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对俄汉语植物名称构词理据进行研究,将植物名称构词理据分为直接理据性和间接理据性。两种构词理据建立在以下特征基础上:外形理据、地点理据、功用理据、生态理据、时间理据。同时,对俄汉植物名称等值构词理据进行阐述,其中包括10对直接理据名称、12对间接理据名称。俄汉语中名称理据的等值现象反映了语言与客观现实,与人类思维规律及其他心理过程之间密切的关系。  相似文献   

以动物为原型的植物名词是独具特色的一类植物名称。它用动物来比附植物,通过相似性或相关性联想来为植物命名。本文通过对以动物为原型的植物名词的语义特征和构成形式的分析,揭示了其命名理据,挖掘了命名背后的文化蕴涵。  相似文献   

《语言理据研究》全书共十一章,分别从理据和理据研究、理据的内部形式、理据性和任意性、语言系统内部的句法理据研究、语言系统外部的句法理据研究、理据的分类、探究语文理据的基本方法、探究文化理据的基本方法、理据的基本特性、理据研究的普遍性意义、理据学视角下的若干汉语现象等角度全面而深入地研究了语言的理据.该书在理论和应用两个方面都取得了重要成绩.  相似文献   

理据性是语言符号发生发展的动因。通过对比法研究俄汉语中"植物"类名词的理据性,分析其异同,进而探源求根,厘清这种异同产生的原因,以期为对外汉语教学、翻译实践活动和外语研究提供借鉴和依据,加深语言学习者对词语内在联系的理解和记忆。  相似文献   

本文通过对比英汉语言的主要词汇理据(语音理据、文字理据、形态理据和语义理据)的不同,初步探讨了词的理据中所反映出的中西文化差异。  相似文献   

中药是我国历史文化的瑰宝,通过对中药命名的初步研究,我们总结出中药的命名理据,包括:空间理据、时间理据、形象理据、颜色理据、味觉理据、功用理据、药用理据、文化理据、综合理据等。  相似文献   

英汉词语的理据比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以英国语义学家乌尔曼对词的理据性分析为理论依据,即语音理据、形态理据和语义理据,并根据英汉语言的特点,从这三方面比较分析了英汉语言词语的理据性,说明了英汉语言词语的理据程度都较高。  相似文献   

取象于人的植物名词是植物名词中很有特色的一类。其取象名素表示的是与人有关的部位或特征,体现着植物名词的命名义。而命名取象的选择与人们对植物的观察感受及思维习惯等密切相关,反映着一个民族的认知方式和文化心态。本文通过对取象于人的植物名词语义类型和命名理据的分析,揭示了命名背后的文化蕴涵。  相似文献   

词语的理据(motivation)指的是事物和现象获得名称的依据,说明词义与事物或现象的命名之间的关系。英语词语的理据类型一般分为四种,即语音理据、形态理据、语义理据和词源理据。英语网络新词是网络时代社会进步、语言发展的产物,它在影响着人们生活的同时也体现了英语词语的理据性。  相似文献   

对汉语、维吾尔语的理据性进行对比研究,有助于认识各自词汇体系的构成特点。论文从语音理据、形态理据、语义理据和形体理据4个方面对其进行对比分析,反映了汉维两主要从事汉维双语研究。  相似文献   

校名是大学的首要品牌,也是大众接触的第一印象,是大学吸引生源的利器。研究依据权威大学排名,选择中国和美国数量相当的代表性大学,运用同一质性研究方法加以分析,借助编码归纳大学校名的命名模式。针对中美799所大学校名共获得2172个初始编码、68个关联编码、13个核心编码。研究发现:中美大学校名的主要命名模式分别有五种和八种。其中,中美大学校名相似的如地理影响、办学内容、办学层级、补充地址等四种命名模式;差异较大的主要集中在中国大学校名的历史特色命名模式,以及美国大学校名纪念人名、宗教传承、历史特色和办学主体这四种命名模式。以此为基础,对比中美大学命名模式的特征和差异,找出其中可能存在的不足,并就中国大学校名命名提出反思和建议。  相似文献   

大连本地不断涌现出一些知名品牌,但总体数量少,影响力有限。从语言学角度出发,我们对所收集到的大连本地近300个产品的中英文品牌名称进行分析,发现其品牌名称遵循了汉英各自的语言特点,形成了自身的规律,但也存在一些问题如:字词生僻、品名异化现象较多、以熟悉度受限制的人名地名命名、大量拼音替代英文名称等,建议在今后的本地品牌命名中加以改进。  相似文献   

从语言文化学的角度,阐释了汉语姓名与汉民族文化心理特征的密切关系.并从不同视角,总结归纳出汉语姓名不同于其他民族姓名的典型特征,即中国人对姓名的重视程度极高,存在既有名又有字的传统,汉语姓名体现了某种审美心理,取名受儒家、道家思想的影响极深,取名大量使用修辞手段,造成特殊效果,在姓名使用中存在避讳现象.  相似文献   

Rapid serial naming and reading ability: the role of lexical access   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rapid serial naming tasks are frequently used to explain variance in reading skill. However, the construct being measured by rapid naming is yet undetermined. The Phonological Processing theory suggests that rapid naming relates to reading because of similar demands of access to long-term stored phonological representations of visual stimuli. Some researchers have argued that isolated or discrete-trial naming is a more precise measure of lexical access than serial naming, thus it is likely that any shared variance between these two formats can be attributed to similar lexical access demands. The present study examined whether there remained any variance in reading ability that could be uniquely explained by the rapid naming task while controlling for isolated naming. Structural equation modeling was used to examine these relations within the context of the phonological processing model. Results indicated that serial naming uniquely predicted reading, and the relation was stronger with isolated naming controlled for, suggesting that isolated naming functioned as a suppressor variable in the relation of serial naming with reading.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between phoneme awareness and rapid naming skills and subsequent reading and spelling ability in two developmental periods: kindergarten to Grade 1 and Grade 1 to Grade 2. Two groups of children participated in the study: children at high and children at low familial risk of developmental dyslexia. The results are consistent with previous findings that both phoneme awareness and rapid naming play an important role in early literacy acquisition in an alphabetic writing system. However, relative to phoneme awareness, rapid naming plays a modest role. In this study, an unambiguous specific effect for rapid naming was found only among the children in the high-risk group. Furthermore, even among these children, the effect of rapid naming was limited to rapid naming of letters and digits and to the second developmental period investigated. The implications of these results for understanding the role played by rapid naming and phoneme awareness in alphabetic literacy acquisition are discussed.  相似文献   

文章以搜集到的500条语料为依托,辅以数理统计的方法,分别对淘宝网和淘宝商城店名进行了描写分析。从语形、语义、语音三方面归纳出它们的新特点,以便为日后的网店命名提供指导。  相似文献   

Reading ability is comprised of several component processes. In particular, the connection between the visual and verbal systems has been demonstrated to play an important role in the reading process. The present study provides a review of the existing literature on the visual verbal connection as measured by two tasks, rapid serial naming and isolated (or discrete-trial) naming speed, as they relate to reading ability. For each identified study, a secondary data analysis was conducted using the provided correlations between serial naming, isolated naming, and reading. The same analysis was repeated for average population-level correlations among these constructs using meta-analytic weighting techniques. Results suggested that isolated naming acts as a suppressor variable in the relation of serial naming with reading, indicating that there exists at least one cognitive component of the serial naming task that is predictive of reading but is not shared with isolated naming speed. The effect has several implications for understanding the underlying cognitive components reading ability, which are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the relationships between lexical access, reading fluency, and comprehension. Two components of speed of lexical access were studied: phonological and semantic. Previous studies have mainly investigated these components of lexical access separately. The present study examined both components in naming tasks—with isolated letters (phonological) and pictures (semantic). Seventy-five Grade 5 students were administered measures of letter and picture naming speed, word and nonword reading fluency, and reading comprehension, together with control measures of vocabulary. The results showed that letter naming was a unique predictor of word reading fluency, whereas picture naming was not. Conversely, picture naming speed contributed unique variance to reading comprehension, whereas letter naming did not. The results indicate that phonological and semantic lexical access speed are separable components that are important for different reading subskills.  相似文献   

This study explores 1) the components of rapid automatized naming (RAN) by first analyzing the factorial associations between RAN tasks and various nonword decoding and processing speed measures and secondly, by exploring which of these process latent variables are uniquely associated with literacy in 65 below-average readers and spellers. In preliminary factor analyses, all speeded naming tasks loaded together (Factor 1: Rapid Naming); All tasks involving speeded alphanumeric naming loaded together (Factor 2: Alphanumeric Naming); Alphanumeric RAN tasks also loaded with nonsense word decoding (Factor 3: Decoding). The Alphanumeric Naming factor predicted 2% of unique variance in Literacy. Our results thus provide two new findings: 1) only very modest variation in Literacy is explained by aspects of RAN not primarily associated with either generic naming speed or decoding ability; 2) variation in other verbal forced choice response speed and response inhibition tasks are linked to reading through common variance in speeded naming tasks also shared by alphanumeric RAN tasks. Implications of these findings for theories of reading and individual differences are explored.  相似文献   

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