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背景知识阅读理解与,二者有着密不可分的关系.如果读者具备了与篇章内容相关的背景知识,阅读理解就较为容易;反之,则较难.因此,阅读教师有必要通过组织读前讨论、利用图片信息、观察实物、角色扮演等方法加强背景知识教学,以提高学生的阅读能力.  相似文献   

多学科背景下大学生综合素质培养的课程反思   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
旨在促进高校学科优化与融合、提高大学生综合性素质的高校合并改革,使我国高校具有了综合性或多科性学科体系,但遗憾的是,在这种多学科背景下,我国大学生的综合素质并没有显见提高。视野狭隘、人文精神缺失、知识和能力的协调性低、问题意识不强、创造能力差等问题依旧存在。大学课程是学生素质得以发展的主要途径,目前高校在课程设置和实施上的单学科课程意识、分裂的课程方案、知识拼盘式课程内容以及"给予式"实施方式是导致多学科背景下大学生综合素质培养仍然低效的主要原因。充分发挥多学科体系优势,有效培养大学生综合性素质,应注重强化多学科课程意识,形成课程的综合思维;合理优化大学课程结构,整合课程资源;转变传统的知识课程观,促进从知识到素质的发展;构建"自主开放"的课程实施体系,促进大学生素质形成的主动性与能动性。  相似文献   

通过对陕西师范大学1870名2009级师范生专业知识发展状况的追踪调查发现:四类专业知识在教师专业发展过程中的重要性程度从大到小依次是学科教学知识、学科专业知识、教育理论知识、通识性知识;教师教学经验与反思、教育见习/实习、同事间交流合作、教学技能大赛与自学专业书刊等五种实践活动是四类专业知识的重要获取与发展途径;师范生经过一年的教学实践,其四类专业知识水平较本科毕业时均有显著性的提高,其中,专业知识发展程度相对最高的是学科教学知识,其次是通识性知识、教育理论知识和学科专业知识.  相似文献   


In the past decade there has been a dramatic growth in UK student numbers, with students from non-traditional and under-represented groups being encouraged to participate in higher education. However, levels of withdrawal in those higher education institutions that have a greater proportion of non-traditional students have also been increasing. Higher education institutions have introduced various strategies in an effort to cope with this problem, but unfortunately current models offer little in the way of explaining the causes of (and little justification for the strategies used to reduce) withdrawal. It is proposed that in attending to the explanations of withdrawal, consideration must be given to discovering the underlying characteristics of the teaching and learning environment and the manner in which a student's perceptions and expectations of that environment may impact on their decision to withdraw. An ethnographical study using grounded theory is used to capture these underlying characteristics. This study provides an explanation of the teaching and learning environment as it relates to the student's beliefs, the actions between the student and staff and the intentions of the institution. The results of this initial study are presented. These results represent a preliminary 'grounded' model of the teaching and learning environment of the Technology Faculty at Southampton Institute.  相似文献   

科普素养是未来社会每一个公民应该具备的基本素养.要实现"健康中国"的宏伟蓝图,医学科普健康教育必须先行.全科医生扎根于基层,服务于普通民众,是目前医学科普宣教的主要力量之一.在新医科的大背景下,实行全科医学生科普素养培养的教学改革与实践,将推动全科医学生成为广大基层群众健康素养提高的医学科普储备人才,对推进"健康中国"...  相似文献   

本文在对高职学生就业质量“影响因素”和“提升路径”调查的基础上,提出了高职院校要通过优化专业教学.炼就“职业人”和培育学生职业素质等途径提升学生的择业竞争力,最终提升其就业质量的观点。  相似文献   

课文背景知识传导方法探微   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
符号论美学观点对语文教学的启示 :教师要带领学生学习领会课文内容、欣赏文章的意蕴之美 ,就必须重视语文教学背景知识的介绍。介绍语文教学背景知识常用的方法如下 :从教学设计程序看 ,通常有导入式、插入式、补充式和分散式 ;从知识呈现方式看 ,表现为口头讲解、多媒体展示、发放文字材料等 ;从师生互动形式看 ,教师介绍、学生提供、猜测与实证结合均可。  相似文献   

英语是一门异族语言成功地掌握一门异族语是广大外语学习者梦寐以求的目标。文章以大量的事例,从多个角度论证了背景知识在英语学习过程中的重要作用,旨在使外语学习者充分认识到背景知识的重要性,从而在学习的过程中注重背景知识的积累,真正实现自己的目标,学有所成。  相似文献   

从教学实践中笔发现,英语专业的学生在进入高年级学习阶段时,其学习的主要障碍已不在语言本身,而是在对英语国家社会化背景知识的了解程度及对语篇的理解上。本就这两个问题结合笔从事高年级精读课的教学经历浅谈一点感受。  相似文献   

在中国国际旅游业的蓬勃发展的今天,导游翻译除了要有较高的中外文水平外,还必须熟悉中国的文化背景知识,以便将一种文化内涵以最完美的方式介绍给另一种文化的人们.作者在此就其中的一些内容的翻译,进行一些必要的探讨.  相似文献   


A considerable proportion of students in Germany has graduated from vocational training before entering higher education. With this paper we examined how these students progress through higher education. We argue that successful graduation is the result of a sequence of decisions and decompose the trajectories through higher education to distinguish non-completion, transfer and dropout. We used the German Educational Panel Study (NEPS-SC6), a retrospective life course study, and applied logistic regression models. Our results suggest that students with vocational qualifications are slightly more likely to graduate from the initially chosen program than traditional students, but this advantage diminishes after controlling individual and institutional characteristics. After non-completion of the initially chosen program, the traditional students are more likely to remain in higher education and transfer to another program, whereas students with vocational certificates rather choose to leave higher education. Taking the entire trajectory together, our bivariate analyses reveal a slightly higher risk of leaving higher education without graduation among the students with pre-tertiary vocational training. Again, this association disappears in models that control for individual and institutional characteristics.


详细介绍了背景音乐知识对象的设计过程,程序巧妙利用内部函数Setlnitial Value,CallTarget及外部函数OCM-PlayWave(),LoopMidi()等完成制作,使用简单。  相似文献   

从不确定性知识到确定性知识再到不确定性知识,是知识发展的三个阶段。不确定性知识背景下的研究生教学改革,首先要使教学目标回归到人本身,通过不确定性知识使研究生成为协调、个性且富有创新意识与创新能力的人。研究生教学改革目标的实现,需要以问题解决而非以确定性知识教学为切入口,以实践与反思为途径,以帮助学生获得不确定的实践性知识与反省性知识而非确定性知识为核心,以支持性评价而非结论性评价为保障条件,使研究生得到充分发展的基础上,能够更好地应对不确定的世界,服务于社会的健康发展。  相似文献   

Culture background knowledge in English teaching arose in eighties of the twentieth century. It has been closely linked with the reformation and open in China. With the increase of exchange between China and English speaking countries resulting from the reform and opening policy to the outside world, people have come to find that due to the lack of profound knowledge of the culture of the English speaking, "cultural shock"or "cultural conflict" often arises when Chinese people communicate with Westerners, which leads to the realization that the pure-linguistic centered English teaching form cannot meet the demands of the social development any longer. Culture teaching must be introduced into English teaching in order to learn English language well and communicate well.This essay explains the importance of the cultural background knowledge teaching through analyzing the relationship of the language and culture as well as communicating barrier caused by the cultural differences, and it also submits falsifiable suggestions about how to introduce background knowledge into English teaching.  相似文献   

关联性、背景知识与翻译   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
翻译往往涉及背景知识,在条件许可的情况下,成功的译应尽可能从原的背景知识中寻找关联,进行推理,使译尽可能向原语趋同。  相似文献   

英语阅读理解并非书面语言信息向读者大脑的单向转移,而是读物的文字内容和读者的背景知识相互作用的结果。背景知识不仅指文化背景,还指人们掌握的各种知识,包括语言知识本身及读者已有的各种生活经验、经历等。本文旨在揭示背景知识在英语阅读理解中的重要性,以期提高英语阅读的教学。  相似文献   

文化背景知识与阅读理解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在理论和实践的基础上,讨论了影响阅读理解的文化背景知识及其学习的重要性,同时提供了几种教学法.  相似文献   

本从五个方面即提高教师的自身素质、培养学生的意志品质、教会学生“学会学习”、培养学生的创造力、创造良好的学习氛围,论述了在当今社会中如何提高学生的综合素质,适应社会发展的需要。  相似文献   

英语环境知识的交际制约功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成功的语言交际离不开语言的各种环境知识。从这一观点出发,文章讨论了英语的社会、文化、历史、自然等环境和非语言环境知识的重要交际制约功能。  相似文献   

在英语教学中,有目的的介绍英语国家的文化背景知识,有利于学生克服文化差异障碍,提高交际能力。本文论述了在英语教学中文化背景知识传授的重要性、可行性及传授方法。  相似文献   

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