a representative school population of 978 Ss in grades 7-12. The concepts investigated were "father" and "mother." The results were reduced to two 10 x 10 correlational matrices and separately factor analyzed using Kaiser's varimax rotation. A comparison of the factor structures of the father and mother concepts revealed differences of dimensionality. The comparison also revealed that attitudes toward the mother are more complex and oriented in terms of how the child perceives the mother to respond to children's needs. The investigation raises questions with regard to the relationship of child-rearing practices and maternal perceptions.  相似文献   

The present study examines the achievement attributions of Greek Cypriot students and their parents. Its aim was to investigate the role of parental and child achievement attributions as parameters of the child's actual school achievement and to examine the existing differences between attributions made by children and their parents. A total of 477 Sixth Grade Greek Cypriot students and their parents participated in the study. A structural equation model was constructed and its ability to fit the data was tested. It was found that child attributions of achievement to effort, ability and other internal factors are positively related to actual achievement, while attributions to luck and external factors are negatively related to achievement. This is in line with earlier findings. Parental and child attributions are not strongly and reliably related. Thus, claims that children develop their own attributions on the basis of their parents’ attributions were not supported. Gender differences were found, with females attributing their achievement to effort more than males did. Finally, underachievers tended to attribute their school performance to external factors (luck, role of others such as parents and teachers), while highly achieving students tended to attribute their performance to their own effort and other internal factors.  相似文献   

小学生家长对学校的满意度研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一、问题的提出 家长对学校的满意度是学校效能评价的关键群体满意模式的评价内容之一。国外不少地方的学生家长都把有关部门定期测评并公布的家长满意度作为为子女选择学校的依据之一。在我国传统的办学主体单一和计划经济背景影响下,中小学校存在着家长害怕教师、害怕学校的现象。随着办学主  相似文献   

从学生的真实错别字入手,随机调查了二到五年级共175名学生的汉字听写样本,对错别字进行分类,分析小学生出现错别字的类型及其特点,提出纠正错别字的教学策略。  相似文献   

体罚是有意地直接或间接地引起受罚者的痛苦。体罚的广泛存在主要是由于施罚者的传统教育思想根深蒂固、缺乏有效的教育手段、教育方法简单化以及法律意识淡漠。体罚除了引起儿童的即时顺从以外,会造成对儿童的身体伤害,还可能导致儿童在道德内化、攻击、过失和反社会行为、亲子关系的质量、心理健康方面引起问题,而且这些效应会持续到成年期。因此,有效地遏制体罚,必须更新教育思想,树立平等民主的价值观,学会理性惩罚,建立家庭学校社区多元化监督机制。  相似文献   


The author examined corporal punishment practices in the United States based on data from 362 public school principals where corporal punishment is available. Results from multiple regression analyses show that schools with multiple student violence prevention programs and teacher training programs had fewer possibilities of use corporal punishment, whereas schools that served a greater percentage of ethnic minority students and special education students had a 2.1 times greater and a 1.8 times greater likelihood of use corporal punishment, after controlling for students’ problem behavior and school characteristics. Policy implications for an equal implementation of corporal punishment practice were offered.  相似文献   

本文采用自编的中学生与父母关系的调查问卷表,对武汉市六所中学的1500名学生进行调查;根据调查结果分别对中学生与父母的沟通,父母对中学生的关心以及父母对中学生人格的影响等方面作了分析,同时为如何正确处理中学生和父母关系提出相应建议和要求。  相似文献   

体罚一直是各国立法的热点和难点问题,我国经历了百年废除体罚艰难,到如今却仍举步维艰。基于对传统文化同情的理解,深刻领会他国对于体罚问题的观点和价值判断后发现,我国体罚制度从实体制度到程序规制的整体缺失是我国体罚权论争的结症所在。为了巩固废除体罚的成果,我们势必要思考如何定纷止争;如何在实现禁止体罚的同时,不削弱教师的管理权。  相似文献   

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