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When I think back on these times And the dreams we left behind I'll be glad cause I was blessed to get to have you in my life When I look back on these days I'll look and see your face You were right there for me In my dreams I'll always see your soul above the sky In my heart, there always be a place for you for all my life I'll keep a part of you with me And everywhere I am, there you'll be And everywhere I am, there you'll be Well you showed me how to feel Feel the sky was in my reach…  相似文献   

高开疆 《英语辅导》2002,(12):27-27
We can make mistakes at any age.Some mistakes we make are about money.But mostmistakes are about people. “When I got that job,did Jim really feel good about it as a friend? Or is he envious (嫉妒)of my luck?”“And Paul--Why didn‘t I find that he was friendly just because I had a car? ”When we look back,thinking about these, that can make us feel bad.But when we look back ,it‘s too late.  相似文献   

We can make mistakes at any age.Somemistakes we make are about money.But mostmistakes are about people.“When I got thatjob,did Jim really feel good about it as afriend?Or is he envious(嫉妒)of my luck?”“And Paul—Why didn't I find that he wasfriendly just because I had a car?”When welook back,thinking about these,that can makeus feel bad.But when we look back.it's too late.  相似文献   

A We can make mistakes at any age.Some mistakes we make are about money. But most mistakes are about people. “Did Jerry really care when I broke up with Helen?”“When I got that great job,did Jim really feel good about it,as a friend? Or did he envy(嫉妒)my luck?”“And Paul,why did he seem so friendly?Is it only because I had a car?”When we look back,doubts like these can make us feel  相似文献   

阿钟 《初中生》2005,(31):33
1、I am big and brown. I sleep all winter. What am I? 2、I look like a horse with black and white stripes. What am I? 3、I have one or two humps on my back. Sometimes people ride on me. What am I?  相似文献   

Don't look at me.If you look at me again.I'll eat you. 南京市孙秉坤What a big cat!I must run away, or I will be eaten by it! 广州市暴峰  相似文献   

As Valentine' s Day came closer,every shop was full of colourful gifts such as cookies in the shape of heart, chocolates,Teddy Bears and so on.When I step into a shop on February 14th,I felt most lonely as I was alone.With my eyes fixed on a lovely Teddy Bear,I wished that someone could send me this stuffed toy. I came back home with a blue look. "Surprise!" shouted my mom.She was carrying a lovely Teddy Bear exactly like the one I had seen. "Dear,l know you are a hard-working girl and you will not fall in love so early.You will meet a good guy in the near future when you have grown up, I' m sure." "I' m not lonely."I said.I hugged my mom and the little Teddy Bear so closely.  相似文献   

If I have a chance to study in America I'll come back to work for my motherland when I have finished my subjects. My country is not so developed and rich as the U.S., but I love her very much.Some people say "America is Heaven on earth. Laving in America is better than living in China." Frankly speaking, I agree with what they say in some sense. However, as we know, China is a developing country, which needs a large number of people of talent to build it. I'm determined to become one of these talented people. I'm sure China will get richer and richer and, sooner or  相似文献   

Stoplight[刹车灯]lock the door Don’t look back Undress in the dark And hide from you All of you You'll never know the way your words have haunted[萦绕心头]me I can't believe you'd ask these things of me You don't know me Now and ever  相似文献   

Invisible Racial Disparities 隐形的种族差异 One aftemoon when I was going out to do some errands (差事),I sew three young men,about 15 to 17 years of age,standing in front of a house in my neighborhood,chatting and laughing.I took a notice of them because they looked different and kind of out of place:They were not white.I continued on to run my errands without thinking too much of it.When I came back about an hour later,there was a police car parked in front of the house where these young folks were.After I drove around the comer,I saw a second police car,and one of the three youths was in the back seat of the car,handcuffed (带着手铐),with two officers questioning him.A thought shot across my mind:Are these young people members of a local youth gang,or are they just in a wrong neighborhood?  相似文献   

When I look at a patch of dandelions(蒲公英), I see a bunch of weeds(野草) that are going to take over my yard. My kids see flowers for Mom and blowing white fluff(松软的绒毛团) you can wish on.  相似文献   

Dialogue A(A=patient;B=cashier)A:Here's all my paper work!How much will I have to pay all to-gether?B:I'll just work it out.All together you owe 35 yuan.A:Can you change 100 yuan?B:Oh,I'm afraid not.Can you take it to the shop outside to get somechange?When you come back,don't bother to queue,just cometo the window.  相似文献   

下列对话中有五个空,根据内容,从A、B、C、D、E、F、G中选出一个最佳答案,填入空白处。 John: 1?You look pale. Are you sick? Smith:I just had a terrible experience. John: 2. Let me get you a glass of water. Smith: 3. I'll be fine in a minute. John: Did you have an accident? Smith: 4, but almost. I was crossing the street just now and was almost hit by a car. Luckily,I jumped back in time. John: 5!  相似文献   

D ear E arthm en,I have enjoyed m y stay on your inter-esting unusualplanet.I think I understandthe life on the earth now and I would liketo give you m y im pression(印象).First of all you live in boxes.E verym orning you leave your big boxes and getinto sm aller boxes on wheels(轮子).A ll these sm all boxes race(疾驶)around and finally stop to rest.Y ou then leave these boxes on wheels andgo to very large tallboxes.A fter working all day you get back in your little boxes and return toyour …  相似文献   

Ben was going on a two week business trip without his family.Hedid not want to leave them,but he knew he had to go.He told hischildren,“Pay attention to what your mother tells you,do your chores,and finish your homework.”He told his wife,“I'll call every night to seehow everyone is.I am sure everything will go smoothly and be just fine.So,keep the home fires burning until I get back.”  相似文献   

I like looking at the cloudy sky because I love clouds. Clouds are always changing shapes. Sometimes the clouds look like animals, some times they look like waves or flowers. When I am happy, the clouds have smiling faces; when I am sad, they maybe turn i…  相似文献   

When that day I hear your voice, I have some special feeling. Let me always think I don't wanna forget you. I remember at the day, You are always on my mind. Eventhough I just can think about you. If the day in the future, This love will become true. I'll never change my mind and I will love you forever. I don't care how fool it is, I will let my dream come true. I will tell you something I wanna let you know.  I let you know I love you, loving you, as the mouse loves the …  相似文献   

SCENE ONE: THE HOSPITAL WAITING ROOM MRS. BENNETT: Oh, Jeff. MRS. BENNETT: I don't know what to do, I want to see your father.JEFF: When I speak to the doctor, I' 11 ask when we can see him.MRS, BENNETT: If they don't let me see your father soon, I'll go crazy. JEFF: Calm down, Mom. Everything will be fine. I'll  相似文献   

A:What is the Matter With you,sir?B:I feel rather sick today.I got up with aheadache,and I have a sore throat(嗓子疼)as well.A:I am sorry to hear that.Now I'll haveto examine you.Open your mouthwide,so that I can look at yourthroat.Well,it's very red.  相似文献   

I'll never forget the small classroom I always went to when I was a pupil. I found it just by chance in my primary school.When I entered the first time,I couldn't help considering staking it out, for It was evidently seldom visited by others.So I did it and It became my secret place.  相似文献   

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