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Kohlberg's attempt to derive from cognitive-developmental theory the conclusion that specific instruction cannot contribute significantly to cognitive development is viewed as a category error, an attempt to set into opposition two concepts that are not of the same type. His distinctions of structural versus nonstructural, generalized versus situation-specific, and permanent versus impermanent behavior change are found to apply equally to changes resulting from instruction and natural behavior changes. It is suggested that a more educationally relevant distinction is one between developmental accomplishments that depend upon adult-child interaction and those that do not.
Résumé La tentative de Kohlberg visant à conclure, à partir de la théorie du développement cognitif, que l'enseignement spécifique ne peut pas contribuer de façon importante au développement cognitif, est considérée comme une erreur de catégorie dans ce sens que sa thèse cherche à mettre en opposition deux concepts d'ordre différent. En effet, les distinctions que Kohlberg approte entre le changement structural et non structural au niveau du comportement, généralisé et limité à un cas particulier, permanent et transitoire s'avèrent également applicables aux changements attribuables à l'enseignement et aux changements naturels du comportement. L'article suggère qu'une distinction plus pertinente du point de vue éducationnel est celle qu'on établit entre les réalisations du développement qui dépendent de l'action réciproque de l'adulte et de l'enfant et celles qui n'en dépendent pas.

Conclusion It should be clear that television has much to contribute to education both in extending educational opportunity more widely and in raising the level of quality of what is offered. But to use it effectively it is essential that its characteristics be understood, its potentials be utilized, and its limitations be overcome. Wisely used, television can prove to be a twentieth century answer to some of the century’s most pressing educational problems. On leave from Ohio State University, the husband and wife American specialist team of I. Keith Tyler (long-time director of the Institute for Education by Radio-Television and consultant in educational broadcasting) and Margaret C. Tyler (supervisor of the Ohio School of the Air) spent six and one-half months in the United Arab Republic working with UAR-Television and the Ministry of Education developing an instructional TV series in Arabic literacy and laying the foundations for the extensive use of television in formal education. They followed this with short-term assignments in Manila, Hong Kong, Japan, and Taiwan, lecturing and consulting with leaders in education and television. Educational Implications of the Television Medium was originally presented by Mr. Tyler to representatives of the Ministry of Education in Cairo as basic orientation, and, with minor changes, to educators and broadcasters at Ateneo University in Manila.  相似文献   

Educational transfer: The implications of foreign educational assistance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

知识具有个体属性,个体对知识的建构和生成过程千差万别,然而,在我们的知识教育中,“知识”常常是外在于个体的,普遍的,客观的,价值无涉的,知识的丰富内涵及其个体属性不显。为此,在知识教育中,应对知识的个体属性重新给以定位,凸显知识的境域性、默会性和价值关涉,正确认识“掌握知识”,关注知识的个体生成,实现知识教育生活化。  相似文献   

Utilising findings of a research study which examined the role of teachers in the process of educational policy change, this paper notes that teachers tend to cast themselves, and are cast by others, in a dependency situation as regards policy interpretation and implementation. In the interests of teacher professionalism and transformative educational change, this paper advocates an emancipatory approach to educational policy change. This approach is conceptualised in terms of three key dimensions: professional confidence; professional interpretation and professional consciousness. The paper makes suggestions for a professional development programme through which to promote teachers’ understandings and capacities in these areas and thereby enable them to take an active part in their own professional empowerment.  相似文献   

This article describes research into models of service delivery for Educational Psychology Services in England and Wales. Questionnaires completed by Principal Educational Psychologists (PEPs) during 1998 reveal trends in the way we commonly engage with schools. In particular, aspects of practice associated with consultancy models of service delivery are explored and the extent to which they are employed is examined. Some links with other organisational artefacts, such as supervision and appraisal, are also discussed. The research provides an illuminative study of current service delivery practice and suggests some conclusions about the way we deliver services to schools, the cultures within EP Services and the frameworks we draw upon to inform our practice.  相似文献   

This paper explores standard considerations of accommodations for paediatric acquired brain injury (ABI) survivors as illustrated through an intensive case study. Specifically, we explore methods by which school systems can enhance a middle school student's learning environment after losing 30 points in his intellectual functioning (IQ) following a rare coma recovery. For the purpose of this paper, coma is defined as a period following neurological injury or illness during which an individual does not open his/her eyes and does not have sleep–wake cycles. This case emphasises the use of current behavioural evidence‐based treatments in young ABI patients. Multiple comparisons are especially beneficial in delineating the strength of intervention modalities and specific challenges unique to this population. Current data are of particular interest because measures of both pre‐ and post‐morbid functioning are available, because of earlier school testing for a pre‐existing learning disability. Finally, implications for prognosis and treatment of young ABI patients are discussed.  相似文献   

Course memories and careful observation in the field are both important if researchers are to come to grips with the problems in the real world of the public schools. We should keep in mind that our goal is the production of causal statements which potentially make some educationally significant difference. Using “experiments in vacuo”; a la Galileo is one way for researchers to keep themselves oriented toward the production of causal statements. “Experiments in vacuo” are also a means to avoid overlooking obvious simplicities or appraising nonevents. The examples given in this article illustrate the operation of causal events operating in chains and in parallel and some pitfalls of not examining, at least hypothetically, such causal chains or of distinguishing between causal events operating in series or in parallel. Avoiding such pitfalls is one way to prevent the pessimistic view that research tells us nothing and education makes no difference.  相似文献   


This paper examines the way in which recent criticisms of the work of primary school teachers in Britain, most notably those entailed in and following the publication of the so‐called ‘Three Wise Men's Report’, have attempted to redefine the professional identity of early years teachers. The paper objects to the manner in which their critiques have been formulated and calls upon educational researchers to adopt a less reverential attitude to government proposals for the reform of primary education in general and early years schooling in particular.  相似文献   


In this article, we argue for a study of educational administration centered on an ontology of practices. This is an initial proposal for thinking about and conceptualizing practices in educational administration. To do this, first, we explore how practices are constituted and how they configure the social realities of practitioners. Second, we explore what an ontology of practices has to offer for our understanding of organizations. Third, we examine how an ontology of practices might inform our understandings of leadership in educational organizations, and we conclude by exploring some implications of an ontology of practices for the study of educational administration.  相似文献   

In this article the author will investigate the extent to which Bhikhu Parekh believes that a person's cultural/religious background must be preserved and whether, by implication, religious schooling is justified by his theory. His discussion will explore—by inference and implication—whether Parekh's carefully crafted multiculturalism, enriched and illuminated by numerous practical insights, is socially tenable. The author will also consider whether, by extension, it is justifiable, on his line of reasoning, to cultivate cultural and religious understandings among one's own children. Finally, the author will contend that Parekh, notwithstanding his cautious, even‐handed approach, commits several important errors, including conflating the culture of the parents with that of the children and insisting that cultural and religious persons ought to be allowed to defend their views in the public square on religious grounds.  相似文献   

Professional accrediting bodies and accounting education reviews have long expressed concerns about student capabilities and learning outcomes, including the ability to apply knowledge and make reasoned judgements. In response, we report on a new design that uses a web of threshold concepts to guide curriculum development. With an associated focus on students’ active learning, the new design encouraged students to critically engage with threshold concepts in accounting. The aim was to transform their understanding of the discipline material from a set of discrete concepts that could be rote-learnt, to critical appreciation of the relationships between such discipline concepts. The design structures students’ active participation in associated learning activities, leading to improved student engagement and conceptual understanding, as evidenced by better attendance and results.  相似文献   

浅议教育公平、教育平等和教育效率的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
追求教育公平,促进教育平等,提高教育效率是构建社会主义和谐社会的主要内容,也是发展教育的主旨所在。教育公平是教育事业的价值追求和永恒理想,是教育平等和教育效率相互促进从而达到的一种理想状态。促进教育平等和提高教育效率可以并行共进,教育公平是教育平等和教育效率二者水平不断提高的和谐发展状态。  相似文献   

教育功能是教育价值与教育目的的基础;教育价值可转化为教育目的,而教育目的在一定的条件下可转化为教育价值;教育目的对教育功能、教育价值有反作用。  相似文献   

教育技术与教育现代化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教育是立国之本,社会的现代化,首先是教育的现代化,教育技术的产生和发展,赋予了教育现代化新的使命,有力地推动了教育现代化的进程,也为知识经济时代的到来奠定了基础。但是对于一般人来说,教育技术还是陌生的新生事物,为一般人所不认识、不理解。本文从教育技术与教育现代化的关系,教育思想观念转变与创新的重要性,以及教育技术对人的主体的解放,对于终身学习、学习社会化、教育国际化的深远意义进行了理念上的阐述。  相似文献   

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