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民办高等教育专项资金是以国家法律形式支持民办高校发展的重要举措,但配套制度建设相对缓慢,且各级政府设立的专项资金数额与民办高校的需求差距很大。开展对民办高等教育专项资金设立的现状、使用的范围、涉及的对象、发挥的作用、存在的问题以及如何进一步完善专项资金制度建设等研究,对促进民办高等教育的发展将产生积极影响。  相似文献   

The authors, two French specialists on the financing of higher education, reflect on the conclusions they drew in an article, "Rethinking the Financing of Post-Compulsory Education", which they published in this review ten years ago. As they foresaw, higher education funding became increasingly based on mixed sources with students being required to pay a greater share of the costs of their education. But mechanisms to make cost sharing increasingly equitable have been refined. At the same time, the determination of actual costs per institution, per course programme, and even per course has become increasingly accurate, and funding is increasingly taking into account the verdict of performance indicators of various kinds. The funding of research is being increasingly differentiated from funding for teaching/learning. Across the board, higher education institutions have had to do more for less.  相似文献   

改革开放以来我国财政教育投入研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
本文比较了我国财政教育投入的增长与教育总投入增长、财政性教育经费增长、财政支出增长、GDP增长的关系;分析了财政教育投入占财政支出的比例、财政教育投入占教育总投入的比例、财政性教育经费占GDP的,并对其合理性进行分析,提出了政策建议.  相似文献   

论教育技术作为一种理解教育的独特方式   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文从技术的定义出发,提出来技术的内涵定义,并在确定了教育技术的基本内涵基础上,深入分析了现有教育研究的各种理解方式以及它们的不足,提出教育技术是一种独特的理解教育的方式.技术是人类规定的物质、能量、信息的变换方式.教育技术是一种独特的技术,体现为一种独特的信息变换方式.教育技术是指课程系统和教学系统的构造技术.这种教育技术不但具有实用价值,而且具有独特的理解教育的认知功能.教育技术将引导人们放弃直观的立场和简单的范式,而采用复杂系统的立场和开发取向来研究教育,以教育系统为研究对象,关注的是教育现象(问题)的设计根源,采用系统建模、信息流分析以及技术人造物缺陷分析法来理解教育.这种理解方式放弃了使用命题系统或者公式方式来表征教育规律,而是站在进化论的立场上,利用教育模拟(仿真系统)来表征教育规律.  相似文献   

In this article, I explore a case study of the special education referral process as an institutional site of exploring the intersection of power, discourse and subjectivities. I engage with critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) (Fairclough, Critical Discourse Analysis: the critical study of language , New York, Longman, 1995; Language and Power , London, Longman, 1989) as an analytic and social tool to uncover the webs of discursive practices involved in institutional decision-making. I focus on the process through which identities are constructed through discourse. I present three different interpretations from the beginning of the referral process: (1) the classroom teacher, (2) the remedial reading teacher, and (3) the parent of the child who was referred. In juxtaposing these interview texts I demonstrate how the teachers and June Treader, the parent, perceive the intention of the referral process differently. The school views the referral process as definitive while the mother views the referral as exploratory, to learn more about her daughter. I call on CDA--particularly the domains of discourse and style--as a means to explore and explain the differences in assumptions at the beginning of the referral process. This analysis demonstrates that despite the differences in interpretation at the beginning of the process there is remarkable similarity between the three participants around the values, beliefs and assumptions of 'schooled literacy'. This research suggests the need to expand on frameworks that conceptualize 'conflict' between discourse practices to consider the consequences of alignment.  相似文献   

基于《中国教育经费统计年鉴》对我国大陆地区2001-2010年特殊教育学校经费状况进行分析发现:在投入方面,国家财政性教育经费投入逐年增长,且是特殊教育学校经费收入来源的主体;特殊教育学校生均教育经费支出不断增长,生均教育经费支出数额与当年我国人均国内生产总值总体接近;在支出方面,近两年基本建设支出比例大增,近三年公用经费增长趋势明显.建议:结合国情,借鉴国际经验,继续加大特殊教育经费投入力度;落实对普通学校开展特殊教育的财政性经费投入;合理规划特殊教育经费支出结构,切实提高中部地区特殊教育经费投入.  相似文献   

本文对过去三十多年来澳大利亚高等教育投资政策的三次重大变革进行了回顾,并对其现行的高等教育投资体制作了较为详细的考察与分析,在此基础上归纳出关于澳大利亚高等教育投资体制的几点结论,以期对我国高等教育投资体制改革有所裨益.  相似文献   

The passage of No Child Left Behind and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act has strengthened the conditions for instructional accountability for all learners. The standards‐based approach promulgated by curriculum and state assessments is central to the accountability of conditions in today's schools; however, national and state data continue to document a performance gap between students with learning disabilities (LD) and their nondisabled peers. Building on 5 years of experience in developing and testing the Blending Assessment with Instruction Program in mathematics, we present three basic principles that are essential to ensuring that students with LD achieve curriculum standards: (1) instruction must be aligned with curriculum standards, (2) teachers' content knowledge is essential to translating curriculum standards into aligned instruction, and (3) instructional methodology should receive greater attention during teacher preparation.  相似文献   

在实施学前一年免费的假设前提下,本文提出了推进学前一年免费的"三步走"战略:2020年中西部农村地区率先实施学前一年免费教育;2025年在中西部和东部农村地区实施学前一年免费教育;2030年实现全国学前一年免费教育全覆盖。同时,根据对不同年度、不同地区分城镇、乡村学前教育学龄人口规模的测算结果,对不同阶段学前一年免费教育所需的财政教育需求进行测算。结果显示:2020年、2025年和2030年全国幼儿园财政性教育事业费需求最低分别为2910亿元、4535亿元和5000亿元,比不实施免费政策约需多投入89亿元、352亿元和809亿元。  相似文献   

厘清特殊教育本体认识论是建构特殊教育理论与推进特殊教育改革的前提和基础。通过对特殊教育概念分析发现,当前特殊教育认识论主要包括扬弃论的特殊教育认识论、补缺论的特殊教育认识论、同一论的特殊教育认识论。这些认识各有合理之处,特别是在不同历史时期各具合历史性与合规律性的价值。其中,同一论的特殊教育认识论更能适应时代需要,指导和引领特殊教育发展,因此需要更多地从同一论立场来认识与实践特殊教育。  相似文献   

中国现行的教育筹资体制是基于政府、企业、个人三大筹资主体设计而成,重点强调政府机制和市场机制在教育筹资中的作用。然而,中国的第三部门近年来出现爆发式增长,社会结构正悄然发生改变,对教育筹资提出了新的要求。有鉴于此,本文通过引入第三部门理论,重新分析了教育筹资机制,认为除政府机制和市场机制外,还因第三部门参与而出现了志愿机制,这三者的整合将能更有效地筹措教育资源。而从"政府—市场—志愿"三维视角考察我国教育筹资现状后不难发现,明确各个筹资主体的责任,规范其教育筹资行为是进一步改革和完善我国教育筹资体制的突破口。  相似文献   

中国现行的教育筹资体制是基于政府、企业、个人三大筹资主体设计而成,重点强调政府机制和市场机制在教育筹资中的作用。然而,中国的第三部门近年来出现爆发式增长,社会结构正悄然发生改变,对教育筹资提出了新的要求。有鉴于此,本文通过引入第三部门理论,重新分析了教育筹资机制,认为除政府机制和市场机制外,还因第三部门参与而出现了志愿机制,这三者的整合将能更有效地筹措教育资源。而从"政府—市场—志愿"三维视角考察我国教育筹资现状后不难发现,明确各个筹资主体的责任,规范其教育筹资行为是进一步改革和完善我国教育筹资体制的突破口。  相似文献   

This article describes a 5-year project in which, over 200 parents of handicapped children were trained, as 'Friends of Special Education.' The project represented a partnership .among central office and local school district administrators and a technical assistance team. Major objectives of the project were to increase effective interaction of parents with school personnel, to help parents understand the teaming process, and to increase parent involvement in their children's school program. The training model was designed to have a multiplier effect with parents who completed training prepared to be active in their respective local school and to serve as resources to. other parents. The project's impact is described along with recommendations for parent training.  相似文献   

Heltwate School, Peterborough, is developing towards meeting the needs of children in the surrounding community and ordinary schools as well as its own pupils' needs. Neville Hallmark, headteacher, and Tony Dessent, area psychologist, Cambridgeshire, report  相似文献   

关于加强高校科研经费管理和监督工作的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高校科研经费监管工作水平如何,直接关系到高校科研经费的使用效益、关系到高校的科研水平。本文立足于高校科研经费监管工作的实际情况,结合已有相关理论研究,从科学定位、现状评估和工作着力点三个方面深入分析,对加强高校科研经费监管工作进行了探讨。  相似文献   

近年来对"医教结合"模式的讨论与实践使之成为特殊教育的热点话题,研究者从不同视角出发对其争议不断。本文探讨了从残疾模式看医教结合、医教结合对特殊教育学科的发展以及医教结合是否该作为一项政策等议题,以期对我国特殊教育发展提供一点启示。  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, America’s social compact for higher education as a public good has effectively lapsed as government support of higher education has diminished. Given the need for a highly educated workforce in today’s knowledge-based global economy, we propose a new compact for higher education that couples increased funding with increased institutional accountability. While the compact must retain academic freedom as an essential component of higher education, this autonomy must co-exist with rigorous accountability standards. Accountability systems should be multifaceted, as different methodologies have differing strengths and limitations. All systems should, however, inform the public and provide for institutional improvement.  相似文献   

教育经费测算是推断义务教育年限延长可行性的关键指标之一。结合国内义务教育经费支出的实际情况,文章从教职工工资福利家庭补助、公用经费支出和基本建设经费支出等三个方面建立了义务教育经费机理模型。根据2009~2014年中国教育经费统计年鉴发布的官方数据和学生人口预测数据,文章对全国31个省市、自治区2018~2020年义务教育经费进行了预测,并以全国和上海市两个区域的预测数据为例进行了深入分析,验证了此模型的可行性,以期为义务教育年限延长政策的科学决策提供参考依据。  相似文献   

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