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Previous research has indicated that when tasks are made more meaningful, the performance of the elderly generally improves. A closer look, however, reveals that improvement occurs mostly for educationally disadvantaged elderly, highly educated older adults not benefiting differentially from meaningful material. Consequently, the present study compared performance of high‐ and low‐education adults on traditional and meaningful space and reasoning measures. A total of 246 male and female volunteers were divided into subgroups by age (53‐65 and 70‐78 years) and by education (high and low). Separate analyses of variance for reasoning and space revealed main effects for education and age on both abilities. In addition, main effects for test and sex, and a significant age by test interaction were found for space, with the performance differential between the familiar and traditional tests being much greater for the young‐old group. A trend for an education X age X test X sex interaction was found for reasoning, as expected, with low education, young‐old men doing more poorly on the traditional form. Suggestions for future related research are discussed.  相似文献   

The way in which students view science and its practitioners, particularly during their late elementary and early secondary grade levels, has been at the core of numerous studies dating back to research by Mead & Metraux (Science 126:384–390, 1957). In this study, we used the Draw-a-Scientist Test Checklist developed by Finson, Beaver & Cramond (Sch Sci Math 95(4):195–205, 1995) to explore and document Colombian and Bolivian students’ perceptions of scientists. Despite the wealth of information from years of study, there is a lack of research on images held by students in Latin American nations. This study involved Colombian and Bolivian students (N = 1,017) in 5th to 11th grades and was aimed at providing an original account of how these students picture scientists and science. Results suggest differences on how students perceive scientists based on nationality, grade and school type. We discuss how features may be associated with educational and socioeconomic status in each school community.  相似文献   

An attitude toward mathematics questionnaire indicated no real difference in attitudes between two‐ and four‐year colleges. No differences in mathematical competencies, as measured by the Beckmann‐Beal Mathematical Competencies Test for Enlightened Citizens, existed between two‐ and four‐year colleges. The gain in mathematical competency due to taking one precalculus mathematics course was only 1.48 questions, or an increase of only 4.1%.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to examine the nature of the relationship between learners’ distrust of scientific models that represent unseen entities and phenomena, their spatial ability, and the vividness of their mental images. The sample consisted of 302 tenth grade students in the Sultanate of Oman. Three measures were used for this study: the Epistemologies about the Credibility of Scientific Models instrument, the Water Level Task (WLT), and the Vividness of Microscopic Mental Images. It was found that students’ distrust was greater for theoretical and abstract models such as the electron clouds, photons, magnetic lines of force, DNA, electron transfer, atomic orbits, and alpha rays. The findings also show that there was a statistically significant negative correlation between students’ distrust of scientific models and their spatial ability, as indicated by their performance on the WLT. There was a positive relationship between the distrust of scientific models and the vividness of mental images and a weak negative relationship between spatial ability and the vividness of mental images. Based on the findings, it might be plausible to conclude that as the abstraction level for scientific models increases, such as for theoretical models which lack defined structure and known details, imaginative learners’ difficulty to construct colorful and detailed mental images for natural entities and phenomena increases. It would also be recommended that learners with vivid mental images should be provided with and directed to use more spatial techniques such as computerized visualization tools and mental manipulation of 3D objects.  相似文献   


The perceptions of 28 preservice early childhood teachers about the social and cognitive competence of 68 preschool children were examined. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed gender, age, and family socioeconomic sta?us biases in preservice teachers’ perceptions of children's social and cognitive competence. Qualitative data from focus group discussions with preservice teachers also supported these findings. In addition, children's actual social and cognitive competence, while not the most significant, also uniquely and significantly contributed to preservice teachers’ perceptions of children's social and cognitive competence. This may indicate that preservice teachers are likely struggling with their biases as they involve themselves in their teacher preparation experiences, focused on developing more accurate views of children's social and cognitive competence. Both race/ethnicity and temperament contributions were not found, possibility due to the limited sample used.  相似文献   

One common theme underlying recent reports on science education is that the content of school science and its related pedagogical approaches are not aligned with the interests and needs of both society and the majority of the students. Most students do not find their science classes interesting and motivating. These claims are especially valid regarding those students who, in the future, will probably not embark on a career in science or engineering but will need science and technology personally and functionally as literate citizens. One key problem seems to be that few science programs around the world teach how science is linked to those issues that are relevant to students’ life, environment, and role as a citizen. As a result, many students are unable to participate in societal discussions about science and its related technological applications. This paper discusses the need to incorporate socioscientific ideas into the science curricula more thoroughly. This recommendation is supported by a theoretical rationale from various sources leading to a reflection about common practices in science education in three countries: Israel, Germany, and the USA. The state-of-the-art, potentials, and barriers of effective implementation are discussed.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONBesidesintrinsicgastrointestinalabnormali ties,dysmotilityofgastrointestinaltractscanalsobecausedbyendocrinologicproblemssuchasdi abetesmellitus,gastroparesisforexample (Rath mannetal.,1 991 ) .Therelationshipbetweengastrointestinaldysfunctionandp…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONDNAfingerprintingisamethodforproducingtheDNAfragmentbandpattern ,specificforthegenomeofacertainindividual.Theproductionoftheindividualspecificbandpatternisbasedonthesimultaneousdetectionofseveralhighlypolymorphic,repetitivegenomicregions,wh…  相似文献   

This study, drawing on data from the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study 2007, examined the predictive effects of multiple dimensions of mathematics and science self-concept??positive affect toward mathematics and science and self-perceived competence in mathematics and science??on mathematics and science achievement among 1,752 first- and second-generation immigrant adolescent students in Canada. First- and second-generation immigrant adolescent students?? self-perceived competence in mathematics had positive predictive effects on their mathematics and science achievement. In contrast, first- and second-generation immigrant adolescent students?? positive affect toward mathematics had negative predictive effects on their mathematics and science achievement. While first- and second-generation immigrant adolescent students?? self-perceived competence in science had no significant predictive effect on their mathematics achievement, it had a positive predictive effect on their science achievement. Positive affect toward science had positive predictive effects on second-generation immigrant adolescent students?? mathematics and science achievement, whereas it had no significant predictive effects on first-generation immigrant adolescent students?? mathematics and science achievement. Implications of the findings for policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Our research concerns the genealogy of the modern peda‐gogical evaluation of the family. This study examines the place and significance of the family in Rousseau's writings. Following a brief review of the current Rousseau literature, resulting in a retrieval of the notion of pre‐Romanticism, a re‐interpretation of the two great pedagogical novels is presented, on the basis of the “Discourse” on inequality and the “Social Contract”. Rousseau touched on all the themes of the modern evaluation of the family as educational environment, without himself arriving at a coherent theory of family education. The reasons for this are discussed.

"Es ist eine Beschwerde vor den Verstand Geschmack zu haben. Ich muß den Rousseau so lange lesen bis mich die Schönheit der Ausdrucke gar nicht mehr stört und dann kann ich allererst ihn mit Vernunft untersuchen. “ (Kant)



INTRODUCTIONColorectalcarcinoma (CRC)isoneofthemostcommonmalignancieswhoseincidencein creasesyearbyyearinChina (Fanetal.,1 993 ) .ThemoleculargeneticsofCRCisamongthebestunderstoodofcommonhumancancers.Thedevelopmentofcolorectalcarcinomainvolvesamultistageproce…  相似文献   

This article focuses on the potential benefits of service‐learning in aging to students, the university, and the community. We first discuss the concept of service‐learning, clarify its parameters, and describe the types of projects that best exemplify its unique blend of service and learning. Opportunities for service‐learning are examined using examples from the current Intergenerational Service‐Learning Project of the National Council on Aging. The complexity of initiating and gaining acceptance of service‐learning in aging projects is explored, with particular attention given to supervisory and curriculum issues. Finally, the national implications of service‐learning in aging are discussed, as well as the possibilities for including service‐learning approaches in some of the new federal initiatives in aging.  相似文献   


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