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就变量变化时,光合作用各特征点(光补偿点、饱和点和二氧化碳补偿点、饱和点)会发生一定的变化展开了描述。浅略阐述了光照强度变化时CO2补偿点和饱和点的变化;CO2浓度变化时光补偿点和饱和点的变化;温度变化时光补偿点、饱和点和CO2补偿点、饱和点的变化;光质变化时光补偿点、饱和点和二氧化碳补偿点、饱和点的变化。  相似文献   

何静 《考试周刊》2010,(2):39-40
世界上的万事万物在不断变化,语言也在时刻发生着变化.其中变化最快的当属词汇意义的变化。词汇意义的变化主要有词义范围的变化和词义感情色彩的变化。词义变化的原因也有多种。本文介绍了语义变化的类型及其原因,浅析了“土”的褒贬感情色彩的变化及其变化的原因。  相似文献   

陈威邑 《考试周刊》2012,(86):74-74
正如宇宙中的一切事物均在变化发展一样,语言作为人类表达思想的工具,总是处在不断变化之中,尽管这种变化非常缓慢。从被记录下来的语言资料中,我们会发现,英语的变化包括了语法中所有成分的变化,包括语音、形态、句法、词汇和语法的语义构成成分的变化。而这其中,语音的变化和词汇的变化使其相比于其他语法系统分支的变化更为明显。  相似文献   

高等学校教师的角色不是一成不变的,而是发展和变化的,高校教师角色的变化是与大学和高等教育的发展和变化紧密相联的。本文试从大学教师角色的历史变化来分析教师角色的具体状况。  相似文献   

现代教育技术和信息技术给教育领域带来了五大变化,(1)教育思想与教育观念发生了变化;(2)教材的形式和教材的概念发生了变化;(3)教育、教学环境发生了变化;(4)教学方法和手段发生了变化;(5)教育、教学信息的传播形式和信息通道发生了变化。  相似文献   

明师 《初中生》2009,(4):34-35
多边形内角和是随边数的变化而变化的,而多边形的外角和恒为360°,不随边数的变化而变化,我们可以利用此性质解题。  相似文献   

在维吾尔语言的外来词中占绝对优势的波斯-阿拉伯语借词在进入维吾尔语词汇系统之后发生了许多变化,这主要表现在语音、形态和语义方面。本文运用实例从数词和形容词变化的角度探讨形态变化和语义变化。  相似文献   

本文对现代汉语语音的发展变化情况进行了比较全面的考察和总结,分为已经完成的变化和正在进行的变化两种情况,并且对造成变化的各种原因进行了解释和说明。  相似文献   

李志功 《班主任》2000,(6):26-26
社会是变化的,人是变化的,班主任工作方法和教育方法也要随着情况的变化而改变。—个优秀的班主任要善于在变化中寻找规律,在规律中运用变化。  相似文献   

可数名词的单复数变化大致分两种:规则变化和不规则变化。一、规则变化●一般情况下,在可数名词后直接加-s。例如:  相似文献   

This exploratory study examines the impact of a collaborative inquiry- and design-based afterschool program on urban high school students’ IT/STEM learning—using information technology (IT) within the context of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The study used a mixed methods design, involving 77 participants within two cohort groups, each participating in an eighteen-month intervention period. Data were collected from the pre- and post-surveys, analysis of the participants’ IT/STEM projects, external evaluation reports, and follow-up interviews. Findings indicate that the program had a significant impact on students’ technology and IT/STEM skills, frequency of technology use, and understanding of IT use in STEM-oriented fields. Some degree of impact on attitude changes toward IT/STEM and career aspirations in these fields was also in evidence. The study demonstrates that IT/STEM experiences supported through technology-enhanced, inquiry- and design-based collaborative learning strategies have significant impact on urban high school students’ IT/STEM learning. Effect of afterschool programs on attitude changes and IT/STEM-related career aspirations of urban high school students are recommended areas of further investigation.  相似文献   

于颖  谢仕兴 《现代教育技术》2008,18(12):114-117
《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》强调学生学习方式的转变,倡导自主学习、合作学习、探索学习等学习方式,学生的主体地位得到了极大关注。活动学习观视学习过程为一种特殊的活动过程,强调通过活动促进学生的主动发展,与基础教育改革所倡导的学习观不谋而合。以活动建构教材,将改变以往教材重"知识"轻发展、重"物"轻"人"的思想,以活动的形式变革信息技术教材。  相似文献   

信息技术与研究生的日常科研学习有着密切的联系,将信息技术融入日常科研学习活动之中已经成为新技术环境下研究生进行有效学习的趋势。通过对当前影响研究生将信息技术融入日常科研学习的因素进行探索性分析发现,影响研究生应用信息技术进行科研学习的成效的核心因素主要有5个,即个人信息素养、学习动机、教师支持、信息技术硬件环境和信息技术软件资源。通过信度分析表明,该因素量表具有较高的信度。通过回归分析进一步构建这5大核心因素的结构模型,发现研究生个人信息素养和信息技术硬件环境对学习成效具有显著的解释力度。  相似文献   

研究性学习是适应社会发展而出现的一种新的教育理念。对研究性学习的探索正在信息技术教学中如火如荼地开展,它将改变学生的学习方式和教师的教学方式,真正提升学生的信息素养。结合自身教学实践,探讨在信息技术教学中实施研究性学习,如何进行学习的设计、教师角色的转变等问题。  相似文献   

The initial observations of English teachers that computers have the potential to support collaboration, creativity, independent learning, subversion and reflection have been confirmed by fifteen years of work in the field, as have early concerns that computers could be used to direct inappropriate activities. Questions about the role of the teacher, the function of the computer, as well as the nature of pupils' learning when using IT, are now much better understood. Yet changes in the educational context within which English teachers are working, new understandings engendered by major curriculum projects and developments in the technologies themselves have brought about a shift in understanding of the significance of IT and its impact on the English curriculum. This paper shows how publications from the NATEMCET stable reflect the emergence of the field of English and IT.  相似文献   

信息技术流畅性概括地说就是大学生掌握计算机各方面知识与技能的熟练程度。本科生学习IT理论的环境类型与IT流畅性以及课程满意度的提高有关系。在基于建构主义学习策略的学习环境中,学生不但能像那些传统学习环境下的学生一样获得IT流畅性,而且还可以提高对课程的满意度,同时讨论了其它与这一因果分析相关的因素。针对在高等教育事业和信息技术领域结合建构主义学习环境进行教学的教师,给出了一些建议。  相似文献   

New Technologies, particularly Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs), have caused profound changes throughout society. A generation of children is emerging already immersed in a multimedia 'data storm' (Moshell, 1995). Their understandings and expectations of the world are mediated through their experiences of multimedia and ICTs and these differ from those of preceding generations nourished on linear technologies. Educating these children using models of teaching and learning that are grounded in concepts of knowing and understanding that are linear and finite will not help them succeed in a technological, global future where multi-disciplinary, holistic approaches predominate. The conflict between the traditional and the new in English secondary schools is particularly intense in the teaching and learning of Information Technology (IT). Teaching and learning IT are inherently constructivist activities, and IT teachers who attempt to implement learning programmes designed from predominantly behaviourist perspectives quickly find that these are less effective. A new pedagogy is needed that is theoretically sound, that goes beyond a cookbook approach, and that guides teachers in using constructivist approaches within an education system grounded in an inimical behaviourist paradigm. This paper takes some tentative steps in this direction. © 1999 IFIP, published by Kluwer Academic Publishers  相似文献   

武汉美 《成人教育》2012,32(8):30-32
信息技术条件下市民学习与传统社会化学习在学习特征和支持服务方面有着本质区别,具体表现为学习意识普遍化、学习行为终身化和学习动机多样化。与此相应,在支持服务建设方面也呈社会化、数字化、多样化等趋势。上述变化,为我们构建信息技术条件下市民学习体系提供了有益参考。  相似文献   

信息技术背景下的研究性学习资源开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为我国基础教育课程体系中一个独具特色的课程领域,研究性学习无疑已成为我国当前课程改革的一大亮点。信息技术环境是进行研究性学习的重要条件。先进的信息平台是教师开发研究性学习资源的独特工具;丰富的网上资源为研究性学习资源的开发提供了充足的素材;“信息技术与我们的生活”主题轴下生成了研究性学习资源;电子游戏活动资源的合理开发与利用是进行研究性学习的有效途径。教育工作者充分创设信息化环境,利用信息技术条件,可将信息技术与研究性学习课程整合,也可将研究性学习推向深入。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to measure pre‐service teachers’ attitudes toward information technology (IT) after completing a discrete IT course taught in a student centred‐learning (SCL) environment during laboratory sessions. Evidence from this study suggests that there was a positive shift in the participants’ attitudes toward IT. Pre‐test results showed that IT‐competent participants who regarded IT as useful had more confidence and less aversion toward IT. Post‐test results showed increased mean scores on all three dependent variables with no differences between IT‐competent and low IT‐competent participants. The results were supported by interviews which indicate that after completing the IT course, participants were more independent, more creative and possessed collaborative learning skills. The results suggest that infusing SCL into a discrete IT course can help promote and enhance positive attitudes toward IT and enable students to be active participants in their own learning process.  相似文献   

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