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This article presents a brief overview of the many facets of the involvement of Canadian universities in international development. To begin with, questions of development are included in the international affairs and area studies curricula of a number of universities. A few universities have specialized institutes focussed upon development. A number of Canadian universities have linkages of one kind or another with universities in developing countries. Some of these are partly supported by the Canadian International Development Agency. Two university programmes directed specifically at technology transfer are cited. A number of foreign countries have expressed interest in Canada's vast experience in distance education. Finally, through the normal research and publication activities of Canadian universities and their faculty members, Canadian professors have undertaken projects of various sorts concerned with development, some of them funded to a greater or lesser extent by the Canadian International Development Research Center which has also funded the research projects directed at questions of development undertaken by certain Third World scholars.


The results of a survey made in 1986 of French students and former students who had received their baccalauréat's at the end of 1982‐1983 academic year are presented below. They give a breakdown of which students enrolled in which post‐secondary course programmes and which type of baccalauréat augured best for success in university studies.


Background: As one part of scientific meta-knowledge, students’ meta-modelling knowledge should be promoted on different educational levels such as primary school, secondary school and university. This study focuses on the assessment of university students’ meta-modelling knowledge using a paper–pencil questionnaire.

Purpose: The general purpose of this study was to assess and to describe university students’ meta-modelling knowledge. More specifically, it was analysed to what extent the meta-modelling knowledge, as expressed in a questionnaire, depends on the scientific discipline to which university students relate their answer and the concrete model to which they refer while answering.

Sample: N = 184 students from one German university voluntarily participated in this study.

Design and methods: The questionnaire was developed based on a theoretical framework for model competence and includes constructed response items asking about the purpose of models, ways for testing models and reasons for changing models. Students written answers were first analysed qualitatively based on the theoretical framework to decide whether they expressed advanced understandings or not. Further analyses then were conducted quantitatively.

Results: Findings suggest that only few university students possess an advanced meta-modelling knowledge. However, significant more students who relate their answers to the STEM-disciplines expressed advanced understandings than those who referred to social sciences or linguistics/philology. Furthermore, university students who expressed an advanced meta-modelling knowledge referred to rather abstract kinds of models in order to explain their view.

Conclusions: The present study supports the assumption that meta-modelling knowledge may be situated and contextualised. Both the scientific discipline and the concrete model to which university students refer seem to be relevant item features influencing university students’ expressed meta-modelling knowledge. Implications for assessment and teaching are discussed in the article.  相似文献   

It is a generally recognized fact that the period of expansion of the university system that prevailed in Europe during the 1960 ‘s has by now come to an end. Economic and financial conditions have considerably changed. As a consequence most governments have felt that the financial support given to their universities must inevitably be limited. While in some countries the student figures are still increasing, mainly for demographic reasons, in others thèy are stagnating or even beginning to fall owing to deteriorating job prospects for university leavers.

University governing bodies are experiencxing difficulties in coping with this situation. They must try to keep or to regain the necessary amount of flexibility in their administrative and financial decisions; they have to reconsider their principles of selection of students, and ensure that, in spite of a restricted budget for teaching, research does not suffer.

These problems were discussed during the 16th Semestrial Conference of the Standing Conference of Rectors and Vice‐Chancellors of the European Universities (CRE), held from 27 to 28 April 1978 in Salamanca, Spain.

We present below an edited version of the final report of this meeting, reflecting the conclusions of this conference.  相似文献   

The present study aims at assessing faculty attitudes toward institutional competitive strategies in U.S. research universities and at exploring some of the correlates of these attitudes.

A stratified random sample of 40 U.S. research university departments, 10 each in physics, sociology, electrical engineering, and education was surveyed by means of a questionnaire.

The major findings of this study suggest that faculty members at research universities express non‐receptive attitudes toward university generic strategies, although, more productive,more satisfied and more committed faculty members are relatively more receptive toward university strategies than less productive, less satisfied and less committed faculty members.

The meaning and the implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

For the present development of teacher training system in Slovenia (Yugoslavia) two trends are characteristic: the prolongation of studies for elementary school teachers (grades 1‐8) from two to four years and an institutional shift of responsibility for subject teacher training from ‘mono‐technical’ (pedagogical academies) to ‘polytechnical’ institutions (different faculties or departments of the universities).

These trends are having important implications for the scope of practical training and its relationship to other parts of the studies. Traditional forms of practical training that had developed at pedagogical academies are being discontinued but the new ones are not yet firmly established.

The existing forms of practical training of student teachers are briefly described (exercises in general professional courses, exercises in classroom observation, teaching attempts and block practice). In addition, the role of teachers of special didactics and the role of practice teachers is analysed.

The pragmatic character of practical training has to be overcome on the basis of systematic attempts to confront students’ subjective theories on teaching and learning, based on experience, with scientific theories throughout the process of their training.

An important prerequisite for the necessary integration of different components of study and especially of theory and practice is cooperation between university teachers of academic, general professional subjects and special didactics. How do we achieve such a cooperation and overcome the negative attitude of teachers of academic subjects toward professional and practical training of students? This remains one of the open problems in the reform of teacher training in Slovenia.  相似文献   

In 1992 international fee‐paying and local students currently enrolled at the three tertiary institutions in South Australia were surveyed by a common questionnaire on students’ study‐related and personal experiences, and issues related to students’ choice and subsequent evaluation of their institution. The breadth of the student sample and the comparative data the questionnaire generated present an overarching view of the experiences and evaluations of a diverse range of university students.

The results of the survey show that while international students experience more problems, and experience them to a more serious degree than their Australian counterparts, the nature of the issues which are of most concern are generally shared. These are concerns about financial issues such as access to Austudy for local students, and the level of fees for international students and the ability to find part‐time work for both groups. The other broad group of issues of concern was study related: workload, fear of failure, loss of motivation, doubts about academic ability, nervousness and tension. Notably, in spite of the differences ‐between the three institutions – the University of Adelaide representing a ‘traditional’ university, Flinders University of South Australia, a ‘1960s’ university and the University of South Australia a ‘post‐1987’ university – the student responses across the three institutions were remarkably similar.

In terms of student evaluations of the quality of the education and services provided, Australian students were consistently more likely to rate aspects of teaching more positively than their international counterparts, but for both groups it was evident, particularly in their comments, that aspects of teaching such as the quality of lectures, accessibility of staff, availability of resources and staff: student ratios were of major concern.

The findings lead to the recommendations that universities could improve both local and international student experience by providing clear information about courses and course expectations, by the provision of effective feedback on assignments, by embedding the teaching of academic skills within courses, by increasing course flexibility to enable students to balance study and earning demands, and by ensuring that student support services are adequately resourced.  相似文献   

In Finland, the 1990s will mean that student selection for universities of technology will face two paradoxical problems.

On the one had, large numbers of school leavers will be applying for admission to universities, while on the other, the recruitment base of some institutions of higher education will be getting narrower. The universities of technology and the faculties of science fall into this group.

Traditionally, large numbers of highly gifted pupils have applied for places to read science and technology. The increasing demand for graduate engineers, however, means that the intake has been enlarged, while at the same time there are insufficient pupils leaving school with a high enough level of proficiency in mathematics and science.

In order to solve the problem, those involved in university selection have had to consider ways of ensuring a gifted intake in the 1990s with sufficient and varied talents. First, the universities of technology are trying to influence the education system to increase the amount of science teaching in the final school years. Secondly, correct and positive information should be publicised on the possibilities technology has of solving the problems of people and the environment in order to encourage interest in the sciences. Thirdly, new recruitment channels should be created in order to exploit untapped reserves of talent for the benefit of technological studies. With this in mind, the interest of women in science should be particularly encouraged.  相似文献   

Since early 1974, a pilot project for integrated teacher training has been in progress at Oldenburg University. This is currently the only extensive teacher training reform which exist in the German Federal Republic.

All plans for this integrated training program are designed to provide training normally encompassed by the traditional two‐stage programm.

The integrated training program includes:

- studies in the areas of education and social science;

- studies in two major subjects which are later to be taught at school;

- practical studies and activities.

The new model leads to the following degrees:

- nine semesters of study for a Certificate of Qualification for primary and lower‐level secondary school;

- eleven semesters for a Certificate of Qualification for higher‐level secon dary school and the education of exceptional children.

Theoretic training in major subject areas and related didactic training as well as education and social studies take place chiefly in the form of projects. A basic assumption is that interdisciplinary projects which are practice‐ and problemoriented permit a highly desirable integration of theory and practice on the whole.

In the project, contact teachers are an essential link between field practice at school and academic training at the university. Contact teachers are under contact to the university for an extended period of time (generally three years). In place of remunation, their teaching loads are reduced by ten hours per week.

In 1978/79 the project will be put to the test as the first generation of students prepares for State Board Examinations.  相似文献   

This paper derives from preliminary research into prospects for a more flexible approach to mixed‐mode distance education for overseas students at Australian universities. The group studied is postgraduate women students sponsored by Australian aid programmes. Information from a survey of these students and their needs in such areas as academic concerns, accommodation and living conditions and issues of personal concern forms part of the background to the paper.

Data analysed includes: preference among three models of mixed‐mode study, the response to home country study by students, employers and sponsors, the availability of national networks likely to support mixed‐mode study and students’ assessment of the proposals. One conclusion suggested is that women with professional and domestic responsibilities could find mixed‐mode study more satisfying than full‐time study. Further information about the principles and operational characteristics of distance education is needed to clarify the expectations of parties involved in such a delivery mode.  相似文献   

1998 saw a period of consolidation in implementing the education agenda of the country. There was a focus on reforms for modernization, democratization, privatization and liberalization. Despite the economic downturn, the Ministry of Education introduced policies and measures to prop up and liberalize the education sector. Significant developments and events took place in public and private education alike.

New strides in public education which were phenomenal included the move to accord all school children 11 years of minimum public education. Yet another major change was the introduction of the ‘open certification’ system for the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (Malaysian School Certificate) examination. All pre‐university students are now required to sit for an English test called the Malaysian University English Test (MUET) from 1999.

In private education, the first branch campus of a foreign university, the Monash University Sunway Campus was set up in Kuala Lumpur, to be followed by Curtin University in Sarawak and the University of Nottingham in Semenyih. Private colleges which run twinning programmes with foreign universities have also been granted permission to conduct all of their degree programmes locally (i.e. all 3 years of study in Malaysia) to enable students affected by the economic slowdown and devaluation of the ringgit to qualify for foreign degrees at a much reduced cost. Malaysia's first virtual university, Universiti Tun Abdul Razak was launched by the Education Minister on 21 December 1998 to further consolidate Malaysia's education reform via information technology. Apart from analysing in greater depth the major education events cited above, this review will also cover a wider spectrum of significant events throughout 1998, from pre‐school to tertiary education and the attention given to teacher training and the teaching service.  相似文献   

In the course of the fundamental reform of studies at the Austrian universities the education of grammar school teachers was renewed in 1971. In a long tradition (since 1855) teachers for upper secondary education, especially for grammar schools (which lead pupils to the matriculation qualification for university education) were prepared for their teacher admission examination by studies at the universities which comprised besides of subject matters theoretically introducing courses in pedagogy and psychology. Their practical training was organised in a guided probationary year at schools (apprenticeship‐type).

Since 1982 a new integrated (concurrent) preservice teacher education programme is realised at the Austrian universities, which combines subject studies (in two fields) with teachers’ professional preparation (comprising theoretical studies and practical activities and experiences in education and teaching). The new teacher education programme takes 4#fr1/2> years and leads to the academic degree of a master of arts or science, which gives full professional teacher qualification. The profession‐oriented parts include studies in education and psychology (10 semester course units: 150 hours), subject teaching studies (12‐24 semesters course units: 180‐360 hours) and a 12‐week period of practical teaching experience. Each university designs within this framework a specific study programme. An overview is given in the paper; the programme of the university of Graz is shown in more detail as an example.

At present the introduction of a one‐year‐lasting induction period as a second phase of teacher education is discussed and planned, which should be established in 1988‐89.  相似文献   

On the basis of a study of the literature and of empirical research, the article puts forward suggestions for the improvement of teacher training programmes within a dual system.

A consecutive approach to training implies that a student spends a part of the training period in an educational institution and a part in a practical situation (i.e. on teaching practice). However, the consecutive system presents considerable problems in respect both of organisation and of the psychology of learning. Organisationally, there is the question of sequence to be faced, if the elements of theory and practice are to be brought together.

On the basis of a study of the literature of other forms of professional training, the following suggestions are made:

  1. students’ activities in the school must re‐inforce their learning and be integrated with their work in the training institution;

  2. their educational studies must support the acquisition of the competences needed by the teacher at the outset of his/her professional career;

  3. attention must be paid to the learning needs and the potential of each student.

The article describes how a teacher training programme may follow these guidelines, leading to a ‘concurrent’ set of cycles bringing together elements of theory, practice and reflection upon practice, and in which a student may alternate between the academic institution and school practice.

After giving an overview of possible models of training the author focuses upon a specific example and provides a model of the institution‐practice link. What is important is that the learning style of the student be taken into account. Each student selects from four alternative programmes, namely: instructional variants, reflection variants, selfstudy variants, and practice variants. The contents of these four programmes are explained, and the learning outcomes of students from these differentiated programmes compared with those of students from undifferentiated, ‘normal’ programs. In summary, it is claimed that in the research project described there are positive indications for a theory‐practice link which gives students a choice of approaches and a better integration of their learning into the practical classroom situation.  相似文献   

Purpose: This study attempts to close the research gap created by the fact that existing studies neglect the problem of how effectively agricultural professors from different European countries communicate. The aim is to identify similarities and differences in the numbers of agricultural professors perceived by students as engaging in verbal and nonverbal immediacy communication.

Methodology: An online survey was conducted among students of agricultural universities from Austria, Slovenia and Albania.

Findings: The results show that professors of agriculture from Austria, Slovenia and Albania should generally not be satisfied with their own communication patterns and should thus try to improve their communication. The result also reveals cultural differences in the shares of agriculture professors employing different communication patterns in Austria, Slovenia and Albania. Compared to Austrian and Slovenian students, their Albanian peers perceive that most of their professors use nonverbal immediacy communication. According to Austrian students, the majority of their professors use verbal immediacy. On the contrary, Albanian students assessed that some of their professors employ verbal immediacy.

Practical Implications: The results show the professors of agriculture should improve the way they communicate to students. In particular, the Albanian professors should improve their verbal communication especially in terms of providing timely and quality feedback to students.

Theoretical implications: The study reveals differences in immediacy communication among countries (Austria, Slovenia and Albania) which the scientific literature considers to have a high-context culture.

Originality/Value: Given that no study has yet examined how students perceive professors’ communication in different European countries, this research helps understand the characteristics of agricultural professors’ communication.  相似文献   

An outline of the organisation of education in Italy stresses its characteristics as a centralised system supported by consultation with grass‐roots levels. Local coordination should be ensured by the so‐called ‘Organi Collegiali’ (participatory bodies).

The system is aware of the need to promote a real change in the pedagogical‐educational approach to teaching and learning, and recent reforms have implemented structural innovations and have required changes in the teachers’ roles and functions.

The new professional profile of the teacher points out the need for initial and in‐service education and training; given the insufficient provisions available, in 1979 the Ministry of Education, in cooperation with OECD, has initiated a project for introducing PRESET pilot projects in a number of Italian universities.

The MPI/OECD Project has gone through a four‐phase preparation process, including a background report, a national seminar, feasibility studies, planning of pilot projects.

The basic ideas were to improve the scientific/cultural and methodological preparation of teachers: curricula of study must ensure an appropriate balance between scientific knowledge in a subject‐matter or in a discipline area and educational studies. Teaching practice is considered as essential all through the course of study.

Starting November 1983 the University of Bologna will start a PRESET course of study for primary school teachers as a joint activity between the Faculty of Education and the Faculty of Sciences.

Other projects are on study at other universities.  相似文献   

A number of new initiatives have been taken recently in the UK to not only bring the universities and industry closer together but to allow genuine collaboration. These range from industry-based research programmes to university groups entering the industrial world for themselves

This paper outlines these various programmes and then describes the experience at Cambridge with a research programme and a teaching programme which linked directly with manufacturing industry.  相似文献   

Using statistical analyses, the following article describes the present situation of women in Swiss higher education, the difficulties met by women to succeed in universities as well as in the job‐market where employment conditions are not always satisfactory. The reader might also refer to the article of Mrs. Wiederkehr‐Benz where a different aspect of the problem is presented.

Mrs. Esther Garke is attached to the Swiss Federal Office for Education and Science, Bern and she is also the liaison officer for CEPES in Switzerland.  相似文献   

During the restructuring of the Mechanical Engineering degree course at the University of Auckland it became evident that there was a requirement for more information concerning “what mechanical engineers do!” and “what knowledge or skills are required by them to perform this function”. In order to resolve these questions two surveys, one involving graduates and the other undergraduates, were undertaken.

The graduate survey demonstrated that the dominant work activities of New Zealand mechanical engineers were design and consultancy. In addition, the results showed that graduate engineers rapidly migrate into management, with 80% of them being responsible for staff within 15 years of leaving university.

Both surveys show that the acquisition of skills is more highly valued than the acquisition of engineering knowledge and that management and interpersonal skills are more highly prized than those skills which could be considered to be manual. The knowledge-based topics which were found to be important were those that related to the professional and managerial aspects of engineering. The most valued scientific topics were those which could be considered as being the most general, such as strength of materials and thermodynamics.

An examination of the effectiveness of the various types of training available at university showed that the most valued training methods were those with high levels of personal supervision. The normal teaching methods used in universities—lectures and tutorials—were considered to be relatively ineffective.  相似文献   

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