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正[英语原文]It's a sunny day.A little mouse wants to go out and play.But he is afraid of the cat,so he peeks and peeks.He peeks to the left and peeks to the right.Suddenly,the mummy mouse shouts:"Watch out!Watch out!The cat is there,the cat is there!"[汉语翻译]这一天天气很晴朗。一只小老鼠想要去外面玩儿。但是它害怕猫,所以它左看看,右看看,看了左边又看右边。突然,老鼠妈妈叫道:"小心!小心!猫在那里,猫在那里!"  相似文献   

Many years ago a very large rat lived in the king's palace.It was bigger than many cats and ate all the cats that tried to catch it.The king asked his people to find the best cat in the country.When they found the cat, they gave it to the king.The king then put the cat into a room with .the rat.As soon as it saw the rat, the cat ran and jumped up onto the table. The rat quickly followed the cat.This went on for a long time.The king and his friends said that the cat was not a good cat at all.But soon, the rat began to get tired and slow down.The cat then ran to the rat, picked it up with its teeth and killed it.  相似文献   

一只大老鼠领着一群小老鼠去偷食。突然,它们遇到一只猫。小老鼠们吓得直发抖,而大老鼠镇定自若,它冲着那只猫“汪、汪”叫了起来,结果猫逃跑了。小老鼠们围着大老鼠问道:“为什么你一叫,猫就逃跑了呢?”大老鼠说:“你们看,这就是学外语的好处。”(选自《当代小学生》)A big rat led a group of little mice instealing food.Suddenly,they met a big cat.The little mice quaked with fear.The big ratwas very calm and it shouted at the cat“uang,uang”.It's the result that the cat ranaway.The little mice asked the rat aroun…  相似文献   

A friend of mine was sitting in the living room one day when his cat dragged in a little "gift" in his mouth--a dead animal of some sort. Taking a closer look, he was surprised to recog- nize the dead animal to be a bunny that belonged to a little girl who lived next door. Her name was Bonny. My friend felt terrible, believing his cat had killed Bonny's bunny.  相似文献   

A man was looking for things of the old times. One day he came to a village and found a blue bowl. It looked veryold. The bowl was on the ground and a cat was drinking milk from it. A farmer, the owner of the cat , was lying besidethe bowl. The man did not want the farmer to know that he was interested in bowl. So he said to him softly, “What anice cat you have? Will you sell it to me?”“How much will you give me for the cat?”the farmer opened his eyes and asked.“Twenty dollars. Would t…  相似文献   

I liked cat very much. In my old opinion, cat was cute and gentle. One day, my friend asked me to feed the cat for him. So I went to his house in order to take care of his cat. His neighbor was an old woman. When I was doing some cleaning, the old woman asked me if I needed some help. Suddenly, the cat stretched out its sharp claws, and clawed me and bit me with its sharp teeth. WowA It was too abrupt. The old woman got scared. “It goes crazyA” I said and asked her to get out of the room, otherwise she woul...  相似文献   

1.A cat has nine lives.猫有九条命。意思是指猫的生命力非常强。2.A cat in gloves catches no mice.带手套的猫捉不到耗子。意思是指那些懒惰的人做不出什么成绩。3.A cat can look at a king.猫也可以看国王。意思是指小人物也应该有相应的权利。4.As weak as a cat.像只小猫一样弱小。意思是指身体非常虚弱。5.Copy cat.盲目的模仿者。也就是我们所说的"跟屁虫"。6.Enough to make a cat laugh.如果这样,连猫都会笑。  相似文献   

1.in the tree/on the tree 这两个短语都有“在树上”的意思。in表示“在某范围内”,说鸟、猴子、松鼠、猫等隐藏于树叶之中,用in the tree。如:Is there a cat in the tree?树上有猫吗?Look!Some monkeys are playing in the tree.看!一些猴子在树上玩。on的意思是“在某物之上”(表  相似文献   

1.A Saucer T hat B rings L uckA fam ous art collector is crossing a N ew Y ork street when,in frontof a shop,he sees a shabby cat avidly licking som e m ilk from a sm allsaucer.The m an im m ediately realizes that the saucer is very ancientandvery valuable.So he steps into the shop with an uninterested look andasks to buy the cat.But the shop owner answers,“Im sorry,but the catis not for sale.”“Please,”says the collector,“I need a ravenous cat around m yhouse to catch allthe m ice.Ill…  相似文献   

Long long ago,a cat and a mouse were good friends. They ate together, played and slept together. They were the best friends in the woods.  But one day, they weren't friends forever. Fairies wanted to campaign for the 12 symbolic animals associated with a 12-year cycle. The cat and the mouse both went to campaign at the appointed time. The morning in the second day the mouse was boring: Should I go to the campaign with the cat?And should I go to call him?The cat was a lazy animal: He was still sleeping now. And the mouse didn't want to call him up. Finally the mouse was the first animal in the 12 symbolic animals associated with a 12-year cycle. But the cat was not. So today cats always want to catch mice and eat them. Because they remember this history: Mouse forsook cat!  相似文献   

If you were casting a movie set in the forties, Beth's house would be perfect. The Victorian struc- ture stands with all the noble character you could hope to find. From the squeaky swing on the front porch, to the quixotic balcony off the upstairs room in the far back corner, the house stands with a quiet yet exuberant pride telling all that view her, "I'm not just another terrific house, I am also one ter- rific home!"  相似文献   

1.let the cat out of the bag泄露秘密 注解:据说以前英国农贸集市上猪崽贸易很兴旺,于是有人就趁机把猫放在口袋里充当小猪出售,这样粗心的顾客往往容易上当。但有经验的顾客常会打开袋子看看,如果是猫就会立即查出来。后来let the cat out of the bag就转喻为“说漏了嘴,无意中泄露了秘密”.  相似文献   

Jack was an antiques collector.One day,he was passing a small shop.(杰克是一个古董收集者。一天,他路过一个小店。)There was a cat on the sidewalk out front.It was licking milk from a saucer.(店前人行道上一只猫在舔一个托盘里的牛奶。)God,the saucer was very old and valu-able!(天哪,这个托盘可是个值钱的古物啊!)I want to buy your cat.(我想买你的猫。)I’m sorry ,butthe cat is notfor sale.(对不起,这只猫是不卖的。)Please,I need acat around m yhouse to catchm ice.I’ll give you20 dollars.(拜托,我家需要…  相似文献   

李勇 《今日中学生》2006,(30):27-28
在英语中,人们常用各种不同习性的动物来比喻形形色色的人,此时往往用一个字就把一个人的品行刻画出来,从而使语言变得生动形象,趣味横生。现例释如下:1.beast兽Just look at the way he treats his wife!He is a beast.且看他对待妻子的那副样子吧!他是个凶狠的人。2.bear黑熊The old man is a bear;he is always grumbling.那个老头是个鲁莽汉,总在发牢骚。3.bird鸟Jim took his bird to the pictures last night.吉姆昨晚带着他的女朋友去看电影了。4.cat猫Don"t listen to her gossip;she is a cat.别听她搬弄是非,她是个心地恶毒的女…  相似文献   

dog(狗)1.Let sleeping dogs lie(Don’t wake a sleeping dog.)莫惹是非。2.He led a dog’s life.他过着贫困的生活。3.This country is going to the dogs.这个国家要垮台了。Cat(猫)1.There is nothing for it but to wait and see how the cat jumps.眼前只有静待,看着事情如何转变。2.Has the cat got your tongue?你为什么不吭声?(猫把你的舌头叼去了吗?)fox(狐狸)1.He was an old fox.他是个老奸巨滑的家伙。2.I play the fox several times,pretending to be in pain.有几次我故意装疼。(play the fox耍滑头)goose(鹅)1.I don…  相似文献   

Passage 1 I have two good friends. They are twins. One day I go to their home after school. They have a very nice bedroom. The room is new. A map of China is on the wall. A nice picture is on the wall, too. In the picture there are hills and a river with a boat on it. A big desk is beside the bed. Two chairs are behind the desk. Their books and pens are on the desk. Their school bags are behind the chairs. They have a cat. It's under the desk. The cat looks like a hat. A light (灯) is on the desk.  相似文献   

One day a well-known millionaire went to stay at a hotelin New York and asked for the cheapest room they had.Hesaid,“What is the price of the room?”The manager told him.“And which floor is it on?”Again the manager told him,“Is  相似文献   

《英语自学》1998年第3期上,有穆念伟老师的一篇短文《Cat 一词小议》。该文别具一格,读后让人耳目一新,只是觉得文中对习语 grin like aCheshire cat 的解释有点欠妥。穆老师是这样写的:grin like a Cheshire cat[Cheshire(柴郡)是英格兰西部一郡名,估计那儿的猫面部常是笑状]。从这句“估计那儿的猫面部常呈笑状”可以看出,作者对这个习语的出处不甚了解,“估计”错了。本文就 grin like a Cheshire cat 的出处作一解释和补充,以  相似文献   

父亲节到了,Kitty和Lily要为爸爸猫博士开个Party,他们为Party做了哪些准备呢?听听选选吧。A.clean the room B.cook the mealC.make a cake D.buy some fruitE.make a card父亲节,礼物当然少不了。听谜语,猜猜下面哪些是Kitty和Lily送给爸爸的礼物。Party上,猫博士一家拍了张全家福。把下面的人物剪下来,按照你听到的顺序重新排好。本期“猫博士听力园”答案:ⅠD A CⅡ1.flowers2.clock听力原文:Ⅰbuy some fruit clean the room make a cakeⅡ1.They have many colors,and smell sweet.2.I have a face and two arms.I never eat,…  相似文献   

Cat Scan     
A man takes his motionless dog to the vet."Doc,I think my dog is dead.”The vet looks the dog over, goes into a backroom,and comes out with a cat.He places the caton the table next to the dog.The cat walks aroundand sniffs at the dog.The dog does not move.The  相似文献   

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