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The paper reviews IEA literacy studies. It analyses them in the light of theories of literacy, cross‐cultural perspectives, and their practical and theoretical value. It points out that, despite some well‐grounded theoretical perspectives, in reality, the IEA instruments test only certain aspects of ‘formal’ literacy. The paper explores the cultural colonisation of IEA instruments by ‘Western’ literacy forms, expressed partly through the training and administrative structures of the IEA and partly through the existing international dominance of such forms. It looks at the implicit assumptions made about literacy through the use of particular statistical item response models and suggests that there are important lessons to be learnt from the IEA experience. It concludes with some suggestions for future work.  相似文献   

从环境保护的涵义和构成以及人与自然的和谐发展出发,强调落实科学发展观,培养当代大学生的环境意识的重要意义.阐述作为高校环境工程专业教师如何在高校普通大学生、理工科化学化工生物类大学生、环境科学类大学生中渗透环境保护理念的实践和探索.  相似文献   

从档案信息化的含义、特征入手,通过对制约档案信息化建设的诸多因素的分析,只有协调好档案信息化建设的各种关系,树立系统论思想和科学发展观,才能使档案信息化建设保持健康发展,使档案管理工作更好地为国民经济和社会主义建设服务.  相似文献   

Cautions on OECD'S Recent Educational Survey (PISA)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A new survey of the educational attainments of 15-year-olds was undertaken by OECD in Spring 2000 (the 'PISA survey'). Surprisingly, British pupils appeared to perform in mathematics much better than in an IEA survey carried out only one year previously. This paper examines four main differences in the objectives and methods adopted in the two surveys. (a) Questions in the previous IEA survey were directed to the mastery of the school syllabus by the relevant age-groups, whereas PISA was ostensibly directed to so-called 'everyday life' problems--which provides less guidance for policy on schooling. (b) The IEA survey was based on samples of whole classes including, for example, older pupils who had entered school late, or had repeated a class: PISA excluded the latter pupils as it was based strictly on a 12-months' period of birth; issues of variability of pupils' attainments within a class--important for a class's teachability--cannot therefore be examined in this OECD survey. (c) England's response rate for schools was particularly low (60%, compared with 95% in leading European countries), raising serious doubts as to the inclusion of low-attaining schools. (d) The response rate of pupils (within participating schools in the PISA survey) was lower in England than in any other country, and lower than in the previous IEA survey, suggesting a greater upward bias in reported average scores. The paper concludes that it is difficult to draw valid conclusions for Britain from this survey and planned repeats should be postponed until the underlying methodological problems have been resolved.  相似文献   

The paper reviews the IEA second language studies. It emphasises the wide scope of these studies and the way in which they provide a large and unique data source for both practical and methodological exploration. The paper emphasises the problems of cross‐system comparisons, not least because of sampling difficulties, and points to the usefulness of within‐system analysis. The paper summarises the main results from existing IEA second language studies and points out that many contemporary views about language learning derive from the work of the IEA. Finally, the paper discusses the relationship between the IEA studies and contemporary views of second language learning.  相似文献   

科学发展观,不仅体现了以人为本的人文理性,而且体现了对生态伦理的终极关怀,突出了生态和谐与可持续发展的维度。科学发展观指导下的生态伦理体系的建构不但需要对生态价值导向职能和道德评价体系进行探索,而且需要科学的制度保障体系与之相适应。  相似文献   

树立科学人才观,推进人才强省战略。坚定地把科学人才观落实在以人为本、以人才资源为第一资源、全面协调可持续发展推进教育改革发展的各个方面。采取多种形式灵活开展办学,发挥集体和社会力量的积极因素,吸引更多社会资金参与到各级各类教育事业上来,打造江西特色的教育,促进江西在中部地区崛起。  相似文献   

本文从教学管理现代化的内涵入手,阐述了实现教学管理现代化的六种途径:树立现代化的教育思想和教育观念、建立现代化的科学决策机制、实现教学管理人员素质的现代化、建立现代化的教学管理体系、建立现代化的教学质量评估制度、建立现代化的教学管理协调体制。  相似文献   

党的十六届三中全会提出完善社会主义市场经济体制,必须贯彻科学发展观。其核心是五个统筹。具体而言,科学发展观是陈云城乡互促、工农互依、经济与社会整体发展、人口资源环境协调发展、对内改革与对外开放协调发展思想的继承与发展。正确地把握科学发展观与陈云协调发展思想之间的一脉相承性,具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

高校中拥有“大量”科技成果的科研人员,他们也是站在讲台上的高校教师,其创业者素质的缺乏不但表现为成果转化数量少,也折射出高校对创业教育的认识不到位、实践性不强、与专业教育结合不够的问题。高校作为培养科技型创业人才的主阵地,要以创新精神和创业者素质培养为人才培养改革的突破口,着力在转变观念营造创业教育氛围、融合专业教育进行创业实践、专兼结合重构双创教育导师、协同育人构建创业教育生态四个方面下功夫。  相似文献   

以系统协同分析为基础,依据我国1998-2003年的统计数据,对科技系统与经济系统序参量的协同度进行实证分析,发现我国科技-经济系统协同度偏低,科技进步对经济增长的贡献不高,这就要求我们进一步提高科技-经济系统协同水平,推动经济增长由资源驱动、资本驱动向科技驱动的战略性转变。  相似文献   

Postlethwaite, T. N. (1971). Item Scores as Feedback to Curriculum Planners. Scand. J. educ. Res. 15, 3, 123‐136. Data for Sweden from the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) mathematics study are analysed in terms of the shift in level of performance from seventh grade to ninth grade on twenty mathematics items. In turn, the level of performance for Swedish seventh and ninth graders is compared with the average level of performance for all 13‐year‐olds in the IEA study. Relative gains and losses from seventh to ninth grade are related to the Swedish Länplan. Another more general approach is used whereby each Swedish ninth grade item performance is predicted from the average 13‐year‐old performance of all countries, taking into account the Swedish lag at age 13. In this way, it can be seen if Swedish children catch up. It is assumed that such information can and will be used by curriculum planners in reforming curricula.  相似文献   

培养富有个性、创造性的人才是特长教育的主要任务,更是个体价值得以实现的重要载体。理性认知特长教育。尤其正视它在现实中的价值偏离以及积极探寻其科学的路径取向,对于构建全面、和谐的教育体系具有深远意义。  相似文献   

科学发展观与高校人才培养   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以科学发展观提升高校人才培养理念,必须做到四个“坚持”:坚持“以学生为本”,确立高校人才培养的出发点和立足点;坚持“全面发展”,树立高校人才培养的指导思想;坚持“协调发展”,适应高校人才培养的基本要求;坚持“可持续发展”实现高校人才培养的根本目标。  相似文献   

实行中小学继续教育教师资格认定制度之我见   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
实行中小学继续教育教师资格认定制度是保证中小学教师培训质量、实现中小学教师继续教育培养目标的有效途径。10年来,我国教师资格制度的实施和对继续教育理论研究的深入为实施中小学继续教育教师资格认定制度提供了实践和理论支持。因此,应尽早建立独立的继续教育教师资格认证机构,设立科学合理的继续教育教师资格认定标准,建立开放的继续教育教师资格认定机制。  相似文献   

基于科学发展观视角下区域协调发展的评价体系,结合安徽参与泛长三角区域分工合作的特点,从对泛长三角区域协调发展状态的实证研究入手,深入地探讨泛长三角区域经济关系的协调发展及利益调节机制、区域产业协调发展及保障机制、区域空间结构的协调发展及互动机制、经济与资源环境的协调发展及生态补偿机制、经济发展与人口流动的动态协调及流动讥制、泛长三角与区域外部关系的协调发展及合作机制等问题,是十分必要和迫切的。  相似文献   

Using data from a representative sample of schools that participated in the IEA International Literacy Study, the importance of the librarian’s contribution to the development of reading was investigated by comparing the reading test results of pupils who did not have access to a professional school librarian. The mean reading test scores obtained by pupils in schools employing a professional librarian (n=86) were found to be significantly higher than those obtained in schools where a teacher was responsible for the school library (n=50).T  相似文献   

徐复观是当代新儒家的著名代表,在文化哲学领域卓有建树。他探讨了文化与文明、文化与人、文化与传统的关系,认为:文明是科学系统,文化是价值系统;文化由人创造,人的本质决定了文化的本质;文化的共性和个性、世界性和民族性相互区别又相互渗透;传统在协调两层文化的冲突中发挥着重要作用。徐复观的文化哲学观点对于我们今天的文化认知和文化实践具有重要的启发意义。  相似文献   

人事工作是高等学校行政管理工作体系中的重要部分,是高校各项工作健康运行的前提。高校人事干部应从提高政治思想素质、业务素质、科技素质、法治素质、组织协调素质、科学而艺术的表达能力、开拓创新能力等方面加强自身建设,做好本职工作,以适应高校教育体制改革的需要。  相似文献   

高校办公室是学校行政管理的枢纽,是为学校教学、科研服务的重要职能部门。办公室工作人员需要承担综合服务、事务处理、辅助决策、协调关系、督办工作、"窗口"形象展示等多元角色,这就要求办公室工作人员应加强学习,不断提高自身素质,在管理理念、管理制度、管理方法上不断创新,推动办公室工作更上新台阶。  相似文献   

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