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英国中学理科师资的职前培养属于“3 1”模式。其职前培养课程包括公共课程、学科课程、中学见习/实习3大部分。从约克大学的中学理科师资职前培养课程的结构和内容可以看出。英国中学理科师资的职前培养具有重视理论与实践的结合;注重学生反思能力的培养;重视学生从教基本技能的培养与训练;注重学生的主体作用。重视学生教育教学研究能力的培养等特点。  相似文献   

目前我国中等职业教育教师面临缺口大、学历程度低、职称结构不合理等问题,在这种大背景下教师的在职培训对于缓解师资紧缺问题、提高教师质量显得尤为重要。中职教师在职培训在形式上主要有校外培训、校本培训、自我研修三种培训形式,在内容上涵盖师德、知识、能力三大方面。并且在目前研究中存在研究针对性差、培训体系不科学的现象。  相似文献   

The article provides a factual account of the present organisation and structure of teacher training in the Netherlands and outlines the content of training for intending teachers of modern languages. Plans for innovation are also discussed.  相似文献   

基于现代社会的要求,理性地反思我国中小学校长培训的现状,可以看出传统的中小学校长培训在培训的目标、内容和方式等方面均与新时期基础教育对校长的要求以及校长个体在不同阶段的成长需求相背离。因此,对我国的中小学校长培训进行反思,重新构建新型的培训体系,是目前我国中小学校长培训走出困境的明智选择。  相似文献   

The promotion of ‘critical citizenship’ has become a key objective of official school curricula around the world. Using an analytic framework developed by the authors, this paper identifies the diverse conceptions of critical citizenship that are promoted, by comparing the official school curricula for citizenship in England and France. The analysis goes beyond the dichotomous distinctions prevalent in comparisons of education in the two countries, especially those that focus on the contrasting degrees of centralisation–decentralisation, and suggests that there were significant differences in the goals promoted in their curricula with regard to four key dimensions: ideology, the collective, the individual and action. While these differences reflect historical, political, social, economic and cultural differences between the two nations, the analysis indicates a lack of symmetry across the levels of the curriculum, which contributed to the significant spaces that were found to exist which have the potential for teachers and students to creatively interpret how critical citizenship can be understood and implemented in the classroom.  相似文献   

介绍了华中地区数学师资培训的组织及进展情况.  相似文献   

介绍了华中地区数学师资培训的组织及进展情况.  相似文献   

近年来,英国中小学饱受教师短缺问题的困扰,不仅师资供不应求,离职现象也十分普遍,面临教师招聘困难与教师流失严重的双重困境。研究发现,繁重的工作量、较低的工资收入与职业生涯发展受阻等因素是导致教师离职的主要原因。为了应对日益严重的教师流失危机,英国政府致力于从改革问责制、增强教学改革的稳定性、助力教师提高课堂管理效率等方面减轻工作量负担;从上调工资幅度、提供薪酬补助金、资助养老金计划等方面整体上提升教师的薪酬;再通过制定完整的职业发展路径、鼓励实施灵活工作制、出台应对脱欧的政策意见等创造利于教师职业发展的条件。  相似文献   

针对我国教师培训中的培训课程设置、授课方法、培训者队伍、参训学员选拔与来源、培训质量监控与评估、经费来源、参训教师地位以及"工学"之间出现的问题进行了梳理和分析,并以此为基础提出了解决策略。  相似文献   

This paper explores distinctive features of Bachelor of Education (B. Ed.) training at several well known Ukrainian and Chinese universities. Comparative analysis was performed taking into consideration important criteria in the educational process of the degree programs (legislative, social, organizational, technological). The Chinese experience is of particular interest to Ukrainian educators because of China’s ancient history and educational traditions. Radical changes took place in the education systems of both countries in the period of transition to a market-based economy in the 1990s and to knowledge-based societies. The contribution of the educational system to fast economic development of China has brought the county to second place among the largest economies in the world. The authors found similarities in the documentation on the organization of educational processes at the universities, the shared purpose of the training, the use of traditional forms of education, and the emphasis on the practical part of the training. At the same time, different features were found in the content of theoretical training, the organization of practical training, the approaches to innovation, the social benefits provided to teachers, the prestige of the teaching profession, principles of moral education, as well as financial and technical support. The authors considered a number of progressive ideas in China’s B. Ed. training, the implementation of which, at national and institutional levels in Ukraine, might contribute considerably to the modernization of pedagogical education.  相似文献   

基于Web的中小学教师信息技术培训课程的设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文在分析E-training特点的基础上,提出了基于Web的基础教育信息化培训方式,并对该方式下培训课程的结构、目标、内容等作了初步的设计。  相似文献   

论新课程与中小学教师培训   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以课程改革为核心内容的本次基础教育改革,呈现了全新的教育教学理念,推出了全新的课程体系,提出了全新的课程目标。新课程推进、实施的关键在教师。如何使我国现有的中小学教师从教育教学理念、专业知识和技能等方面全面适应新课程的要求呢?建立一套适应中国国情、适应中国基础教育和中小学师资队伍现状的教师培训体系至关重要。  相似文献   

省级中小学数学骨干教师培训调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
省级骨干教师培训以专家型教师培养为目标.在培训方式上,理论学习、技能训练、课题研究与实践考察相结合,分散研修与集中培训相结合受到大多数教师的欢迎,而导师制是值得商榷的一种培训形式;在内容上,理论与技能的培训得到多数教师的好评,课题研究帮助教师提高了教学反思及科研能力,专题研讨为中小学教师提供了交流平台.面对新课程改革,教师们急需提高教学实践能力、科研能力、多媒体课件制作水平等.  相似文献   

通过对中小学教师培训工作中存在的问题的分析,提出改革教师培训工作的对策。  相似文献   

This paper compares provision for and the practice of craft education in England and Wales and Japan. Particular attention is given to craft within the National Curriculum subject of art in England and Wales and Japan at lower secondary level and to current perceptions of its educational value. Some of the key dilemmas faced by both English/Welsh and Japanese policymakers and practitioners are identified, together with cultural factors impacting on the status of craft and its successful implementation. We conclude by reflecting on the value of comparative studies of education to the research teams concerned.  相似文献   

中小学教师培训模式探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
培训理念及其指导下的培训模式直接影响着教师培训的质量,树立中小学教师培训的新理念,并在理论创新的基础上构建新的教师培训模式,建立符合我国中小学教育教学改革和发展需要的教师培训模式。  相似文献   

根据当前教师教育发展的趋势,详细论述建设高质量的中小学教师队伍是全面推进素质教育的基本保证;结合国际教师教育的发展趋向,从教育观念的确立,教学科研的开展、环境氛围的创设和信息技术教学培训等方面阐述了适应时代要求、提高教师教育水平的途径、步骤和方法.  相似文献   

我国科学技术的不断进步,网络信息技术的日益成熟,不仅改变了人们日常生活方式,对中小学教师培训也产生了重要影响。网络具有的强有力的优势对教育机构起到积极推动作用,目前由于很多中小学校规模小、资金短缺,不能有效进行教师培训工作,网络研修为很多教师提供有效专业培训平台,很多中小学教师已经开始逐渐开展网络研修工作,通过网络研修进行不断自我反省、提高专业教学水平,并且能及时与其他教师有效进行教学经验交流等,同样这也是网络研修对教师培训的积极作用。因此,详细说明网络研修的重要性,并指出当前中小学教师在网络研修培训中的现状,针对这些现状中的不足,提出了在网络研修环境下,加强中小学教师培训的有效措施。  相似文献   

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