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This paper examines the various methods through which firms benefit from interactions with universities, arguing that such benefits are instrumental in nurturing the multiple facets of a firm's absorptive capacity. We bring together data collected from a survey of UK firms that collaborated with universities, and firm-level data on past partnerships with universities. The results show that benefits from interactions with universities are multifaceted, including enhancement of the firm's explorative and exploitative capabilities. Results also indicate that firms’ R&D commitments, geographical proximity to and research quality of university partners have a distinct impact on the different types of benefits from interactions with universities. We find geographical proximity is crucial for assessing problem-solving as an important benefit, while interactions with top quality universities have a positive influence on the benefits associated with firms’ downstream activities. We discuss the implications of these findings for research and policy.  相似文献   

标准化条件下应对专利壁垒的战略对策   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
技术性贸易壁垒在国际贸易中扮演着越来越重要的作用,影响面广,影响程度深。随着标准中更多专利技术的引用,专利技术纳入产品标准中,标准的使用与专利的许可捆绑在一起,专利壁垒相应成为技术性贸易壁垒与知识产权相结合的主要表现形式。与贸易相关的知识产权条约(TR IPS),在促进国家间技术转移的同时,更促使发达国家将技术标准、知识产权作为保持其技术垄断利益和竞争优势的重要手段,加大了发展中国家获取技术的难度。本文分析了我国面临专利壁垒的形势,提出政府层面的有关对策建议。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the question of national differences as regard the number of triadic patents applied for by inventors from several OECD countries. The key idea is to determine whether such differences should be attributed to differences in R&D expenditures or rather to some other reasons, mainly institutional or behavioural ones. With this aim in view, both a macro-economic analysis, based on aggregate data for triadic patent counts and R&D expenditures and a micro-economic analysis based on firms’ data from three selected sectors are performed. In both cases, the methodological focus is made on the introduction, the definition and the estimation of a national index of relative efficiency in standard count data models. The main empirical findings are that there is a strong heterogeneity in terms of performance among European countries and a strong intra-country heterogeneity among sectors. This suggests that, in the field of innovation policies, there is a need for “tailored” solutions reflecting the specificities of each innovation system. Moreover, we show that European countries over-perform the United States in some high-tech sectors where the leadership of American firms is traditionally alleged, whereas European firms fail to keep up in more traditional sectors.  相似文献   

Presently, science is an important precondition for the economic development of less-developed countries. This paper discusses the specific roles that science has at initial stages of development, pointing to its contributions for the countries’ absorptive capability. Furthermore, this paper specifies the role of science for initiating a positive interaction with technological development, since initial stages of development and during catching up processes. For less-developed countries, neither the linear model of technology nor an “inverted linear model” would take place: a more interactive approach is necessary for development. Using statistics of patents (USPTO) and scientific papers (ISI) for 120 countries (1974, 1982, 1990, and 1998), this paper analyses some evidences on thresholds levels of scientific production to originate an interactive relationship between science and technology. These data also document that the value of this threshold seems to double from one period to another. Although this paper presents tentative results, some policy implications are discussed: scientific institutional building must be seen as a component of modern industrial policies.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that technological change is the main cause of the recent increase in demand for highly skilled workers in developed countries. However, a more recent strand of literature has also introduced the “Skill Biased Organisational Change” hypothesis, according to which the increasing diffusion of new organisational practices within firms plays a role in the increasing demand for skilled workers. We estimate a SUR model for a sample of 400 Italian manufacturing firms, showing that upskilling is more a function of reorganisational strategy than a consequence of technological change alone. Moreover, some evidence of superadditive effects emerges, which is consistent with the notion that technology and organisation jointly affect the demand for labour.  相似文献   

虽然同为发展中国家,但是南非实行农业支持政策的历史却早于我国。从种族隔离政策时期以商业农场作为主要支持对象发展到民主选举后以家庭农场作为主要支持对象,南非农业支持的主要对象发生了根本调整。另外,为履行在WTO农业协议中的承诺,南非逐步降低农业支持水平,2005—2007年南非总体支持水平和对生产者支持水平不仅低于美国和欧盟等发达国家,而且低于中国。本文通过研究南非农业支持政策,为完善我国农业支持政策提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper proposes and tests a three-dimensional model of public support design as a framework to compare public incentives for innovation in firms through time and across countries, and consequently to compare forms of policy alignment of innovation objectives in an economy. Using data on 149 French and British policy programmes from the early 1980s to 2002, this paper shows that policy-makers implement programmes within a different three-dimensional design space in order to align several distinctive objectives and consequently strengthen the impact of governmental measures. Moreover, as the objectives of the national players and policy-makers evolved, the portfolio of innovation policies also evolved in their separate ways. Nevertheless, some similar trends are also observed.  相似文献   

A large amount of literature provides empirical evidence in support of Marshall or Jacobs theories regarding the specialization or diversity effects on the economic performance of regions. This paper surveys these scholarly contributions and summarizes their results according to their similarities and differences. The reviewed empirical work presents a diverse picture of possible conditions and circumstances under which each kind of externalities could be at work. The wide breadth of findings is generally not explained by differences in the strength of agglomeration forces across industries, countries or time periods, but by measurement and methodological issues. The levels of industrial and geographical aggregation together with the choice of performance measures, specialization and diversity indicators are the main causes for the lack of resolution in the debate. The 3-digit industrial classification seems to be the level at which MAR and Jacobs effects are undistinguishable from one another, and this is often exacerbated by a high level of geographical aggregation.  相似文献   

What national policies are most efficient in promoting the commercialization of university-generated knowledge? We address this question by characterizing and evaluating the policy pursued in Sweden and the US, two countries that put a great deal of resources into university R&D, but follow very different models for commercialization. Despite a leading academic record, there is an impression of laggard rates of commercialization of academic research results in Sweden. Although there exist no micro data to evaluate this impression, we argue that it is likely to be true in part due to the top-down nature of Swedish policies aimed at commercializing these innovations as well as an academic environment that discourages academics from actively participating in the commercialization of their ideas. This sits in stark contrast to a US institutional setting characterized by competition between universities for research funds and research personnel, which in turn has led to significant academic freedoms to interact with industry, including significant involvement in new firms.  相似文献   

Recent studies in the tradition of Schmookler have re-emphasised the potential role of demand in stimulating innovation. Here, we reconsider the role of ‘home’ and ‘export’ market demand in stimulating manufacturing innovation using comparable panel data for two small open economies - Ireland and Switzerland. Our analysis is based on the estimation of reduced form innovation production functions using panel data estimators over the sample period 1994-2005. For a range of innovation indicators, however, we find little evidence of any significant market demand effects, with innovation performance instead determined largely by firm-level capability effects and characteristics. In policy and strategy terms this suggests the continued value of measures to improve innovation capability regardless of market demand conditions. In more methodological terms our results suggest the validity of the usual assumption implicit in modelling innovation outputs that supply-side factors predominate.  相似文献   

The convergence clubs literature in applied growth theory suggests that countries that differ in terms of structural characteristics and initial conditions tend to experience diverging growth performances. What is the role of technological knowledge for the formation of clubs? The paper investigates this unexplored question by carrying out an empirical study of the cross-country distribution of knowledge in a large sample of developed and developing economies in the 1990s. The results indicate the existence of three technology clubs characterized by markedly different levels of development. The clubs also differ with respect to the dynamics of their capabilities over the decade, as the most advanced group and the intermediate one are found to be much more dynamic than the large cluster of less developed economies.  相似文献   

葛建平  刘佳琦 《资源科学》2020,42(8):1464-1476
关键矿产安全是国家社会经济发展和国防建设的重要保障,关键矿产战略是实现资源安全的必要路径。世界主要国家均制定了关键矿产战略举措,中国相关矿产需求量大、供需结构性矛盾突出,制定关键矿产战略尤为迫切。本文基于澳大利亚、日本、欧盟、美国4个国家(地区)2006—2019年关键矿产的政策文本,从关键矿产战略的国际背景、制定依据、历史演进与政策工具选择角度开展比较研究,提出主要国家关键矿产战略的演进规律、驱动因素以及工具选择依据。研究发现:4个国家(地区)“关键性”指标选择均包含供应风险,并根据国情选取了经济重要性、可操作性等不同的指标;同时,4个国家(地区)关键矿产相关政策文本数量稳步上升,美国、日本、欧盟政策关注点不断系统化,且定期更新与完善关键矿产清单;4个国家(地区)主要选择规制型政策工具,以经济激励型政策工具为辅,社会型政策工具作用日渐增强。在此基础上,建议中国在建立关键矿产目录的基础上,通过完善矿产储备体系、促进替代和回收技术研发、实施“资源外交”等举措,制定合理有效的关键矿产战略。  相似文献   

This paper studies the role of globalisation (through trade, inward FDI and international migration) in the emergence of new countries as contributors to technology generation in the world economy. Increasing FDI is a factor causing the emergence of newer countries with the more sophisticated technology generation associated with patenting, but not in the recent surge of newer countries with the basic capabilities needed to become licensors in the world economy. Yet increases in the international spread of subsidiary research efforts in MNCs have tended on average to reinforce the position of established centres of higher grade technological activity.  相似文献   

This paper aims to analyse the risk of intellectual property (IP) infringements by competitors from abroad and in particular to consider whether this risk is higher for international innovating firms. We distinguish three different types of IP infringements from abroad: the usage of firms’ technical inventions, product piracy, and copying of corporate names and designs. Our analysis rests on the German data from the Europe-wide Community Innovation Survey (CIS). We use a unique data set of about 900 observations, which are retrieved from two survey waves. While the earlier wave contains information about international and domestic innovation activities, the later wave reports IP infringements. In a second analysis, the likelihood of infringements from innovation host countries and no-innovation host countries abroad is examined. Before the empirical analysis, an exploratory study was carried out in China with interviews of German firms with innovation activities in China and with a legal advisor for small and medium-sized German enterprises. The results show that firms with international R&D activities are increasing their chances of losing technological knowledge to their local competitors abroad. R&D activities in countries with weak intellectual property rights increase the risk for all types of IP infringements compared to domestic R&D activities. Infringements by competitors from the host country are driven by the production of new produces in this country. Export intensity is the major driver of infringements from no-innovation host countries. R&D activities in China and North America also increase the risk of an infringement. However, firms that innovate only in their home country experience significantly more product piracy cases than international innovating firms.  相似文献   

Journal and conference publications are well-known measures of scientific and academic research productivity. Prior research on scientific productivity that studies dimensions such as research culture, technological support, and researcher collaboration focuses on Western world contexts. Asian countries, such as Japan, Singapore, and Taiwan have received attention recently for the quality of their educational institutions, which have increasingly emphasized research productivity. With a large number of established and funded public universities, these countries show a strong potential for future scientific research. Consequently, it is crucial to understand the factors that influence the research productivity of scholars in these countries. In this paper the focus is specifically on the research productivity of students and faculty members in three countries: Singapore, Taiwan, and Japan. We investigate an important factor that influences research productivity: technology usage, which we conceptualize as the summation of mobile phone and computer usage. In addition, we analyze the relationship between technology usage and international collaboration.  相似文献   

Barriers to innovation have mainly been studied in a single country context. This paper studies differences in the perception of innovation barriers between innovative and non-innovative firms for 18 EU countries. The countries are grouped by their distance to the technological frontier using Community Innovation Surveys for the years 2002–2004 and 2004–2006. The results show that knowledge barriers related to the availability of skilled labour, innovation partners and technological knowledge are more important for firms located in countries close to the frontier, while the opposite is true regarding the availability of external finance. Moreover, while the share of innovators decreases with the distance to the technological frontier, the share of firms not interested or in no need of innovation increases. This is consistent with the idea that as firms approach the technological frontier, they increasingly need to focus on the creation of own knowledge and the adoption of innovation-based growth strategies to stay competitive.  相似文献   

The development of local technology-intensive suppliers (t-suppliers) may contribute to both reinforcing the industrial base and supporting the competitiveness of primary production in developing countries. This article explores the role of t-suppliers in natural resource-based economies and outlines a theoretical framework for the analysis of the factors which foster or constrain their development and defines areas for an effective promotion. The proposed model of analysis distinguishes between factors influencing the development of t-suppliers on the level of the main industry, the level of supplier firms or firm-level and the level of external determinants with special reference to industrial policy factors.  相似文献   

Sustained economic growth has been high in the list of priorities of many nations, developed and developing, and the important role of new technology on it has long been recognized in literature.This article examines some factors that affect national innovation activity. The assumption is that innovation grows in the framework of a national system of institutions and organizations. Objective of this article is to empirically examine how the quality of education and of political institutions affects national innovation activity.This article uses a sample of 29 countries and empirically tests the cross-country variation of innovation activity using panel-data methodology. Dependent variable is the number of patents, a proxy for the output of innovation activity, and independent variables are proxies for the quality of education and the quality of governmental institutions. Finally, research and development expenditure is considered as control variable.The findings support the hypothesis that the higher the investment of a society in the quality of education, the higher the output of innovation activity. Furthermore, the development level of the governmental institutions is positively correlated with innovation activity.  相似文献   

The standard empirical framework for analysing the R&D-patents relationship is widened both by examining the different role of in-house and contracted R&D in the innovative performance of firms, and by considering patents and utility models counts as measures of innovation output. Patents and utility models are considered to approximate for significant and incremental innovations, respectively. Applying count data econometrics to a panel data set of Spanish manufacturing firms surveyed in the period 1990-1996, a transcendental production function is estimated, which allows for non-constant elasticities of the R&D inputs. The results indicate that significant innovations are mainly gestated in-house, whereas contracted R&D seems more orientated towards innovations of incremental nature.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of new technology-based firms in university/industry collaborative (UIC) activities in Japan. UIC activities have been widely diffused into small startup firms over the past 5 years, according to quantitative analysis of RIETIs UIC Survey. In this paper, it is found that these smaller firms achieve higher productivity through UICs than large firms. In light of the findings of this paper, it appears that UICs are gaining momentum and are likely to play a strong role in reducing the dependence of Japan's system of innovation on in-house R&D conducted within large corporations.  相似文献   

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