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以解决实习中遇到的真实问题为主要目的的师范生实习支持平台具有在线实践共同体的特征,运用内容分析法研究师范生实习支持平台,可以了解到目前在线实践共同体中的交互情况,并由此归纳总结出5种影响交互的因素:真实的问题解决需求;共同事业的协商;分享协作的精神;成员间的相互认可;共同认可的准则。并在此基础上提出了加深在线实践共同体交互的建议:发挥助学者和准备期的作用;提供相关资料支持;将讨论区按相关主题分类;设置精华帖、置顶帖。  相似文献   

在师范生进入实习基地实习之前(第4~6学期),在大学基础课程的教学中采用指导教师和师范实习生同登讲台的team teaching模式组织教学,不仅可以加快实习生由学生向教师的角色转换,使实习生在进入中学实习基地前就可积累一定的教学经验和能力,把高校的实习生培养目标变成指导教师和实习生的自我需求,而且能让高校免费获得team teaching模式所需要的双倍师资,实现师范实习生培养和提高大学基础课教学质量的双赢.  相似文献   

信息化的推进加快了慕课的发展,在慕课学习过程中积累了大量的学习者学习行为数据,合理利用这些行为数据可进一步提升学习者的学习效果。运用社会网络分析方法对《微课设计与制作》慕课中综合讨论区学习者的交互行为进行分析,从交互网络的密度、中心度、核心-边缘、凝聚子群等方面反映学习者学习情况。结果表明:慕课讨论区中学习者之间的交互比较松散,学习者流动性较大;知识掌握仍停留于表层,没有内化;学习者之间缺乏学习情感投入。因此,需从管理层面、讨论区形式、共享性方面加强慕课讨论区建设,以提高慕课学习者交互的主动性,提升学习效果。  相似文献   

本文通过对目前高等院校师范生教育实习流程中薄弱环节的分析,提出在教育实习流程中引入网络平台作为技术支撑,以实现资源的充分共享和反复使用,提高教育实习的效率,促进师范生的专业发展.  相似文献   

以协作学习小组的QQ群交互为研究对象,基于社会网络分析法,分析交互网络的密度、中心度以及凝聚子群,探讨协作学习小组QQ群中的交互特征。根据分析结果,从增强QQ群协作学习效果的视角提出两点优化策略:加强学习者自主学习能力,提升学习者核心性;合理安排小组成员角色,提升小组凝聚性。  相似文献   

教育实习是师范教育重要的组成部分.为了让师范生将所学到的理论知识运用到实践当中,培养其教育实践能力,教育实习是最好的方式.从教育实习的内容、作用、时间安排等方面进行了讨论,并针对存在问题提出相应的整改措施.  相似文献   

教育实习是师范生培养的重要组成部分,是学业评价的一种方式。同时,学业评价也是教育实习的重要环节之一。师范生教育实习学业评价对检验师范院校的教学水平、了解师范生的能力具有重要作用。从实践角度出发,目前教育实习学业评价存在评价方式单一、评价标准简单、忽视过程评价、自我评价缺失等问题。文章提出对策:转变教育实习评价方式,建立多元评价体系,过程与结果评价相结合,全方位考察教育实习等。  相似文献   

李鑫  赵浩浩  柴丽君  董晓 《教师》2012,(32):21-22
本文通过实地访谈、问卷回收、查阅资料、咨询专家等方法对免费师范生这一特殊群体的实习情况进行了详细考察,力求全面了解首届免费师范生的实习现状,针对高等师范院校和实习生提出了一些针对性的对策及建议,归纳出教育实习优化模式,以期为培养高质量免费师范生提供相关参考。  相似文献   

师范生在即将毕业走向工作岗位之前,往往需要到中小学或者高等院校进行教学实践。师范生深入到不同学校进行教育实习的过程中常常遭遇到一系列的不适应。立足实习教师的视角探讨师范生职前教育目前尚存在的一些问题是探寻高师教育改革的有效途径。  相似文献   

为探究泛在学习环境下的教学如何能够达到最优效果,针对泛在学习环境下的学习交互进行实验研究。利用社会网络分析软件UCINET、NetMiner,通过点度、核心度、网络密度、关系距离等指标的考查,对师生交互为主、学习者交互为主和师生混合交互为主的教学实验进行分析,发现教师对学习交互的引导作用比较大,在学习者为主体的教学活动中学习者交互仍然需要教师有效引导。  相似文献   

Few teachers keep up with educational research and make use of research findings in their daily work. Also the number of teacher educators actively engaged in research is limited. This paper describes how preservice teachers can be introduced to educational research by carrying out ‘minisearch’ projects under guidance as part of their methods classes. Examples of topics which lend themselves to this kind of research include identifying pupils’ alternative conceptions and ‘shadowing’. Such research projects are regarded by most preservice teachers as interesting and very useful, and teaching staff are able to pool together the findings of their student teachers to form a publishable article. Research data collected in this way can provide significant information, yet can be obtained relatively simply at low cost. Further research is needed to find out the impact of involvement in research within preservice education on the use of research by practising teachers.  相似文献   

信息时代的教师信息技术培训具有丰富的内涵和特殊的意义。分析我国教师信息技术培训的发展历程.提出8条参与信息技术培训的指导性建议,必然对教师自身的专业发展起到关键性作用。  相似文献   

通过阐释教育技术能力的内涵,探讨了职技高师师范生教育技术能力培养的教学改革思路,进而提出与之相适应的教育技术能力培养策略。  相似文献   

基于卓越教师培养的教师教育品质保证是一个系统工程,近年来,教育部出台的卓越教师系列政策为我国教师教育改革提供政策依据和制度支撑,开创了教育的新局面,但新的问题也随之出现。培养卓越教师,构建教师教育品质保证制度,是我国教师教育专业化发展的政策选择。卓越教师培养政策追求的是一种高品质的教师教育,具有自身的制度逻辑和发展脉络。政策指引是教师教育品质的外部保证;机制创新是教师教育品质的内部保证。为保证教师教育品质,应大力推进教师教育一体化发展,构建多元协同、内外兼修的教师教育治理体系。  相似文献   

Research on teacher thinking has been under way now for well over a decade. Implications of this research for the education of preservice teachers have been considered by a small but growing number of writers. This material appears to have received only scant attention in the literature on reform in teacher education, even though it bears directly on the contemporary search for more effective ways of preparing teachers to be reflective professionals rather than mere technicians. The paper begins with a brief discussion of the nature of teacher thinking research and its conceptual underpinnings. The rest of the paper considers implications and reform in teacher education.  相似文献   

“教师学习”研究的发展及其对职前教师教育的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪70年代以来,人们对教师学习、教师专业发展、教师在教育改革中的角色的理解有了很大的转变。教师学习与职前教师教育密不可分,是教师个人专业成长的过程。近年来,有学者对国际上有关教师学习的研究领域的相关重要概念进行了梳理和分析,并探讨了其对职前教师教育课程的设计与实施的启示,他们的研究既能丰富教师教育中的实践元素,也能适时地补充当前我国教师教育课程改革的理论空隙。  相似文献   

In this longitudinal study, carried out over a period of 6 years, the curriculum approach of student-teachers in the fields of Jewish Studies was examined, from their 1st year of studies until their 6th year when they took their places as full-fledged teachers in schools. This article focuses on the student-teachers’ approaches to curriculum and the differences in their attitudes toward two formal study programs, that differ in character and essence. The major argument in this article is that the character and essence of a formal syllabus has great influence on curriculum approaches of students preparing to become teachers, and their place in developing their own teaching program.  相似文献   

Increasingly, researchers, teacher educators and governmental agencies underline the need for early childhood professionals to be able to conduct and use relevant research in their practice. In contrast, early childhood teachers tend to draw exclusively on practical advice rather than research evidence to evaluate and develop their teaching. To address these contradictions in expectations, recently developed preservice early childhood teacher education programs have included a core research subject that aims to foster an appreciation of the value of research and its contributions to professional practice. This study examines the effectiveness of teaching and learning approaches designed to make research relevant to undergraduates at an Australian regional university by tracking students' changing views about research during a one-semester teaching period. The findings of this study show that relevant learning experiences, such as designing and conducting a simple research project, modeling research, collaborative inquiry, focused reading, and organizing a research conference, significantly changed student perceptions of the relevance of research to their teaching and their future role as early childhood professionals.  相似文献   

二战后,日本依据国家法律形成、由教育行政部门组织的教师研修制度,体系完善,内容、形式多样,适应了不同年龄、层次和专业教师的需求,为中小学教师专业成长提供了基础条件;另一方面,广泛开展的教学研究,由于其“草根性”及与专业研究者结合的特征,为实践一线教师展开教学问题研究和促进教师个性化教学起到了积极作用,并对世界许多国家产生了广泛的影响观他山之石,我们既可以对我国已有的体系完备的教研制度充满信心,也可以引发进一步加强、改善其功能的更多思考.  相似文献   

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