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This article begins with an examination of the opening up of higher education to market forces and the main channels of funding. It then turns to an examination of Finnish higher education expenditure, and the allocation systems for financing it, stressing the funding of research. A basis is thus provided for a discussion of the current debate within the Finnish universities on the relationship between investment and results, and on the absence up to now of opportunities for market competition. Finally, the article comments on the transformation of studying into a form of salaried employment and of teaching into routine labour.  相似文献   

This research examines the purposes of education perceived by teacher education students preparing for a career in Israeli public religious schools. Participants were 164 men and 364 women in their first or final year of teacher education. They responded to questionnaires that explored educational purposes in four ways. Twenty-four students also were interviewed. Major results indicate that: 1) universal and religious purposes of education are considered highly important; 2) men attribute greater importance than women to religious- Torah purposes; 3) academic-intellectual growth is not considered an important educational purpose. Implications of these and other findings are considered for educational policy and practice in public religious schools.  相似文献   

社会主义核心价值体系是社会主义意识形态的本质体现。坚持以社会主义核心价值体系为引领,是进一步提升大学生思想政治教育工作水平的现实需要,也是关系党和国家未来前途命运的重要工作。高校要以社会主义核心价值体系作为大学生思想政治教育的主要内容,坚持马克思主义的指导地位,加强大学生理想信念教育,弘扬民族精神和时代精神,逐步提高大学生的思想水平和道德修养。  相似文献   

加强高职生思想道德建设的方式要宽领域、多渠道。全校各部门、各方面要把学生思想道德教育贯穿到各自工作的全过程,形成思想道德教育的合力,齐抓共管,常抓不懈。真正实现"教书育人""管理育人""服务育人"的教育宗旨。培养一代优秀的高职生,必须坚持两手抓:一手抓专业文化基础理论、专业技能的提高;一手抓思想道德素质的提高。只有坚持两手抓,才能达到全面提高,从而加快学校事业发展的进程,保证社会主义建设后继有人。  相似文献   

试论教育适应学生   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:8  
在教育与学生的关系上,历史上曾经出现了学生服从教育、学生适应教育、教育服从学生三种关系。但在制度化教育中,延续至今的主要是学生适应教育。我国教育改革中提出教育适应学生,就是对这种关系的调整,这是对当代社会知识观变革、社会需要变革、人们对人的发展认识变革的反映。所谓教育适应学生,是就教育的个体发展职能而言的,主要是指教育活动适应每一个学生发展的多种需要和多种可能性,有针对性地引导和促进其有效的发展。其实质是打破以往教育的统一性特征和模式化,实现教育本身的多样化和创新化。当前在教育适应学生上既应在思想观念上要有明确认识,更要改革教育评价制度,更新教师素质,加强教育与学生生活世界的结合。  相似文献   

史锋 《巢湖学院学报》2015,(2):123-127,160
从现代职业教育体系下“专本”教育衔接的现实背景入手,归纳分析了目前国内“专本”教育衔接模式建设的探索路径,并提出了现代职业教育体系下“专本”教育衔接模式的理性思考。  相似文献   

本文首先分析二十一世纪所出现的信息化与全球化的生活方式以及知识经济时代等三大局势,指出新世纪大学生的培育理念有三:促进“传统”与“现代”的对话、加强“科技”与“人文”的互动、强化全球视野与本土文化的融合。从上述三大教育理念出发,作者提出以下三项教育策略:第一,提倡经典教育,以引导大学生的生命重新与传统文化接触,奠定未来开创新局的文化资源,这是“返本以开新”的教育策略;第二,因应“科技”与“人文”断裂的状态,在大学教育过程中,加强开授贯通“科学、技术与社会”(STS)等领域的课程,以引导学生对现代科技发展中的人文社会问题进行深入分析,使通识教育精神融渗于专业教育之中,从而培育二十一世纪具有批判思考与原创能力的新知识分子;第三,经由优质的东亚人文传统相关课程之引导,而跃入悠久的东亚文化价值传统之中,建立新时代东亚知识青年的价值体系,从而在西方“文化霸权”的支配之下,挺立东亚知识分子的价值观点与立场。  相似文献   

高校贫困大学生资助体系的建立研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来由于经济体制的转型和高等教育招生制度的改革,贫困生问题也显得日益突出.这种现象是有悖于教育公平的,已引起社会的高度重视.对其进行社会干预,往往停留在经济层面上而忽略了身体素质、心理健康、发展能力上的帮助.本文试图突破当前贫困生资助体系的局限性,着重研究其因经济困难导致的发展能力的不足和心理健康、人格发展存在的问题,并探索建立一个全面的贫困大学生支持体系理论模型.  相似文献   

The system of higher education in Turkey is designed to meet the manpower requirements of the economy. However, from the point of view of the individual it is perceived as a means of upward social mobility and material betterment. For these reasons, the demand for higher education in Turkey is very high whereas the supply of higher education possibilities is limited. In this situation, the problem of admission to Turkish higher education is an important educational, social, economic and political issue.

The following article is based on the report written by Professor Alton Günalp, Director of the Inter‐university Student Selection and Placement Centre (USYM) in Ankara. It discusses recent developments in and the present situation of student admission to higher education in Turkey.  相似文献   

素质教育是各学科教育改革的主旋律 ,优化教学过程是实施素质教育的核心。本文就中等师范学校生物学教学过程实施素质教育的途径和方法进行探讨。  相似文献   

Registrars of the junior and four year colleges and universities of the university system of Georgia were asked to supply the names and addresses of elderly students attending their institutions under a state constitutional amendment that provides for free tuition on a space available basis for residents 62 years of age or older. Names were obtained from six junior colleges, eight senior colleges, and one university. Elderly students were asked to complete a form to determine their problems with and attitudes toward college study; 70 responses were received.

Analysis of the responses indicated that the 70 elderly students were above average in education and that they were vigorous and active. Only a few had encountered difficulty in adjusting to college study. A few had difficulty in hearing classroom discussions. Approximately 90% felt that attending classes was stimulating and would recommend the experience to other elderly adults. As a group they felt accepted by faculty and younger students. In common with other students, some found problems in parking. Generally, however, the study reveals that many senior citizens can be accommodated in the typical college classroom without major curricular and administrative adjustments.  相似文献   

The majority of physiotherapists are trained in hospital‐based schools outside the mainstream of further and higher education. It has been assumed that professional standards of competence are maintained through central control of the syllabus, nationally set examinations and centrally appointed examiners.

During the last decade, a small number of schools have transferred to polytechnics and begun to develop internally examined courses. It is essential that students who are successful in these examinations are automatically eligible for Membership of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.

This paper describes the planning of an internally examined course which is acceptable to the professional bodies as well as to the Sheffield City Polytechnic. It explores some of the conflicts which have arisen concerning the extent to which control of the profession should extend to control of the curriculum in any and every institution. It concludes that the Chartered Society's need to control right of entry to the profession and to monitor standards of competence is reconcilable with lecturers’ desire to design a course and appropriate methods of assessment which reflect their overall rationale.  相似文献   

One of the aims of the reform of Swedish higher education implemented in July 1977 is a renewal of the content of education programmes in connection with requirements of working life and lifelong education.

Below are presented the main types of courses which have been set up in accordance with the above‐mentioned aim.  相似文献   

The performance in the two major courses of the Dip H.E. at Doncaster Metropolitan Institute is compared between matriculated and non‐matriculated students, and between those with and without recent previous study experience. While in the first year of the course a difference is found between the performance of matriculated and non‐matriculated students, this disappears when tuition in examination techniques is provided. Pre‐entry study is not found to affect performance.  相似文献   

社会转型时期社会治理的道德教育体系应该包括民主观、公正观、平等观、人道观和自由观,这些是善待他人的道德观,也是解决瑞士教育家裴斯泰洛齐道德教育难题二的重要教育内容。这五观在内容上相互包含,功能上相辅相成,实施中相互支撑,是全息统一的。  相似文献   

创新教育中大学生智力培养的理论前提与措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
智力是当今社会成为人们十分关注的概念,因此,研讨智力具有重要的现实意义,特别是创新教育中的意义非常明显。笔者立足于更深层次的分析,从智力的内涵、智力结构理论、智力发展的特点以及大学生智力的开发与培养等方面加以探讨。  相似文献   

At its 33rd meeting in Linkd‐ping (12‐14 May 1976) the Council of Europe's Committee for Higher Education and Research (CHER) will analyse the problem of financial aid to students in its member states. Ministries of Education in the member states of the Council of Europe have prepared their national reports on this sub‐ject, based on a questionnaire sent out by CHER. In the last issue of our Bulletin we gave a report on “State Study. Assistance in Sweden”. In this issue we give information on the new system of financial assistance in the Netherlands.

The former system had raised certain objections, not so much to the extent of the total financial assistance given, as to the qualifications for eligibility which many thought were inappropriate to the situation of a great number of students. The various component part's affected each other and the result was often dependent on marginal changes in the financial circumstances of either parents or student. These disadvantages have led to the formulation of the new system, which will be introduced gradually.  相似文献   

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