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通过中国与澳大利亚职业教育对比,提出制定用人制度的配套政策,加快落实职业资格证书制度,优化职业技术学院与行业之间的关系,解决学与用的矛盾。加快校内人事制度改革,提高教师队伍的整体职业素质。  相似文献   

长期以来,政府在高等教育产业发展中角色错位,是造成高等教育供给短缺的根本性原因。为满足社会日益增长的高等教育需求,政府必须正确界定自己的角色,推动高等教育体制改革,早日实现市场供给主导型的目标模式。  相似文献   

矿业类高级工程技术人才培养的战略思考   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
高级工程技术人才的严重匮乏,是近几年“矿难”频发的最重要原因之一。从人才现状来看,矿业高级工程技术人才供需矛盾日益加剧;从教育格局来看,煤炭高等教育日益被边缘化。针对这种情况,应从政府、高校和企业三个层面上构建矿业类高级工程技术人才培养体系,以实现我国煤炭行业健康可持续发展。  相似文献   

During the restructuring of the Mechanical Engineering degree course at the University of Auckland it became evident that there was a requirement for more information concerning “what mechanical engineers do!” and “what knowledge or skills are required by them to perform this function”. In order to resolve these questions two surveys, one involving graduates and the other undergraduates, were undertaken.

The graduate survey demonstrated that the dominant work activities of New Zealand mechanical engineers were design and consultancy. In addition, the results showed that graduate engineers rapidly migrate into management, with 80% of them being responsible for staff within 15 years of leaving university.

Both surveys show that the acquisition of skills is more highly valued than the acquisition of engineering knowledge and that management and interpersonal skills are more highly prized than those skills which could be considered to be manual. The knowledge-based topics which were found to be important were those that related to the professional and managerial aspects of engineering. The most valued scientific topics were those which could be considered as being the most general, such as strength of materials and thermodynamics.

An examination of the effectiveness of the various types of training available at university showed that the most valued training methods were those with high levels of personal supervision. The normal teaching methods used in universities—lectures and tutorials—were considered to be relatively ineffective.  相似文献   

The systems of engineering education in European countries vary greatly, although the ‘end-products’ in fact display quite a degree of similarity. There are important problems to be overcome in formalising rules guaranteeing freedom of establishment and mobility for engineers within the Community, although the FEANI Register established in 1970 is a commendable and creative effort to put order into the situation. This paper calls for a clearly defined Register system with a role for SEFI in setting standards, and evaluating and approving programmes and qualifications.  相似文献   

Using IT in mathematical education has been a slow revolution. Although calculating tools have, to some extent, been used for several years, they are still controversial among many teachers. The most recent application is the multimedia book with links to Internet sites. These books include hypermedia and hypertext and what is called interactive objects, and allow an explorative and personal way of working. The book Hypermath, developed by the author, is described in this paper. It is expected that the use of multimedia books will be important in the future education of engineers.  相似文献   

机械卓越工程师教育培养计划旨在培养造就创新能力强、适应社会经济发展需要的高质量机械工程技术人才,学科竞赛和科技创新活动作为实践教学的重要环节,是培养学生动手能力、创新能力与工程能力的有效途径,本文就如何在机械卓越工程师教育培养计划中构建合理的学科竞赛和科技创新活动体系,提出了一些构想和建议,对已进行的一些探索性的实践工作进行了总结。  相似文献   

论企业、行业在职教新体系中的地位和作用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
企业、行业是高职人才培养目标的保障,是高职投资渠道的来源之一;企业的生产经营活动是高职课程体系和教学内容改革的源泉;企业文化和先进的管理模式是高职教育可供借鉴的经验;企业k的资源是高职宝贵的教学资源;企业、行业是高职人才吸纳的载体.以此论述企业、行业在职业教育新体系中的作用.  相似文献   

In France, training in engineering was exclusively provided by the ‘Grandes Ecoles’. In this context, the French universities have been developing engineering training alongside traditional training courses. The growth in engineering training has been particularly important during the last five years. The author describes the conditions of the setting up and the nature of the different training courses and gives an evaluation after the first twenty years of their existence. The statistics regarding the profiles of the applicants, the distribution over the different specializations and the salary progression are given.  相似文献   


The curricula used to educate engineers have been the subject of study in recent years. This effort has arisen from the perceived mismatch between the topics taught, and the long term requirements of the engineering graduate. A strategic review has been hampered by a sufficiently useful definition of what an engineer should be. This paper suggests such a definition, based upon the idea that engineers are general problem-solvers within a financial and technical set of co-ordinates. Using this definition as an analytical tool, it is possible to see the strengths and limitations of the current programmes, and to approach curriculum development on a more rational basis. It is concluded that, in general, current engineering education concentrates upon the treatment of a class of problems whose solution is rather obvious, even if the tools used to produce the solution may be complex and arcane. It is suggested that engineering curricula should address a wider set of problems, with less obvious solutions, since this is closer to reality, and also since it will allow an engineering-orientated viewpoint to be brought to bear in complex problems. A modified curriculum is proposed, based upon these ideas.

On a étudié depuis longtemps les programmes d'enseignement pour la formation des ingénieurs. Ces recherches ont, pour leur origine, les differences entre les sujets qu 'un ingénieur doit étudier pendant son formation, et ceux qu'il utilise actuellement en train de sa vie profes-sionelle. Pour mieux comprendre ces differences, on a examine surtout ces cours elles-meme, et les méthodes pedagogiques. On n'a pas reussi parce qu' on n'a pas pu repondre à la question “Qu'est-ce que c'est un ingenieur?” lei, on essai de donner un reponse, vis.: “Un ingenieur se conceme avec la resolution des problemes”, souvent dans un cadre financier, Avec cette definition, on peut analyser les programmes d'enseignement qui existe à ce moment. Aussi, on peut proposer des modifications basées sur la raison. On peut dire que les cours de la formation des ingénieurs fixent leur attention sur une catégoric de probleme pour laquelle la solution est evident, meme si les méthodes d'analyse. (mathematique, ordinateur etc) peuvent etre assez difficile. On propose que, pour la formation des ingénieurs, les cours se concernent avec une categorie des problemes plus larges, avec des solutions qui ne sont pas immediatement evident (et pour lesquelles on peut souvent proposer plusieurs bons solutions). Enfin, on propose un cours modifié, en prenant compte de ces pensées.  相似文献   

After having recalled the study carried out by SEFI for the European Community on ‘Educating the engineer for innovative and entrepreneural activity’, the reasons for the increasing need of a strict cooperation between university and industry are illustrated. Finally some considerations about the forms in which such cooperation can be established are reported.  相似文献   

主体教育思想在素质教育中的地位和作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的应试教育模式对教育自身的危害日趋明显。主体教育作为一种教育哲学思想,对于克服传统教育的负面效应具有基础性作用。充分认识主体教育理念与推进人的全面发展的辩证关系,实现教育体制由“应试型”向“素质型”转轨是时代的要求,是入世后中国教育发展的客观要求,是实践“三个代表”的重要体现。以“主体教育”理念为发展方向的素质教育工程正在浮出水面。  相似文献   

新时代卓越工程师是多学科融合、现代科学与工程技术结合的创新人才。阐述了产教融合自主培养新时代卓越工程师的价值意蕴,剖析了产教融合培养新时代卓越工程师的目标定位,结合北京航空航天大学70年来培养卓越工程师的实践,提出了聚焦国家战略急需,以产教融合为牵引,通过强化高校企业“两协同”,深化体制机制、培养要素和评价标准“三变革”,构建“双主体管理、双主导运行、双衔接建设”“融合培养方案、融合导师队伍、融合智慧教育平台”和“革新评价导向、更新评价内容、创新评价体系”的产教融合自主培养卓越工程师路径,健全校企共同招生、共同培养、共同选题、共享成果和师资互通、课程打通、平台融通、政策畅通的“四共”“四通”机制,全面提升卓越工程师自主培养质量。  相似文献   

"卓越工程师计划"是我国高等工程教育改革的重要举措,校企合作是实施"卓越工程师计划"的重要途径和有效载体,对人才培养具有十分重要的作用。本文通过对安徽理工大学机械专业卓越工程师计划实施现状和存在的问题进行分析,对其中的几个关键环节提出了相应的改革措施,以期为同类专业实施"卓越工程师计划"提供建议和参考。  相似文献   

研究型大学在产学研结合中的作用和角色   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
本文通过分析研究型大学的形成,阐明大学的功能必须适应社会需求的发展。通过分析它的特点,阐明了研究型大学在产学研结合中的作用和应该扮演的角色,指出大学应从高科技产业的经营主角转换为支持高科技企业发展的孵化者,以自身的技术、人才、文化、资源等优势为高科技企业提供深层次服务,从这种服务中实现价值和获得回报,并以深圳清华大学研究院五年的实践证明,这种回报是可以实现的、且是高附加值的。这种高科技产业中的“第三产业”在中国目前情况下,非常适合大学通过组建独立运行的研究院、科技园来承担。  相似文献   

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