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In the face of continuous changes taking place in the education system, universities have to traverse mode 1 (teaching and knowledge production), mode 2 (co-production of knowledge with heterogeneous groups), and mode 3 (encompassing social responsibility). In this embracing an entrepreneurial and innovation ensuring a quality education combined with context, two aspects begin to gain prominence for universities: (1) ethos integrated with productive societal relationships; and (2) a superior experience for its learners. This paper undertakes a comprehensive meta-analysis of the literature matched with emerging systemic trends to argue the challenges associated with creating a productive higher education system.  相似文献   

战略获得执行的前提是清晰地表达和成功地沟通,战略地图的提出正是提供了这样一种有效描述战略的动态可视化工具。本文以利兹大学的战略地图为本,依内部因果逻辑为线,分析其战略地图层级、因素间的内在联系和相互影响,探讨由其内在机理引导下的战略管理实施过程。  相似文献   

为解决高职院校工作中存在的战略目标执行不力、部门之间协同性不强等问题,提出引进平衡记分卡等组合管理工具来提高管理成效。通过分析战略地图的应用可行性,设计高职院校战略地图,绘制部门平衡记分卡,形成质量提升的动态循环。同时,应用乌龟图分析工作过程,对工作过程进行管理和控制,实现高职院校战略与部门目标、关键工作流程相对接。在实践过程中要注意建立战略中心型组织、建立内部顾客思想和实行过程导向管理。  相似文献   

知识地图是知识管理的重要工具,应用领域十分广泛。近年来,质量管理手段不断发展并涌现出许多新的质量工具,准确、高效地对质量工具加以识别已成为一项新的难题。针对这一问题,提出将知识地图应用于质量工具管理领域,构建知识结构地图和知识应用地图,并采用五步法(即IDCIU法)来实现知识地图的构建。建立的知识地图实例表明应用知识地图可以有效保证质量工具选择的准确性和科学性。  相似文献   

高职高专院校教学质量的建构是文化的结晶,营造外部文化环境,深化内部文化构建,培育出全面质量管理文化,才能激发院校师生和管理者提升教学质量的动力,促进教学质量的持续改进。  相似文献   

高校内外部环境的急剧变化和不确定性使战略管理成为大学的必然选择。大学校长是大学战略的核心领导,从某种意义上说,大学的战略就是大学校长的战略。大学战略管理的成败,关键在于领导者尤其是大学校长在实施战略管理过程中能否实现战略家的准确定位;是否具备战略家的素质要求以及能否实现把握大学战略方向、做出有效的战略决策、组建战略团队等职能。  相似文献   

讨论了积映射Φ2=φ×ψ和2个广义的投影φ和ψ的2-调和性,得到了几个主要结论:Φ2=φ×ψ是恰当2-调和映射的充分必要条件是函数b,f分别为方程-1/f2 Jφ(dφ(grad(lnb)))+n/2grad dφ(grad(lnb))2=0,-1/b2Jψ(dψ(grad(lnf)))+m/2grad dψ(lnf)=0的非常值解;Φ2=φ×ψ是恰当2-调和映射的充分必要条件是φ和ψ都是恰当2-调和映射.  相似文献   

在地理教学中,素质教育的内容是多方面的,其中地图能力的培养是素质教育的重要组成部分,主要包括四个步骤:识图、熟图、绘图、读图。  相似文献   

基于新建本科院校在我国社会发展和高等教育发展中的重要战略地位,办优质教育成为实现新建本科院校社会责任和教育使命的必然选择。新建本科院校办优质教育的战略实施必须建立一个系统而实际的保障体系。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of teaching adult learners who are going through difficult economic and political times. Lessons are learned from Shakespeare's King Lear. Humor is at the same time both a powerful educational tool and a course content that can be used to highlight tragic social realities. Through thoughtful laughter, humor comforts people. On the one hand, humor eases tension. On the other hand, humor intensifies tension by exposing harsh realities in a comic way. Hence, humor can be used as an instructional tool to facilitate learning about complex issues and tragedies both inside and outside the classroom (formal education), the community (informal education), and the workplace (non-formal education and human resource development).  相似文献   

1 Introduction 1 Let X as a compact metric space with the metric d and f :X → Xas a continuous map. For every nonnegative integer n , define f ninductively by f n = f ? f n?1, with f 0as the identity map on X . If there is a positive integer n such that f n( x )= x, the point x of X is called the periodic point of f and the least n is called the periodic point of x . A periodic point is called a fixed point. Denote the fixed points set and the periodic points set of f respectively by F ( f…  相似文献   

As community colleges receive attention focused on their role in addressing postsecondary needs, they are subject to varying levels of accountability, which necessitates the development of strategic approaches to leading institutions. Burke (2005 Burke , J. ( 2005 ). The many faces of accountability . In J. Burke & Associates (Eds.), Achieving accountability in higher education: Balancing public, academic and market demands (pp. 124 ). San Francisco , CA : Wiley . [Google Scholar]) recognizes three accountability perspectives that higher education institutions must consider: market, political, and academic. The strategic planning processes used at three North Carolina community colleges reflect a balanced approach to responding to the accountability requirements of all three perspectives. Using a qualitative multisite case study of the colleges, five themes emerge as implications for practice: (a) Involve stakeholders in strategic planning and implementation; (b) Create a student-centered culture; (c) Provide fiscal accountability with data-driven decision making; (d) Develop a balanced strategic approach to all accountability perspectives; and (e) Integrate regional accreditation principles into strategies. By applying the convergent practices of the three successful colleges, community colleges can create strategic plans to meet the needs of a variety of stakeholders, assert fiscal management, and encourage continuous improvement of programs and processes.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to develop a stakeholder map to describe the most important stakeholders and the process of stakeholder relationships in higher education. According to the perspective of the balanced scorecard, the classification of stakeholders integrates stakeholders into strategic management. Stakeholder maps are essential in quality assurance, because higher education institutions must identify the most important stakeholders to collect feedback from the stakeholder relationships and improve their processes. This study describes stakeholder collaboration using the process flow of stakeholder relationships. The results of the study can be used in quality audits to describe how stakeholders are involved in a meaningful manner in the development of activities.  相似文献   

基于概念图教学理论,在高职非英语专业词汇教学中采用概念图教学,通过元知识讲解、概念图案例、布置绘制概念图的任务、异质分组、小组协作建构概念图、小组展示并讲解概念图、默写概念图中的生词和词组等七个步骤,再建立基于Blog与QQ相结合的教学平台,提高学生的词汇应用能力,培养学生的创新能力。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to compare the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) self-assessment model in higher education institutions (HEIs) in Spain and in Jordan. Case study methodology on eight services provided by a public university in Spain and seven services provided by one public university and one private university in Jordan is used. The findings show the steps that an administrative service may follow in order to apply the questionnaire approach to conduct self-assessment in a successful manner and the difficulties, benefits and success factors in both countries by comparing the results. This paper provides lessons for decision makers and managers of other universities in developing countries, who wish to perform an exercise in self-assessment using a questionnaire approach.  相似文献   

高校质量文化是促进高校人才培养质量不断提升的最持久也是最深沉的力量。作为培养高素质技术技能人才主阵地的高职院校,要依据对职业教育的新认识,重构高职教育质量文化;要确立自身的新使命,主动适应国家战略,培养更多高素质劳动者和技术技能人才;要通过“1+X”证书制度等新实践,深化办学体制和育人机制改革;要通过推进职业教育标准化建设等举措,为高职院校质量文化建设提供新的保障;要正视高职教育质量文化研究成果中以思辨性主观想象为主的倾向,通过“职教20条”方案的建设理念和具体实践,促进理论研究与实践探索有机融合;要以高职院校人才培养能力提升为逻辑起点,探究质量文化的内涵及其价值取向并用以指导人才培养实践,有效推进高职教育内涵发展。  相似文献   

论品牌立校战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校品牌立校战略是高校围绕学校品牌建设对学校管理与发展进行的战略性谋划。对品牌立校战略的抉择意味着在治校理念和战略思维上更加鲜明地体现对质量、特色、形象、品位的追求。实施品牌立校战略是适应高等教育大众化、高等教育战略转型的需要,也是地方高校自身可持续发展的需要。品牌立校战略的主要任务包括学科品牌建设、专业品牌建设、课程品牌建设、教师品牌建设、学生品牌建设等八个方面。品牌立校战略的实施必须正确理解和推进品牌定位、品牌推广、品牌文化、品牌管理策略,以实现追求卓越的大学发展目标。  相似文献   

素质教育是我国高等院校的一个改革方向,对提高我国高等教育的水平和质量具有重要的现实意义。我国高校的素质教育战略目前并未取得实质性进展,其重要阻碍因素之一是缺乏科学的战略体系的指导。大学生素质教育战略体系的构建必须密切结合于我国当前大学生素质教育活动的现状与发展趋势。验证性因子分析可以为理论体系的有效性提供现实性检验。  相似文献   

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