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教育并不天然是积极的、健康的,管理并不天然是先进的、合理的,教育并不是只靠精品、名师、示范、重点之类的东西就可以办好的,靠搞"试验田"、"样板田"办农业的办法早已被抛弃了,教育似乎还在靠类似的办法在办.  相似文献   

I am thankful:for the teenager who is not doing the dishes but iswatching TV,because that means he is at home and noton the streets.for the taxes I have to pay,because it means I am employed.for the messes to be cleaned up after a party,  相似文献   

Jewish day schools offer many experiences meant to foster the Jewish development of students. However, these experiences are at risk of being disconnected from one another, complicating a comprehensive approach to addressing issues of identity. This article uses a constructivist approach to identity development to frame the challenges posed by such a fragmentation. Observations of pluralistic Jewish day high schools are brought as illustrations. The author discusses an approach of scaffolded reflection as a way to integrate the identity—enhancing experiences in which a student participates.  相似文献   

今年岁首,《科学时报》开始连载《走近哈佛课堂》,绵延数月,的确是一组颇具可读性的好文章。可读的标志之一,便是在高校的部分读者群中渐次形成了翘首待下篇的情形。 作者康宁博士乃是如同笔者当年在清华大学上学时便铭记在心的、蒋南翔校长所希望的能“双肩挑”式的人物:她既是国家教育部的一位高级官员,又能兼作学者,写得一手好文章。紧张而又短促的留学生活之余,居然写出10万字  相似文献   

柳永词向以风流著称,然而,其人其词实不乏儒雅情怀,文章从三个方面探讨了他在词中所体现的这种情怀,同时分析其形成的文化机制,这种情怀主要体现在他咏怀词中的兴寄精神,宦游词中的隐逸情趣,羁旅词中的骚雅情绪,它的形成实受家学-仕宦文化的影响,体现出传统的文化精神。  相似文献   

In 1990s Britain girls consistently outperform boys in examinations at 16 + . This achievement, however, has taken place in a context where many of the concerns voiced by writers in the 1970s and 1980s have not been resolved. It is argued that there is another side to the so-called 'gender gap': drawing on data from 20 schools in eastern England, it is suggested that girls still feel alienated from traditionally 'male' subjects, that career aspirations are still highly gendered, that boys still dominate the classroom environment, that boys' laddish behaviour can have a negative effect on girls' learning, and that some teachers have lower expectations of girls and find boys more stimulating to teach. In short, the gender debate has been captured by those concerned predominantly with male underachievement, leaving girls to make the best they can in what often continues to be a male-dominated environment.  相似文献   

Student academic ethics is a serious concern for colleges and universities. The literature dealing with student academic ethics, however, focuses little attention on the possible connection between organizational characteristics and the efforts made by faculty to deter student academic ethics violations. In this case study analysis of faculty at a medium-sized university in the western USA, we found that the level of faculty institutional confidence is related to the use of formal deterrence strategies. Additionally, we found that female faculty members are less confident in the administration, but are only marginally less likely to use formal administrative approaches to manage academic ethics.  相似文献   

黄祥  徐俊  于辉 《宜春学院学报》2012,34(12):33-35
镗孔是机械制造中常用的方法,主要优点在于能很好地保证孔的位置精度,对于有的零件如箱体等,孔多且孔径大多不同,在镗削加工时,就需要多种规格的镗刀,也增加了对刀时间。设计一种可调式镗刀刀杆,主要包括燕尾导轨副、丝杠螺母副和蜗轮蜗杆副的粗调与微调机构等部分,通过粗调和微调机构的工作,可以实现刀杆伸出长度的调整,完成对不同直径和深度孔的镗削加工。另外,还可以变换连接杆和镗刀杆的方位,镗削位置不同的内孔,进一步扩大镗削加工的范围,具有很高的应用价值。  相似文献   

我国英语教育界对语用学研究及如何避免语用失误等方面的问题尚未普遍引起足够的重视。为此,本文拟就语用学发展的回顾、语用失误产生的根源,以及对国内英语教学界忽视语用教学现状的调整工作等方面展开论述,以期能够在改进和提高英语教学的实用效果方面提供参考。  相似文献   

本文撇开孔子的圣人形象,从《论语》出发,试图分析孔子作为一个普通人的喜怒哀乐。孔子温良平实,幽默可爱,能喜能悲,是一个十足的性情中人。  相似文献   

腐败与弊政:张居正施政的另一面   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
长期以来,学界把首辅张居正的施政视力“改革”行为,把万历初政称为“改革”的政治,而忽视了万历初年的腐败与严重积弊,实际上,从嘉靖前期革新以来的大背景考察,张居正辅政时期的腐败与弊政现象是极为严重的,且愈演愈烈,成为导致明朝灭亡的根本原因之一。无视这一点而一味称颂张居正在万历初年的除弊措施是偏颇的。  相似文献   

和平主义思潮是19世纪末20世纪初欧洲一道不可忽视的社会历史风景。这股思潮有深刻的社会历史背景:基督教和平主义传统、工业革命后中产阶级的社会政治诉求、法国大革命的影响等都是催生这股思潮的动力。这一时期的和平主义运动打破了国家的界限,形成了真正意义上的国际和平主义组织。国际和平主义组织的成立及其活动使危机频发的欧洲弥漫着一种和平气氛,直到1914年一战的爆发。对这一段历史的了解有助于我们更深入地认识欧洲的统一。  相似文献   

尼采对"另一个世界"的批判   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对生命之热爱,缠绕着尼采;对健全人类之渴慕,激励着尼采。可是遍视古今,尼采却发现因世界的二元分裂和世界真实关系的颠倒,人之生命被遮蔽,人之尊严丧失。为了能回归唯一真实的世界——生命世界,让人“成为你自己”,尼采深刻地揭露了“另一个世界”的真实面目,将人的生命从理性、道德和上帝的世界中解放出来。  相似文献   

PU—泡棉发泡工艺在基准条件下的经验配方及演变配方,最终应用于生产实际的实用配方。  相似文献   

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