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The phenomenon of women's underrepresentation in engineering is well known. However, the slow progress in achieving better gender equality here compared with other domains has accentuated the ‘numbers’ issue, while the quality aspects have been largely ignored. This study aims to shed light on both these aspects via the lens of mentors, who are at the coalface of guiding female engineers through their education and subsequent careers. Based on data collected from 25 mentors (8 men and 17 women from 8 countries), the paper explores their experiences of being mentors, as well as their views on recommended actions for nurturing female engineers. The findings reveal that the primary motivation for becoming a mentor was personal for men and women. Many mentors from countries with relatively lower female labour participation rates perceive their roles as guarantors of their mentees’ successful future career paths, and a similar trend can be found in mentors in academia. The study underscores the need for invigorating mentors’ roles in order to secure a more equitable future for engineering education.  相似文献   

The research interest underpinning this paper concerns the type of mathematical knowledge engineering students may acquire during their specialised education in terms of the conceptual and procedural dimensions of doing and using mathematics. This study draws on interviews with 25 qualified engineers from South Africa and Sweden regarding their views on the role of mathematics in engineering education, with special focus on the conceptual and procedural aspects of mathematical knowledge. A thematic analysis of the interview data led to the identification of two main themes. According to the conceptual view a predominantly conceptual approach is needed and valued more than procedural skills, while the balanced view emphasises a balance of conceptual understanding and procedural fluency as well as links between them. It is suggested that the mathematical education of engineers would need to be more conceptually oriented to prepare for the demands at the workplace.  相似文献   

Design-based learning is a teaching approach akin to problem-based learning but one to which the design of artefacts, systems and solutions in project-based settings is central. Although design-based learning has been employed in the practice of higher engineering education, it has hardly been theorised at this educational level. The aim of this study is to characterise design-based learning from existing empirical research literature on engineering education. Drawing on a perspective that accounts for domain-specific, idiosyncratic and learner-centred aspects of design problems in the context of engineering education, 50 empirical studies on project-based and problem-based engineering education, to which the design of artefacts is central, were reviewed. Based on the findings, design-based learning is characterised with regard to domain-specificity, learner expertise and task authenticity. The implications of this study for the practice of engineering education are discussed.  相似文献   

The interest of the developing countries in engineering education, as seen by engineering educators in Europe, has two main facets. Firstly, the numerous students from developing countries who are studying engineering in Europe are very obvious evidence of the priority that is given to engineering in these countries. Secondly, and less clearly seen, is the situation of engineering education in the developing countries themselves, the ways in which it is being carried out and the status of the many engineering schools that are being created. This paper describes some features of these two aspects and mentions means by which international cooperation can help to strengthen engineering education in developing countries, through linkage arrangements and otherwise.  相似文献   

Engineering competences form a potential basis for entrepreneurship. There are pressures to find new approaches to entrepreneurship education (EE) in engineering education, as the traditional analytical logic of engineering does not match the modern view of entrepreneurship. Since the previous models do not give tangible enough tools on how to organise EE in practice, this article aims to develop a new framework for EE at the university level. We approach this aim by analysing existing scientific literature complemented by long-term practical observations, enabling a fruitful interplay between theory and practice. The developed framework recommends aspects in EE to be emphasised during each year of the study process. Action-based learning methods are highlighted in the beginning of studies to support students’ personal growth. Explicit business knowledge is to be gradually increased only when professional, field-specific knowledge has been adequately accumulated.  相似文献   

工程教育改革的趋向探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
21世纪前后,世界主要国家和地区都有急切的工程教育改革意识,美、英、欧盟等老牌发达国家和地区都出台了一些有重要影响的报告文件,并对当前工程教育改革趋势做出了重要判断.工程教育一直是我国高等教育的主体组成部分,工科毕业生是我国国民经济发展的重要支撑力量,但其中不如人意之处也常常受到社会各界的批评.本文力图从借鉴他山之石的角度,对制约当前我国工程教育质量提高的师资和实践教育方面提出一些见解.  相似文献   

This paper provides a study of the quality assurance and accreditation in the Jordanian higher education sector and focuses mainly on engineering education. It presents engineering education, accreditation and quality assurance in Jordan and considers the Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST) for a case study. The study highlights the efforts undertaken by the faculty of engineering at JUST concerning quality assurance and accreditation. Three engineering departments were accorded substantial equivalency status by the Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology in 2009. Various measures of quality improvement, including curricula development, laboratories improvement, computer facilities, e-learning, and other supporting services are also discussed. Further assessment of the current situation is made through two surveys, targeting engineering instructors and students. Finally, the paper draws conclusions and proposes recommendations to enhance the quality of engineering education at JUST and other Jordanian educational institutions.  相似文献   

新世纪工程教育改革与发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过论述科学与工程的区别、现代工程的特点,指出了目前我国工程教育存在的问题,阐述了我国工程教育需要改革的主要方面和改革的方向。  相似文献   

印度近年来在工程技术方面取得了世人瞩目的成就,工程技术人才得到了世界的承认。这与其对高等工程技术人才的培养是分不开的。印度在高等工程技术教育方面所进行的一些改革有力地推动了工程教育的发展和国民经济的增长。其中一些在政策、管理、合作、课程等方面的一些成功经验和存在的问题对改善我国的工程教育有着借鉴和启发的作用。  相似文献   

语用能力(pragmatic competence)指的不是天生的语言能力,而是后天的语言运用能力,即准确理解和恰当使用语言的能力。因此我们要在语用学的指导和启发下训练语用能力。文章首先重温了语用学家对语用学的见解,从中析出多个研习语用学的维度,并将语用能力训练归结为三大训练内容,接着根据前述三大内容讨论发展语用能力的具体策略。我们相信,通过普及语用学知识,让学生练就高超的语用能力,我国的语言教育将会走上一个新的台阶,取得更大的进步。  相似文献   

The main focus here is to examine the benefits of defining and developing an engineering curriculum for elementary schools. Like many other international educational systems, Australian educational settings have been seeking to effectively implement science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education. However, current assumptions and expectations of STEM education are broad, poorly defined and intangible. This article deliberates on possible contributions and impediments that are preventing teachers from achieving engineering education in their classrooms. Using positioning theory, this article offers possible ways that the specific literacies of engineering can be better realized in teacher practices. A closer alignment will be necessary between the visions and expectations of STEM education, as perceived by governments, business, industry, and schools, to ensure a realization of the potential of STEM education. Engineering education in elementary school settings warrants the investment of time to understand what it proffers, and to enable teachers to identity and refine their practices to optimize the many benefits afforded.  相似文献   

分析了工学结合教育模式在培养高素质、应用型会展专业人才方面所具有的独特优势,解析了目前安徽省各高职院校工学结合教育模式的应用现状及存在的主要问题,提出了推进高职院校会展专业产学研合作教育模式可持续发展的总体建设思路及具体策略选择。  相似文献   

综述了当前作物转基因技术的三大主流方法农杆菌介导法、基因枪法、花粉管通道法等在农作物遗传改良中的研究进展,并阐述了这些转基因技术在水稻、小麦、棉花、玉米、大豆、苜蓿等主要农作物遗传转化现状.着重论述了作物转基因技术在抗病虫、抗逆、品质改良、雄性不育等方面对作物进行遗传改良的最新研究进展.  相似文献   

新工科是国家基于新一轮科技革命和产业革命对工程人才的新要求而做出的工程教育改革决策,是我国高校未来工科教育改革的主方向。民族院校作为我国高等教育体系中的工科建设起步相对较晚的组成部分,积极开展新工科建设是保障更好践行服务民族地区产业升级、补齐工科领域短板和实现工科人才培养"供给侧"改革的重要抓手。结合民族地区文化、语言以及在"一带一路"背景下对工程人才的特殊需求,本研究发现民族院校在新工科建设中具有地域、生源和特色学科等比较优势,同时也面临着工科基础相对薄弱和办学条件相对滞后等困境。因此,民族院校在新工科建设进程中应当积极发挥比较优势,坚持以响应政策精神、服务区域产业和整合办学资源为原则,以打造具有特色的新工科课程体系、设置面向特定区域的新工科专业群、建成一批高水平的新工科教师队伍、搭建"非实体"的新工科平台和构建多元主体参与的新工科办学模式为抓手,协同推进新工科建设。  相似文献   

The Laplace transform is an important tool in many branches of engineering, for example, electric and control engineering, but is also regarded as a difficult topic for students to master. We have interviewed 22 university teachers from five universities in three countries (Mexico, Spain and Sweden) about their views on relationships among mathematics, physics and technology/application aspects in the process of learning the Laplace transform in engineering education. Strikingly, the teachers held a spectrum of qualitatively differing views, ranging from seeing virtually no connection (e.g. some thought the Laplace transform has no relevance in engineering), through to regarding the aspects as intimately, almost inseparably linked. The lack of awareness of the widely differing views among teachers might lead to a lack of constructive alignment among different courses that is detrimental to the quality of engineering education.  相似文献   

本文通过介绍工程、工程教育、工程意识教育等几个基本概念,提出了工科院校加强工程意识教育的必要性和迫切性,并详细论述了工程意识教育的主要内容,同时,作者就主要方面进行了简要分析,提出了加强工程意识教育的若干举措。  相似文献   

为构建工程教育质量监控体系,促进工程教育的国际互认,我国正在研究制定工程教育专业认证制度。本文简要介绍了试点阶段我国工程教育专业认证制度建设的主要内容,阐述了实施工程教育专业认证制度将对高等工程教育产生的潜在影响。认为实施专业认证将引导学校调整工程教育计划的课程设置、教学方法以及改革方向,推动学校自身建立起有效的质量保障体系,加强工程教育与产业的结合、与企业的联系与合作。  相似文献   

In this article, Anthony Feiler, senior lecturer in the Graduate School of Education at the University of Bristol, and Elaine Logan, lecturer in early years education at the City of Bristol College, present a case study of a child who made strong progress with literacy during his first year at school. The child and his family participated in the Literacy Early Action Project (LEAP), a home-visiting scheme for children judged by school staff to be at risk of struggling with literacy. A teaching assistant made weekly home visits during the year and developed literacy support activities with the child's mother and grandparents. Five key factors underpinning the child's progress are identified here: the flexibility in the teaching assistant's approach that enabled extended family members to become engaged in literacy support; the teaching assistant's sensitivity to family culture; the playful approach to learning adopted by the teaching assistant; putting the child at the centre of the intervention; and the existence of a school culture that strongly promoted involvement for parents. Anthony Feiler and Elaine Logan conclude that teaching assistants in the UK might be given more scope to develop support strategies for early childhood education that involve collaborative work with parents.  相似文献   


Recent reforms in science education have supported the inclusion of engineering and their practices in K-12 curricula. To this end, many classrooms have incorporated engineering units that include design challenges. Design is an integral part of engineering and can help students think in creative and interdisciplinary ways. In this study, we examined students’ conceptions of design during and after participation in a design-based science curriculum unit. Our study was guided by the following research question: What are students’ views of design after participation in an engineering design-based science curriculum unit and how are these views reflected in their enactment throughout the unit? Using a qualitative approach, we examined students’ conversations throughout the enactment of the curriculum and interviews conducted after the completion of the unit. We found that students had complex and diverse views of design, and these views were reflected in their group discussions throughout the curriculum and design challenge. Students most frequently expressed design as learning and as a process of integration into a coherent whole. These aspects of design were also frequently observed in students’ conversations during the unit. Interestingly, we found evidence of students demonstrating several aspects of design throughout the curriculum that were not explicitly expressed during the student interviews. Taken together, these findings support the complex nature of design as seen at the middle school level.


The incessant search for unifying concepts in engineering education has, in recent times, stepped up its pace to match the tempo of our scientific and technological progress. Although a single unified curriculum for all engineering problems would indeed be a utopia, there is hope, nevertheless, that certain apparently diverse areas of engineering can be regrouped with emphasis on the basic disciplines underlying them. System theory, which is briefly exposed here, is one such fundamental discipline with its mainsprings in the mathematical model of linear-graph theory. The chief assertion of this paper is that system theory could very well serve as a basis for unifying the areas of 1) circuit theory, 2) circuit aspects of electronics, 3) rotating machinery, 4) elementary statics and dynamics, and 5) system analysis. The ideas presented here are sufficiently supported by the authors' classroom experiences. In the light of the curriculum proposed, certain of the inevitable implications for Canadian electrical engineering are discussed.  相似文献   

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