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The academic profession in Spain is coming to the end of a dynamic period that is the consequence of profound changes and growth. Tenured academic staff with civil servant status enjoy reasonable working conditions. Nevertheless, recruitment and promotion procedures are now under scrutiny. The situation of nontenured academic staff is rather less positive.  相似文献   

英语和法语同属于印欧语系,由于历史原因造成两种语言在很多方面有相似性.对于接受多年英语教育的学生在法语初学阶段难免会将两种语言进行比较,从而忽视法语独有的特点,因此大部分学生在初学阶段会由于定向思维而遇到很多困难.本文旨在对这些困难进行分析从而希望对初学者有所启示.  相似文献   

Public spending reductions across the advanced capitalist world are creating new professions that have a ‘hybrid’ status and/or role. However, research on professional learning has paid little attention to them. This qualitative study of one such profession, public service interpreting (PSI), addresses that lacuna. The paper focuses on interpreters’ interactions with other professionals and with migrants using public services. It evokes Bourdieu’s important but neglected concept of illusio – the extent to which players invest commitment in the stakes of a field – to frame the analysis. This highlights the lack of autonomy for PSI, interpreters’ own ambiguous illusio, and their conflicts with the illusio of more powerful professions with which they must work. We conclude that there is a need for more research on the power relations between new hybrid professions and established professions, and that Bourdieu’s illusio is a potent analytical concept for this task.  相似文献   

美国建立了世界上比较先进又卓有成效的公务员制度.中国应借鉴其成功经验:建章立制要具体简明;健全法规制度和公务员的职位分类制度;树立从以控制为主向以服务为主转变的崭新理念;改进和完善公务员的任用制度,推进公务员合同聘任制,培养一支廉洁高效的公务员队伍.  相似文献   

The article reports on a study that explored the personal narratives of two female travelling academics at a Swedish University who had moved from Australia. To complement previous accounts of difficult migration and enculturation within the research literature, this article focuses mainly on the successful experiences of the academics and how their own sense of agency allowed them to navigate the new educational context. The article identifies key factors that have enacted these achievements and contributes to the understanding of travelling academics and their needs as they move to new higher education contexts. In particular, the article contributes to the long-term migration to a non-English-speaking country (Sweden) by two academics who had previously studied and worked within an English-speaking university system (Australia). In conclusion, the article suggests ways pedagogy and policy can respond to support other international academics who choose to travel and work in another country, enhancing and ‘living’ internationalization within the global world.  相似文献   

英国是世界上最早实行文官制度的国家,在英国影响下,美国也建立了近代文官制度。英美两国的文官制度经过长时间的发展和完善已较为成熟。本文通过对英美两国文官制度的比较分析,借鉴两国的录用、考核等制度,对我国建立科学的公务员考试制度、行政监察制度和社会保障制度有所裨益。  相似文献   

北洋政府与南京国民政府文官考试制度之比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓倩 《绥化学院学报》2005,25(5):120-122
文官考试制度是民主政治发展的产物.在民国时期曾产生一定的进步意义.本文将北洋政府与南京国民政府的文官考试制度进行比较,从中反映出两个政府的异同.  相似文献   

本文以地级市直属机关公务员为研究对象,对基层公务员激励现状进行深入细致的了解,在充分调查研究的基础上,归纳总结出基层公务员激励面临的普遍问题,提出有针对性的对策和建议,为我国地级市公务员激励机制的研究和构建提供参考。  相似文献   

This article is a case study of the relation between urban schooling and university education, using two main sources. Data on the schools attended by history students at Edinburgh University between 1899 and 1933 illustrate the diversity and social ranking of schools in the city. New higher grade schools had a key role in increasing access to university education for both men and women, especially for prospective teachers; the significance of the Education (Scotland) Act of 1918 for Catholic schools, and the continuing importance of small private schools for girls, are also shown. The second source analyses the school origins of successful Edinburgh candidates in civil service examinations between 1896 and 1944, supplemented for other parts of Scotland by the report of the Royal Commission on the Civil Service of 1912. This elite career drew mainly from older schools, and contemporary claims for equality of opportunity in Scotland need to be treated with reserve.  相似文献   

中国古代以皇帝为核心,以宫省为基点的政权机构,将官吏分为三类:外廷官,宫中官和禁省官,三层次官与君主有亲疏程度之别,而他们始终存在着相互排挤,制约,勾结和利用的关系。  相似文献   

The current study endeavours to find out whether there is a relationship between university academics’ competence and their customer-based brand equity from the perspective of students. It also seeks to investigate the mechanism of the proposed relationship through trust, likability, and commitment. Data were collected from 384 postgraduate students in Malaysian universities using a structured questionnaire. Results of analysis using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) revealed there is a significant relationship (total effect) between academics’ competence and customer-based brand equity. We found that the path from competence to brand equity goes through trust, likability, and commitment. Given the growing popularity of higher education in the new millennium and important role of academics in leading students to success, findings of the present study can enhance our understanding of academics’ branding and universities’ overall image. The implications and contributions of the study to university administrators and academics are discussed.  相似文献   

More than one-third of all Canadian faculty are part-timers who contribute significantly to academic work while consuming only marginally universities' economic resources. Mythical images of their temporariness in the workforce obfuscate the differences of career aspiration and motivation within the group. Two factors render them invisible or hidden academics: one rooted in the economics of the university system and the second in the ideological structures of academic practices and traditions. In the political economy of universities the relentless drive to manage enrolment, finances, and teaching costs has resulted in a bureaucratic rationalization of the academic workload and a bifurcated academic labour force hierarchically split into full- and part-time faculties with radically different work processes and treatment within universities. Part-timers are now a permanent and low-cost academic workforce, producing a surplus value transferable within the university to compensate for what would otherwise be fiscal shortfall. Degradation of certain workprocesses by rationalizing and de-professionalizing certain academic functions legitimized the academic workforce split in relative pay and job characteristics, which reinforces the evident feminization of the part-time faculty.  相似文献   

我国国家公务员法于2006年起正式实施,这标志着我国公务员制度建设迈出了实质性的一步。然而,我国公务员制度发展的历史仅仅约20年,在其发展过程中存在一些问题和亟待改革是毋庸置疑的。本文通过比较中西方公务员制度的特点以及产生与发展历程,并在分析西方国家公务员制度改革特点的基础上,以试图探寻中国公务员制度的改革方向。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an analysis of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (SoTL) which contributes to SoTL both as a field of research practice and as a background to professional development in higher education. We analyse and describe the constitution of the field, and in so doing address its nature in the face of the dilemma of, on the one hand, its diversity and, on the other hand, its generally agreed set of purposes. Our analysis of SoTL knowledge is conceptualised as relational, connecting SoTL practitioners with the work they disseminate to the community at large. We describe and exemplify the internal horizon of the field in terms of five domains: the didactic and the epistemic, which we refer to as the knowledge building domains, and the interpersonal, the moral/ethical and the societal domains, which we refer to as the axiological domains. The external horizon is described in terms of four aspects of the context that can impact the production and implementation of SoTL knowledge: the disciplinary, the professional, the cultural and the political aspects. Methodological emphasis is equally on the axiological underpinnings of SoTL, its values and attitudes, as the ontological and epistemological underpinnings that are predominant.  相似文献   

The field of academia is frequently associated with traditional norms that aim to regulate scholarly activity, especially research. The social web, as another field, is often viewed as challenging long-established conventions with novel knowledge production practices. Hence, the two fields seem to oppose rather than complement each other. Using a Bourdieuian lens, this research examines research participants’ accounts of their approaches to practice on the social web in relation to academia. The paper reports on the habitus dissonance between the two fields, before discussing the effects of the two fields’ competing doxas on individuals’ habitus.  相似文献   

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