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新文 《文化交流》2005,(3):40-41
作为摄影家,房翔是杭州婚纱摄影界的翘楚,中国人像摄影十杰;作为企业家, 从1994年创立佳丽摄影艺术有限公司迄今,房翔已经拥有三大品牌店:佳丽摄影时尚婚纱摄影名店、巴黎春天精致摄影工厂、佳丽·索菲亚婚礼广场;他还拥有三大拍摄基地:佳丽爱情山庄、佳丽朱家尖海景基地、雅酷精致摄影工厂,2004年又新成立了新生代摄影造型培训学苑、映象无极广告有限公司。2003年,房翔获得全国摄影业管理成就奖,同年,他旗下的"佳丽摄影"被评为全国摄影业百强企业。  相似文献   

这是一次特殊的婚纱摄影,新郎叫阿平,舟山定海盐仓人,黄皮肤;新娘叫莎莎,非洲埃塞俄比亚人,黑皮肤。  相似文献   

爱情、婚恋是人的一生中最美好的事情。无论是身着洁白的婚纱庄重地步入教堂的红地毯,还是在锣鼓喧天中喜庆地拜天地,都表达了人们对婚姻美好的向往与祝愿。在印度的拉贾斯坦邦的比尔人,至今一直沿袭着这样一个婚俗:倘若一个小伙子与某一位姑娘一见钟情,那他只需拉一下姑娘的手,姑娘就知道这是在向她求爱。如果她不同意,就  相似文献   

陈睿姣 《文化学刊》2013,(4):106-110
拍摄婚纱照被看作是自由恋爱的标志。女性通过华丽的婚纱,曼妙多姿的体态,吸引观者"凝视"的目光,这在一定程度上,显示着女性地位和隐形话语权的提升。但是在消费社会"美"的标准下,女性试图通过身体技术来实现"上相"的美学价值,由此又陷入了"美学神话"的怪圈。本文试从婚纱照中女性的身体转向,揭示其背后蕴含的权利关系。  相似文献   

正"海丝之路"塑造了城市精神受访者:宁波市文物考古研究所所长王结华Wang Jiehua, Director of Ningbo Cultural Heritage Management Research Institute宁波是一座向海而生、因海而兴的港口城市。宁波的文明发展史、城市建设史,实际上是一部海洋开发史、海丝之路拓展史。早在距今八千多年前,生活在这里的远古先民已经开始了对海洋的原始开发;距今七千年左右,这里产生了著名的河姆渡文化,出现了早期的舟船系泊点;距今两千多年前,这里出现了第一座港口城市——句章,为后来海上丝绸之路的拓展奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Wang Renshu"1901-1972?was a scholar, yet he is most remembered for his heroic fights against the dark rule of the Kuomintang government in the 1930s. His literary creations and his life as a revolutionary scholar fighting for national liberation composed a brilliant chapter in the annals of China's new literature. He was a  相似文献   

In 2001, the 71-year-old Wang Zhaofan became a headliner in Wenzhou when he came back to visit his home for the first time in 55 years. As the only living architect of the World Trade Center in New York, Wang gave a talk in Wenzhou, revealing many details about the role he played in the design and about the architectural  相似文献   

随着社会与经济的快速发展,人民的物质和精神生活水平日益提高,结婚消费市场已经形成了婚庆公司联手婚纱摄影、美容美发、服装首饰、饭店旅游、装饰装修、鲜花礼品等数十个行业组成的庞大产业链.2010年,我国结婚综合消费能力达数千亿元,"结婚经济"正以其快速增长的规模,成为我国经济新的亮点.  相似文献   

A friend with Zhejiang Kunqu Opera Troupe one day mentioned to me that he would appear in a performance of The Peony Pavilion in a hall version in collaboration with Wang Shiyu.This news took my fancy,for Wang played a big part in the blockbuster youth version of The Peony Pavilion pro-duced by Mr.Bai Xianyong.So I expected to  相似文献   

Master Collector     
Wang Jiqian passed away at age 97 in New York on July 3rd, 2003. Hundreds of people form the art community came to pay their last respects to him.A world-class master connoisseur and collector of the ancient Chinese art, Wang left behind him a huge collection of valuable Chinese paintings, which has sparked an inheritance dispute among family members and raised  相似文献   

Wang Shixiang won the award of 2003 ChinaOutstanding Person of Culture when he was 90years old. The accolade recognized his lifelongdedication to researches into Chinese culturalrelics.Wang's ancestral home was in eastern China'sFujian Province. His great grandfather andgrandfather were Qing court officials. His fatherwas a high-ranking diplomat in the 1920s. Hismother's family was one of the richest inNanxun, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province. Born in1914, Wang lived in Nanxun as a child, lea…  相似文献   

Wang Xuan is a legend of today's China. Shehas headed a class action against Japanesebacterial warfare crimes committed in Chinaduring World War II. For eight years, she hasbeen leading a group of aged Chinese victimsof the bacterial war in the lawsuit for apologyand compensation. Her unflagging effort is toexpose the Japanese war crime to the world, andask Japan to apologize.Wang Xuan's crusade against the Japanesewar crime kicked off by accident. In 1995 whenshe was about to go to Amer…  相似文献   

I first saw a landscape in pyrograph art by Wang Kenong in an office of a businessman in Yongkang, a Firmware powerhouse city in central Zhejiang. Through friends, I have come to make friends with the artist Wang Kenong. I find that he is a consummate master of pyrography. The cumbersome electric iron in his hand moves skillfully, creating amazing strokes. The technique creates paintings on both the rice paper and the wooden boards with a special effect that can not be produced in the traditional Chinese ink and wash painting.  相似文献   

谢海云 《职业圈》2006,(8):20-22
刚当上新娘的女性都有一个体会:结婚真累人。因为在美满婚礼背后,有太多的事要做,美容化妆、拍婚纱照、预订酒店、婚礼仪式……还有许多人不知道婚纱如何选择,饰品如何搭配,新房如何布置。济南女孩刘桐独具慧眼,选择做“新娘秘书”,专为人处理婚事中的各种繁琐事。在新娘们得到美丽和幸福的同时,她也赚到了大把钞票。"赚800元小费,发现一座“金矿”刘桐是个美丽可爱的济南女孩,今年26岁。她自幼喜欢画画,2003年从服装设计专业毕业后,又根据自身情况到韩国学习美容美发,回国后在北京一家著名影楼做化妆师。2004年8月的一天,一位叫李霏的时装…  相似文献   

韩涧明 《职业圈》2004,(12):34-35
所谓数码立体影像,就是用电脑将普通的图片通过软件加工后,用彩色喷墨打印机、喷绘机或者印刷设备输出立体图片.从视觉观察,输出的图片并不能立即看到立体效果,而是通过在图片上附着光栅板或者光栅膜,最终利用光栅并借助人的视觉特点在平面上看到层次清晰的立体效果影像. 就用途来说,立体影像可以用于广告、婚纱、装饰画、灯箱、明星卡、贺年卡等很多方面.产品主要以新奇与特殊的视觉效果取胜.  相似文献   

During this Spring Festival, I chatted withWang Shiyao, the son of Wang Chuansong, afamous clown of Kunqu Opera. The ZhejiangKunqu Theater plans to stage activities inmemory of the great clown in April this year inHangzhou. During our conversation, weremi…  相似文献   

The modern Chinese history of tea records events and names such as Wu Juenong, Zhang Tianfu, Zhuang Wanfang, and Chen Zhongmao, who have made contributions to the promotion of Chinese tea. Wang Jiayang is another name that goes down in history of the mode…  相似文献   

正"小青柠"、"那我们就摇一摇吧"、"啊胎气啊"、"就碍得赖"、"摆的一沓哎"、"那就不要韶赖"……当观众在微电影《南京201314》中看到这样的字幕,听到这样的对白时,怎么也不会认为这是一部城市形象宣传片。这部名称寓意着"南京爱你一生一世"和2013年南京亚洲青年运动会(简称"亚青会")、2014年南京青年奥林匹克运动会(简称"青奥会")的城市微电影,以全新的理念、清新的方式,实现了赛事和城市的有效传播。  相似文献   

江湖话究竟怎么个说法呢?我在中大中文系学过音韵学,明白旧时没有国际音标,未能用音标来注音,为汉字注音就用了反切法。如《康熙字典》:"东"的注音为"德红"切,取"德"的声母d,与"红"的韵母ong拼合起来,就成为"东"这个字的读音dong了。客方言的江湖话实际上是一种倒反切,如"梅"字是"眉来"的反切,倒过来江湖话就说成"来眉";"小"是"死了"的反切,倒过来江湖话就说成"了死",诸如此类。  相似文献   

正2018年是"一带一路"倡议提出五周年。五年来的进展与经验表明,"一带一路"不可能是一帆风顺的,也不可能一朝一夕就能建成。未来"一带一路"建设面临的困难与挑战,将极大考验中国对外战略的定力与耐力。这就像是一场新时代下中国与世界互动合作的马拉松,怎么把握跑的节奏感,如何应对沿路的各种内外困扰,首先取决于我们对这场超长距离跑的预期。由此,笔者尝试分析"一带一路"五年来中央决策设计与中外合作演化进程,  相似文献   

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