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一、单元教学目标 1.能力目标: (1)能够就自己喜爱的季节及原因进行问答,如:What's your favourite season?Which season do you like best?Why do you like spring?Because I can fly kites.  相似文献   

Can you play the guitar?【情景对话】Wang:What can I do for you?Maria:I want to join the clubs.Wang:OK,what clubs do you want to join?Maria:I want to join the swimming club.Wang:Why do you want to join the club?Maria:Because I like swimming.Wang:你需要我帮忙吗?Maria:我想加入俱乐部。  相似文献   

<正>单元话题:Animals in the zoo语言功能:Describe animals;Express preferences句式结构:Why,What,Where questions Because…Adjectives of quality(cute,shy,scary,smart…)目标语言:What animals do you like?I like koalas.Why do you like koalas?Because they are very cute.Where are koalas from?They’re from Australia.Period 4 Section B(2a-2c)教学目的:1.知识目标掌握词汇:save,flag,forget,place,water,danger,cut,down,tree,kill,over  相似文献   

[本课选自仁爱版《英语》七年级下册Unit8,Topic 1,SectionA.] 一、教材分析 本课主要教学内容是询问他人最喜欢的季节,了解每个季节的特征.教学重点是询问天气的句型,如:What's the weather like in spring?Which season do you like best?Why do you like it?及表示天气的单词sunny,cloudy,rainy等.教学难点是如何在实际生活中灵活应用该句型,以及能灵活地表达出自己所喜欢的季节.  相似文献   

Unit 3 1.Why do you like koalas?你为什么喜欢树袋熊?这是一个由why引导的一般现在时的特殊疑问句。why是疑问副词,意为"为什么",用来询问原因,答语一般要用because开头。例如:--Why do you arrive late?你为什么迟到了?--Because I can!t find this place.  相似文献   

Warm-up or lead in设计一:Talk about Pangpang出示一小胖子图片。T:I have a friend.My friends call him Pangpang.Why is his name Pangpang?Ss:He is fat.T:Yes.Because he is fat.(板书"why,because")Do you like him?Ss:Yes.T:Why do you like him?Ss:He is strong/funny/kind…T:Do you know his favourite season?  相似文献   

概述 本课是以季节为主题的对话课,在巩固已学句型“What’s your favourite season?”等基础上通过Sarah与Chen Jie的对话创设“Why do you like spring?Because I can plant trees/…”的新情境。本课教学中,充分体现“以言语交际为中心”的英语课堂模式,教学活动围绕一系列不同语境的听和说展开,并运用大量的音频、视频、flash媒体资源与风景图片、  相似文献   

Unit 1:以旧引新以新带旧课堂观摩:1.Say a rhyme"I like rice"2.T:I like rice.Do you like rice?引导生回答:Yes,I do./No,I don’t.出示句型卡片"Do you like…?Yes,I do./No,I don’t."熟练朗读这些句子。3.T:I like mangoes.Do you like mangoes?S:Yes,I do./No,I don’t.运用以前所学的食物类、水果类、蔬菜类等单词,结合句型"Do you like…?Yes,I do/No,I don’t."进行同桌问答练习。亮点剖析:采用学生已学的旧知识来引出新知识,能够降低学生学习新知的难度,清除学生的畏难情绪,从而更愿意学习新知。而在  相似文献   

人们在社会交往中,通常会谈及个人的情况,使彼此互相了解,增进友谊.出生年月、何方人氏、何种职业、电话号码、兴趣爱好、家庭成员等方方面面都可涉及.下面举一些常见的谈个人情况的句型. 1.Where were you born? I was born in England. 2.May I ask you some questions? Yes,please. 3.When did you come here? I came here in 2008. 4.Why did your family move to China? Because my father found a job here. 5.How do you like China? We like it very much.We like the Chinese people and the Chinese food.  相似文献   

一、教学目标:1.知识目标:学习新句型:what time do you…?I…at…;whose…is this/arethey?It’s/They’re…Try…on.All right,并能让学生听懂、会说、认读和书写。2.能力目标:让学生学会运用新句型进行彼此间的交际。3.情感态度和价值观:激发学生学习英语的兴趣;培养学生互相合作、友好交际的精神。  相似文献   

The Elephant     
Lily goes to the zoo. Mum:Lily,which animal do you like best? Lily:The elephant. Mum:Why?  相似文献   

这是Tom和Jack的一段对话。请你根据对话内容,在括号内填上相应的选项把它们连接起来。Tom What sports do you like?(B)1.Why do you like it?()2.Do you want to play it now?()3.What movie?()4.But I don't think so.()5.I like comedies.()Jack A.Sorry,Idont.I want to go to a movie.B.I like basketball.C.What kind of movies do you like,then?D.Because it is beautiful.E.Sleepless Night.It's a thriller and it's interesting.F.Oh,I like comedies,too.Key:1.D 2.A 3.E 4.C 5.F对话排序!山东@小青…  相似文献   

一、教字目标: 1.知识目标:学习新句型:"what time do you…?I…at …;whose…is this/are thev ? It's/They're…Try…on.All right",并能让学生听懂、会说、认读和书写. 2.能力目标:让学生学运用新句型进行此间的交际.  相似文献   

[教学过程] Step 1:Warming up 1.Free talk: T:Boys and girls,look,I can swim.What can you do? S1:I can... …… T:I like rabbits.Do you like rabbits? S:Yes,I do./No I don't. T:I like listening to music.Do you like to listen to music?  相似文献   

一、选购物品●售货员说的话:1.Can I help you?你要买什么?2.What can I do for you?你要买什么?3.Which would you like?你要买哪一个?4.How many/much do you want?你想要多少?5.Is that all?够了吗?6.Do you like...?你喜欢……?7.What about...?你觉得……怎么样?8.Which one/colour do you like?你要哪一个/哪种颜色的?9.What size do you want?你要多大号码的?10.Is this one better?这个更好吗?11.OK./Certainly.当然可以。12.Here you are.给你。13.No hurry.Please take your time!别急!请慢慢来。14.I’m afraid we have…  相似文献   

1.顾客光临时售货员主动热情的询问语Can/May I help you?你要点儿什么吗?What can I do for you?您想买什么吗?Anything can I do for you?你要买点什么东西吗?不能说:What do you want to buy?2.顾客购物时直接表述需要的用语I'd like...我想要……I'd like to buy...我想买……  相似文献   

Unit 4 1.——Which do you like better,the city or the country?(城市和乡 村相比,你更喜欢哪里?) ——I like the country better.(我更喜欢乡村。) 当你询问对方两者之中比较喜欢哪一个时,可使用句式:Which do youlike better,A or B?例如: ——Which do you like better,summer or winter?(夏季和冬季相比,你更喜欢哪个季节?)——I like summer better.(我更喜欢夏季。) 如果询问三者当中最喜欢哪个时,则使用句式:Which do you like best,A,B or C?例如:  相似文献   

(一)有意向别人提供帮助和方便时,英美人常用如下句型:1.Can I help you?我能帮助你吗?2.What can I do for you?我能为你效劳吗?3.Would you like some…?你要点……吗?4.Let me…for you.我来替(帮)你……。  相似文献   

1.I like music that I can dance to.我喜欢能跟着跳舞的音乐。(p.44)I love singers who write their ownmusic.我喜欢自己写音乐的歌手。(p.44)当先行词是指人的名词时,引导定语从句的关系代词一般要用who或that;当先行词是指物的名词,关系代词要用that或which。例如:The house that we live in is very old.我们居住的那个房子很旧了。The boy who is wearing a black jacket isvery clever.穿黑上衣的那个男孩非常聪明。2.What do you think of it?你觉得它怎么样?(p.46)“What do you think of...?”的意思是“你认为/觉得……怎么样?”,与句型“How doyou like...?”的意思相同。例如:What do you think of the film?你认为这部电影怎么样?think of还有“想起;考虑”的意思。例如:I can’t think of his name at the mo...  相似文献   

1.How do you like China?你觉得中国怎样?(L93) 精析:问对方感受、评价印象用How do you like…?有时可与What do you think of…?互换;而问你喜欢……的……?则用What do you like about…?如: 1) How do you like the book?/What do you think ofthe book?你认为这本书怎样? 2)What do you like about the book?你喜欢书的哪些  相似文献   

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