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As the most important holiday in China, the spring festival can-ies many cultural meanings. The festival, indicating the Chinese New Year by the lunar calendar, is closely associated with agricultural activities and reflects the relationship between culture and nature. The most important event during the festival is family reunion This shows the cultural reverence for social and domestic harmony. And the celebrations show Chinese core values: way of the heaven, human relations and the great harmony of the world.  相似文献   

Aiming at commending overseas Chinese,foreign friends and public figures of China who have made huge contribution to the dissemination of Chinese culture, the award ceremony of “China Light: Persons of the Year 2013 in Disseminating Chinese Culture”, jointly hosted by the Ministry of Culture, the Information Office of the State Council, the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and others, was held in Beijing on December 20, 2013. Senior officials fTom these host departments attended the ceremony and presented the awards to ten individuals and one group.  相似文献   

在济宁采访的这几天里,经常有人这样告诉我:当你行走在鲁西南的大地上你要格外小心,说不定你踢。起的一块砖头,就是一个有着上千年历史的文物,它的背后很可能就有一段玄妙的传奇故事。在鲁西南这片古老富饶的土地上,曾经诞生了“至圣孔子、亚圣孟子、复圣颜子、宗圣曾子”四大圣人,中国儒家思想文化的先河从这里开启,对世界文化产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

<正>Both as the quintessence of China,Peking opera and traditional Chinese painting in the form of ink-wash drawing are equally delicate in that they both repres...  相似文献   

China Cultural Center. as an official cultural organization launched overseas by the Chinese government, serves as a window for promoting Chinese culture overseas, a platform for exchanges and cooperation and a bridge for boosting understanding and mutual trust. In 1988, the first two China cultural centers overseas were established in Mauritius and Benin in Africa.  相似文献   

今天,在云南和江苏等地的普通百姓家,只需轻轻一按电视遥控器,就能收到文化部推送的好看的视频节目了。这项由文化部全国公共文化发展中心推出的创新服务——“全国文化信息资源共享工程·中国文化网络电视”(以下简称“中国文化网络电视),利用网络电视渠道,通过电视机顶盒,把优秀文化资源直接送入家庭,极大地改善了公共文化服务当前存在的渠道缺陷。除了以入户模式进入百姓家庭外,这种服务也能以“入站”的模式进入文化共享工程基层服务点和公共电子阅览室等公共文化服务场所。便捷的操作方式,让群众文化活动的组织者更容易组织文艺技能培训和学习,为群众文化活动提供很好的资源支持。  相似文献   

春节是中华民族最重要的传统节日。随着中国整体实力的提高,不同国家、不同肤色的人们被喜庆热闹的春节气氛所感染,被中国春节的特有文化所吸引,并在欣赏和体验中国文化魅力的同时,感受着“欢乐、和谐、共享”的春节文化理念。  相似文献   

As the representative inheritor of scented tea-making skills, which was named as national intangible cultural heritage, Ms. Sun Danwei said, "The song Jasmine Blossoms is the song of the world, and now we will bring the jasmine tea to the rest of the world and make Wuyutai an international brand."  相似文献   

With a click of remote control, people in Yunnan and Jiangsu provinces now can access video shows recommended by the Ministry of Culture. "China Cultural Network Television", a resource sharing project launched by the Development Centre of State Public Culture, sends cultural programmes to homes through set-top boxes. The service is also available at grassroots service stations and public digital reading rooms.  相似文献   

春节是中国人的首要节日,承载了很多中国文化要义。春节是农历新年,与农业生产密切相关,反应了中国文化与大自然的密切关联:春节最为主要的活动是家庭聚会,折射了中国文化中对家庭社会和谐互动的崇尚;春节的欢庆活动体现了中国人的天道与人伦与期盼天下大同的核心价值观。  相似文献   

"Every time we come here, we learn lots of things beyond textbooks." On December 20, 2013, sixth-graders from Beijing Shijia Primary School once again went to the National Museum of China to learn outside the school. With tours and lessons, the activity included "Explaining and Analyzing Characters", "Food and Utensils", "Dressing Manners" and "Painting, Calligraphy and Operas", sections that were particularly intriguing to the students.  相似文献   

王京琴 《寻根》2014,(1):82-88
从19世纪末叶开始,在我国北方长城沿线地带陆续出土了大量具有浓郁游牧民族文化特征的青铜及金、银制品,引起了世人的广泛关注,因以鄂尔多斯地区发现的数量最多、分布最集中且最具特征而被称作“鄂尔多斯青铜器”。鄂尔多斯青铜器是中国古代文化的重要组成部分,  相似文献   

随着中国改革开放的不断延伸,中国与国际社会的交流越来越普遍和广泛,中国节日文化也随着中外文化交流的加深而对世界发生影响。“中国春节”是具有巨大品牌潜力的中国文化。它是中国人一年中最喜庆的日子,也是我们与世界分享中国文化与中国式快乐的最佳平台。  相似文献   

中国文化中心是中国政府派驻境外的官方文化机构,是在境外推介中华文化的窗口,开展交流合作的平台,增进理解互信的桥梁。1988年,中国首批中国文化中心在非洲的毛里求斯和贝宁建成并对外开放。截至2014年1月,随着尼日利亚中国文化中心的筹建和马德里中国文化中心的揭牌启用,正在运营的海外中国文化中心总数达到14个。多年来,海外中国文化中心围绕四大功能定位,  相似文献   

堕滨新 《寻根》2014,(1):96-100
蔡元培(1868—1940),是人们熟识的民主革命家、教育家,而作为演说家形象的蔡元培,则被世人关注得甚少。其实,蔡元培一生都与演说结缘。演说之于蔡元培,既是其民主革命和教育生涯的重要职业活动,也是成就其“学界泰斗、人世楷模”的一大“利器”。  相似文献   

The January issue published htternational Sinologists Gathered in Beijing, which briefly introduced the academic profiles of the translators and scholars active in the international sinology field today and the synopsis of their speeches delivered at the Symposium on Sinologists and International Cultural Dialogue. This article allows readers to have a basic understanding of international sinologists. From this issue on, we will select some of their brilliant speeches to entertain readers.  相似文献   

王唐等到姚芳从公司出来。上我的车吧?王唐指了指停在路边的出租车。王唐模仿着服务生打了一个手势。姚芳马上警觉起来,她有时也打出租,却从没有见过这么古怪的人。姚芳几乎没看王唐,目不斜视就走。走了一程看着那人又跟上来了,姚芳本能地用手臂夹紧了坤包。姚芳,我叫王唐。王唐追上两步做自我介绍。姚芳这次很认真地把王唐看完一遍,看完后说,我不认识你!不认识我?这怎么可能!我是杀人犯,警察局都挂了号的。你真的不认识我?我叫大王的王,唐朝的唐。  相似文献   

曲菲 《寻根》2014,(1):131-133
牟平都姓为蒙古族后裔 牟平(《都氏族谱》中记载必里海是都姓的第一代蒙古先祖。清同治三年(1864年)重修《宁海州志》卷十一日:“必里海,海当元初,以功历迁至都达鲁花赤,兼管宁海州(今山东牟平)诸军奥鲁、劝农事。中统元年(1260年),海死,子孙袭其职,遂占籍牟平。焦志云,至今存姓日都,是其后也。”“抄儿,牟平人,海之子,袭本州达鲁花赤职。”“不老赤,牟平人,海之孙,袭本州达鲁花赤职。  相似文献   

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