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就像中国人见面时,彼此之间通过拉家常来互致问候一样,英美人特别是英国人见面时会很自然地说上一句"What’s the weather like today?"或"How is the weather today?"或"It’s fine today,isn’t it?"。形成这种习惯的主要原因,一方面是英国的天气变化无常,更为重要的原因是英国人不喜欢在别人面前谈论诸如年龄、个人收入、家庭等私人琐事,也不愿涉及当地的政治事务,谈论天气不会引起他人误解,也不会招致不必要的麻烦。英美人在谈论天气时,可谓花样繁多。  相似文献   

语言背景对初次和英美人士接触的中国人来说,最保险的话题就是谈论天气。尤其是英国人特别喜欢谈天气。这也许是英国的天气变化无常,为人们提供了话题。英国人有独特的谈论天气的方式。一般性谈论天气:Lovely day,isn’t it?真是个好天气,是吗?Miserable weather,isn’t it?天气真糟糕,是吗?谈论气温:It’s ever so cold today,isn’t it?今天特别冷,是吗?谈论风:It’s extremely windy today,isn’t it?今天风特别大,是吗?谈气候变化:It’s a bit warmer today,isn’t it?今天暖和点儿,是吗?谈过去的不正常的天气:That was a violent st…  相似文献   

【误】This isn’t Lucy’s pen,is this?【正】This isn‘t Lucy’s pen,is it? 【析】当陈述部分的主语是指示代词this,that时,附加疑问部分的主语要用it。  相似文献   

Is it a white dolphin(海豚)?No,it isn’t.其实这个海豚的模样是由一个庞大的沙丁鱼群伪装成的。  相似文献   

英国人见面喜欢谈天气。牛津大学(Oxford University)的约翰逊博士曾说:“两个英国人见面的第一句话就是谈论天气。”可能一个说:“It's a fine day today,isn’t it?”另一个回答:“Yes,it's fine and we  相似文献   

【教材目标】a.能够听懂会说本模块功能句“Is it a…?Yes,itis./No,it isn’t.”及听懂、会说单词“m onster,help”。b.能运用所学语言询问物品,并给予回应。c.促进学生间的了解,培养学生的合作意识。【教学重点】学习“Is it a…?Yes,it is./No,it isn’t”.并能在实际情景中运用。【教学难点】“Is it…?”的连读及运用。【教学准备】挂图、卡片、图片、V CD、调查表【教学过程】Ⅰ、W arm erT:H ello,boys and girls。Let’s say a chant,OK?Ss:OK。T:W hat’s that?W hat’s that?Ss:Pencil,pencil,it’s a pencil.(每只手…  相似文献   

1.He’s flown to Qingdao for summer holi-days,______he?(2006河北省)A.isn’t B.wasn’t C.hasn’t D.doesn’t2.—There is some soup on the table,isn’t______?—No,I think that’s water.(2006武汉市)A.there B.it C.that D.one3.—She didn’t come to school yeste  相似文献   

温馨提示 It’s rather warm/cold/hot today,isn’t it?天气相当暖和/寒冷/炎热,是吗?  相似文献   

1.现在进行时的构成现在进行时由“am/is/are+动词现在分词”构成。肯定式否定式疑问式简单回答I am/’m working.He(She,It)is working.We(You,They)are/’re working.I am not/’m not working.He(She,It)is not/isn’working.We(You,They)are not/aren’t working.Am I Working……?Is he(she,it)working……?Are you(we,they)working?Yes,you are.No,you aren’t.Yes,I am.No,I’m not.Yes,he(she it)isn’t.No,he(she,it)isn’t.Yes,we(you,they)are.No,we(you,they)aren’t.2.动词—ing形式的构成及其读音(1)一般在动词原…  相似文献   

李清  于业宏 《辽宁教育》2005,(7):117-118
【教材目标】a.能够听懂会说本模块功能句“Is it a…?Yes,it is./No.it isn’t.”及听懂、会说单词“monster,help”。b.能运用所学语言询问物品,并给予回应。c.促进学生间的了解,培养学生的合作意识。  相似文献   

1.After you.你先请。这是一句很常用的客套话,在进/出门、上车的场合你都可以表现一下。2.I just couldn’t help it.我就是忍不住。想想看,这样一个漂亮的句子可用于多少个场合?下面是随意举的一个例子:I was deeply moved by the film and I cried and cried.I just couldn’t help it.3.Don’t take it to heart.别往心里去,别为此而忧虑伤神。生活实例:This test isn’t that important.Don’t take it toheart.4.We’d better be off.我们该走了。It’s gettinglate.We'd better be off.5.Let’s face it.面对现实吧。常表明说话…  相似文献   

李振国 《海外英语》2013,(16):249-250
’cohesion’is the way words formally hang together in sentences and the like, and"coherence"captures the content- based connections between the words that make them produce sense. In the discourse, while the local sequence of turns creates a certain amount of cohesion, it isn’t sufficient to guarantee coherence.  相似文献   

1.It’s a nice day,isn’t it?【点睛】陈述部分为肯定句时,简略问句用否定形式,概括为"前肯后否";陈述部分为否定句时,简略问句用肯定形式,概括为"前否后肯"。当前半部分谓语have表  相似文献   

第二篇 代词     
【知识要点】一、物主代词、反身代词(一)物主代词的用法1.形容词性物主代词只作定语。如:His mother is an English teacher.2.名词性物主代词在句中。(1)作主语:This isn’t my pen.Mine is inthe pencil box.(2)作表语:This pen isn’t mine;it’sTom’s.(3)作宾语:Somethin  相似文献   

1 .1衍shto咖y抽民a liulelo叫笋r,___I? A .do B.盯旧y c.don’t D.叹旧y献2 .Eve州而ng in thi.~统101硬笋to,,don,t_? A .it B.面5 C.that D.此y3 .No助dy was Watehing二,__? A.~he B.weretheyC.wereyOUD,~,4.阮ch 15枯s八时切陀,i即,t_? A.此y B.itC二抽搜D.d姗5 .Howh以山e teais,it? A .15 B.isn,t C.初U D.won,t6.例ng~飞exeoio has hel网to曲prove ourl姗Ith,抽圈1’t_? A.面5 B.廿以t C.they D.it7 .None面山概s吸男图6ons,hel博J,__? A .aren,t thay B.,山ey C.isn’t it D.isn’t it8.巧』~at the right tilne,…  相似文献   

In our life we often pay no attention towhat isn’t striking but quite im portant.W hen you have lost it and realized w hat anim portant role it plays in your life,however,it’s next to im possible to get it back.W hata pity。Take m yself for exam ple. O …  相似文献   

Where is my bag?【情景对话】Peter:Oh!My bag!I can’t find it.Where is it?Simon:Is it in your desk drawer?Go and have a look!Peter:No,it isn’t.Simon:Ah!Here it is!Peter:Where?Simon:It’s under your chair.Peter:Yes!Thanks,Simon.Peter:噢!我的书包!我找不到它。它在哪里?  相似文献   

Two boys camp in the backyard. A: What time is it? B: I don’t know.Let’s sing loudly."They sing loudly.Moments later,a neighbor opens the window and shouts:"Be quite! Don’t you know it’s three o’clock in the morning?"  相似文献   

一、复合句的反意疑问句 (一)一般情况下主从复合句的反意疑问句简短问句主谓同主句的主谓一致 Eg:It doesn’t matter if they want to come to your party, does it? It is the first time that he has been to Australia, isn’t it?(2012上海) I told them not everybody could run as fast a you did , didn’t I?(2012重庆)  相似文献   

Ⅰ.听力。(20分)A)听力辨图:根据你听到的内容,选择相对应的图片。(共5小题,每小题1分)2345B)情景反应:根据你听到的句子,选择最佳答案。(共5小题,每小题1分)6.A.Yes,it is not.B.No,it isn’t.C.Yes,it are.7.A.It is a book.B.Yes it is.C.No,it isn’t.8.A.Yes,it is.B.It is an eraser.C.No,it isn’t.9.A.W-E-T-C-H.B.S-P-E-L-L.C.W-A-T-C-H.10.A.How are you?B.Fine,thank you.C.How do you do?C)对话理解:根据你所听到的对话及针对该对话提出的问题,选择能回答该问题的最佳答案。(共5小题,每小题1分)11.A.Gina.B…  相似文献   

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